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The "Operations" page has been changed by JonathanEllis:

Replaced by in-tree docs

- <<TableOfContents()>>
+ [[|Superseded by 
the docs here.]]
- == Hardware ==
- See CassandraHardware
- == Tuning ==
- See PerformanceTuning
- == Schema management ==
- Server clocks should be synchronized with something like NTP.  Otherwise, 
schema changes may be rejected as being obsolete.
- See LiveSchemaUpdates [refers to functionality in 0.7]
- == Ring management ==
- Each Cassandra server [node] is assigned a unique Token that determines what 
keys it is the first replica for.  If you sort all nodes' Tokens, the Range of 
keys each is responsible for is (!PreviousToken, !MyToken], that is, from the 
previous token (exclusive) to the node's token (inclusive).  The machine with 
the lowest Token gets both all keys less than that token, and all keys greater 
than the largest Token; this is called a "wrapping Range."
- (Note that there is nothing special about being the "primary" replica, in the 
sense of being a point of failure.)
- When the !RandomPartitioner is used, Tokens are integers from 0 to 2**127.  
Keys are converted to this range by MD5 hashing for comparison with Tokens.  
(Thus, keys are always convertible to Tokens, but the reverse is not always 
- === Token selection ===
- Using a strong hash function means !RandomPartitioner keys will, on average, 
be evenly spread across the Token space, but you can still have imbalances if 
your Tokens do not divide up the range evenly, so you should specify 
!InitialToken to your first nodes as `i * (2**127 / N)` for i = 0 .. N-1. In 
Cassandra 0.7, you should specify `initial_token` in `cassandra.yaml`.
- With !NetworkTopologyStrategy, you should calculate the tokens the nodes in 
each DC independently. Tokens still needed to be unique, so you can add 1 to 
the tokens in the 2nd DC, add 2 in the 3rd, and so on.  Thus, for a 4-node 
cluster in 2 datacenters, you would have
- {{{
- DC1
- node 1 = 0
- node 2 = 85070591730234615865843651857942052864
- DC2
- node 3 = 1
- node 4 = 85070591730234615865843651857942052865
- }}}
- If you happen to have the same number of nodes in each data center, you can 
also alternate data centers when assigning tokens:
- {{{
- [DC1] node 1 = 0
- [DC2] node 2 = 42535295865117307932921825928971026432
- [DC1] node 3 = 85070591730234615865843651857942052864
- [DC2] node 4 = 127605887595351923798765477786913079296
- }}}
- With order preserving partitioners, your key distribution will be 
application-dependent.  You should still take your best guess at specifying 
initial tokens (guided by sampling actual data, if possible), but you will be 
more dependent on active load balancing (see below) and/or adding new nodes to 
hot spots.
- Once data is placed on the cluster, the partitioner may not be changed 
without wiping and starting over.
- As a caveat to the above section, it is generally not necessary to manually 
select individual tokens when using the vnodes feature.
- === Replication ===
- A Cassandra cluster always divides up the key space into ranges delimited by 
Tokens as described above, but additional replica placement is customizable via 
IReplicaPlacementStrategy in the configuration file.  The standard strategies 
-  * !RackUnawareStrategy: replicas are always placed on the next (in 
increasing Token order) N-1 nodes along the ring
-  * !RackAwareStrategy: replica 2 is placed in the first node along the ring 
the belongs in '''another''' data center than the first; the remaining N-2 
replicas, if any, are placed on the first nodes along the ring in the 
'''same''' rack as the first
- Note that with !RackAwareStrategy, succeeding nodes along the ring should 
alternate data centers to avoid hot spots.  For instance, if you have nodes A, 
B, C, and D in increasing Token order, and instead of alternating you place A 
and B in DC1, and C and D in DC2, then nodes C and A will have 
disproportionately more data on them because they will be the replica 
destination for every Token range in the other data center.
-  * The corollary to this is, if you want to start with a single DC and add 
another later, when you add the second DC you should add as many nodes as you 
have in the first rather than adding a node or two at a time gradually.
