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  So to summarize, if you use a different device for your `CommitLogDirectory` 
it needn't be large, but it should be fast enough to receive all of your writes 
(as appends, i.e., sequential i/o). Then, use one or more devices for 
`DataFileDirectories` and make sure they are both large enough to house all of 
your data, and fast enough to both satisfy reads that are not cached in memory 
and to keep up with flushing and compaction.
- As covered in [[MemtableSSTable]], compactions can require up to 100% of your 
in-use space temporarily in the worst case, free on a single volume (that is, 
in a data file directory).  So if you are going to be approaching 50% or more 
of your disks' capacity, you should raid0 your data directory volumes.  B. Todd 
Burruss adds on the mailing list, "With the file sizes we're talking about with 
cassandra and other database products, the [raid] stripe size doesn't seem to 
matter.  Mine is set to 128k, which produced the same results as 16k and 256k."
+ As covered in [[MemtableSSTable]], compactions can require up to 100% of your 
in-use space temporarily in the worst case, free on a single volume (that is, 
in a data file directory).  So if you are going to be approaching 50% or more 
of your disks' capacity, you should raid0 your data directory volumes.  B. Todd 
Burruss adds on the mailing list, "With the file sizes we're talking about with 
cassandra and other database products, the [raid] stripe size doesn't seem to 
matter.  Mine is set to 128k, which produced the same results as 16k and 256k." 
In addition to giving you capacity for compactions, raid0 will help eliminate 
io hotspots (cassandra does nothing ensure load balance among data directories).
  On ext2/ext3 the maximum file size is 2TB, even on a 64 bit kernel.  On ext4 
that goes up to 16TB.  Since Cassandra can use almost half your disk space on a 
single file, if you are raiding large disks together you may want to use XFS 
instead, particularly if you are using a 32-bit kernel.  XFS file size limits 
are 16TB max on a 32 bit kernel, and basically unlimited on 64 bit.

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