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The "FAQ" page has been changed by JoaquinCasares:

   * [[#jconsole_array_arg|Why can't I call jmx method X on jconsole? (ex. 
   * [[#max_key_size|What's the maximum key size permitted?]]
   * [[#ubuntu_hangs|I'm using Ubuntu with JNA, and holy crap weird things keep 
hanging and stalling and printing scary tracebacks in dmesg!]]
+  * [[#schema_disagreement|How do I fix schema disagreement errors?]]
@@ -498, +499 @@

  If you have more information on the problem and better ways to avoid it, 
please do update this space.
+ <<Anchor(schema_disagreement)>>
+ == How do I fix schema disagreement errors? ==
+ This is no longer a problem in Cassandra 0.8, but is still seen in 0.7. 
+ First, you should open the cassandra-cli and run:
+ connect localhost/9160;
+ describe cluster;
+ Note which schemas are in the minority and mark down those IPs. Then login to 
each of those machines and stop the Cassandra service/process by running 'sudo 
service cassandra stop' or 'kill <pid>'. Then, remove the schema* and 
migration* sstables inside of your /var/lib/cassandra/data/system folder (based 
on default settings).
+ After starting up Cassandra again, your node will notice the missing 
information and pull in the correct data from the cluster.
+ To confirm everything is on the same schema, use the cassandra-cli to confirm 
'describe cluster;' only returns one schema version.

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