- Replication factor is not really intended to be changed in a live cluster 
either, but increasing it is conceptually simple: update the replication_factor 
from the CLI (see below), then run repair against each node in your cluster so 
that all the new replicas that are supposed to have the data, actually do.
- Until repair is finished, you have 3 options:
-  * read at ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM or ALL (depending on your existing 
replication factor) to make sure that a replica that actually has the data is 
-  * continue reading at lower CL, accepting that some requests will fail 
(usually only the first for a given query, if ReadRepair is enabled)
-  * take downtime while repair runs
- The same options apply to changing replication strategy.
- Reducing replication factor is easily done and only requires running cleanup 
afterwards to remove extra replicas.
- To update the replication factor on a live cluster, forget about 
cassandra.yaml. Rather you want to use '''cassandra-cli''':
-  . update keyspace Keyspace1 with strategy_options = {replication_factor:3};
- === Network topology ===
- Besides datacenters, you can also tell Cassandra which nodes are in the same 
rack within a datacenter.  Cassandra will use this to route both reads and data 
movement for Range changes to the nearest replicas.  This is configured by a 
user-pluggable !EndpointSnitch class in the configuration file.
- !EndpointSnitch is related to, but distinct from, replication strategy 
itself: !RackAwareStrategy needs a properly configured Snitch to place replicas 
correctly, but even absent a Strategy that cares about datacenters, the rest of 
Cassandra will still be location-sensitive.
- There is an example of a custom Snitch implementation in
- == Range changes ==
- === Bootstrap ===
- Adding new nodes is called "bootstrapping."
- To bootstrap a node, turn auto_bootstrap on in the configuration file, and 
start it.
- If you explicitly specify an !InitialToken in the configuration, the new node 
will bootstrap to that position on the ring.  Otherwise, it will pick a Token 
that will give it half the keys from the node with the most disk space used, 
that does not already have another node bootstrapping into its Range.
- If you wish to enable vnodes, do not set the !InitialToken, but set the 
num_tokens parameter.  256 is the recommended setting.
- Important things to note:
-  1. You should wait long enough for all the nodes in your cluster to become 
aware of the bootstrapping node via gossip before starting another bootstrap.  
The new node will log "Bootstrapping" when this is safe, 2 minutes after 
starting.  (90s to make sure it has accurate load information, and 30s waiting 
for other nodes to start sending it inserts happening in its to-be-assumed part 
of the token ring.)
-  1. Relating to point 1, one can only bootstrap N nodes at a time with 
automatic non-vnode token picking, where N is the size of the existing cluster. 
If you need to more than double the size of your cluster, you have to wait for 
the first N nodes to finish until your cluster is size 2N before bootstrapping 
more nodes. So if your current cluster is 5 nodes and you want add 7 nodes, 
bootstrap 5 and let those finish before bootstrapping the last two.
-  1. As a safety measure, Cassandra does not automatically remove data from 
nodes that "lose" part of their Token Range to a newly added node.  Run 
`nodetool cleanup` on the source node(s) (neighboring nodes that shared the 
same subrange) when you are satisfied the new node is up and working. If you do 
not do this the old data will still be counted against the load on that node.
- Cassandra is smart enough to transfer data from the nearest source node(s), 
if your !EndpointSnitch is configured correctly.  So, the new node doesn't need 
to be in the same datacenter as the primary replica for the Range it is 
bootstrapping into, as long as another replica is in the datacenter with the 
new one.
- Bootstrap progress can be monitored using `nodetool` with the `netstats` 
- During bootstrap `nodetool` may report that the new node is not receiving nor 
sending any streams, in which case is may be building secondary indexes, 
visible in `compactionstats`.
- == Moving or Removing nodes ==
- === Removing nodes entirely ===
- You can take a node out of the cluster with `nodetool decommission` to a live 
node, or `nodetool removetoken` (to any other machine) to remove a dead one.  
