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  ## page was copied from DataModel
- = Introduction =
+ = イントロダクション =
- Cassandra has a data model that can most easily be thought of as a four or 
five dimensional hash.
+ Cassandraは4次元または5次元ハッシュなデータモデルを持っています。
- The basic concepts are:
-  * Cluster: the machines (nodes) in a logical Cassandra instance.  Clusters 
can contain multiple keyspaces.
-  * Keyspace: a namespace for !ColumnFamilies, typically one per application.
-  * !ColumnFamilies contain multiple columns, each of which has a name, value, 
and a timestamp, and which are referenced by row keys.
-  * !SuperColumns can be thought of as columns that themselves have subcolumns.
- We'll start from the bottom up, moving from the leaves of Cassandra's data 
structure (columns) up to the root of the tree (the cluster).
+ 基本コンセプトとしては:
+  * Cluster: 論理的なCassandraインスタンスの事。クラスタは複数のキースペースを持つことが出来る。
+  * Keyspace: !ColumnFamilies用のネームスペース。一般的には1アプリケーションに1キースペース。
+  * ColumnFamilyは複数のカラム(カラムは名前、値、タイムスタンプを持つ)を持ち、行キーで参照可能。
+  * !SuperColumnsは サブカラムを持つカラムのこと。
- = Columns =
- The column is the lowest/smallest increment of data. It's a tuple (triplet) 
that contains a name, a value and a timestamp.
- Here's the thrift interface definition of a Column
+ まずはボトムアップで一番小さい粒度のデータ構造であるカラムから順にみていきましょう。
+ = カラム =
+ カラムはCassandraにおける最小限のデータ構造です。その実体はタプル(triplet)で、名前、値、タイムスタンプを持ちます。
+ Thriftインタフェースのカラムの定義は以下のようになります。
  struct Column {
    1: binary                        name,
@@ -25, +29 @@

    3: i64                           timestamp,
- And here's a column represented in JSON-ish notation:
+ JSONぽい書き方をしたカラムは以下のようになります。
    "name": "emailAddress",
@@ -34, +40 @@

- All values are supplied by the client, including the 'timestamp'.  This means 
that clocks on the clients should be synchronized (in the Cassandra server 
environment is useful also), as these timestamps are used for conflict 
resolution.  In many cases the 'timestamp' is not used in client applications, 
and it becomes convenient to think of a column as a name/value pair. For the 
remainder of this document, 'timestamps' will be elided for readability.  It is 
also worth noting the name and value are binary values, although in many 
applications they are UTF8 serialized strings.
- Timestamps can be anything you like, but microseconds since 1970 is a 
convention. Whatever you use, it must be consistent across the application 
otherwise earlier changes may overwrite newer ones.
- = Column Families =
- A column family is a container for columns, analogous to the table in a 
relational system.  You define column families in your storage-conf.xml file, 
and cannot modify them (or add new column families) without restarting your 
Cassandra process.  A column family holds an ordered list of columns, which you 
can reference by the column name.
- Column families have a configurable ordering applied to the columns within 
each row, which affects the behavior of the get_slice call in the thrift API.  
Out of the box ordering implementations include ASCII, UTF-8, Long, and UUID 
(lexical or time).
- = Rows =
- In Cassandra, each column family is stored in a separate file, and the file 
is sorted in row (i.e. key) major order. Related columns, those that you'll 
access together, should be kept within the same column family.
- The row key is what determines what machine data is stored on.  Thus, for 
each key you can have data from multiple column families associated with it.  
However, these are logically distinct, which is why the Thrift interface is 
oriented around accessing one !ColumnFamily per key at a time.  (TODO given 
this, is the following JSON more confusing than helpful?)
+ = カラムファミリ =
- A JSON representation of the key -> column families -> column structure is
+ 順序の維持の実装は、ASCII、UTF8、Long、レキシカルUUID、TimeUUIDの中からデフォルトでは選択できます(注:自前でも実装可能)。
+ = 行 =
+ 行キーはどんなマシンでデータを永続化するかを決定します(The row key is what determines what machine data 
is stored on.)。それゆえ、複数のカラムファミリから取得したデータの各キーは関連している必要があります。
+ しかしながらそれらは論理的に分離されているので、Thriftインタフェースでは一回のアクセスで1つのカラムファミリのキーしか取れないようになっています。
+ JSON表現では、キー -> カラムファミリ -> カラムの構造は以下のようになります:
@@ -71, +89 @@

