Merge branch 'cassandra-1.2' into cassandra-2.0


Branch: refs/heads/cassandra-2.0
Commit: 3bd65965fd4049614676b6b13ca349401d4e034e
Parents: 22d8744 1b4c9b4
Author: Jason Brown <>
Authored: Tue Dec 17 11:04:03 2013 -0800
Committer: Jason Brown <>
Committed: Tue Dec 17 11:04:03 2013 -0800

 doc/native_protocol_v1.spec | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --cc doc/native_protocol_v1.spec
index 0d2ff05,0000000..08cb91e
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/doc/native_protocol_v1.spec
+++ b/doc/native_protocol_v1.spec
@@@ -1,636 -1,0 +1,636 @@@
 +                             CQL BINARY PROTOCOL v1
 +Table of Contents
 +  1. Overview
 +  2. Frame header
 +    2.1. version
 +    2.2. flags
 +    2.3. stream
 +    2.4. opcode
 +    2.5. length
 +  3. Notations
 +  4. Messages
 +    4.1. Requests
 +      4.1.1. STARTUP
 +      4.1.2. CREDENTIALS
 +      4.1.3. OPTIONS
 +      4.1.4. QUERY
 +      4.1.5. PREPARE
 +      4.1.6. EXECUTE
 +      4.1.7. REGISTER
 +    4.2. Responses
 +      4.2.1. ERROR
 +      4.2.2. READY
 +      4.2.3. AUTHENTICATE
 +      4.2.4. SUPPORTED
 +      4.2.5. RESULT
 + Void
 + Rows
 + Set_keyspace
 + Prepared
 + Schema_change
 +      4.2.6. EVENT
 +  5. Compression
 +  6. Collection types
 +  7. Error codes
 +1. Overview
 +  The CQL binary protocol is a frame based protocol. Frames are defined as:
 +      0         8        16        24        32
 +      +---------+---------+---------+---------+
 +      | version |  flags  | stream  | opcode  |
 +      +---------+---------+---------+---------+
 +      |                length                 |
 +      +---------+---------+---------+---------+
 +      |                                       |
 +      .            ...  body ...              .
 +      .                                       .
 +      .                                       .
 +      +----------------------------------------
 +  The protocol is big-endian (network byte order).
 +  Each frame contains a fixed size header (8 bytes) followed by a variable 
 +  body. The header is described in Section 2. The content of the body depends
 +  on the header opcode value (the body can in particular be empty for some
 +  opcode values). The list of allowed opcode is defined Section 2.3 and the
 +  details of each corresponding message is described Section 4.
 +  The protocol distinguishes 2 types of frames: requests and responses. 
 +  are those frame sent by the clients to the server, response are the ones 
 +  by the server. Note however that while communication are initiated by the
 +  client with the server responding to request, the protocol may likely add
 +  server pushes in the future, so responses does not obligatory come right 
 +  a client request.
 +  Note to client implementors: clients library should always assume that the
 +  body of a given frame may contain more data than what is described in this
 +  document. It will however always be safe to ignore the remaining of the 
 +  body in such cases. The reason is that this may allow to sometimes extend 
 +  protocol with optional features without needing to change the protocol
 +  version.
 +2. Frame header
 +2.1. version
 +  The version is a single byte that indicate both the direction of the message
 +  (request or response) and the version of the protocol in use. The up-most 
 +  of version is used to define the direction of the message: 0 indicates a
 +  request, 1 indicates a responses. This can be useful for protocol analyzers 
 +  distinguish the nature of the packet from the direction which it is moving.
 +  The rest of that byte is the protocol version (1 for the protocol defined in
 +  this document). In other words, for this version of the protocol, version 
 +  have one of:
 +    0x01    Request frame for this protocol version
 +    0x81    Response frame for this protocol version
 +2.2. flags
 +  Flags applying to this frame. The flags have the following meaning 
 +  by the mask that allow to select them):
 +    0x01: Compression flag. If set, the frame body is compressed. The actual
 +          compression to use should have been set up beforehand through the
 +          Startup message (which thus cannot be compressed; Section 4.1.1).
 +    0x02: Tracing flag. For a request frame, this indicate the client requires
 +          tracing of the request. Note that not all requests support tracing.
 +          Currently, only QUERY, PREPARE and EXECUTE queries support tracing.
 +          Other requests will simply ignore the tracing flag if set. If a
 +          request support tracing and the tracing flag was set, the response 
 +          this request will have the tracing flag set and contain tracing
 +          information.
 +          If a response frame has the tracing flag set, its body contains
 +          a tracing ID. The tracing ID is a [uuid] and is the first thing in
 +          the frame body. The rest of the body will then be the usual body
 +          corresponding to the response opcode.
 +  The rest of the flags is currently unused and ignored.