This will assign the ranges the old node was responsible for to other nodes, 
and replicate the appropriate data there. If `decommission` is used, the data 
will stream from the decommissioned node. If `removetoken` is used, the data 
will stream from the remaining replicas.
- No data is removed automatically from the node being decommissioned, so if 
you want to put the node back into service at a different token on the ring, it 
should be removed manually.
- === Moving nodes ===
- `nodetool move`: move the target node to a given Token. Moving is both a 
convenience over and more efficient than decommission + bootstrap. After moving 
a node, `nodetool cleanup` should be run to remove any unnecessary data.
- As with bootstrap, see [[Streaming]] for how to monitor progress.
- === Load balancing ===
- If you add nodes to your cluster your ring will be unbalanced and only way to 
get perfect balance is to compute new tokens for every node and assign them to 
each node manually by using nodetool move command.
- Here's a python program which can be used to calculate new tokens for the 
nodes. There's more info on the subject at Ben Black's presentation at 
Cassandra Summit 2010.
-  . def tokens(nodes):
-   . for x in xrange(nodes):
-    . print 2 ** 127 / nodes * x
- In versions of Cassandra 0.7.* and lower, there's also `nodetool 
loadbalance`: essentially a convenience over decommission + bootstrap, only 
instead of telling the target node where to move on the ring it will choose its 
location based on the same heuristic as Token selection on bootstrap. You 
should not use this as it doesn't rebalance the entire ring.
- The status of move and balancing operations can be monitored using `nodetool` 
with the `netstat` argument.  (Cassandra 0.6.* and lower use the `streams` 
- === Replacing a Dead Node ===
- ==== For versions 1.2.0 and above ====
- Token replace (introduced in CASSANDRA-957) does not work in 1.2.0 and above 
and should not be used while replacing a dead node. When dealing with node 
failure, use `nodetool` with the `removenode` argument to remove the dead node 
from the ring. Once that process is complete (it involves streaming data that 
node contained from other nodes so this process can take a while, use nodetool 
netstats to monitor the progress of the streaming operation on other nodes), 
then bootstrap the new rebuilt node back into the cluster.
- ==== For versions 1.1.11 and older ====
- Since Cassandra 1.0 we can replace a dead node with a new one using the 
property "cassandra.replace_token=<Token>", This property can be set using -D 
option while starting cassandra demon process.
- (Note:This property will be taken into effect only when the node doesn't have 
any data in it, You might want to empty the data dir if you want to force the 
node replace.)
- (Note:Also this property will not be taken into effect if the node is listed 
as seed node in local cassandra.yaml, even if node has no data it will join the 
ring immediately and start serving read/writes right away , a situation you 
want to avoid.)
- You must use this property when replacing a dead node (If tried to replace an 
existing live node, the bootstrapping node will throw a Exception). The token 
used via this property must be part of the ring and the node have died due to 
various reasons.
- Once this Property is enabled the node starts in a hibernate state, during 
which all the other nodes will see this node to be down. The new node will now 
start to bootstrap the data from the rest of the nodes in the cluster (Main 
difference between normal bootstrapping of a new node is that this new node 
will not accept any writes during this phase). Once the bootstrapping is 
complete the node will be marked "UP", we rely on the hinted handoff's for 
making this node consistent (Since we don't accept writes since the start of 
the bootstrap).
- Note: We Strongly suggest to repair the node once the bootstrap is completed, 
because Hinted handoff is a "best effort and not a guarantee".
- == Consistency ==
- Cassandra allows clients to specify the desired consistency level on reads 
and writes.  (See [[API]].)  If R + W > N, where R, W, and N are respectively 
the read replica count, the write replica count, and the replication factor, 
all client reads will see the most recent write.  Otherwise, readers '''may''' 
see older versions, for periods of typically a few ms; this is called "eventual 
consistency."  See and for more.
- See below about consistent backups.
