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The "SecondaryIndexes" page has been changed by DrewKutcharian.


New page:
 * A good article by Jonathan Ellis:

'''FAQ for Secondary Indexes'''

 * Q: Are there any limitations beside the hash properties (no between 
queries)? Like size or memory, etc?
   A: No.

 * Q: Are they distributed? If so, how does that work? How are they stored on 
the nodes?
   A: Each node only indexes data that it holds locally.

 * Q: When you write a new row, when/how does the index get updated? What I 
would like to know is the atomicity of the operation, is the "index write" part 
of the "row write"?
   A: The row and index updates are one atomic operation.

 * Q: Is there a difference between creating a secondary index vs creating an 
"index" CF manually such as "users_by_country"?
   A: Yes. First, when creating your own index, a node may index data held by 
another node. Second, updates to the index and data are not atomic.

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