Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/cassandra-1.1 6352edb3f -> e4ce6b302

Add CQL3 documentation

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/commit/e4ce6b30
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/tree/e4ce6b30
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/diff/e4ce6b30

Branch: refs/heads/cassandra-1.1
Commit: e4ce6b3024773db52f376cc0b8b6aa474179bc59
Parents: 6352edb
Author: Sylvain Lebresne <sylv...@datastax.com>
Authored: Fri Apr 20 19:43:57 2012 +0200
Committer: Sylvain Lebresne <sylv...@datastax.com>
Committed: Tue Jun 12 14:59:12 2012 +0200

 build.xml            |   27 +-
 doc/cql3/CQL.css     |  103 ++++++
 doc/cql3/CQL.textile |  826 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 944 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 2a95687..ced4675 100644
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        Fetch Maven Ant Tasks and Cassandra's dependencies

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+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+/* Default (and example) style sheet for CQL.html */
+pre.sample {
+  padding: 1ex;
+  padding-left: 4ex;
+  border: 1px solid #ada;
+  background-color: #fafffa;
+pre.syntax {
+  padding: 1ex;
+  padding-left: 4ex;
+  border: 1px solid #aaf;
+  background-color: #fafaff;
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+  padding: 1ex;
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+  background-color: white;
+  padding: 0 2ex;
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+  border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;
+  background-color: #eee;
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+  border: 1px solid #bbb;
+  background-color: #fafafa;
+  display: inline-block;
+  padding-right: 6ex;

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+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="CQL.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
+h1. Cassandra Query Language (CQL) v3.0.0
+p(banner). Please note that as of Cassandra 1.1, CQL v3.0.0 is considered beta 
and while the bulk of the language should be fixed by now, small breaking 
changes may be introduced until CQL v3.0.0 is final (in Cassandra 1.2).
+ <span id="tableOfContents">
+ </span>
+h2. CQL Syntax
+h3. Preamble
+This document describes the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) version 3. CQL v3 
is not backward compatible with CQL v2 and differs from it in numerous ways.
+CQL v3 offers a model very close to SQL in the sense that data is put in 
_tables_ containing _rows_ of _columns_. For that reason, when used in this 
document, these terms (tables, rows and columns) have the same definition than 
they have in SQL. But please note that as such, they do *not* refer to the 
concept of rows and columns found in the internal implementation of Cassandra 
and in the thrift and CQL v2 API.
+h3. Conventions
+To aid in specifying the CQL syntax, we will use the following conventions in 
this document:
+* Language rules will be given in a 
"BNF":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backus%E2%80%93Naur_Form -like notation:
+bc(syntax). <start> ::= TERMINAL <non-terminal1> <non-terminal1>
+* Nonterminal symbols will have @<angle brackets>@.
+* As additional shortcut notations to BNF, we'll use traditional regular 
expression's symbols (@?@, @+@ and @*@) to signify that a given symbol is 
optional and/or can be repeated. We'll also allow parentheses to group symbols 
and the @[<characters>]@ notation to represent any one of @<characters>@.
+* The grammar is provided for documentation purposes and leave some minor 
details out. For instance, the last column definition in a @CREATE TABLE@ 
statement is optional but supported if present even though the provided grammar 
in this document suggest it is not supported. 
+* Sample code will be provided in a code block:
+bc(sample). SELECT sample_usage FROM cql;
+* References to keywords or pieces of CQL code in running text will be shown 
in a @fixed-width font@.
+h3(#identifiers). Identifiers and keywords
+p. The CQL language uses _identifiers_ (or _names_) to identify tables, 
columns and other objects. An identifier is a token matching the regular 
expression @[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]@@*@.
+p. A number of such identifiers, like @SELECT@ or @WITH@, are _keywords_. They 
have a fixed meaning for the language and most are reserved. The list of those 
keywords can be found in "Appendix A":#appendixA.
+p. Identifiers and (unquoted) keywords are case insensitive. Thus @SELECT@ is 
the same than @select@ or @sElEcT@, and @myId@ is the same than @myid@ or 
@MYID@ for instance. A convention often used (in particular by the samples of 
this documentation) is to use upper case for keywords and lower case for other 
+p. There is a second kind of identifiers called _quoted identifiers_ defined 
by enclosing an arbitrary sequence of characters in double-quotes(@"@). Quoted 
identifiers are never keywords. Thus @"select"@ is not a reserved keyword and 
can be used to refer to a column, while @select@ would raise a parse error. 
Also, contrarily to unquoted identifiers and keywords, quoted identifiers are 
case sensitive (@"My Quoted Id"@ is _different_ from @"my quoted id"@). A fully 
lowercase quoted identifier that matches @[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]@@*@ is 
equivalent to the unquoted identifier obtained by removing the double-quote (so 
@"myid"@ is equivalent to @myid@ and to @myId@ but different from @"myId"@). 
Inside a quoted identifier, the double-quote character can be repeated to 
escape it, so @"foo "" bar"@ is a valid identifier.
+h3(#constants). Constants
+CQL defines 3 kinds of _implicitly-typed constants_: strings, numbers and 
+* A string constant is an arbitrary sequence of characters characters enclosed 
by single-quote(@'@). One can include a single-quote in a string by repeating 
it, e.g. @'It''s raining today'@. Those are not to be confused with quoted 
identifiers that use double-quotes.
+* Numeric constants are either integer constant defined by @-?[0-9]+@ or a 
float constant defined by @-?[0-9]+.[0-9]*@.
