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The "ReadRepair" page has been changed by JonathanEllis:

- Read repair means that when a query is made against a given key, we perform a 
[[DigestQueries|digest query]] against all the replicas of the key and push the 
most recent version to any out-of-date replicas.  If a low !ConsistencyLevel 
was specified, this is done in the background after returning the data from the 
closest replica to the client; otherwise, it is done before returning the data.
+ Read repair means that when a query is made against a given key, we perform a 
[[DigestQueries|digest query]] against all the replicas of the key and push the 
most recent version to any out-of-date replicas.  If a lower !ConsistencyLevel 
than ALL was specified, this is done in the background after returning the data 
from the closest replica to the client; otherwise, it is done before returning 
the data.
  This means that in almost all cases, at most the first instance of a query 
will return old data.

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