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== Overview ==
The Cassandra Thrift API changed between [[API03|0.3]], [[API04|0.4]], 
[[API|0.5]] and 0.6; this document explains the 0.6 version.

Cassandra's client API is built entirely on top of Thrift. It should be noted 
that these documents mention default values, but these are not generated in all 
of the languages that Thrift supports.  Full examples of using Cassandra from 
Thrift, including setup boilerplate, are found on ThriftExamples.  Higher-level 
clients are linked from ClientOptions.

'''WARNING:''' Some SQL/RDBMS terms are used in this documentation for analogy 
purposes. They should be thought of as just that; analogies. There are few 
similarities between how data is managed in a traditional RDBMS and Cassandra. 
Please see DataModel for more information.

== Terminology / Abbreviations ==
 Keyspace:: Contains multiple Column Families.
 CF:: !ColumnFamily.
 SCF:: !ColumnFamily of type "Super".
 Key:: A unique string that identifies a row in a CF.  For clarity, rows are 
always identified by keys; columns are identified by names.  Note that Thrift's 
Java code [i.e., Cassandra server] assumes that Strings are always encoded as 
UTF-8, but if you are using a non-Java client, you may need to manually encode 
non-ascii strings as utf8 first.  (This is the major place Thrift does not 
support interoperability between different platforms well.)
 Column:: A tuple of name, value, and timestamp; names are unique within rows.

== Exceptions ==
 NotFoundException:: A specific column was requested that does not exist.
 InvalidRequestException:: Invalid request could mean keyspace or column family 
does not exist, required parameters are missing, or a parameter is malformed. 
`why` contains an associated error message.
 UnavailableException:: Not all the replicas required could be created and/or 
 TimedOutException:: The node responsible for the write or read did not respond 
during the rpc interval specified in your configuration (default 10s).  This 
can happen if the request is too large, the node is oversaturated with 
requests, or the node is down but the failure detector has not yet realized it 
(usually this takes < 30s).
 TApplicationException:: Internal server error or invalid Thrift method 
(possible if you are using an older version of a Thrift client with a newer 
build of the Cassandra server).
 AuthenticationException:: Invalid authentication request (user does not exist 
or credentials invalid)
 AuthorizationException:: Invalid authorization request (user does not have 
access to keyspace)

== Structures ==
=== ConsistencyLevel ===
The `ConsistencyLevel` is an `enum` that controls both read and write behavior 
based on `<ReplicationFactor>` in your `storage-conf.xml`. The different 
consistency levels have different meanings, depending on if you're doing a 
write or read operation.  Note that if `W` + `R` > `ReplicationFactor`, where W 
is the number of nodes to block for on write, and R the number to block for on 
reads, you will have strongly consistent behavior; that is, readers will always 
see the most recent write.  Of these, the most interesting is to do `QUORUM` 
reads and writes, which gives you consistency while still allowing availability 
in the face of node failures up to half of `ReplicationFactor`.  Of course if 
latency is more important than consistency then you can use lower values for 
either or both.

All discussion of "nodes" here refers to nodes responsible for holding data for 
the given key; "surrogate" nodes involved in HintedHandoff do not count towards 
achieving the requested !ConsistencyLevel.

==== Write ====
||'''Level''' ||'''Behavior''' ||
||`ZERO` ||Ensure nothing. A write happens asynchronously in background ||
||`ANY` ||Ensure that the write has been written to at least 1 node, including 
hinted recipients. ||
||`ONE` ||Ensure that the write has been written to at least 1 node's commit 
log and memory table before responding to the client. ||
||`QUORUM` ||Ensure that the write has been written to `<ReplicationFactor> / 2 
+ 1` nodes before responding to the client. ||
||`ALL` ||Ensure that the write is written to all `<ReplicationFactor>` nodes 
before responding to the client.  Any unresponsive nodes will fail the 
operation. ||

==== Read ====
||'''Level''' ||'''Behavior''' ||
||`ZERO` ||Not supported, because it doesn't make sense. ||
||`ANY` ||Not supported. You probably want ONE instead. ||
||`ONE` ||Will return the record returned by the first node to respond. A 
consistency check is always done in a background thread to fix any consistency 
issues when `ConsistencyLevel.ONE` is used. This means subsequent calls will 
have correct data even if the initial read gets an older value.  (This is 
called `read repair`.) ||
||`QUORUM` ||Will query all nodes and return the record with the most recent 
timestamp once it has at least a majority of replicas reported.  Again, the 
remaining replicas will be checked in the background. ||
||`ALL` ||Will query all nodes and return the record with the most recent 
timestamp once all nodes have replied.  Any unresponsive nodes will fail the 
operation. ||

'''Note: '''Different language toolkits may have their own Consistency Level 
defaults as well. To ensure the desired Consistency Level, you should always 
explicitly set the Consistency Level.