+* A "UUID":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier constant 
is defined by @hex{8}-hex{4}-hex{4}-hex{12}@ where @hex@ is an hexadecimal 
character, e.g. @[0-9a-fA-F]@ and @{4}@ is the number of such characters.
+h3. Comments
+A comment in CQL is a line beginning by either double dashes (@--@) or double 
slash (@//@).
+-- This is a comment
+// This is a comment too
+h3(#statements). Statements
+CQL consists of statements. As in SQL, these statements can be divided in 3 
+* Data definition statements, that allow to set and change the way data is 
+* Data manipulation statements, that allow to change data
+* Queries, to look up data
+All statements end with a semicolon (@;@) but that semicolon can be omitted 
when dealing with a single statement. The supported statements are described in 
the following sections. When describing the grammar of said statement, we will 
reuse the non-terminal symbol defined below:
+<identifier> ::= any quoted or unquoted identifier, excluding reserved keywords
+ <tablename> ::= (<identifier> '.')? <identifier>
+    <string> ::= a string constant
+   <integer> ::= an integer constant
+     <float> ::= a float constant
+    <number> ::= <integer> | <float>
+      <uuid> ::= a uuid constant
+      <term> ::= <identifier>
+               | <string>
+               | <number>
+               | <uuid>
+               | '?'
+  <int-term> ::= <identifier>
+               | '?'
+The question mark (@?@) in the syntax above is a bind variables for "prepared 
+p. A @<tablename>@ will be used to identify a table. This is an identifier 
representing the table name that can be preceded by a keyspace name. The 
keyspace name, if provided, allow to identify a table in another keyspace than 
the currently active one (the currently active keyspace is set through the <a 
href="#useStmt"><tt>USE</tt></a> statement).
+h3(#preparedStatement). Prepared Statement
+CQL supports _prepared statements_. Prepared statement is an optimization that 
allows to parse a query only once but execute it multiple times with differente 
concrete values.
+In a statement, each time a column value is expected (in the data manipulation 
and query statements), a bind variable marker (denoted by a @?@ symbol) can be 
used instead. A statement with bind variables must then be _prepared_. Once it 
has been prepared, it can executed by providing concrete values for the bind 
variables (values for bind variables must be provided in the order the bind 
variables are defined in the query string). The exact procedure to prepare a 
statement and execute a prepared statement depends on the CQL driver used and 
is beyond the scope of this document.
+h3(#consistency). Consistency Level
+Data manipulation statements and queries allows to optionally specify the 
_consistency level_ of the operation. Such consistency levels are specified 
through the following syntax:
+<consistency-level> ::= ANY
+                      | ONE
+                      | TWO
+                      | THREE
+                      | QUORUM
+                      | ALL
+                      | LOCAL_QUORUM
+                      | EACH_QUORUM
+When not user-specified, the default consistency level is @ONE@. Consult your 
Cassandra documentation for information about how consistency levels work.
+h2(#dataDefinition). Data Definition
+h3(#createKeyspaceStmt). CREATE KEYSPACE
+<create-keyspace-stmt> ::= CREATE KEYSPACE <identifier>
+                           WITH <name> '=' <value> ( AND <name> '=' <value> )*
+<name> ::= <identifier> ( ':' ( <identifier> | <identifier> ) )?
+<value> ::= <identifier> | <string> | <number>
+           WITH strategy_class = SimpleStrategy
+            AND strategy_options:replication_factor = 1;
+           WITH strategy_class = NetworkTopologyStrategy
+            AND strategy_options:DC1 = 1
+            AND strategy_options:DC2 = 3;
+The @CREATE KEYSPACE@ statement creates a new top-level _keyspace_. A keyspace 
is a namespace that defines a replication strategy for a set of tables. Valid 
keyspaces names are identifiers composed exclusively of alphanumerical 
characters and whose length is lesser or equal to 32. Note that as identifiers, 
keyspace names are case insensitive: use a quoted identifier for case sensitive 
keyspace names.
+The replication strategy for the new keyspace should be specified using the 
following options:
+|_. option         |_. required|_. description|
+|@strategy_class@  |yes        |The name of the replication strategy class for 
the new keyspace. Default strategies are: @SimpleStrategy@, 
@NetworkTopologyStrategy@ and @OldNetworkTopologyStrategy@ (that, as the name 
imply, is supported mainly for compatibility sake). Custom strategy can be 
provided by specifying the full class name as a "string constant":#constants.|
+|@strategy_options@|no         |Most strategies require additional arguments 
which can be supplied by appending the option name to the @strategy_options@ 
keyword, separated by a colon (@:@).  For example, a strategy option of "DC1" 
with a value of "1" would be specified as @strategy_options:DC1 = 1@; the 
replication_factor for SimpleStrategy could be 
+h3(#useStmt). USE
+bc(syntax). <use-stmt> ::= USE <identifier>
+bc(sample). USE myApp;
+The @USE@ statement takes an existing keyspace name as argument and set it as 
the per-connection current working keyspace. All subsequent keyspace-specific 
actions will be performed in the context of the selected keyspace, unless 
"otherwise specified":#statements, until another USE statement is issued or the 
connection terminates.
+h3(#dropKeyspaceStmt). DROP KEYSPACE
+bc(syntax).  <drop-keyspace-stmt> ::= DROP KEYSPACE <identifier>
+bc(sample). DROP KEYSPACE myApp;
+A @DROP KEYSPACE@ statement results in the immediate, irreversible removal of 
an existing keyspace, including all column families in it, and all data 
contained in those column families.
+h3(#createTableStmt). CREATE TABLE
+<create-table-stmt> ::= CREATE (TABLE | COLUMNFAMILY) <tablename>
+                          '(' <definition> ( ',' <definition> )* ')'
+                          ( WITH <option> ( AND <option>)* )?
