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The "ThirdPartySupport" page has been changed by Shubhi Choudhary:

[[]] Palomino provides ongoing 
operational support, as well as consultation on architecture, installation, 
configuration and tuning of Cassandra, as well as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Riak, 
Couchbase, HBase and MongoDB. Ongoing support contracts are proactive, tightly 
integrated with 24x7 tier 1 and 2 support.
- {{}} 
[[|Impetus]] provides expertise in Cassandra, Hbase, 
MongoDB, and Other databases like Riak, Redis, Membase, Tokyocabinet, etc 
[[|More info about BigData @Impetus]]
+ {{}}
 [[|Impetus Technologies]] is a thought leader in Big 
Data working exclusively for ISVs and large enterprises. Impetus offers 
services around Cassandra and has supported multiple organizations in rolling 
out Cassandra based solutions. 
+ Impetus’ initiatives and implementation experience include- 1. JPA Compliant, 
Polyglot NoSQL Client & Object Mapper (Kundera)- An annotation based Java 
library for Cassandra database ( 
). 2. CassUI- A web-based database browser for the Cassandra NoSQL database. It 
is helpful in managing databases in remote deployments, particularly in Cloud 
environments ( More details-
  {{}} [[|ONZRA]] 
has been around for over 10 years and specializes on enterprise grade 
architecture, development and security consulting services utilizing many large 
scale database technologies such as Cassandra, Oracle, Alegro Graph, and much 

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