This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

mck pushed a commit to branch cassandra-3.0
in repository

commit 2a6059ef4ae0bcf491aa81a3eab9325282617381
Merge: 4164313 1185593
Author: Mick Semb Wever <>
AuthorDate: Thu Apr 15 12:58:59 2021 +0200

    Merge branch 'cassandra-2.2' into cassandra-3.0

 build.xml | 139 ++++++++------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)

diff --cc build.xml
index ad40e59,cbe45ba..9c778ae
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@@ -1355,18 -1394,19 +1354,16 @@@
        <jvmarg value="-Dcassandra.tolerate_sstable_size=true"/>
        <jvmarg value="-Dcassandra.skip_sync=true" />
 -    <fileset dir="${test.unit.src}">
 -        <exclude name="**/pig/*.java" />
 -    </fileset>
 +    <fileset dir="${test.unit.src}" />
-   <!-- Will not generate a junit report or fail on error since it is called 
in parallel for test-compression
-        That is taken care of by testparallel -->
+   <!-- Will not generate a junit report or fail on error  -->
    <macrodef name="testlist">
      <attribute name="test.file.list"/>
-     <attribute name="testlist.offset"/>
-       <testmacrohelper inputdir="${test.dir}/${test.classlistprefix}" 
filelist="@{test.file.list}" poffset="@{testlist.offset}" exclude="**/*.java" 
+       <testmacrohelper inputdir="${test.dir}/${test.classlistprefix}" 
filelist="@{test.file.list}" exclude="**/*.java" timeout="${test.timeout}">
          <jvmarg value="-Dlegacy-sstable-root=${}/legacy-sstables"/>
 -        <jvmarg value="-Dcorrupt-sstable-root=${}/corrupt-sstables"/>
          <jvmarg value="-Dcassandra.ring_delay_ms=1000"/>
          <jvmarg value="-Dcassandra.tolerate_sstable_size=true"/>
@@@ -1383,11 -1422,10 +1379,10 @@@
        <property name="compressed_yaml" 
        <concat destfile="${compressed_yaml}">
 -        <fileset file="${test.conf}/cassandra.yaml"/>
 -        <fileset file="${test.conf}/commitlog_compression.yaml"/>
 +          <fileset file="${test.conf}/cassandra.yaml"/>
 +          <fileset file="${test.conf}/commitlog_compression.yaml"/>
-       <testmacrohelper inputdir="${test.unit.src}" 
filelist="@{test.file.list}" poffset="@{testlist.offset}"
+       <testmacrohelper inputdir="${test.unit.src}" 
                         exclude="**/*.java" timeout="${test.timeout}" 
          <jvmarg value="-Dlegacy-sstable-root=${}/legacy-sstables"/>
@@@ -1444,11 -1476,11 +1439,11 @@@
        <fileset file="${test.conf}/commitlog_compression.yaml"/>
      <path id="all-test-classes-path">
 -      <fileset dir="${test.unit.src}" excludes="**/pig/*.java" 
includes="**/${}.java" />
 +      <fileset dir="${test.unit.src}" includes="**/${}.java" />
        <fileset dir="${test.distributed.src}" includes="**/${}.java" 
-     <property name="all-test-classes" refid="all-test-classes-path"/>
-     <testparallel testdelegate="testlist-compression" />
+     <property name="test.file.list" refid="all-test-classes-path"/>
+     <testlist-compression test.file.list="${test.file.list}"/>
    <target name="msg-ser-gen-test" depends="build-test" description="Generates 
message serializations">
@@@ -1687,111 -1763,12 +1682,12 @@@
-   <!-- Run tests in parallel and report errors after and generate a junit 
report -->
-   <macrodef name="testparallel">
-     <attribute name="testdelegate"/>
-     <sequential>
-       <testparallelhelper testdelegate="@{testdelegate}"/>
-       <fail message="Some test(s) failed.">
-         <condition>
-             <and>
-             <isset property="testfailed"/>
-             <not>
-               <isset property="ant.test.failure.ignore"/>
-             </not>
-           </and>
-         </condition>
-       </fail>
-     </sequential>
-   </macrodef>
-   <!-- Run multiple junit tasks in parallel, but don't track errors or 
generate a report after
-        If a test fails the testfailed property will be set. All the tests are 
run using te testdelegate
-        macro that is specified as an attribute and they will be run 
concurrently in this ant process -->
-   <scriptdef name="testparallelhelper" language="javascript">
-     <attribute name="testdelegate"/>
-     <![CDATA[
-         sep = project.getProperty("path.separator");
-         all = project.getProperty("all-test-classes").split(sep);
-         runners = project.getProperty("test.runners")
-         cores = project.getProperty("cores.count")
-         mem = project.getProperty("mem.size")
-         numRunners = 1
-         if (runners != null) // there's test.runners override
-             numRunners = parseInt(runners) || 1;
-         else if (cores != null && mem != null) // only if cores and memory 
size is set
-             numRunners = Math.min(Math.floor(Math.sqrt(parseInt(cores) || 1)),
