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The "ExtensibleAuth" page has been changed by jeremyhanna.
The comment on this change is: Specifying changes specific to 0.7..


  Cassandra uses an extensible authentication/authorization mechanism found in 
the org.apache.cassandra.auth Java source package.  It is configured in 
conf/storage-conf.xml (0.6.x) and conf/cassandra.yaml (0.7+).  There are two 
implementations built-in:
-  * The default `AllowAllAuthenticator`/`AllowAllAuthority` approach is 
essentially pass-through. 
+  * The default `AllowAllAuthenticator` approach is essentially pass-through.  
0.7 adds `AllowAllAuthority`. 
-  * The `SimpleAuthenticator`/`SimpleAuthority` combination is property file 
based (using and respectively).  For more 
information on this approach, see the source in org.apache.cassandra.auth.
+  * `SimpleAuthenticator` is property file based (using and  For more information on this approach, see the source in 
org.apache.cassandra.auth.  0.7 adds `SimpleAuthority` and its configuration is slightly different.
- Both of the built-in options implement `IAuthenticator`/`IAuthority`.  
Cassandra users needing more sophisticated auth functionality can implement 
these interfaces.
+ Both of the built-in options implement `IAuthenticator` (and `IAuthority` in 
0.7).  Those wanting custom auth implementations can start there.

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