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The "LoggingGuidelines" page has been changed by PauloMotta:

New page:
== Logging Guidelines for Cassandra 2.2+ ==

created ''debug.log'' in addition to the traditional ''system.log'' on 
Cassandra 2.2+. While ''system.log'' will continue to output the most relevant 
cluster status information ('''INFO''', '''WARN''' and '''ERROR''' levels), the 
new ''debug.log'' ('''DEBUG''' in addition to the previous levels) will log 
things that help during troubleshoting, such as intermediate protocol steps and 
more detailed operational information. The examples below serve as a general 
guideline to help the developer decide what goes into each logging level.

'''INFO''': General cluster status, operations overview. At this level a 
beginner user or operator should be able to understand most messages.
 * Node startup and shutdown information
 * User or system triggered operations overview
  * Repair start and finish state
  * Cleanup start and finish state
  * Bootstrap start and finish state
  * Index rebuild start and finish state

'''DEBUG''': Low frequency state changes or message passing. Non-critical path 
logs on operation details, performance measurements or general troubleshooting 
information. At this level an advanced operator or system developer will have 
elements to investigate or detect erroneous conditions or performance 
bottlenecks, extract reproduction steps or inspect advanced operational 
 * SSTable flushing
 * Compactions in progress
 * Gossip or schema state changes
 * Operations intermediate steps
  * Repair steps
  * Stream session message exchanges

'''WARN''': Use of suboptimal parameters or deprecated options, detection of 
degraded performance, capability limitations or missing dependencies. General 
optimization tips. At this level, an operator should be able to detect an 
eminent error condition, use of suboptimal parameters or non-critical 
configuration errors.
 * Use of chunk_length_in_kb property instead of chunk_length
 * GC above treshold warnings
 * OpenJDK not recommended notice
 * Small sstable size warning (Testing done for CASSANDRA-5727 indicates that 
performance improves up to 160MB)

'''ERROR''': A expected error condition has ocurred. Non-critical, transient or 
recovered errors might be reported at DEBUG level instead so they don't pollute 
 * critical errors in general (corrupted disk, read error, etc)
 * leak detection

'''TRACE''': High frequency state changes or message passing, critical path 
logs, testing or development information. This level is disabled by default, so 
everything that does not fit in the previous levels and highly verbose stuff 
must be kept at TRACE level.
 * Failure detector checks
 * Gossip digests
 * CassandraServer.insert()

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