- === Repairing missing or inconsistent data ===
- Cassandra repairs missing data in three ways:
-  1. HintedHandoff: when a replica does not acknowledge an update, the 
coordinator will store the update and replay it later.
-  1. ReadRepair: when a read is performed, Cassandra compares the versions at 
each replica (in the background, if a low consistency was requested by the 
reader to minimize latency), and the newest version is sent to any out-of-date 
replicas.  By default, Cassandra does this with 10% of all requests; this can 
be configured per-columnfamily with `read_repair_chance` and 
-  1. AntiEntropy: when `nodetool repair` is run, Cassandra computes a Merkle 
tree for each range of data on that node, and compares it with the versions on 
other replicas, to catch any out of sync data that hasn't been read recently.  
This is intended to be run gradually (e.g., continuously over a period of about 
a week) since computing the Merkle tree is relatively expensive in disk i/o and 
CPU, since it scans ALL the data on the machine (but it is is very network 
- It is safe to run repair against multiple machines at the same time, but to 
minimize the impact on your application workload it is recommended to wait for 
it to complete on one node before invoking it against the next.  Using the 
`--partitioner-range` ("partitioner range") option to repair will repair only 
the range assigned to each node by the partitioner -- i.e., not additional 
ranges added by the replication strategy.  This is recommended for continuous 
repair, since it does no redundant work when performed against different nodes.
- Repair shares the `compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec` limit with compaction -- 
that is, repair's scanning and compaction together will not exceed that limit.  
This keeps repair from negatively impacting your application workload.  If you 
need to get a repair done quickly, you can still minimize the impact on your 
cluster by using the `--with-snapshot` option, which will cause repair to take 
a snapshot and then have pairs of replicas compare merkle trees at a time.  
Thus, if you have three replicas, you will always leave one completely 
unencumbered by repair.
- === Frequency of nodetool repair ===
- Unless your application performs no deletes, it is strongly recommended that 
production clusters run `nodetool repair` periodically on all nodes in the 
cluster. The hard requirement for repair frequency is the value used for 
GCGraceSeconds (see DistributedDeletes). Running nodetool repair often enough 
to guarantee that all nodes have performed a repair in a given period 
GCGraceSeconds long, ensures that deletes are not "forgotten" in the cluster.
- *IF* your operations team is sufficiently on the ball, you can get by without 
repair as long as you do not have hardware failure -- in that case, 
HintedHandoff is adequate to repair successful updates that some replicas have 
missed.  Hinted handoff is active for `max_hint_window_in_ms` after a replica 
- Full repair or re-bootstrap is necessary to re-replicate data lost to 
hardware failure (see below).
- ==== Dealing with the consequences of nodetool repair not running within 
GCGraceSeconds ====
- If `nodetool repair` has not been run often enough to the point that 
GCGraceSeconds has passed, you risk forgotten deletes (see DistributedDeletes). 
In addition to data popping up that has been deleted, you may see 
inconsistencies in data return from different nodes that will not self-heal by 
read-repair or further `nodetool repair`. Some further details on this latter 
effect is documented in 
- There are at least three ways to deal with this scenario.
-  1. Treat the node in question as failed, and replace it as described further 
-  1. To minimize the amount of forgotten deletes, first increase 
GCGraceSeconds for all Column Families via the CLI or your client, perform a 
full repair on all nodes, and then change GCRaceSeconds back again. This has 
the advantage of ensuring tombstones spread as much as possible, minimizing the 
amount of data that may "pop back up" (forgotten delete).
-  1. Yet another option, that will result in more forgotten deletes than the 
previous suggestion but is easier to do, is to ensure 'nodetool repair' has 
been run on all nodes, and then perform a compaction to expire toombstones. 
Following this, read-repair and regular `nodetool repair` should cause the 
cluster to converge.
