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acosentino pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new ff20ddc  Removed 2.20.0 release notes as ported to website
ff20ddc is described below

commit ff20ddc76afd09ed138ec944ac4fdf853fee3647
Author: Andrea Cosentino <>
AuthorDate: Fri Jul 19 11:15:54 2019 +0200

    Removed 2.20.0 release notes as ported to website
 .../en/release-notes/camel-2200-release.adoc       | 271 ---------------------
 1 file changed, 271 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/user-manual/en/release-notes/camel-2200-release.adoc 
deleted file mode 100644
index c328d4b..0000000
--- a/docs/user-manual/en/release-notes/camel-2200-release.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-== Camel 2.20.0 Release
-### New and Noteworthy
-Welcome to the 2.20.0 release which resolved over 550 issues including
-new features, improvements and bug fixes.
-* Support for Java 9 as a technical preview. Official support for Java 9
-will be forthcoming in the following releases. (source code builds and
-tests on a Java 9 JVM). 
-* Many internal optimisations in the Camel routing engine, such as
-reducing thread contention when updating JMX statistics, reducing
-internal state objects to claim less memory, and reducing the number of
-allocated objects to reduce overhead on GC etc, and much more. 
-* Camel link:spring-boot.html[Spring Boot] now supports referring to
-bean's (lookup in Spring Boot) by their id names in the configuration
-files (|yaml file) when you configure any of the
-Camel starter components.
-* Camel link:spring-boot.html[Spring Boot] now also supports using
-Spring (auto) configuration to configure CamelContext when using Spring
-XML files with <camelContext>. 
-* Worked to make Apache Camel more ready and compatible with the
-upcoming Spring Boot 2 and Spring Framework 5. Officially support for
-these is expected in Camel 2.21 release.
-* The <<jms-component,JMS>> component now includes JMS 2.0 functionality to
-use shared (durable and non-durable) topic.
-* The
-Maven Plugin] can now validate for duplicate route ids in your source
-* Splitted link:twitter.html[Twitter] component into 4, now
-directmessage, seach, streaming and timeline has its own endpoint and
-more details
-* Introduced `HeadersMapFactory` SPI which allows to plugin different
-implementations, or to use case sensitive maps that are faster than the
-* Allow link:kafka.html[Kafka] consumer to break on first unhandled
-exception, sync the offset from last known good, and then re-connect
-after one timeout cycle, to restart consuming again. This avoids loosing
-the failed message, but retry it again on either this consumer, or
-another consume which was re-balanced by Kafka. This requires to be
-turned on with the new option breakOnFirstError which can be set on both
-component or endpoint level.
-* Starting and stoping the CamelContext when used with Spring framework
-(SpringCamelContext) was revised to ensure that the Camel context is
-started last - when all resources should be available, and stopped first
-- while all resources are still available
-* The link:sql-stored-procedure.html[SQL Stored Procedure] now supports
-specifying custom types as FQN classnames and scale in numeric values.
-* Using Camel with link:../spring.adoc[Spring] now supports calling
-<<bean-component,Bean>> by their FQN name and let Spring instantiate the
-bean using auto-wired constructor's as opposed to only supporting a
-no-arg constructor. 
-* Using Camel with link:spring-boot.html[Spring Boot] can now easily
-filter Java RouteBuilder routes via ANT-path pattern style to either
-include or exclude class names, which can be configured using Spring
-configuration properties.
-* The link:wire-tap.html[Wire Tap] EIP can now be configured to use
-static endpoint uri instead of being dynamic evaluated via the
-<<simple-language,Simple>> language. 
-* The link:wire-tap.html[Wire Tap] EIP will now complete any inflight
-wire tapped exchanges while shutting down to give them time to complete
-* The link:jsonpath.html[JSonPath] can now split and write each row as a
-string value (JSon format) instead of using a Map/POJO type with the new
-writeAsString option.
-* The link:pojo-consuming.adoc[POJO Consuming] Consume annotation on
-POJO classes now support a predicate (using simple language) to filter
-the message. See the camel-example-spring-boot-pojo for more.