=== ColumnOrSuperColumn ===
Due to the lack of inheritance in Thrift, `Column` and `SuperColumn` structures 
are aggregated by the `ColumnOrSuperColumn` structure. This is used wherever 
either a `Column` or `SuperColumn` would normally be expected.

If the underlying column is a `Column`, it will be contained within the 
`column` attribute. If the underlying column is a `SuperColumn`, it will be 
contained within the `super_column` attribute. The two are mutually exclusive - 
i.e. only one may be populated.
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`column` ||`Column` ||n/a ||N ||The `Column` if this `ColumnOrSuperColumn` is 
aggregating a `Column`. ||
||`super_column` ||`SuperColumn` ||n/a ||N ||The `SuperColumn` if this 
`ColumnOrSuperColumn` is aggregating a `SuperColumn` ||

=== Column ===
The `Column` is a triplet of a name, value and timestamp. As described above, 
`Column` names are unique within a row. Timestamps are arbitrary - they can be 
any integer you specify, however they must be consistent across your 
application. It is recommended to use a timestamp value with a fine 
granularity, such as milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. See DataModel for more 
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`name` ||`binary` ||n/a ||Y ||The name of the `Column`. ||
||`value` ||`binary` ||n/a ||Y ||The value of the `Column`. ||
||`timestamp` ||`i64` ||n/a ||Y ||The timestamp of the `Column`. ||

=== SuperColumn ===
A `SuperColumn` contains no data itself, but instead stores another level of 
`Columns` below the key. See DataModel for more details on what `SuperColumns` 
are and how they should be used.
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`name` ||`binary` ||n/a ||Y ||The name of the `SuperColumn`. ||
||`columns` ||`list<Column>` ||n/a ||Y ||The `Columns` within the 
`SuperColumn`. ||

=== ColumnPath ===
The `ColumnPath` is the path to a single column in Cassandra. It might make 
sense to think of `ColumnPath` and `ColumnParent` in terms of a directory 
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`column_family` ||`string` ||n/a ||Y ||The name of the CF of the column being 
looked up. ||
||`super_column` ||`binary` ||n/a ||N ||The super column name. ||
||`column` ||`binary` ||n/a ||N ||The column name. ||

=== ColumnParent ===
The `ColumnParent` is the path to the parent of a particular set of `Columns`. 
It is used when selecting groups of columns from the same !ColumnFamily. In 
directory structure terms, imagine `ColumnParent` as `ColumnPath + '/../'`.
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`column_family` ||`string` ||n/a ||Y ||The name of the CF of the column being 
looked up. ||
||`super_column` ||`binary` ||n/a ||N ||The super column name. ||

=== SlicePredicate ===
A `SlicePredicate` is similar to a 
predicate]], which is described as "a property that the elements of a set have 
in common."

`SlicePredicate`'s in Cassandra are described with either a list of 
`column_names` or a `SliceRange`.
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`column_names` ||`list<binary>` ||n/a ||N ||A list of column names to 
retrieve. This can be used similar to Memcached's "multi-get" feature to fetch 
N known column names. For instance, if you know you wish to fetch columns 
'Joe', 'Jack', and 'Jim' you can pass those column names as a list to fetch all 
three at once. ||
||`slice_range` ||`SliceRange` ||n/a ||N ||A `SliceRange` describing how to 
range, order, and/or limit the slice. ||

If `column_names` is specified, `slice_range` is ignored.

