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The "ArchitectureSSTable" page has been changed by DaveBrosius:

doc where getColumnIndexSize comes from

     1. Write serialized bytes of bloom filter
    1. Start indexing based on column family comparator
     1. If columns empty write integer zero, return
-    1. Iterate over columns until getColumnIndexSize() is exceeded (default is 
+    1. Iterate over columns until getColumnIndexSize() is exceeded (default is 
64KB: Value from yaml's column_index_size_in_kb)
      1. Construct new !IndexInfo that consists of last column before exceeded, 
existing column name, startPosition and endPosition - startPosition
     1. Write size of indexSizeInBytes (int)
-    1. Serialize each !IndexInfo object - (firstname is last colum name before 
exceeded, and lastname is the existing column name)
+    1. Serialize each !IndexInfo object - (firstname is last column name 
before exceeded, and lastname is the existing column name)
      1. Write byte firstname - (length >> 8) & 0xFF
      1. Write byte firstname - (length & 0xFF)
      1. Write byte firstname

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