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The "RunningCassandraInEclipse" page has been changed by DavidAllsopp:

Added detail on unit tests and assertions

  ''Question - can JUnit tests be run through Eclipse, or should they only be 
run using the Ant build target?''
+ Note that some of the unit tests use Java `assert` as well as JUnit 
assertEquals() etc, so they need to be run with assertions enabled in the JVM 
(using `-ea`). If you just run them directly in Eclipse/JUnit without 
assertions enabled, you may get false test passes.
  = Run Cassandra =
  Click "Run" -> "Run Configurations...". Select 
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CassandraDaemon as you Main class, make sure that 
your cassandra project is selected in the "Project" field.

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