+<column-definition> ::= <identifier> <type> ( PRIMARY KEY )?
+                      | PRIMARY KEY '(' <identifier> ( ',' <identifier> )* ')'
+<option> ::= <identifier> ( ':' ( <identifier> | <identifier> ) )? '=' <value>
+           | COMPACT STORAGE
+           | CLUSTERING ORDER
+<value> ::= <identifier> | <string> | <number>
+CREATE TABLE monkeySpecies (
+    species text PRIMARY KEY,
+    common_name text,
+    population varint,
+    average_size int
+) WITH comment='Important biological records'
+   AND read_repair_chance = 1.0;
+CREATE TABLE timeline (
+    userid uuid,
+    posted_month int,
+    posted_time uuid,
+    body text,
+    posted_by text,
+    PRIMARY KEY (userid, posted_month, posted_time)
+The @CREATE TABLE@ statement creates a new table. Each such table is a set of 
_rows_ (usually representing related entities) for which it defines a number of 
properties. A table is defined by a "name":#createTableName, it defines the <a 
href="#createTableColumn"><it>columns</it></a> composing rows of the table and 
have a number of "options":#createTableOptions. Note that the @CREATE 
COLUMNFAMILY@ syntax is supported as an alias for @CREATE TABLE@ (for 
historical reasons).
+h4(#createTableName). @<tablename>@
+Valid table names are the same than valid "keyspace names":#createKeyspaceStmt 
(up to 32 characters long alphanumerical identifiers). If the table name is 
provided alone, the table is created within the current keyspace (see <a 
href="#useStmt"><tt>USE</tt></a>), but if it is prefixed by an existing 
keyspace name (see "@<tablename>@":#statements grammar), it is created in the 
specified keyspace (but does *not* change the current keyspace).
+h4(#createTableColumn). @<column-definition>@
+A @CREATE TABLE@ statement defines the columns that rows of the table can 
have. A _column_ is defined by its name (an identifier) and its type (see the 
"data types":#types section for more details on allowed types and their 
+Within a table, a row is uniquely identified by its @PRIMARY KEY@ (or more 
simply the key), and hence all table definitions *must* define a PRIMARY KEY 
(and only one). A @PRIMARY KEY@ is composed of one or more of the columns 
defined in the table. If the @PRIMARY KEY@ is only one column, this can be 
specified directly after the column definition. Otherwise, it must be specified 
by following @PRIMARY KEY@ by the comma-separated list of column names 
composing the key within parenthesis. Note that:
+    k int PRIMARY KEY,
+    other text
+is equivalent to
+    k int,
+    other text,
+    PRIMARY KEY (k)
+Moreover, a table must define at least one column that is not part of the 
PRIMARY KEY as a row exists in Cassandra only if it contains at least one value 
for one such column.
+h4(#createTablepartitionClustering). Partition key and clustering
+In CQL, the order in which columns are defined for the @PRIMARY KEY@ matters. 
The first column of the key is called the __partition key__. It has the 
property that all the rows sharing the same partition key (even across table in 
fact) are stored on the same physical node. Also, insertion/update/deletion on 
rows sharing the same partition key for a given table are performed 
__atomically__ and in __isolation__.
+The remaining columns of the @PRIMARY KEY@ definition, if any, are called 
__clustering keys__. On a given physical node, rows for a given partition key 
are stored in the order induced by the clustering keys, making the retrieval of 
rows in that clustering order particularly efficient (see <a 
+h4(#createTableOptions). @<option>@
+The @CREATE TABLE@ statement supports a number of options that controls the 
configuration of a new table. These options can be specified after the @WITH@ 
+The first of these option is @COMPACT STORAGE@. This option is meanly targeted 
towards backward compatibility with some table definition created before CQL3.  
But it also provides a slightly more compact layout of data on disk, though at 
the price of flexibility and extensibility, and for that reason is not 
recommended unless for the backward compatibility reason. The restriction for 
table with @COMPACT STORAGE@ is that they support one and only one column 
outside of the ones part of the @PRIMARY KEY@. It also follows that columns 
cannot be added nor removed after creation. A table with @COMPACT STORAGE@ must 
also define at least one "clustering key":createTablepartitionClustering.
+Another option is @CLUSTERING ORDER@. It allows to define the ordering of rows 
on disk. It takes the list of the clustering key names with, for each of them, 
the on-disk order (Ascending or descending). Note that this option affects 
"what @ORDER BY@ are allowed during @SELECT@":#selectOrderBy.
