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The "CassandraCli" page has been changed by jeremyhanna.


  Cassandra ships with a very basic interactive command line interface, or 
shell. Using the CLI you can connect to remote nodes in the cluster, create or 
update your schema, set and retrieve records and columns, or query node and 
cluster meta-data (i.e. cluster name, keyspace listings and disposition, etc). 
This page is intended for those using Cassandra 0.7.x. For CLI docs on 0.6.x, 
see [[CassandraCli06 | this page]].
- You can start the CLI using the `bin/cassandra-cli` startup script.
+ You can start the CLI using the `bin/cassandra-cli` startup script in your 
Cassandra installation.
  evans@achilles:~/cassandra$ bin/cassandra-cli

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