-* The internal JSon parser that is used by camel-catalog and runtime
-camel-catalog (from camel-core) now embeds a simple-json v2 parser which
-means it can parse any kind of json formatted document (before it was
-confined to its own dense format)
-* Infinispan, Ehcache and Hazelcast caches can automatically discover
-cache managers in spring-boot
-* Introduced an experimental _Health Checks SPI_ that can be leveraged
-in in cloud environments to detect non healthy contexts.
-* Introduced an experimental _Cluster SPI_ for high availability
-contexts, out of the box Camel supports: atomix, consul, file,
-kubernetes and zookeeper as underlying clustering technologies through
-the respective components.
-* Introduced an experimental _Route Controller SPI_ which is aimed to
-provide more fine-grained control of routes, out of the box Camel
-provides the following implementations:
-** _SupervisingRouteController_ which delays startup of the routes after
-the camel context is properly started and attempt to restart routes that
-have not been starter successfully
-** _ClusteredRouteController_ which leverages _Cluster SPI_ to start
-routes only when the context is elected as leader
-Fixed these issues
-* Fixed a infinitive recursion in Camel's link:error-handler.html[Error
-Handler] when an onException was routing to another route using direct
-endpoint and this route would throw a new exception that would circle
-back to the same onException or at a later point, which will cause an
-endless recursion.
-* Fixed a potential issue with masking password from URI using RAW(xxx)
-would reveal part of the password if the password contains a &
-* The link:restlet.html[Restlet] component is now internally using curly
-brackets for its uri patterns instead of regular parentheses so it works
-similar to the other REST component and as Restlet framework itself does
-* Fixed link:hystrix-eip.html[Hystrix EIP] having wrong default for
-circuitBreakerForceClose when using camel-hystrix-starter with Spring
-Boot. The default should be false and not true
-* Fixed link:hystrix-eip.html[Hystrix EIP] when failing and running
-fallback not signaling to Hystrix itself so it can keep state of the
-failure and react accordingly to run in half-open mode as well.
-* Fixed link:mdc-logging.html[MDC logging] loosing route id after
-calling a direct route from within a transacted route
-* Fixed a regression with <<bean-component,Bean>>
-and <<simple-language,Simple>> OGNL expressions causing ambiguous method
-call exception when calling method implemented by super class when
-method is defined by interface and abstract class
-* Fixed link:rest-dsl.html[Rest DSL] (server side) not returning
-response on all valid uri paths when clients call using a HTTP OPTIONS
-* Fixed link:rest.html[Rest] producer not using HTTP method (verb such
-as PUT) from the endpoint uri when calling a remote REST service
-* Fixed <<timer-component,Timer>> routes to shutdown more graceful and
-allow pending tasks to complete while they are in-flight.
-* Fixed configuring link:rest-dsl.html[Rest DSL] via|yaml in link:spring-boot.html[Spring Boot] not
-* Fixed[Simple
-Language] to add support negative numbers(without single or double
-quotes) in predicates
-* Fixed configuring link:rest-dsl.html[Rest DSL] in Spring Boot / yaml for properties to data format, component,
-api, cors etc to use a map structure and make it work.
-* Fixed configuring link:rest-dsl.html[Rest DSL] using property
-placeholders in the path parameters such as the defaultValue.
-* Fixed an issue with parallel processing (in non-streaming mode) in
-some EIPs may cause CPU burning cycles while waiting for pending tasks
-to complete or timeout.
-* Fixed an issue with copying streams could block forever due IBM
-application server would mistakenly return 0 instead of -1 to indicate
-EOL for an empty stream. 
-* Fixed an issue with making <<jms-component,JMS>> and link:sjms.html[SJMS]
-components work with ActiveMQ Artemis that would otherwise causes a
-* Fixed link:rabbitmq.html[RabbitMQ] to better recover connection if
-exchange/queue has been deleted manually on the broker.
-* Fixed link:websocket.html[Websocket] component wasn't working with
-returning static content
-### New Components
-* camel-atomix - a component to integrate Camel with Atomix
-* camel-aws - added lamda component to be used for invoking and working
-with AWS Lambda functions
-* camel-caffeine - a component that allows you to interact with a
-Caffeine cache
-* camel-crypto-cms - a component for cryptographic message syntax
-* camel-google-bigquery - Google BigQuery data warehouse for analytics.
