Repository: cassandra-builds
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master aebe167d4 -> 0f40fac31

Whatever, DSL.. renamed with underscores..


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 0f40fac31968201f6a19608e6afdef647002232b
Parents: aebe167
Author: Michael Shuler <>
Authored: Fri Nov 18 17:10:06 2016 -0600
Committer: Michael Shuler <>
Committed: Fri Nov 18 17:10:06 2016 -0600

 jenkins-dsl/cassandra-job-dsl-seed.groovy | 230 -------------------------
 jenkins-dsl/cassandra_job_dsl_seed.groovy | 230 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 230 deletions(-)
diff --git a/jenkins-dsl/cassandra-job-dsl-seed.groovy 
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b9b544..0000000
--- a/jenkins-dsl/cassandra-job-dsl-seed.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-// Common Vars and Branch List
-def jobDescription = 'Apache Cassandra DSL-generated job - DSL git repo: <a 
-def jdkLabel = 'jdk1.8.0_66-unlimited-security'
-def slaveLabel = 'cassandra'
-def mainRepo = ''
-def buildsRepo = ''
-def buildDescStr = 'REF = ${GIT_BRANCH} <br /> COMMIT = ${GIT_COMMIT}'
-// Cassandra active branches
-def cassandraBranches = ['cassandra-2.2', 'cassandra-3.0', 'cassandra-3.X', 
-// Ant test targets
-def testTargets = ['test', 'test-all', 'test-burn', 'test-cdc', 
-// Job Templates
-// - disabled by default
-// - running jobs use templates for most configurations
-//   and set details like branch
- * Artifacts and eclipse-warnings template
- */
-job('Cassandra-template-artifacts') {
-    disabled(true)
-    description(jobDescription)
-    jdk(jdkLabel)
-    label(slaveLabel)
-    logRotator {
-        numToKeep(10)
-        artifactNumToKeep(1)
-    }
-    wrappers {
-        timestamps()
-        timeout {
-            noActivity(300)
-        }
-    }
-    scm {
-        git {
-            remote {
-                url(mainRepo)
-            }
-            branch('*/null')
-            extensions {
-                cleanAfterCheckout()
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    triggers {
-        scm('H/30 * * * *')
-    }
-    steps {
-        buildDescription('', buildDescStr)
-        shell("git clean -xdff ; git clone ${buildsRepo}")
-    }
-    publishers {
-        archiveArtifacts('build/*.tar.gz, 
-        archiveJavadoc {
-            javadocDir 'build/javadoc'
-            keepAll false
-        }
-    }
- * Ant test template
- */
-job('Cassandra-template-test') {
-    disabled(true)
-    description(jobDescription)
-    jdk(jdkLabel)
-    label(slaveLabel)
-    logRotator {
-        numToKeep(10)
-    }
-    wrappers {
-        timestamps()
-        timeout {
-            noActivity(1200)
-        }
-    }
-    scm {
-        git {
-            remote {
-                url(mainRepo)
-            }
-            branch('*/null')
-            extensions {
-                cleanAfterCheckout()
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    triggers {
-        scm('@daily')
-    }
-    steps {
-        buildDescription('', buildDescStr)
-        shell("git clean -xdff ; git clone ${buildsRepo}")
-    }
-    publishers {
-        junit {
-            testResults('**/TEST-*.xml')
-            testDataPublishers {
-                stabilityTestDataPublisher()
-            }
-        }
-        archiveArtifacts('')
-    }
- * Dtest template
- */
-job('Cassandra-template-dtest') {
-    disabled(true)
-    description(jobDescription)
-    jdk(jdkLabel)
-    label(slaveLabel)
-    logRotator {
-        numToKeep(10)
-    }
-    wrappers {
-        timestamps()
-        timeout {
-            noActivity(1200)
-        }
-    }
-    scm {
-        git {
-            remote {
-                url(mainRepo)
-            }
-            branch('*/null')
-            extensions {
-                cleanAfterCheckout()
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    triggers {
-        scm('@daily')
-    }
-    steps {
-        buildDescription('', buildDescStr)
-        shell("git clean -xdff ; git clone ${buildsRepo}")
-    }
-    publishers {
-        junit {
-            testResults('nosetests.xml')
-            testDataPublishers {
-                stabilityTestDataPublisher()
-            }
-        }
-        archiveArtifacts('')
-    }
-// Branch Job Definitions
-// - set to disabled(false)
-// - running jobs use templates for most configurations
-//   and set details like branch
-cassandraBranches.each {
-    def branchName = it
-    def jobNamePrefix = "Cassandra-${branchName}".replaceAll('cassandra-', '')
-    /**
-     * Main branch artifacts and eclipse-warnings job
-     */
-    job("${jobNamePrefix}-artifacts") {
-        //disabled(false)
-        using('Cassandra-template-artifacts')
-        configure { node ->
-            node / scm / branches / 'hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec' / 
-        }
-        steps {
-            shell('./cassandra-builds/build-scripts/')
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Main branch ant test target jobs
-     */
-    testTargets.each {
-        def targetName = it
-        job("${jobNamePrefix}-${targetName}") {
-            //disabled(false)
-            using('Cassandra-template-test')
-            configure { node ->
-                node / scm / branches / 'hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec' / 
-            }
-            steps {
-                shell("./cassandra-builds/build-scripts/ 
-            }
-        }
-    }
-//    /**
-//     * Main branch dtest variation jobs
-//     */
-//    dtestTargets.each {
-//        def targetName = it
-//        job("${jobNamePrefix}-${targetName}") {
-//            //disabled(false)
-//            using('Cassandra-template-dtest')
-//            configure { node ->