+Table creation supports the following other options:
+|_. option                    |_. default                  |_. description|
+|@comment@                    |none                        | A free-form, 
human-readable comment.|
+|@read_repair_chance@         |0.1                         | The probability 
with which to query extra nodes (e.g. more nodes than required by the 
consistency level) for the purpose of read repairs.|
+|@dclocal_read_repair_chance@ |0                           | The probability 
with which to query extra nodes (e.g. more nodes than required by the 
consistency level) belonging to the same data center than the read coordinator 
for the purpose of read repairs.|
+|@gc_grace_seconds@           |864000                      | Time to wait 
before garbage collecting tombstones (deletion markers).|
+|@bloom_filter_fp_chance@     |0.00075                     | The target 
probability of false positive of the sstable bloom filters. Said bloom filters 
will be sized to provide the provided probability (thus lowering this value 
impact the size of bloom filters in-memory and on-disk)|
+|@compaction_strategy_class@  |SizeTieredCompactionStrategy| The compaction 
strategy to use. Default value are 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy' and 
'LeveledCompactionStrategy'. Custom strategy can be provided by specifying the 
full class name as a "string constant":#constants.|
+|@compaction_strategy_options@|none                        | Options for the 
compaction strategy. If @opt@ is the name of an option to set, it can be set 
using @compression_strategy_options:opt = <value>@. See below for the default 
+|@compression_parameters@     |see below                   | Compression 
options. If @opt@ is the name of an option to set, it can be set using 
@compression_parameters:opt = <value>@. See below for the default options.|
+|@replicate_on_write@         |true                        | Whether to 
replicate data on write. This can only be set to false for tables with counters 
values. Disabling this is dangerous and can result in random lose of counters, 
don't disable unless you are sure to know what you are doing|
+|@caching@                    |keys_only                   | Whether to cache 
keys ("key cache") and/or rows ("row cache") for this table. Valid values are: 
@all@, @keys_only@, @rows_only@ and @none@. |
+The following default sub-options are available for 
+|_. option                     |_. supported compaction strategy |_. default 
|_. description |
+| @min_sstable_size@           | SizeTieredCompactionStrategy    | 50MB      | 
The size tiered strategy groups SSTables to compact in buckets. A bucket groups 
SSTables that differs from less than 50% in size.  However, for small sizes, 
this would result in a bucketing that is too fine grained. @min_sstable_size@ 
defines a size threshold (in bytes) below which all SSTables belong to one 
unique bucket|
+| @min_compaction_threshold@   | SizeTieredCompactionStrategy    | 4         | 
Minimum number of SSTables needed to start a minor compaction.|
+| @max_compaction_threshold@   | SizeTieredCompactionStrategy    | 32        | 
Maximum number of SSTables processed by one minor compaction.|
+| @sstable_size_in_mb@         | LeveledCompactionStrategy       | 5MB       | 
The target size (in MB) for sstables in the leveled strategy. Note that while 
sstable sizes should stay less or equal to @sstable_size_in_mb@, it is possible 
to exceptionally have a larger sstable as during compaction, data for a given 
partition key are never split into 2 sstables|
+For the @compression_parameters@ options, the following default sub-options 
are available:
+|_. option              |_. default        |_. description |
+| @sstable_compression@ | SnappyCompressor | The compression algorithm to use. 
Default compressor are: SnappyCompressor and DeflateCompressor. Use an empty 
string (@''@) to disable compression. Custom compressor can be provided by 
specifying the full class name as a "string constant":#constants.|
+| @chunk_length_kb@     | 64KB             | On disk SSTables are compressed 
by block (to allow random reads). This defines the size (in KB) of said block. 
Bigger values may improve the compression rate, but increases the minimum size 
of data to be read from disk for a read |
+| @crc_check_chance@    | 1.0              | When compression is enabled, each 
compressed block includes a checksum of that block for the purpose of detecting 
disk bitrot and avoiding the propagation of corruption to other replica. This 
option defines the probability with which those checksums are checked during 
read. By default they are always checked. Set to 0 to disable checksum checking 
and to 0.5 for instance to check them every other read|
+h4. Other considerations:
+* When "inserting":#insertStmt/"updating":#updateStmt a given row, not all 
columns needs to be defined (except for those part of the key), and missing 
columns occupy no space on disk. Furthermore, adding new columns (see <a 
href=#alterStmt><tt>ALTER TABLE</tt></a>) is a constant time operation. There 
is thus no need to try to anticipate future usage (or to cry when you haven't) 
when creating a table.
+h3(#alterTableStmt). ALTER TABLE
+<alter-table-stmt> ::= ALTER (TABLE | COLUMNFAMILY) <tablename> <instruction>
+<instruction> ::= ALTER <identifier> TYPE <type>
+                | ADD   <identifier> <type>
+                | DROP  <identifier>
+                | WITH  <option> ( AND <option> )*
+<option> ::= <identifier> ( ':' ( <identifier> | <identifier> ) )? '=' <value>
+<value>  ::= <identifier> | <string> | <number>
+ALTER TABLE addamsFamily
+ALTER lastKnownLocation TYPE uuid;
+ALTER TABLE addamsFamily
+ADD gravesite varchar;
+ALTER TABLE addamsFamily
+DROP gender;
+ALTER TABLE addamsFamily
+WITH comment = 'A most excellent and useful column family'
+ AND read_repair_chance = 0.2;
+The @ALTER@ statement is used to manipulate table definitions. It allows to 
add new columns, drop existing ones, change the type of existing columns, or 
update the table options. As for table creation, @ALTER COLUMNFAMILY@ is 
allowed as an alias for @ALTER TABLE@.
+The @<tablename>@ is the table name optionally preceded by the keyspace name.  
The @<instruction>@ defines the alteration to perform:
+* @ALTER@: Update the type of a given defined column. Note that the type of 
the "clustering keys":#createTablepartitionClustering cannot be modified as it 
induces the on-disk ordering of rows. Columns on which a "secondary 
index":#createIndexStmt is defined have the same restriction. Other columns are 
free from those restrictions (no validation of existing data is performed), but 
it is usually a bad idea to change the type to a non-compatible one, unless no 
data have been inserted for that column yet, as this could confuse CQL 
+* @ADD@: Adds a new column to the table. The @<identifier>@ for the new column 
must not conflict with an existing column. Moreover, columns cannot be added to 
tables defined with the @COMPACT STORAGE@ option.
