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The "StorageConfiguration" page has been changed by JonHermes.


  Prior to the 0.7 release, Cassandra storage configuration is described by the 
''conf/storage-conf.xml'' file. As of 0.7, it is described by the  
''conf/cassandra.yaml'' file. 
  == config-converter ==
- To convert a working storage-conf.xml into yaml, bin/config-converter will 
complete a best-effort conversion. It assumes that your xml file is at 
conf/storage-conf.xml, and it will overwrite the file. Note though that the 
scope of many properties have changed (<EndPointSnitch> is global instead of 
per-KS, <GCGraceSeconds> is per-KS instead of global, etc.), so 
config-converter will not produce the exact same file.
+ To convert a working storage-conf.xml into yaml, bin/config-converter will 
complete a best-effort conversion. It assumes that your xml file is at 
conf/storage-conf.xml, and it will overwrite the file. Note though that the 
scope of many properties have changed (endpoint_snitch is global instead of 
per-KS, gc_grace_seconds is per-KS instead of global, etc.), so the generated 
yaml will undoubtedly need to be looked over.
  == -Dcassandra.config ==
  You can specify any configuration to load by passing a VM parameter to java 
when Cassandra starts up.  This is done by supplying a value to 
''-Dcassandra.conf=<your value here>''.  Values can include files located in 
the classpath or local and remote URLs.  Here are a few valid examples:
@@ -282, +282 @@

- == Including Configuration Fragments ==
- It's common that a Cassandra configuration will be shared among many machines 
but needs to be slightly tuned on each one (directories are different, memory 
available is less, etc.).  You can include a XML fragment with this syntax.
- {{{
- ...
- <!DOCTYPE storage [
- <!-- include all these entities from external files-->
- <!ENTITY seeds       SYSTEM "seeds.xml">
- <!ENTITY directories SYSTEM "directories.xml">
- <!ENTITY network     SYSTEM "network.xml">
- <!ENTITY tuning      SYSTEM "tuning.xml">
- ]>
- ...
- <Storage>
- ...
- &seeds;
- &directories;
- &network;
- &tuning;
- ...
- </Storage>
- }}}
- And then the external files are simply what you'd specify inline, for example 
directories.xml.  Note these fragments are not valid XML alone.
- {{{
-   <CommitLogDirectory>/var/lib/cassandra/commitlog</CommitLogDirectory>
-   <DataFileDirectories>
-       <DataFileDirectory>/var/lib/cassandra/data</DataFileDirectory>
-   </DataFileDirectories>
-   <StagingFileDirectory>/var/lib/cassandra/staging</StagingFileDirectory>
- }}}

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