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The "API" page has been changed by PeterSchuller.


  == Overview ==
- '''NOTE:''' This documents the low-level wire protocol used to communicate 
with Cassandra. This is not intended to be used directly in applications; 
rather it is highly recommended that application developers use one of the 
higher-level clients that are linked to from ClientOptions. That said, this 
page may still be useful for application developers wanting to better 
understand the data model.
+ '''NOTE:''' This documents the low-level wire protocol used to communicate 
with Cassandra. This is not intended to be used directly in applications; 
rather it is highly recommended that application developers use one of the 
higher-level clients that are linked to from ClientOptions. That said, this 
page may still be useful for application developers wanting to better 
understand the data model or the underlying operations that are available.
  The Cassandra Thrift API changed substantially after [[API03|0.3]], with 
minor, backwards-compatible changes for [[API04|0.4]], 0.5 and [[API06|0.6]]; 
this document explains the 0.5 version with annotations for the changes in 0.6 
and 0.7.

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