- === Handling failure ===
- If a node fails and subsequently recovers, the ordinary repair mechanisms 
will be adequate to deal with any inconsistent data.  Remember though that if a 
node misses updates and is not repaired for longer than your configured 
GCGraceSeconds (default: 10 days), it could have missed remove operations 
permanently.  Unless your application performs no removes, you should wipe its 
data directory, re-bootstrap it, and removetoken its old entry in the ring (see 
- If a node goes down entirely, then you have two options:
-  1. (Recommended approach) Bring up the replacement node with a new IP 
address, Set initial token to `(failure node's token) - 1` and auto_bootstrap 
set to true in cassandra.yaml. This will place the replacement node in front of 
the failure node. Then the bootstrap process begins. While this process runs, 
the node will not receive reads until finished. Once this process is finished 
on the replacement node, run `nodetool removetoken` once, supplying the token 
of the dead node, and `nodetool cleanup` on each node. You can obtain the dead 
node's token by running `nodetool ring` on any live node, unless there was some 
kind of outage, and the others came up but not the down one -- in that case, 
you can retrieve the token from the live nodes' system tables.
-  1. (Alternative approach) Bring up a replacement node with the same IP and 
token as the old, and run `nodetool repair`. Until the repair process is 
complete, clients reading only from this node may get no data back.  Using a 
higher !ConsistencyLevel on reads will avoid this.
- The reason why you run `nodetool cleanup` on all live nodes is to remove old 
Hinted Handoff writes stored for the dead node.
- == Backing up data ==
- Cassandra can snapshot data while online using `nodetool snapshot`.  You can 
then back up those snapshots using any desired system, although leaving them 
where they are is probably the option that makes the most sense on large 
clusters. `nodetool snapshot` triggers a node-wide flush, so all data written 
before the execution of the snapshot command is contained within the snapshot.
- With some combinations of operating system/jvm you may receive an error 
related to the inability to create a process during the snapshotting, such as 
this on Linux
- {{{
- Exception in thread "main" Cannot run program "ln": error=12, Cannot allocate memory
- }}}
- This is caused by the operating system trying to allocate the child "ln" 
process a memory space as large as the parent process (the cassandra server), 
even though '''it's not going to use it'''. So if you have a machine with 8GB 
of RAM and no swap, and you gave 6GB to the cassandra server, it will fail 
during this because the operating system wants 12 GB of virtual memory before 
allowing you to create the process.
- This error can be worked around by either :
-  * dropping the jna.jar file into Cassandra's lib folder (requires at least 
Cassandra 0.6.6)
- OR
-  * creating a swap file, snapshotting, removing swap file
- OR
-  * turning on "memory overcommit"
- To restore a snapshot:
-  1. shut down the node
-  1. clear out the old commitlog and sstables
-  1. move the sstables from the snapshot location to the live data directory.
- === Consistent backups ===
- You can get an eventually consistent backup by snapshotting all node; no 
individual node's backup is guaranteed to be consistent but if you restore from 
that snapshot then clients will get eventually consistent behavior as usual.
- There is no such thing as a consistent view of the data in the strict sense, 
except in the trivial case of writes with consistency level = ALL.
- === Import / export ===
- As an alternative to taking snapshots it's possible to export SSTables to 
JSON format using the `bin/sstable2json` command:
- {{{
- Usage: sstable2json <sstable> [-k key [-k key [...]]]
- }}}
- `bin/sstable2json` accepts as a required argument the full path to an SSTable 
data file, (files ending in -Data.db). You can optionally pass the names of 
specific keys using the `-k` argument to limit what is exported.  Output goes 
to stdout.
- Note: If you are not running the exporter on in-place SSTables, there are a 
couple of things to keep in mind.
-  1. The corresponding configuration must be present (same as it would be to 
run a node).
-  1. SSTables are expected to be in a directory named for the keyspace (same 
as they would be on a production node).
- JSON exported SSTables can be "imported" to create new SSTables using 
- {{{
- Usage: json2sstable -K keyspace -c column_family <json> <sstable>
- }}}
- `bin/json2sstable` takes arguments for keyspace and column family names, and 
full paths for the JSON input file and the destination SSTable file name.
