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The "Operations" page has been changed by JonHaddad:

  When the !RandomPartitioner is used, Tokens are integers from 0 to 2**127.  
Keys are converted to this range by MD5 hashing for comparison with Tokens.  
(Thus, keys are always convertible to Tokens, but the reverse is not always 
  === Token selection ===
  Using a strong hash function means !RandomPartitioner keys will, on average, 
be evenly spread across the Token space, but you can still have imbalances if 
your Tokens do not divide up the range evenly, so you should specify 
!InitialToken to your first nodes as `i * (2**127 / N)` for i = 0 .. N-1. In 
Cassandra 0.7, you should specify `initial_token` in `cassandra.yaml`.
  With !NetworkTopologyStrategy, you should calculate the tokens the nodes in 
each DC independently. Tokens still needed to be unique, so you can add 1 to 
the tokens in the 2nd DC, add 2 in the 3rd, and so on.  Thus, for a 4-node 
cluster in 2 datacenters, you would have
@@ -45, +46 @@

  With order preserving partitioners, your key distribution will be 
application-dependent.  You should still take your best guess at specifying 
initial tokens (guided by sampling actual data, if possible), but you will be 
more dependent on active load balancing (see below) and/or adding new nodes to 
hot spots.
  Once data is placed on the cluster, the partitioner may not be changed 
without wiping and starting over.
+ As a caveat to the above section, it is generally not necessary to manually 
select individual tokens when using the vnodes feature.
  === Replication ===
  A Cassandra cluster always divides up the key space into ranges delimited by 
Tokens as described above, but additional replica placement is customizable via 
IReplicaPlacementStrategy in the configuration file.  The standard strategies 

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