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The "FrontPage" page has been changed by JonathanEllis:

remove outdated stuff in favor of linking docs and docs source

  = Cassandra Wiki =
  {{{#!wiki red/solid
  If you would like to contribute to this wiki, please send an email to the 
mailing list with your wiki username and we 
will be happy to add you. Contributions welcome!
  Cassandra is a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, 
structured key-value store. Cassandra brings together the distributed systems 
technologies from 
 and the data model from Google's 
[[|BigTable]]. Like 
Dynamo, Cassandra is 
 consistent]]. Like BigTable, Cassandra provides a ColumnFamily-based data 
model richer than typical key/value systems.
- Cassandra was open sourced by Facebook in 2008, where it was designed by 
Avinash Lakshman (one of the authors of Amazon's Dynamo) and Prashant Malik ( 
Facebook Engineer ). In a lot of ways you can think of Cassandra as Dynamo 2.0 
or a marriage of Dynamo and BigTable. Cassandra is in production use at 
Facebook but is still under heavy development.
+ Cassandra is moving away from this wiki for user-facing documentation in 
favor of in-tree docs, linked below.  
([[|Pull requests welcome]]!)
+ Developer-focused information is still hosted on the wiki; see below.
  == General Information ==
+  * [[|Official Cassandra Website]] (download, 
bug-tracking, mailing-lists, etc)
+  * [[|Official Cassandra Documentation]]
-  * [[|Official Cassandra Website]] (download, 
bug-tracking, mailing-lists, etc)
-  * [[ArticlesAndPresentations|Articles and Presentations]] about Cassandra.
-  * [[DataModel|A description of the Cassandra data model]]
-  * [[CassandraLimitations|Cassandra Limitations]]: where Cassandra is not a 
good fit
-  * [[CompatibilityGuarantees|Compatibility Guarantees]]: what compatibility 
guarantees are provided across versions
- == Application developer and operator documentation ==
-  * [[GettingStarted|Getting Started]]
-  * [[|Datastax's Cassandra documentation]]
-  * [[ClientOptions|Client options]]: ways to access Cassandra -- interfaces 
for Ruby, Python, Scala and more
-  * [[|CQL3 Docs]]: The 
Cassandra query language specification
-  * [[IntegrationPoints|Integration Points]] -- list of ways Cassandra is 
integrated with other projects/products
-  * [[Administration%20Tools|Administration Tools]] -- list of administrative 
tools to configure / admin your Cassandra instance
-  * [[RunningCassandra|Running Cassandra]]
-  * [[ArchitectureOverview|Architecture Overview]]
-  * [[WritePathForUsers|Cassandra Write Path]]
-  * [[ReadPathForUsers|Cassandra Read Path]]
-  * [[UseCases|Simple Use Cases and Solutions]] -- please help complete
-  * [[FAQ|FAQ]]
-  * [[Counters|Counters]]
-  * [[SecondaryIndexes|Secondary Indexes]]
-  * [[NodeTool|NodeTool]]
- == Advanced Setup and Tuning ==
-  * [[StorageConfiguration|Storage Configuration]]
-  * [[MultinodeCluster|Creating a multi-node cluster]]
-  * [[Operations|Operations]]
-  * [[Embedding|Embedding]]
-  * [[MemtableThresholds|Memtable Thresholds]] and other 
[[PerformanceTuning|Performance Tuning]]
-  * [[CassandraHardware|Cassandra Hardware]]
-  * [[CloudConfig|Configuration on Rackspace or Amazon Web Services]]
-  * [[LargeDataSetConsiderations|Large data set considerations]]
- == Client library developer information ==
-  * [[API|Thrift API Documentation]] (In progress)
  == Cassandra developer Documentation ==
   * [[HowToBuild|How To Build]]
   * [[HowToDebug|How to Debug in Eclipse]]
   * [[ArchitectureInternals|Architecture Internals]]
@@ -63, +27 @@

   * [[HowToCommit|How To Commit]]
   * [[HowToPublishReleases|How To Release]] (Note: currently a work in 
progress) (Note: only relevant to Cassandra Committers)
   * [[Windows Development|WindowsDevelopment]]
-  * [[LoggingGuidelines|Logging Guidelines|]]
+  * [[LoggingGuidelines|Logging Guidelines]]
- == Mailing lists ==
-  * Users: [[mailto://|]] 
-  * Developers: [[|]] 
-  * Commits: 
- == Related Information ==
-  * [[|Thrift]], used by Cassandra for 
client access
-  * [[RelatedProjects|Related Projects]]: Projects using or extending Cassandra
- == Google SoC 2010 Page ==
-  * [[GoogleSoc2010|Google SoC]]
- This wiki is powered by [[MoinMoin|MoinMoin]]. With the exception of a few 
immutable pages, anyone can edit it. Try [[SyntaxReference|SyntaxReference]] if 
you need help on wiki markup, and [[FindPage|FindPage]] or 
[[SiteNavigation|SiteNavigation]] to search for existing pages before creating 
a new one. If you aren't sure where to begin, checkout 
[[RecentChanges|RecentChanges]] to see what others have been working on, or 
[[RandomPage|RandomPage]] if you are feeling lucky.
  == Other Languages ==
   * [[%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5|SimpleChinese 简体中文]]
   * [[FrontPage_JP|Japanese 日本語]]
   * [[FrontPage_PT-BR|BrazilianPortuguese Português do Brasil]]

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