-* camel-headersmap - a faster implementation of case-insenstive map
-(used by camel message headers) which can be added to classpath at
-runtime to be auto installed
-* camel-json-validator - validates the payload of a message using Everit
-JSON schema validator.
-* camel-iec60870 - to integrate Camel with IEC 60870-5-104 IoT devices
-* camel-ldif - the ldif component allows you to do updates on an LDAP
-server from a LDIF body content.
-* camel-master - a component that leverage _Cluster SPI _to ensure that
-only a single consumer in a camel cluster is active at any point in
-* camel-reactor - a reactor based back-end for camel's reactive streams
-* camel-thrift - the Thrift component allows to call and expose remote
-procedures (RPC) with Apache Thrift data format and serialization
-* camel-twilio - a component that allows you to interact with
-[Twilio] REST APIs to call phones, send texts,
-etc. from a Camel route
-### New Annotations
-* Added predicate to Consume
-### New Data formats
-* camel-asn1 - the ASN.1 data format is used for file transfer with
-telecommunications protocols.
-* camel-fastjson - JSon data format (using the FastJSon library) is used
-for unmarshal a JSon payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to JSon
-* camel-thrift - the Thrift data format allows to call and expose remote
-procedures (RPC) with Apache Thrift data format and serialization
-### Important changes to consider when upgrading
-* Maven 3.3.3 or newer is required to build the project
-* camel-dropbox - upgraded to v2 api as v1 is EOL and no longer possible
-to use with dropbox. The v2 upgrade was not straightforward so there can
-be backward compatible issues, which is out of our hands.
-* camel-infinispan - the result is not more set in the
-CamelInfinispanOperationResult header but in the in body. To change this
-behavior you can set the header CamelInfinispanOperationResultHeader
-with the name of the header that should contains the result or with the
-resultHeader uri option
-* camel-infinispan - the uri option _command_ has been deprecated and
-replaced by _operation_ for consistency
-* camel-infinispan - the commands are now int the short form PUT, GET
-etc. old operation names like CamelInfinispanOperationPut,
-CamelInfinispanOperationGet etc have been deprecated.
-* camel-undertow - matchOnUriPrefix option is defaulted to be FALSE in
-order to make it consistent with other components like Camel HTTP
-* Splitted link:twitter.html[Twitter] component into 4, now
-directmessage, seach, streaming and timeline has its own endpoint and
-more details +
-* RuntimeEndpointRegistry is no longer in extended mode by default. To
-use that you need to set management statistics level to Extended
-* There is no RuntimeEndpointRegistry in use by default. You need to
-explicit configure a registry to be used, or turn it on via management
-agent, or set the statics level to extended mode.
-* Camel with Spring XML routes will no longer register endpoints in the
-Spring registry from Camel routes where <from> or <to> have endpoints
-assigned with an explicit id attribute. The
-option registerEndpointIdsFromRoute can be set to true on <camelContext>
-to be backwards compatible. However this registration is deprecated,
-instead you should use <endpoint> to register Camel endpoints with id's
-in Spring registry.
-* camel-spring-dm has been removed as it was not working properly anyway
-and was deprecated some releases ago. For XML DSL with OSGi use
-camel-blueprint instead.
-* Copying streams in IOHelper from came-core now regard EOL of data if
-the first read byte is zero to work around issues on some application
-servers like IBM WebSphere. This can be turned off by setting JVM system
-property "camel.zeroByteEOLEnabled=false".
-* The camel-jms component now dependes by default on the JMS 2.0 API
-(geronimo-jms_2.0_spec) instead of JMS 1.1 API (geronimo-jms_1.1_spec).
-However camel-jms works at runtime with both JMS 1.1 or 2.0 specs so
-include the JMS spec JARs of your choice.
-* camel-kura upgraded to newer OSGi API version
-* camel-stomp uses the destination as-is, where as before it would
-replace all slash characters with colon. But according to the STOMP spec
-the destination should be used as-is, and is broker specific.
-* camel-ignite is updated from using Ignite version 1.9.x to 2.2.x
-### Getting the Binaries using Maven 
-To use this release in your maven project, the proper dependency
-configuration that you should use in your
-POM] is:
-  <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId>
-  <artifactId>camel-core</artifactId>
-  <version>2.20.0</version>
-### Changelog
-For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the:
-notes for 2.20.0]

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