=== SliceRange ===
A `SliceRange` is a structure that stores basic range, ordering and limit 
information for a query that will return multiple columns. It could be thought 
of as Cassandra's version of `LIMIT` and `ORDER BY`.
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`start` ||`binary` ||n/a ||Y ||The column name to start the slice with. This 
attribute is not required, though there is no default value, and can be safely 
set to `''`, i.e., an empty byte array, to start with the first column name.  
Otherwise, it must be a valid value under the rules of the Comparator defined 
for the given `ColumnFamily`. ||
||`finish` ||`binary` ||n/a ||Y ||The column name to stop the slice at. This 
attribute is not required, though there is no default value, and can be safely 
set to an empty byte array to not stop until `count` results are seen. 
Otherwise, it must also be a valid value to the `ColumnFamily` Comparator. ||
||`reversed` ||`bool` ||`false` ||Y ||Whether the results should be ordered in 
reversed order. Similar to `ORDER BY blah DESC` in SQL. ||
||`count` ||`integer` ||`100` ||Y ||How many columns to return. Similar to 
`LIMIT 100` in SQL. May be arbitrarily large, but Thrift will materialize the 
whole result into memory before returning it to the client, so be aware that 
you may be better served by iterating through slices by passing the last value 
of one call in as the `start` of the next instead of increasing `count` 
arbitrarily large. ||

=== KeyRange ===
A `KeyRange` is used by `get_range_slices` to define the range of keys to get 
the slices for.

The semantics of start keys and tokens are slightly different. Keys are 
start-inclusive; tokens are start-exclusive. Token ranges may also wrap -- that 
is, the end token may be less than the start one. Thus, a range from keyX to 
keyX is a one-element range, but a range from tokenY to tokenY is the full ring.
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`start_key` ||`string` ||n/a ||N ||The first key in the inclusive `KeyRange`. 
||`end_key` ||`string` ||n/a ||N ||The last key in the inclusive `KeyRange`. ||
||`start_token` ||`string` ||n/a ||N ||The first token in the exclusive 
`KeyRange`. ||
||`end_token` ||`string` ||n/a ||N ||The last token in the exclusive 
`KeyRange`. ||
||`count` ||`i32` ||100 ||Y ||The total number of keys to permit in the 
`KeyRange`. ||

=== KeySlice ===

A `KeySlice` encapsulates a mapping of a key to the slice of columns for it as 
returned by the get_range_slices operation. Normally, when slicing a single 
key, a `list<ColumnOrSuperColumn>` of the slice would be returned. When slicing 
multiple or a range of keys, a `list<KeySlice>` is instead returned so that 
each slice can be mapped to their key.
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`key` ||`string` ||n/a ||Y ||The key for the slice. ||
||`columns` ||`list<ColumnOrSuperColumn>` ||n/a ||Y ||The columns in the slice. 

=== TokenRange ===

A structure representing structural information about the cluster provided by 
the `describe` utility methods detailed below.
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`start_token` ||`string` ||n/a ||Y ||The first token in the `TokenRange`. ||
||`end_token` ||`string` ||n/a ||Y ||The last token in the `TokenRange`. ||
||`endpoints` ||`list<string>` ||n/a ||Y ||A list of the endpoints (nodes) that 
replicate data in the `TokenRange`. ||

=== Mutation ===

A `Mutation` encapsulates either a column to insert, or a deletion to execute 
for a key. Like `ColumnOrSuperColumn`, the two properties are mutually 
exclusive - you may only set one on a Mutation.
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`column_or_supercolumn` ||`ColumnOrSuperColumn` ||n/a ||N ||The column to 
insert in to the key. ||
||`deletion` ||`Deletion` ||n/a ||N ||The deletion to execute on the key. ||

=== Deletion ===

A `Deletion` encapsulates an operation that will delete all columns matching 
the specified `timestamp` and `predicate`. If `super_column` is specified, the 
`Deletion` will operate on columns within the `SuperColumn` - otherwise it will 
operate on columns in the top-level of the key.
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`timestamp` ||`i64` ||n/a ||Y ||The timestamp of the column(s) to be deleted. 
||`super_column` ||`binary` ||n/a ||N ||The super column to delete the 
column(s) from. ||
||`predicate` ||`SlicePredicate` ||n/a ||N ||A predicate to match the column(s) 
to be deleted from the key/super column. ||

=== AuthenticationRequest ===

A structure that encapsulates a request for the connection to be authenticated. 
The authentication credentials are arbitrary - this structure simply provides a 
mapping of credential name to credential value.
||'''Attribute''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Default''' ||'''Required''' 
||'''Description''' ||
||`credentials` ||`map<string, string>` ||n/a ||Y ||A map of named credentials. 