- You can also import pre-serialized rows of data using the BinaryMemtable 
interface.  This is useful for importing via Hadoop or another source where you 
want to do some preprocessing of the data to import.
- NOTE: Starting with version 0.7, json2sstable and sstable2json must be run in 
such a way that the schema can be loaded from system tables.  This means that 
cassandra.yaml must be found in the classpath and refer to valid storage 
- == Monitoring ==
- Running `nodetool cfstats` can provide an overview of each Column Family, and 
important metrics to graph your cluster. Cassandra also exposes internal 
metrics as JMX data. This is a common standard in the JVM world; OpenNMS, 
Nagios, and Munin at least offer some level of JMX support. For a non-stupid 
JMX plugin for Munin check out The 
specifics of the JMX Interface are documented at JmxInterface.
- Some folks prefer having to deal with non-jmx clients, there is a JMX-to-REST 
bridge available at 
Bridging to SNMP is a bit more work but can be done with
- Important metrics to watch on a per-Column Family basis would be: '''Read 
Count, Read Latency, Write Count and Write Latency'''. '''Pending Tasks''' tell 
you if things are backing up. These metrics can also be exposed using any JMX 
client such as `jconsole`.  (See also for how to 
proxy JConsole to firewalled machines.)
- You can also use jconsole, and the MBeans tab to look at PendingTasks for 
thread pools. If you see one particular thread backing up, this can give you an 
indication of a problem. One example would be ROW-MUTATION-STAGE indicating 
that write requests are arriving faster than they can be handled. A more subtle 
example is the FLUSH stages: if these start backing up, cassandra is accepting 
writes into memory fast enough, but the sort-and-write-to-disk stages are 
falling behind.
- If you are seeing a lot of tasks being built up, your hardware or 
configuration tuning is probably the bottleneck.
- Running `nodetool tpstats` will dump all of those threads to console if you 
don't want to use jconsole. Example:
- {{{
- Pool Name                    Active   Pending      Completed   Blocked  All 
time blocked
- ReadStage                         0         0              0         0        
- RequestResponseStage              0         0              0         0        
- MutationStage                     0         0          12024         0        
- ReadRepairStage                   0         0              0         0        
- ReplicateOnWriteStage             0         0              0         0        
- GossipStage                       0         0              0         0        
- AntiEntropyStage                  0         0              0         0        
- MigrationStage                    0         0              0         0        
- MemtablePostFlusher               0         0              2         0        
- StreamStage                       0         0              0         0        
- FlushWriter                       0         0              2         0        
- MiscStage                         0         0              0         0        
- AntiEntropySessions               0         0              2         0        
- InternalResponseStage             0         0              0         0        
- HintedHandoff                     0         0              0         0        
- Message type           Dropped
- RANGE_SLICE                  0
- READ_REPAIR                  0
- BINARY                       0
- READ                         0
- MUTATION                     0
- REQUEST_RESPONSE             0
- }}}
- Additional monitoring and management tools are listed on the 
Tools]] page.
- == Monitoring with MX4J ==
- mx4j provides an HTML and HTTP interface to JMX. Starting from version 0.7.0 
cassandra lets you hook up mx4j very easily. To enable mx4j on a Cassandra node:
-  * Download mx4j-tools.jar from
-  * Add mx4j-tools.jar to the classpath (e.g. under lib/)
-  * Start cassandra
-  * In the log you should see a message such as
-    * {{{
- HttpAdaptor version 3.0.2 started on port 8081
- }}}
-  * To choose a different port (8081 is the default) or a different listen 
address ( is not the default) edit conf/ and uncomment 
#MX4J_ADDRESS="-Dmx4jaddress=" and #MX4J_PORT="-Dmx4jport=8081"
- Now browse to http://cassandra:8081/ and use the HTML interface.
- If you want XML then add &template=identity to the end of any URL, e.g. 
- For more details see
- {{|stats}}

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