+* @DROP@: @TODO@ (pending 
+* @WITH@: Allows to update the options of the table. The "supported 
options":#createTableOptions (and syntax) are the same as for the @CREATE 
TABLE@ statement except that @COMPACT STORAGE@ is not supported. Note that 
setting any @compaction_strategy_options:*@ parameters has the effect of 
erasing all previous @compaction_strategy_options:*@ parameters, so you will 
need to re-specify any such parameters which have already been set, if you want 
to keep them. The same note applies to the set of @compression_parameters:*@ 
+h3(#dropTableStmt). DROP TABLE
+bc(syntax). <drop-table-stmt> ::= DROP TABLE <tablename>
+bc(sample). DROP TABLE worldSeriesAttendees;
+The @DROP TABLE@ statement results in the immediate, irreversible removal of a 
table, including all data contained in it. As for table creation, @DROP 
COLUMNFAMILY@ is allowed as an alias for @DROP TABLE@.
+h3(#truncateStmt). TRUNCATE
+bc(syntax). <truncate-stmt> ::= TRUNCATE <tablename>
+bc(sample). TRUNCATE superImportantData;
+The @TRUNCATE@ statement permanently removes all data from a table.
+h3(#createIndexStmt). CREATE INDEX
+bc(syntax). <create-index-stmt> ::= CREATE INDEX <identifier>? ON <tablename> 
'(' <identifier> ')'
+CREATE INDEX userIndex ON NerdMovies (user);
+CREATE INDEX ON Mutants (abilityId);
+The @CREATE INDEX@ statement is used to create a new (automatic) secondary 
index for a given (existing) column in a given table. A name for the index 
itself can be specified before the @ON@ keyword, if desired. If data already 
exists for the column, it will be indexed during the execution of this 
statement. After the index is created, new data for the column is indexed 
automatically at insertion time.
+h3(#dropIndexStmt). DROP INDEX
+bc(syntax).  <drop-index-stmt> ::= DROP INDEX <identifier>
+bc(sample). DROP INDEX userIndex;
+The @DROP INDEX@ statement is used to drop an existing secondary index. The 
argument of the statement is the index name.
+h2(#dataManipulation). Data Manipulation
+h3(#insertStmt). INSERT
+<insertStatement> ::= INSERT INTO <tablename>
+                             '(' <identifier> ( ',' <identifier> )* ')'
+                      VALUES '(' <term>       ( ',' <term>       )* ')'
+                      ( USING <option> ( AND <option> )* )?
+<option> ::= CONSISTENCY <consistency-level>
+           | TIMESTAMP <integer>
+           | TTL <integer>
+INSERT INTO NerdMovies (movie, director, main_actor, year)
+                VALUES ('Serenity', 'Joss Whedon', 'Nathan Fillion', 2005)
+The @INSERT@ statement writes one or more columns for a given row in a table. 
Note that since a row is identified by its @PRIMARY KEY@, the columns that 
compose it must be specified. Also, since a row only exists when it contains 
one value for a column not part of the @PRIMARY KEY@, one such value must be 
specified too.
+Note that unlike in SQL, @INSERT@ does not check the prior existence of the 
row: the row is created if none existed before, and updated otherwise. 
Furthermore, there is no mean to know which of creation or update happened. In 
fact, the semantic of @INSERT@ and @UPDATE@ are identical.
+All updates for an @INSERT@ are applied atomically and in isolation.
+Please refer to the "@UPDATE@":#updateOptions section for information on the 
@<option>@ available. Also note that @INSERT@ does not support counters, while 
@UPDATE@ does.
+h3(#updateStmt). UPDATE
+<update-stmt> ::= UPDATE <tablename>
+                  ( USING <option> ( AND <option> )* )?
+                  SET <assignment> ( ',' <assignment> )*
+                  WHERE <where-clause>
+<assignment> ::= <identifier> '=' <term>
+               | <identifier> '=' <identifier> ('+' | '-') <int-term>
+<where-clause> ::= <identifier> '=' <term>
+                 | <identifier> IN '(' <term> ( ',' <term> )* ')'
+<option> ::= CONSISTENCY <consistency-level>
+           | TIMESTAMP <integer>
+           | TTL <integer>
+SET director = 'Joss Whedon',
+    main_actor = 'Nathan Fillion',
+    year = 2005
+WHERE movie = 'Serenity';
+UPDATE UserActions SET total = total + 2 WHERE user = 
B70DE1D0-9908-4AE3-BE34-5573E5B09F14 AND action = 'click';
+The @UPDATE@ statement writes one or more columns for a given row in a table. 
The @<where-clause>@ is used to select the row to update and must include all 
columns composing the @PRIMARY KEY@. Other columns values are specified through 
@<assignment>@ after the @SET@ keyword.
+Note that unlike in SQL, @UPDATE@ does not check the prior existence of the 
row: the row is created if none existed before, and updated otherwise. 
Furthermore, there is no mean to know which of creation or update happened. In 
fact, the semantic of @INSERT@ and @UPDATE@ are identical.
+In an @UPDATE@ statement, all updates within the same partition key are 
applied atomically and in isolation.
+The @c = c + 3@ form of @<assignment>@ is used to increment/decrement 
counters. The identifier after the '=' sign *must* be the same than the one 
before the '=' sign (Only increment/decrement is supported on counters, not the 
assignment of a specific value).
+h4(#updateOptions). @<options>@
+The @UPDATE@ and @INSERT@ statements allows to specify the following options 
for the insertion:
+* @CONSISTENCY@: sets the "consistency level":#consistency for the operation. 
The default consistency level is @ONE@.
+* @TIMESTAMP@: sets the timestamp for the operation. If not specified, the 
current time of the insertion (in microseconds) is used. This is usually a 
suitable default.
