Author: tylerhobbs
Date: Thu Dec 31 21:36:17 2015
New Revision: 1722472

Fix CREATE MV formatting in CQL docs


Modified: cassandra/site/publish/doc/cql3/CQL-3.0.html
--- cassandra/site/publish/doc/cql3/CQL-3.0.html (original)
+++ cassandra/site/publish/doc/cql3/CQL-3.0.html Thu Dec 31 21:36:17 2015
@@ -138,7 +138,19 @@ CREATE CUSTOM INDEX ON users (email) USI
 </pre></pre><p><i>Sample:</i></p><pre class="sample"><pre>DROP INDEX userIndex;
 DROP INDEX userkeyspace.address_index;
-</pre></pre><p><br/>The <code>DROP INDEX</code> statement is used to drop an 
existing secondary index. The argument of the statement is the index name, 
which may optionally specify the keyspace of the index.</p><p>If the index does 
not exists, the statement will return an error, unless <code>IF EXISTS</code> 
is used in which case the operation is a no-op.</p><h3 id="createMVStmt">CREATE 
VIEW</h3><p><i>Syntax:</i></p><p>bc(syntax)..<br/><create-table-stmt> ::= 
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ( IF NOT EXISTS )? <viewname> AS<br/>                  
        SELECT ( &#8216;(&#8217; <identifier> ( &#8216;,&#8217; <identifier> ) 
* &#8216;)&#8217; | &#8216;*&#8217; )<br/>                          FROM 
<tablename><br/>                          WHERE ( <identifier> IS NOT NULL ( 
AND <identifier> IS NOT NULL )* )?<br/>                          PRIMARY KEY 
&#8216;(&#8217; <partition-key> ( &#8216;,&#8217; <identifier> )* ')'<br/>      
                    ( WITH <option> ( AND <option>)* )
 ?<br/><i>Sample:</i></p><p>bc(sample)..<br/>CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW 
monkeySpecies_by_population AS<br/>    SELECT *<br/>    FROM monkeySpecies<br/> 
   WHERE population IS NOT NULL AND species IS NOT NULL<br/>    PRIMARY KEY 
(population, species)<br/>    WITH comment=&#8216;Allow query by population 
instead of species&#8217;;<br/>p.<br/>The <code>CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW</code> 
statement creates a new materialized view. Each such view is a set of 
<em>rows</em> which corresponds to rows which are present in the underlying, or 
base, table specified in the <code>SELECT</code> statement. A materialized view 
cannot be directly updated, but updates to the base table will cause 
corresponding updates in the view.</p><p>Attempting to create an already 
existing materialized view will return an error unless the <code>IF NOT 
EXISTS</code> option is used. If it is used, the statement will be a no-op if 
the materialized view already exists.</p><h4 id="createMVWhere"><code>WHERE 
&lt;identifier> IS
  NOT NULL</code></h4><p>The where clause is required to explicitly exclude all 
primary key columns' null values. Any row which contains null values in the 
primary key will not be present in the materialized view.</p><h3 
id="alterMVStmt">ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW</h3><p><i>Syntax:</i></p><pre 
class="syntax"><pre>&lt;alter-materialized-view-stmt> ::= ALTER MATERIALIZED 
VIEW &lt;viewname>
+</pre></pre><p><br/>The <code>DROP INDEX</code> statement is used to drop an 
existing secondary index. The argument of the statement is the index name, 
which may optionally specify the keyspace of the index.</p><p>If the index does 
not exists, the statement will return an error, unless <code>IF EXISTS</code> 
is used in which case the operation is a no-op.</p><h3 id="createMVStmt">CREATE 
MATERIALIZED VIEW</h3><p><i>Syntax:</i></p><pre 
class="syntax"><pre>&lt;create-table-stmt> ::= CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ( IF 
NOT EXISTS )? &lt;viewname> AS
+                          SELECT ( '(' &lt;identifier> ( ',' &lt;identifier> ) 
* ')' | '*' )
+                          FROM &lt;tablename>
+                          WHERE ( &lt;identifier> IS NOT NULL ( AND 
&lt;identifier> IS NOT NULL )* )?
+                          PRIMARY KEY '(' &lt;partition-key> ( ',' 
&lt;identifier> )* ')'
+                          ( WITH &lt;option> ( AND &lt;option>)* )?
+</pre></pre><p><br/><i>Sample:</i></p><pre class="sample"><pre>CREATE 
MATERIALIZED VIEW monkeySpecies_by_population AS
+    SELECT *
+    FROM monkeySpecies
+    WHERE population IS NOT NULL AND species IS NOT NULL
+    PRIMARY KEY (population, species)
+    WITH comment='Allow query by population instead of species';
+</pre></pre><p><br/>The <code>CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW</code> statement 
creates a new materialized view. Each such view is a set of <em>rows</em> which 
corresponds to rows which are present in the underlying, or base, table 
specified in the <code>SELECT</code> statement. A materialized view cannot be 
directly updated, but updates to the base table will cause corresponding 
updates in the view.</p><p>Attempting to create an already existing 
materialized view will return an error unless the <code>IF NOT EXISTS</code> 
option is used. If it is used, the statement will be a no-op if the 
materialized view already exists.</p><h4 id="createMVWhere"><code>WHERE 
&lt;identifier> IS NOT NULL</code></h4><p>The where clause is required to 
explicitly exclude all primary key columns' null values. Any row which contains 
null values in the primary key will not be present in the materialized 
view.</p><h3 id="alterMVStmt">ALTER MATERIALIZED 
VIEW</h3><p><i>Syntax:</i></p><pre class="syntax"><pre>&lt;alte
 r-materialized-view-stmt> ::= ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW &lt;viewname>
                                                  WITH &lt;option> ( AND 
&lt;option> )*
 </pre></pre><p>p.<br/>The <code>ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW</code> statement 
allows options to be update; these options are the same as <a 
href="#createTableOptions"><code>CREATE TABLE</code>'s options</a>.</p><h3 
id="dropMVStmt">DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW</h3><p><i>Syntax:</i></p><pre 
class="syntax"><pre>&lt;drop-materialized-stmt> ::= DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW ( IF 
EXISTS )? &lt;tablename>
 </pre></pre><p><i>Sample:</i></p><pre class="sample"><pre>DROP MATERIALIZED 
VIEW monkeySpecies_by_population;

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