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The "CassandraCli" page has been changed by DavidAllsopp:

Clarified the need to add key_validation_class for v0.8+

  We went on to connect to our local Cassandra node. We created keyspace 
`Twissandra` and column family `User`. Note that with the column family, we 
used a UTF8Type comparator.  That means that the columns will be sorted based 
on UTF8Type sorting.  It also means that when the column names are displayed on 
the command-line, they will be displayed as UTF8Type (readable) text. For more 
information and options for creating column families type `help create column 
family;` on the command line. Finally, we exited from our cli shell.
+ ----
- Note: As of Cassandra 0.8, we need to declare a key_validataion_class for the 
column family:
- {{{ update column family User with key_validation_class=UTF8Type; }}}
+ '''Note: As of Cassandra 0.8, values are interpreted as bytes by default, so 
we will need to declare a key_validation_class for the column family so we can 
enter text keys:'''
+ {{{ 
+ update column family User with key_validation_class=UTF8Type; 
+ }}}
+ or, you can wrap each value to specify how it should be interpreted, e.g:
+ {{{
+ set User[utf8('jsmith')]['first'] = 'John';
+ }}}
+ or, you can temporarily `assume` a type (this must be repeated every CLI 
+ {{{
+ assume User keys as utf8;
+ set User['jsmith']['first'] = 'John';
+ }}}
+ ----
  Let's get back into the shell with some options specified and create some 
data. You should be aware that using the right assumption for your column 
family keys is 'essential' for the CLI to work correctly. None of the data 
retrieval/manipulation commands will work as expected if the key assumption is 
wrong. If you are just exploring cassandra from the CLI, you can leave the 
assumptions at their defaults, though.

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