+* @TTL@: allows to specify an optional Time To Live (in seconds) for the 
inserted values. If set, the inserted values are automatically removed from the 
database after the specified time. Note that the TTL concerns the inserted 
values, not the column themselves. This means that any subsequent update of the 
column will also reset the TTL (to whatever TTL is specified in that update). 
By default, values never expire.
+h3(#deleteStmt). DELETE
+<delete-stmt> ::= DELETE ( <identifier> ( ',' <identifier> )* )?
+                  FROM <tablename>
+                  ( USING <option> ( AND <option> )* )?
+                  WHERE <where-clause>
+<where-clause> ::= <identifier> '=' <term>
+                 | <identifier> IN '(' <term> ( ',' <term> )* ')'
+<option> ::= CONSISTENCY <consistency-level>
+           | TIMESTAMP <integer>
+DELETE phone FROM Users WHERE userid IN (C73DE1D3-AF08-40F3-B124-3FF3E5109F22, 
+The @DELETE@ statement deletes columns and rows. If column names are provided 
directly after the @DELETE@ keyword, only those columns are deleted from the 
row indicated by the @<where-clause>@.  Otherwise whole rows are removed. The 
@<where-clause>@ allows to specify the key for the row(s) to delete.
+@DELETE@ supports both the @CONSISTENCY@ and @TIMESTAMP@ options with the same 
semantic that in the "@UPDATE@":#updateStmt statement.
+In a @DELETE@ statement, all deletions within the same partition key are 
applied atomically and in isolation.
+h3(#batchStmt). BATCH
+<batch-stmt> ::= BEGIN BATCH
+                 ( USING <option> ( AND <option> )* )?
+                    <modification-stmt> ( ';' <modification-stmt> )*
+                 APPLY BATCH
+<modification-stmt> ::= <insert-stmt>
+                      | <update-stmt>
+                      | <delete-stmt>
+<option> ::= CONSISTENCY <consistency-level>
+           | TIMESTAMP <integer>
+  INSERT INTO users (userid, password, name) VALUES ('user2', 'ch@ngem3b', 
'second user');
+  UPDATE users SET password = 'ps22dhds' WHERE userid = 'user3';
+  INSERT INTO users (userid, password) VALUES ('user4', 'ch@ngem3c');
+  DELETE name FROM users WHERE userid = 'user1';
+The @BATCH@ statement group multiple modification statements 
(insertions/updates and deletions) into a single statement. It mainly serves 
two purposes:
+# it saves network round-trips between the client and the server (and 
sometimes between the server coordinator and the replicas) when batching 
multiple updates.
+# all updates in a @BATCH@ belonging to a given partition key are performed 
atomically and in isolation
+Note however that the @BATCH@ statement only allows @UPDATE@, @INSERT@ and 
@DELETE@ statements and is _not_ a full analogue for SQL transactions.
+h4(#batchOptions). @<option>@
+@BATCH@ supports both the @CONSITENCY@ and @TIMESTAMP@ options, with similar 
semantic to the ones described in the "@UPDATE@":#updateOptions statement. 
+* the consistency level apply to the operation itself, and thus to the whole 
batch. As such, the statements _within_ a @BATCH@ *must not* specify a 
consistency level.
+* the @TIMESTAMP@ option can be use to set the timestamp for all the 
statements included in the @BATCH@. If used, @TIMESTAMP@ *must not* be used in 
the statements within the batch.
+h2(#queries). Queries
+h3(#selectStmt). SELECT
+<select-stmt> ::= SELECT <select-clause>
+                  FROM <tablename>
+                  ( USING CONSISTENCY <consistency-level> )?
+                  ( WHERE <where-clause> )?
+                  ( ORDER BY <order-by> )?
+                  ( LIMIT <integer> )?
+<select-clause> ::= <column-list>
+                  | COUNT '(' ( '*' | '1' ) ')'
+<column-list> ::= <selected_id> ( ',' <selected_id> )*
+                | '*'
+<selected_id> ::= <identifier>
+                | WRITETIME '(' <identifier> ')'
+                | TTL '(' <identifier> ')'
+<where-clause> ::= <relation> ( "AND" <relation> )*
+<relation> ::= <identifier> ("=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") <term>
+             | <identifier> IN '(' <term> ( ',' <term>)* ')'
+             | TOKEN '(' <identifier> ')' ("=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") 
(<term> | TOKEN '( <term> ')' )
+<order-by> ::= <ordering> ( ',' <odering> )*
+<ordering> ::= <identifer> ( ASC | DESC )?
+SELECT name, occupation FROM users WHERE userid IN (199, 200, 207);
+SELECT time, value
+FROM events
+WHERE event_type = 'myEvent'
+  AND time > 2011-02-03
+  AND time <= 2012-01-01
+The @SELECT@ statements reads one or more columns for one or more rows in a 
table. It returns a result-set of rows, where each row contains the collection 
of columns corresponding to the query.
+h4(#selectSelection). @<select-clause>@
+The @<select-clause>@ determines which columns needs to be queried and 
returned in the result-set. It consists of either the comma-separated list of 
column names to query, or the wildcard character (@*@) to select all the 
columns defined for the table.
+In addition to selecting columns, the @WRITETIME@ (resp. @TTL@) function 
allows to select the timestamp of when the column was inserted (resp. the time 
to live (in seconds) for the column (or null if the column has no expiration 
+The @COUNT@ keyword can be used with parenthesis enclosing @*@. If so, the 
query will return a single result: the number of rows matching the query. Note 
that @COUNT(1)@ is supported as an alias.
+h4(#selectWhere). @<where-clause>@
+The @<where-clause>@ specifies which rows must be queried. It is composed of 
relations on the columns that are part of the @PRIMARY KEY@ and/or have a 
"secondary index":#createIndexStmt defined on them.
