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The "MavenPlugin" page has been changed by StephenConnolly:

Updating some of the versions to newer

  == Step-by-step develop a Cassandra backed web application in 2 minutes ==
- Here is a from zero to web application step-by-step guide. We assume that you 
have Apache Maven 3.0.2 installed and configured with proxies correctly.
+ Here is a from zero to web application step-by-step guide. We assume that you 
have Apache Maven 3.0.4 installed and configured with proxies correctly.
   1. Verify that Maven is installed and that you are using Java 6.
  $ mvn -version
- Apache Maven 3.0.2 (r1056850; 2011-01-09 00:58:10+0000)
+ Apache Maven 3.0.4 (r1232337; 2012-01-17 08:44:56+0000)
  Java version: 1.6.0_20, vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
  Java home: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_20/jre
  Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
  OS name: "linux", version: "2.6.18-194.26.1.el5", arch: "amd64", family: 
-     You are looking to verify the {{{Apache Maven 3.0.2}}} and that the Java 
version starts with {{{1.6.}}}
+     You are looking to verify the {{{Apache Maven 3.0.4}}} and that the Java 
version starts with {{{1.6.}}}
   1. Create a basic web application
@@ -137, +137 @@

-       <version>0.7.0-25</version>
+       <version>1.0-5</version>
@@ -168, +168 @@

-       <version>0.7.0-25</version>
+       <version>1.0-5</version>
@@ -216, +216 @@

      and then using your favourite editor, create a file called 
{{{load.script}}} in the {{{webapp/src/cassandra/cli}}} directory.
- create keyspace WebappKeyspace with replication_factor=1;
+ reate keyspace TestKeyspace
+     with placement_strategy = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy'
+     and strategy_options = {replication_factor:1};
  use WebappKeyspace;
  create column family Example with column_type='Standard' and 
@@ -231, +233 @@

  [INFO] Building webapp Maven Webapp 1.0-SNAPSHOT
- [INFO] --- cassandra-maven-plugin:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT:start (default-cli) @ webapp 
+ [INFO] --- cassandra-maven-plugin:1.0.0-1:start (default-cli) @ webapp ---
  [INFO] Waiting for Cassandra to start...
  [INFO] [WARN] 11:32:02,516 Generated random token 
11852913165738683554068538477956203649. Random tokens will result in an 
unbalanced ring; see

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