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The "ThomasBoose" page has been changed by ThomasBoose.


  Hi, I'm contributing to this wiki as part of a assignment by my university. 
The asignment is to develop, design, build and implement a messaging system's 
database backend for realtime, location based content provided by schools, 
company's and individuals aimed at intrestgroups.
- We have chosen Cassandra for storage and now our task is to convert a 
relational model into Cassandra ColumnFamily's. Therefore I'd like to create a 
page [[EERD model components to Cassandra Column family's|describing how to 
implement specific EERD modeling parts to Cassandra]]. I've read that not 
everybody supports this idea but I'd like to try it anyway.
+ We have chosen Cassandra for storage and now our task is to convert a 
relational model into Cassandra ColumnFamily's. Therefore I'd like to create a 
page [[ThomasBoose/EERD model components to Cassandra Column 
family's|describing how to implement specific EERD modeling parts to 
Cassandra]]. I've read that not everybody supports this idea but I'd like to 
try it anyway.
  Comments and sugestions are alway's welcome. Language improvements are 
appreciated as my native tonque is not english.

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