+Not all relations are allowed in a query. For instance, non-equal relations 
(where @IN@ is considered as an equal relation) on a partition key is only 
supported if the partitioner for the keyspace is an ordered one. Moreover, for 
a given partition key, the clustering keys induce an ordering of rows and 
relations on them is restricted to the relations that allow to select a 
*contiguous* (for the ordering) set of rows. For instance, given
+When specifying relations, the @TOKEN@ function can be used on the @PARTITION 
KEY@ column to query. In that case, rows will be selected based on the token of 
their @PARTITION_KEY@ rather than on the value (note that the token of a key 
depends on the partitioner in use).
+    userid text,
+    blog_title text,
+    posted_at timestamp,
+    entry_title text,
+    content text,
+    category int,
+    PRIMARY KEY (userid, blog_title, posted_at)
+The following query is allowed:
+SELECT entry_title, content FROM posts WHERE userid='john doe' AND 
blog_title='John's Blog' AND posted_at >= 2012-01-01 AND posted_at < 2012-01-31
+But the following one is not, as it does not select a contiguous set of rows 
(and we suppose no secondary indexes are set):
+// Needs a blog_title to be set to select ranges of posted_at
+SELECT entry_title, content FROM posts WHERE userid='john doe' AND posted_at 
>= 2012-01-01 AND posted_at < 2012-01-31
+h4(#selectOrderBy). @<order-by>@
+The @ORDER BY@ option allows to select the order of the returned results. It 
takes as argument a list of column names along with the order for the column 
(@ASC@ for ascendant and @DESC@ for descendant, omitting the order being 
equivalent to @ASC@). Currently the possible orderings are limited (which 
depends on the table "@CLUSTERING ORDER@":#createTableOptions):
+* if the table has been defined without any specific @CLUSTERING ORDER@, then 
then allowed orderings are the order induced by the clustering key and the 
reverse of that one.
+* otherwise, the orderings allowed are the order of the @CLUSTERING ORDER@ 
option and the reversed one.
+h4(#selectOther). Other options
+The "consistency level":#consistency of a query can be set as for data 
manipulation statements using the @USING CONSISTENCY@ keywords.
+The @LIMIT@ option to a @SELECT@ statement limits the number of rows returned 
by a query. @LIMIT@ defaults to 10,000 when left unset.
+h2(#types). Data Types
+CQL supports a rich set of native data types for columns defined in a table.  
On top of those native types, users can also provide custom types (through a 
JAVA class extending @AbstractType@ loadable by Cassandra). The syntax of types 
is thus:
+<type> ::= <native_type>
+         | <string>       // Used for custom types. The fully-qualified name 
of a JAVA class
+<native_type> ::= ascii
+                | bigint
+                | blob
+                | boolean
+                | counter
+                | decimal
+                | double
+                | float
+                | int
+                | text
+                | timestamp
+                | timeuuid
+                | uuid
+                | varchar
+                | varint
+p. Note that the native types are keywords and as such are case-insensitive. 
They are however not reserved ones.
+p. The following table gives additional informations on the native data types:
+|_. type    |_. description|
+|@ascii@    |ASCII character string|
+|@bigint@   |64-bit signed long|
+|@blob@     |Arbitrary bytes (no validation)|
+|@boolean@  |true or false|
+|@counter@  |Counter column (64-bit signed value). See "Counters":#counters 
for details|
+|@decimal@  |Variable-precision decimal|
+|@double@   |64-bit IEEE-754 floating point|
+|@float@    |32-bit IEEE-754 floating point|
+|@int@      |32-bit signed int|
+|@text@     |UTF8 encoded string|
+|@timestamp@|A timestamp. See "Working with dates":#usingdates below for more 
+|@timeuuid@ |Type 1 UUID. This is a "conflict-free" timestamp and as 
@timestamp@, it allows date notation: see "Working with dates":#usingdates 
+|@uuid@     |Type 1 or type 4 UUID|
+|@varchar@  |UTF8 encoded string|
+|@varint@   |Arbitrary-precision integer|
+h3(#usingdates). Working with dates
+Values of the @timestamp@ type are encoded as 64-bit signed integers 
representing a number of milliseconds since the standard base time known as 
"the epoch": January 1 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT. Values of the @timeuuid@ type also 
include such timestamp and sort accordingly to said timestamp.
+Timestamp and timeuuid types can be input in CQL as simple long integers, 
giving the number of milliseconds since the epoch, as defined above.
+They can also be input as string literals in any of the following ISO 8601 
formats, each representing the time and date Mar 2, 2011, at 04:05:00 AM, GMT.:
+* @2011-02-03 04:05+0000@
+* @2011-02-03 04:05:00+0000@
+* @2011-02-03T04:05+0000@
+* @2011-02-03T04:05:00+0000@
+The @+0000@ above is an RFC 822 4-digit time zone specification; @+0000@ 
refers to GMT. US Pacific Standard Time is @-0800@. The time zone may be 
omitted if desired-- the date will be interpreted as being in the time zone 
under which the coordinating Cassandra node is configured.
+* @2011-02-03 04:05@
+* @2011-02-03 04:05:00@
+* @2011-02-03T04:05@
+* @2011-02-03T04:05:00@
+There are clear difficulties inherent in relying on the time zone 
configuration being as expected, though, so it is recommended that the time 
zone always be specified for timestamps when feasible.
+The time of day may also be omitted, if the date is the only piece that 
+* @2011-02-03@
+* @2011-02-03+0000@
+In that case, the time of day will default to 00:00:00, in the specified or 
default time zone.