- Note that the key "mccv" identifies data in two different column families, 
"Users" and "Stats". This does not imply that data from these column families 
is related.  The semantics of having data for the same key in two different 
column families is entirely up to the application.  Also note that within the 
"Users" column family, "mccv" and "user2" have different column names defined.  
This is perfectly valid in Cassandra.  In fact there may be a virtually 
unlimited set of column names defined, which leads to fairly common use of the 
column name as a piece of runtime populated data.  This is unusual in storage 
systems, particularly if you're coming from the RDBMS world.
- = Keyspaces =
- A keyspace is the first dimension of the Cassandra hash, and is the container 
for column families. Keyspaces are of roughly the same granularity as a schema 
or database (i.e. a logical collection of tables) in the RDBMS world.  They are 
the configuration and management point for column families, and is also the 
structure on which batch inserts are applied.
- = Super Columns =
- So far we've covered "normal" columns and rows.  Cassandra also supports 
super columns: columns whose values are super columns; that is, a super column 
is a (sorted) associative array of columns.
- One can thus think of columns and super columns in terms of maps: A row in a 
regular column family is basically a sorted map of column names to column 
values; a row in a super column family is a sorted map of super column names to 
maps of column names to column values.
+ = キースペース =
- A JSON description of this layout:
+ = スーパーカラム =
+ JSON記述ではこのようなデータ構造になります:
    "mccv": {
@@ -99, +125 @@

- Here my column family is "Tags".  I have two super columns defined here, 
"cassandra" and "thrift".  Within these I have specific named bookmarks, each 
of which is a column.
- Just like normal columns, super columns are sparse: each row may contain as 
many or as few as it likes; Cassandra imposes no restrictions.
- = Range queries =
- Cassandra supports pluggable partitioning schemes with a relatively small 
amount of code.  Out of the box, Cassandra provides the hash-based 
RandomPartitioner and an OrderPreservingPartitioner.  RandomPartitioner gives 
you pretty good load balancing with no further work required.  
OrderPreservingPartitioner on the other hand lets you perform range queries on 
the keys you have stored, but requires choosing node tokens carefully or active 
load balancing.  Systems that only support hash-based partitioning cannot 
perform range queries efficiently.
- = Modeling your application =
- Unlike with relational systems, where you model entities and relationships 
and then just add indexes to support whatever queries become necessary, with 
Cassandra you need to think about what queries you want to support efficiently 
ahead of time, and model appropriately.  Since there are no 
automatically-provided indexes, you will be much closer to one !ColumnFamily 
per query than you would have been with tables:queries relationally.  Don't be 
afraid to denormalize accordingly; Cassandra is much, much faster at writes 
than relational systems.
+ = レンジクエリ =
- Arin Sarkissian of Digg has an excellent post detailing 
data model]] with highly illustrative examples.
- See the CassandraLimitations page for other things to keep in mind when 
designing a model.
- == Example: SuperColumns for Search Apps ==
- You can think of each super column name as a term and the columns within as 
the docids with rank info and other attributes being a part of it. If you have 
keys as the userids then you can have a per-user index stored in this form. 
This is how the per user index for term search is laid out for Inbox search at 
Facebook. Furthermore since one has the option of storing data on disk sorted 
by "Time" it is very easy for the system to answer queries of the form "Give me 
the 10 most recent messages". For a pictorial explanation please refer to the 
Cassandra powerpoint slides presented at SIGMOD 2008.
+ = モデルを作成する =
- == Example: multiuser blog ==
+ DiggのArin 
+ == 例:検索アプリのためのスーパーカラム ==
+ 検索アプリにおいては、各スーパーカラムの名前は用語として、カラムはdocidとランク、その他属性を持つと考えることが出来ます。
+ == 例: ブログアプリケーション ==
  = Thrift API =
- Moved to [[API]].
+ [[API]]に移動しました。
  = Attribution =
  Thanks to phatduckk and asenchi for coming up with examples, text, and 
reviewing concepts.

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