
Robert Stupp commented on CASSANDRA-9590:

The code looks good so far and configuration and lifecycle look better now. 
Thanks for the contribution!

* Unit tests - can you add unit tests for the new {{NativeTransportService}} 
class that tests the various combinations (plain/encrypted/both) and lifecycle 
(initialize/start/restart/stop/destroy) to ensure it doesn't break anything?
* Dtests - can you also add a dtest that tests the SSL upgrade scenario we 
* Can you rebase against current cassandra-3.0 branch?
* {{NativeTransportService}}
** License header is missing
** Nit: code formatting in {{NativeTransportService}}
** Nit: Like to replace the {{Callable}} code with a lambda in {{initialize()}} 
(not with a stream) ?
** Lifecycle between {{initialize()}} and {{destroy()}} - the first is 
synchroninzed and the latter is not. {{destroy()}} also doesn’t reset 
{{initialized}} field.
** I’d prefer to have the {{servers}} field being set from {{initialize()}} 
using {{Collections.singletonList()}}/{{Arrays.asList()}} - no strong objection 
on this, though.
** {{destroy()}} introduces another 2 seconds of shutdown delay 
({{eventExecutorGroup.shutdownGracefully();}}). The _reasonable default quiet 
period_ (as Netty doc says) is 2 seconds quiet period plus 15 seconds timeout. 
But otherwise a good choice to go away from the deprecated {{shutdown()}} 
method. Mind to add @Deprecated to {{RequestThreadPoolExecutor.shutdown()}} ?
** {{destroy()}} now “await”s worker and event groups to shutdown. (You might 
also use {{awaitUninterruptibly()}} as it is a Netty Future.) Isn’t this 
(await) what {{shutdownGracefully()}} already does?

As soon as the unit tests and dtest are in place I’ll continue the review. You 
may put a a self-signed cert/keystore for that into {{test/conf}} - maybe with 
a short script how to generate the keystore from command line in the comment of 
the unit test/dtest.

> Support for both encrypted and unencrypted native transport connections
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CASSANDRA-9590
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-9590
>             Project: Cassandra
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Core
>            Reporter: Stefan Podkowinski
>             Fix For: 2.1.x
> Enabling encryption for native transport currently turns SSL exclusively on 
> or off for the opened socket. Migrating from plain to encrypted requires to 
> migrate all native clients as well and redeploy all of them at the same time 
> after starting the SSL enabled Cassandra nodes. 
> This patch would allow to start Cassandra with both an unencrypted and ssl 
> enabled native port. Clients can connect to either, based whether they 
> support ssl or not.
> This has been implemented by introducing a new {{native_transport_port_ssl}} 
> config option. 
> There would be three scenarios:
> * client encryption disabled: native_transport_port unencrypted, port_ssl not 
> used
> * client encryption enabled, port_ssl not set: encrypted native_transport_port
> * client encryption enabled and port_ssl set: native_transport_port 
> unencrypted, port_ssl encrypted
> This approach would keep configuration behavior fully backwards compatible.
> Patch proposal (tests will be added later in case people will speak out in 
> favor for the patch):
> [Diff 
> trunk|https://github.com/apache/cassandra/compare/trunk...spodkowinski:feat/optionalnativessl],
> [Patch against 
> trunk|https://github.com/apache/cassandra/compare/trunk...spodkowinski:feat/optionalnativessl.patch]

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