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The "PerformanceTuning" page has been changed by FlipKromer.


+ Be sure to review the page on [[MemtableThresholds|Memtable Thresholds]] -- 
several important configuration and system settings are described there.
+ === Lessen overall system impact of Compactions ===
  To lower compaction priority (thus reducing its impact on the rest of the 
system, and making it take longer), add these options to in 
0.6.3 or later:
@@ -7, +10 @@

  -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 \
  -Dcassandra.compaction.priority=1 \
- Useful JVM options:
+ === Useful JVM options ===
  -XX:+UseCompressedOops # enables compressed references, reducing memory 
overhead on 64bit JVMs
  See and
 for discussion on the Sun and IBM JVMs, respectively.
  Compressed references (aka OOPs = ordinary object pointers) are not stable 
for Sun JVM versions before 6u19.
+ == System Settings ==
  todo: describe how top, iostat -x, and JMX stats can help you see what is 
making things slow
  For starters, see 
Performance Basics for Cassandra]]".
- Also review the page on [[MemtableThresholds|Memtable Thresholds]].

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