-//                node / scm / branches / 'hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec' / 
-//            }
-//            steps {
-//                shell("./cassandra-builds/build-scripts/ 
-//            }
-//        }
-//    }
diff --git a/jenkins-dsl/cassandra_job_dsl_seed.groovy 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b9b544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jenkins-dsl/cassandra_job_dsl_seed.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+// Common Vars and Branch List
+def jobDescription = 'Apache Cassandra DSL-generated job - DSL git repo: <a 
+def jdkLabel = 'jdk1.8.0_66-unlimited-security'
+def slaveLabel = 'cassandra'
+def mainRepo = ''
+def buildsRepo = ''
+def buildDescStr = 'REF = ${GIT_BRANCH} <br /> COMMIT = ${GIT_COMMIT}'
+// Cassandra active branches
+def cassandraBranches = ['cassandra-2.2', 'cassandra-3.0', 'cassandra-3.X', 
+// Ant test targets
+def testTargets = ['test', 'test-all', 'test-burn', 'test-cdc', 
+// Job Templates
+// - disabled by default
+// - running jobs use templates for most configurations
+//   and set details like branch
+ * Artifacts and eclipse-warnings template
+ */
+job('Cassandra-template-artifacts') {
+    disabled(true)
+    description(jobDescription)
+    jdk(jdkLabel)
+    label(slaveLabel)
+    logRotator {
+        numToKeep(10)
+        artifactNumToKeep(1)
+    }
+    wrappers {
+        timestamps()
+        timeout {
+            noActivity(300)
+        }
+    }
+    scm {
+        git {
+            remote {
+                url(mainRepo)
+            }
+            branch('*/null')
+            extensions {
+                cleanAfterCheckout()
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    triggers {
+        scm('H/30 * * * *')
+    }
+    steps {
+        buildDescription('', buildDescStr)
+        shell("git clean -xdff ; git clone ${buildsRepo}")
+    }
+    publishers {
+        archiveArtifacts('build/*.tar.gz, 
+        archiveJavadoc {
+            javadocDir 'build/javadoc'
+            keepAll false
+        }
+    }
+ * Ant test template
+ */
+job('Cassandra-template-test') {
+    disabled(true)
+    description(jobDescription)
+    jdk(jdkLabel)
+    label(slaveLabel)
+    logRotator {
+        numToKeep(10)
+    }
+    wrappers {
+        timestamps()
+        timeout {
+            noActivity(1200)
+        }
+    }
+    scm {
+        git {
+            remote {
+                url(mainRepo)
+            }
+            branch('*/null')
+            extensions {
+                cleanAfterCheckout()
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    triggers {
+        scm('@daily')
+    }
+    steps {
+        buildDescription('', buildDescStr)
+        shell("git clean -xdff ; git clone ${buildsRepo}")
+    }
+    publishers {
+        junit {
+            testResults('**/TEST-*.xml')
+            testDataPublishers {
+                stabilityTestDataPublisher()
+            }
+        }
+        archiveArtifacts('')
+    }
+ * Dtest template
+ */
+job('Cassandra-template-dtest') {
+    disabled(true)
+    description(jobDescription)
+    jdk(jdkLabel)
+    label(slaveLabel)
+    logRotator {
+        numToKeep(10)
+    }
+    wrappers {
+        timestamps()
+        timeout {
+            noActivity(1200)
+        }
+    }
+    scm {
+        git {
+            remote {
+                url(mainRepo)
+            }
+            branch('*/null')
+            extensions {
+                cleanAfterCheckout()
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    triggers {
+        scm('@daily')
+    }
+    steps {
+        buildDescription('', buildDescStr)
+        shell("git clean -xdff ; git clone ${buildsRepo}")
+    }
+    publishers {
+        junit {
+            testResults('nosetests.xml')
+            testDataPublishers {
+                stabilityTestDataPublisher()
+            }
+        }
+        archiveArtifacts('')
+    }
+// Branch Job Definitions
+// - set to disabled(false)
+// - running jobs use templates for most configurations
+//   and set details like branch
+cassandraBranches.each {
+    def branchName = it
+    def jobNamePrefix = "Cassandra-${branchName}".replaceAll('cassandra-', '')
+    /**
+     * Main branch artifacts and eclipse-warnings job
+     */
+    job("${jobNamePrefix}-artifacts") {
+        //disabled(false)
+        using('Cassandra-template-artifacts')
+        configure { node ->
+            node / scm / branches / 'hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec' / 
+        }
+        steps {
+            shell('./cassandra-builds/build-scripts/')
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Main branch ant test target jobs
+     */
+    testTargets.each {
+        def targetName = it
+        job("${jobNamePrefix}-${targetName}") {
+            //disabled(false)
+            using('Cassandra-template-test')
+            configure { node ->
+                node / scm / branches / 'hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec' / 
+            }
+            steps {
+                shell("./cassandra-builds/build-scripts/ 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+//    /**
+//     * Main branch dtest variation jobs
+//     */
+//    dtestTargets.each {
+//        def targetName = it
+//        job("${jobNamePrefix}-${targetName}") {
+//            //disabled(false)
+//            using('Cassandra-template-dtest')
+//            configure { node ->
+//                node / scm / branches / 'hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec' / 
+//            }
+//            steps {
+//                shell("./cassandra-builds/build-scripts/ 
+//            }
+//        }
+//    }

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