== Method calls ==
=== login ===
 . `void login(keyspace, auth_request)`

Authenticates with the cluster for operations on the specified keyspace using 
the specified `AuthenticationRequest` credentials. Throws 
`AuthenticationException` if the credentials are invalid or 
`AuthorizationException` if the credentials are valid, but not for the 
specified keyspace.

=== get ===
 . `ColumnOrSuperColumn get(keyspace, key, column_path, consistency_level)`

Get the `Column` or `SuperColumn` at the given `column_path`.  If no value is 
present, `NotFoundException` is thrown.  (This is the only method that can 
throw an exception under non-failure conditions.)

=== get_slice ===
 . `list<ColumnOrSuperColumn> get_slice(keyspace, key, column_parent, 
predicate, consistency_level)`

Get the group of columns contained by `column_parent` (either a `ColumnFamily` 
name or a `ColumnFamily/SuperColumn` name pair) specified by the given 
`SlicePredicate` struct.

=== multiget_slice ===
 . `map<string,list<ColumnOrSuperColumn>> multiget_slice(keyspace, keys, 
column_parent, predicate, consistency_level)`

Retrieves slices for `column_parent` and `predicate` on each of the given keys 
in parallel. Keys are a `list<string> of the keys to get slices for.

This is similar to `get_range_slice` (Cassandra 0.5) except operating on a set 
of non-contiguous keys instead of a range of keys.

=== get_count ===
 . `i32 get_count(keyspace, key, column_parent, consistency_level)`

Counts the columns present in `column_parent`.

The method is not O(1). It takes all the columns from disk to calculate the 
answer. The only benefit of the method is that you do not need to pull all the 
columns over Thrift interface to count them.

=== get_range_slices ===
 . `list<KeySlice> get_range_slices(keyspace, column_parent, predicate, range, 

Replaces `get_range_slice`. Returns a list of slices for the keys within the 
specified `KeyRange`. Unlike get_key_range, this applies the given predicate to 
all keys in the range, not just those with undeleted matching data.  This 
method is only allowed when using an order-preserving partitioner.

=== insert ===
 . `insert(keyspace, key, column_path, value, timestamp, consistency_level)`

Insert a `Column` consisting of (`column_path.column`, `value`, `timestamp`) at 
the given `column_path.column_family` and optional `column_path.super_column`.  
Note that `column_path.column` is here required, since a !SuperColumn cannot 
directly contain binary values -- it can only contain sub-Columns.

=== batch_mutate ===
 . `batch_mutate(keyspace, mutation_map, consistency_level)`

Executes the specified mutations on the keyspace. `mutation_map` is a 
`map<string, map<string, list<Mutation>>>`; the outer map maps the key to the 
inner map, which maps the column family to the `Mutation`; can be read as: 
`map<key : string, map<column_family : string, list<Mutation>>>`.  To be more 
specific, the outer map key is a row key, the inner map key is the column 
family name.

A `Mutation` specifies either columns to insert or columns to delete. See 
`Mutation` and `Deletion` above for more details.

=== remove ===
 . `remove(keyspace, key, column_path, timestamp, consistency_level)`

Remove data from the row specified by `key` at the granularity specified by 
`column_path`, and the given `timestamp`.  Note that all the values in 
`column_path` besides `column_path.column_family` are truly optional: you can 
remove the entire row by just specifying the !ColumnFamily, or you can remove a 
!SuperColumn or a single Column by specifying those levels too. Note that the 
`timestamp` is needed, so that if the commands are replayed in a different 
order on different nodes, the same result is produced.

=== describe_keyspaces ===
 . `set<string> describe_keyspaces()`

Gets a list of all the keyspaces configured for the cluster.

=== describe_cluster_name ===
 . `string describe_cluster_name()`

Gets the name of the cluster.

=== describe_version ===
 . `string describe_version()`

Gets the Thrift API version.

=== describe_ring ===
 . `list<TokenRange> describe_ring(keyspace)`

Gets the token ring; a map of ranges to host addresses. Represented as a set of 
`TokenRange` instead of a map from range to list of endpoints, because you 
can't use Thrift structs as map keys: for the same reason, we can't 
return a set here, even though order is neither important nor predictable.

=== describe_keyspace ===
 . `map<string, map<string, string>> describe_keyspace(keyspace)`

Gets information about the specified keyspace.

== Examples ==
[[|There are a few examples on 
this page over here.]]

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