+h3(#counters). Counters
+The @counter@ type is used to define _counter columns_. A counter column is a 
column whose value is a 64-bit signed integer and on which 2 operations are 
supported: incrementation and decrementation (see "@UPDATE@":#updateStmt for 
syntax).  Note the value of a counter cannot be set. A counter doesn't exist 
until first incremented/decremented, and the first 
incrementation/decrementation is made as if the previous value was 0. Deletion 
of counter columns is supported but have some limitations (see the "Cassandra 
Wiki":http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Counters for more information).
+The use of the counter type is limited in the following way:
+* It cannot be used for column that is part of the @PRIMARY KEY@ of a table.
+* A table that contains a counter can only contain counters. In other words, 
either all the columns of a table outside the @PRIMARY KEY@ have the counter 
type, or none of them have it.
+h2(#appendixA). Appendix A: CQL Keywords
+CQL distinguishes between _reserved_ and _non-reserved_ keywords. Reserved 
keywords cannot be used as identifier, they are truly reserved for the language 
(but one can enclose a reserved keyword by double-quotes to use it as an 
identifier). Non-reserved keywords however only have a specific meaning in 
certain context but can used as identifer otherwise. The only _raison d'être_ 
of these non-reserved keywords is convenience: some keyword are non-reserved 
when it was always easy for the parser to decide whether they were used as 
keywords or not.
+|_. Keyword      |_. Reserved? |
+| @ADD@          | yes |
+| @ALL@          | yes |
+| @ALTER@        | yes |
+| @AND@          | yes |
+| @ANY@          | yes |
+| @APPLY@        | yes |
+| @ASC@          | yes |
+| @ASCII@        | no  |
+| @BATCH@        | yes |
+| @BEGIN@        | yes |
+| @BIGINT@       | no  |
+| @BLOB@         | no  |
+| @BOOLEAN@      | no  |
+| @BY@           | yes |
+| @CLUSTERING@   | no  |
+| @COLUMNFAMLY@  | yes |
+| @COMPACT@      | no  |
+| @CONSITENCY@   | no  |
+| @COUNT@        | no  |
+| @COUNTER@      | no  |
+| @CREATE@       | yes |
+| @DECIMAL@      | no  |
+| @DELETE@       | yes |
+| @DESC@         | yes |
+| @DOUBLE@       | no  |
+| @DROP@         | yes |
+| @EACH_QUORUM@  | yes |
+| @FLOAT@        | no  |
+| @FROM@         | yes |
+| @IN@           | yes |
+| @INDEX@        | yes |
+| @INSERT@       | yes |
+| @INT@          | no  |
+| @INTO@         | yes |
+| @KEY@          | no  |
+| @KEYSPACE@     | yes |
+| @LEVEL@        | no  |
+| @LIMIT@        | yes |
+| @LOCAL_QUORUM@ | yes |
+| @ON@           | yes |
+| @ONE@          | yes |
+| @ORDER@        | yes |
+| @PRIMARY@      | yes |
+| @QUORUM@       | yes |
+| @SCHEMA@       | yes |
+| @SELECT@       | yes |
+| @SET@          | yes |
+| @STORAGE@      | no  |
+| @TABLE@        | yes |
+| @TEXT@         | no  |
+| @TIMESTAMP@    | no  |
+| @TIMEUUID@     | no  |
+| @THREE@        | yes |
+| @TOKEN@        | yes |
+| @TRUNCATE@     | yes |
+| @TTL@          | no  |
+| @TWO@          | yes |
+| @TYPE@         | no  |
+| @UPDATE@       | yes |
+| @USE@          | yes |
+| @USING@        | yes |
+| @UUID@         | no  |
+| @VALUES@       | no  |
+| @VARCHAR@      | no  |
+| @VARINT@       | no  |
+| @WHERE@        | yes |
+| @WITH@         | yes |
+| @WRITETIME@    | no  |
+h2. Versioning
+Versioning of the CQL language adheres to the "Semantic 
Versioning":http://semver.org guidelines. Versions take the form X.Y.Z where X, 
Y, and Z are integer values representing major, minor, and patch level 
respectively. There is no correlation between Cassandra release versions and 
the CQL language version.
+|_. version|_. description|
+|Major     |The major version _must_ be bumped when backward incompatible 
changes are introduced. This should rarely occur.|
+|Minor     |Minor version increments occur when new, but backward compatible, 
functionality is introduced.|
+|Patch     |The patch version is incremented when bugs are fixed.|
+h2. Changes
+Tue, 24 Apr 2012 15:12:36 +0200 - Sylvain Lebresne
+ * Rework whole doc to target CQL 3
+Wed, 12 Oct 2011 16:53:00 -0500 - Paul Cannon
+ * Rework whole doc, adding syntax specifics and additional explanations
+Fri, 09 Sep 2011 11:43:00 -0500 - Jonathan Ellis
+ * add int data type
+Wed, 07 Sep 2011 09:01:00 -0500 - Jonathan Ellis
+ * Updated version to 2.0; Documented row-based count()
+ * Updated list of supported data types
+Wed, 10 Aug 2011 11:22:00 -0500 - Eric Evans
+ * Improved INSERT vs. UPDATE wording.
+ * Documented counter column incr/descr.
+Sat, 01 Jun 2011 15:58:00 -0600 - Pavel Yaskevich
+ * Updated to support ALTER (CASSANDRA-1709)
+Tue, 22 Mar 2011 18:10:28 -0700 - Eric Evans <eev...@rackspace.com>
+ * Initial version, 1.0.0

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