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The "MultiTenant" page has been changed by jeremyhanna.


  = Multi-tenancy with Cassandra =
  Work is currently being done to support multi-tenant capabilities in 
Cassandra.  This page is meant to list tickets associated with that effort as 
well as provide some documentation on how multi-tenant clusters can be 
- == Tickets having to do with multi-tenancy ==
+ == Open tickets having to do with multi-tenancy ==
-  * Basic scheduling based on keyspace - 
+  * Better authorization system - 
-  * Better authorization system - 
   * Concurrent schema migrations (multiple users changing schema at once) - 
   * Some kind of client transport encryption option. thrift+ssl for clients 
requires some minimal code for each language - 
[[|THRIFT-106]] is for Java, 
potential avro ticket - 
   * For multi-tenant order preserved partitioning, auto/online load balancing 
is pretty important 
   * Track per-user/per-keyspace statistics 
+  * Implement a weighted scheduler - e.g. for dev/prod accounts on the same 
cluster [[|CASSANDRA-1485]]
+ == Completed tickets having to do with multi-tenancy ==
+  * Dynamic schema changes - 
+  * Basic scheduling based on keyspace - 
+  * [[|CASSANDRA-1237]] - 
Store !AccessLevels externally to IAuthenticator (better authorization system)
  == Ideas under consideration ==
-  * Implement a weighted scheduler - e.g. for dev/prod accounts on the same 
   * Provide relative memory usage settings for caches and Memtables out of 
configurable (per-user?) totals
   * Namespaces - in a multi-tenant use case, each user might like to have a 
keyspace XYZ for whatever reason.  So it might be nice to have namespaces so 
that keyspace XYZ could be specific to their user.  Ideally this would be an 
option that would not affect those that don't use namespaces.
     * The distinction from keyspaces is that a namespace would be completely 
transparent to the user: the existence of namespaces would not be exposed. It 
might be returned by the authentication backend on login, and prefixed to 
keyspaces transparently.

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