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The "Cassandra EC2" page has been changed by JoaquinCasares:

  The [[|Cluster Chef]] repo has chef 
scripts and poolparty recipes that can launch and provision a scalable 
cassandra cluster in the EC2 cloud. It can create either a persistent cluster 
(using EBS volumes that remain when the instances are decommissioned) or an 
ephemeral cluster (that uses the local scratch drives), and has optional 
support for NFS and hadoop. The chef cookbook is based on one by Benjamin Black
+ Edit 11-9-11
+  * The [[|DataStax AMI]] 
provides a quick and easy way to get Cassandra 1.0 up and running in minutes.
+  * The [[|DataStax Chef]] repository provides 
yet another set of scripts for installing Cassandra 07x and 08x. These are 
updated a bit behind release schedule.

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