-                                   Math.floor((parseInt(mem) || 
-         if (numRunners < 1)
-             numRunners = 1
-         var echo = project.createTask("echo");
-         echo.setMessage("Number of test runners: " + numRunners);
-         echo.perform();
-         var p = project.createTask('parallel');
-         p.setThreadCount(numRunners);
-         for (i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
-             if (all[i] == undefined) continue;
-             task = project.createTask( attributes.get("testdelegate") );
-             task.setDynamicAttribute( "test.file.list", "" + all[i]);
-             task.setDynamicAttribute( "testlist.offset", "" + i );
-             p.addTask(task);
-         }
-         p.perform();
-     ]]>
-   </scriptdef>
-   <target name="get-cores">
-     <property environment="env"/>
-     <!-- support for Windows -->
-     <condition property="cores.count" value="${env.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS}">
-       <os family="windows" />
-     </condition>
-     <!-- support for Linux and Solaris (package SUNWgnu-coreutils is 
required) -->
-     <exec executable="nproc" outputproperty="cores.count" 
os="Linux,SunOS,Solaris" failifexecutionfails="false">
-       <arg value="--all"/>
-     </exec>
-     <!-- support for Mac OS X -->
-     <exec executable="sysctl" outputproperty="cores.count" os="Mac,Mac OS 
X,Darwin" failifexecutionfails="false">
-       <arg value="-n"/>
-       <arg value="hw.ncpu"/>
-     </exec>
-     <echo message="Number of cores: ${cores.count}"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="get-mem">
-     <condition property="mem.size" value="unknown">
-       <os family="windows" />
-     </condition>
-     <!-- support for Linux and Solaris (package SUNWgnu-coreutils is 
required) -->
-     <exec executable="bash" outputproperty="mem.size" 
os="Linux,SunOS,Solaris" failifexecutionfails="false">
-       <arg value="-c"/>
-       <arg value="free -b | grep Mem: | awk '{print $2}'"/>
-     </exec>
-     <!-- support for Mac OS X -->
-     <exec executable="sysctl" outputproperty="mem.size" os="Mac,Mac OS 
X,Darwin" failifexecutionfails="false">
-       <arg value="-n"/>
-       <arg value="hw.memsize"/>
-     </exec>
-     <echo message="Mem size : ${mem.size}"/>
-   </target>
-   <target name="test" depends="eclipse-warnings,build-test,get-cores,get-mem" 
description="Parallel Test Runner">
+   <target name="test" depends="eclipse-warnings,build-test" description="Test 
      <path id="all-test-classes-path">
 -      <fileset dir="${test.unit.src}" includes="**/${}.java" 
excludes="**/pig/*.java **/distributed/test/UpgradeTest*.java" />
 +      <fileset dir="${test.unit.src}" includes="**/${}.java" 
excludes="**/distributed/test/UpgradeTest*.java" />
-     <property name="all-test-classes" refid="all-test-classes-path"/>
-     <testparallel testdelegate="testlist"/>
+     <property name="test.file.list" refid="all-test-classes-path"/>
+     <testlist test.file.list="${test.file.list}"/>
    <target name="generate-test-report" description="Generates JUnit's HTML 
report from results already in build/output">
@@@ -1817,10 -1795,23 +1714,10 @@@
        <path id="all-test-classes-path">
            <fileset dir="${test.dir}/${test.classlistprefix}" 
-       <property name="all-test-classes" refid="all-test-classes-path"/>
-       <testparallel testdelegate="testlist-compression"/>
+       <property name="test.file.list" refid="all-test-classes-path"/>
+       <testlist-compression test.file.list="${test.file.list}"/>
 -  <target name="test-distributed" depends="build-test" description="Execute 
unit tests">
 -    <testmacro inputdir="${test.distributed.src}" 
timeout="${test.distributed.timeout}" forkmode="once" showoutput="true" 
 -      <jvmarg 
 -      <jvmarg value="-Dcassandra.ring_delay_ms=1000"/>
 -      <jvmarg value="-Dcassandra.tolerate_sstable_size=true"/>
 -      <jvmarg value="-Dcassandra.skip_sync=true" />
 -      <jvmarg value="-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256M" />
 -      <jvmarg value="-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=0" />
 -      <jvmarg value="-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError" />
 -      <jvmarg value="-XX:HeapDumpPath=build/test/oom.hprof" />
 -    </testmacro>
 -  </target>
    <target name="dtest-jar" depends="build-test, build" description="Create 
dtest-compatible jar, including all dependencies">
        <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/dtest-${base.version}.jar">
            <zipgroupfileset dir="${build.lib}" includes="*.jar" 

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