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The "CassandraCli" page has been changed by ewamsley.
The comment on this change is: fixed typo.


  Value inserted.
- In the example above we authenticated to 'Keyspace1' and created a record in 
the `Standard1` column family using the key `jsmith`. This record has three 
columns, `first`, `last`, and `age`. Each of these commands is the equivalent 
to an `insert()` using the [[API|Thrift API]].
+ In the example above we authenticated to 'Keyspace1' and created a record in 
the `Standard2` column family using the key `jsmith`. This record has three 
columns, `first`, `last`, and `age`. Each of these commands is the equivalent 
to an `insert()` using the [[API|Thrift API]].
  In API version 2.1.0 the example would go like the following due to changes 
in the API.

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