 +2.3. stream
 +  A frame has a stream id (one signed byte). When sending request messages, 
 +  stream id must be set by the client to a positive byte (negative stream id
 +  are reserved for streams initiated by the server; currently all EVENT 
 +  (section 4.2.6) have a streamId of -1). If a client sends a request message
 +  with the stream id X, it is guaranteed that the stream id of the response to
 +  that message will be X.
 +  This allow to deal with the asynchronous nature of the protocol. If a client
 +  sends multiple messages simultaneously (without waiting for responses), 
 +  is no guarantee on the order of the responses. For instance, if the client
 +  writes REQ_1, REQ_2, REQ_3 on the wire (in that order), the server might
 +  respond to REQ_3 (or REQ_2) first. Assigning different stream id to these 3
 +  requests allows the client to distinguish to which request an received 
 +  respond to. As there can only be 128 different simultaneous stream, it is up
 +  to the client to reuse stream id.
 +  Note that clients are free to use the protocol synchronously (i.e. wait for
 +  the response to REQ_N before sending REQ_N+1). In that case, the stream id
 +  can be safely set to 0. Clients should also feel free to use only a subset 
 +  the 128 maximum possible stream ids if it is simpler for those
 +  implementation.
 +2.4. opcode
 +  An integer byte that distinguish the actual message:
 +    0x00    ERROR
 +    0x01    STARTUP
 +    0x02    READY
 +    0x03    AUTHENTICATE
 +    0x04    CREDENTIALS
 +    0x05    OPTIONS
 +    0x06    SUPPORTED
 +    0x07    QUERY
 +    0x08    RESULT
 +    0x09    PREPARE
 +    0x0A    EXECUTE
 +    0x0B    REGISTER
 +    0x0C    EVENT
 +  Messages are described in Section 4.
 +2.5. length
 +  A 4 byte integer representing the length of the body of the frame (note:
 +  currently a frame is limited to 256MB in length).
 +3. Notations
 +  To describe the layout of the frame body for the messages in Section 4, we
 +  define the following:
 +    [int]          A 4 bytes integer
 +    [short]        A 2 bytes unsigned integer
 +    [string]       A [short] n, followed by n bytes representing an UTF-8
 +                   string.
 +    [long string]  An [int] n, followed by n bytes representing an UTF-8 
 +    [uuid]         A 16 bytes long uuid.
 +    [string list]  A [short] n, followed by n [string].
 +    [bytes]        A [int] n, followed by n bytes if n >= 0. If n < 0,
 +                   no byte should follow and the value represented is `null`.
 +    [short bytes]  A [short] n, followed by n bytes if n >= 0.
 +    [option]       A pair of <id><value> where <id> is a [short] representing
 +                   the option id and <value> depends on that option (and can 
 +                   of size 0). The supported id (and the corresponding 
 +                   will be described when this is used.
 +    [option list]  A [short] n, followed by n [option].
 +    [inet]         An address (ip and port) to a node. It consists of one
 +                   [byte] n, that represents the address size, followed by n
 +                   [byte] representing the IP address (in practice n can only 
 +                   either 4 (IPv4) or 16 (IPv6)), following by one [int]
 +                   representing the port.
 +    [consistency]  A consistency level specification. This is a [short]
 +                   representing a consistency level with the following
 +                   correspondance:
 +                     0x0000    ANY
 +                     0x0001    ONE
 +                     0x0002    TWO
 +                     0x0003    THREE
 +                     0x0004    QUORUM
 +                     0x0005    ALL
 +                     0x0006    LOCAL_QUORUM
 +                     0x0007    EACH_QUORUM
-                      0x0010    LOCAL_ONE
++                     0x000A    LOCAL_ONE
 +    [string map]      A [short] n, followed by n pair <k><v> where <k> and <v>
 +                      are [string].
 +    [string multimap] A [short] n, followed by n pair <k><v> where <k> is a
 +                      [string] and <v> is a [string list].
 +4. Messages
 +4.1. Requests
 +  Note that outside of their normal responses (described below), all requests
 +  can get an ERROR message (Section 4.2.1) as response.
 +4.1.1. STARTUP
 +  Initialize the connection. The server will respond by either a READY message
 +  (in which case the connection is ready for queries) or an AUTHENTICATE 
 +  (in which case credentials will need to be provided using CREDENTIALS).
 +  This must be the first message of the connection, except for OPTIONS that 
 +  be sent before to find out the options supported by the server. Once the
 +  connection has been initialized, a client should not send any more STARTUP
 +  message.
 +  The body is a [string map] of options. Possible options are:
 +    - "CQL_VERSION": the version of CQL to use. This option is mandatory and
 +      currenty, the only version supported is "3.0.0". Note that this is
 +      different from the protocol version.
 +    - "COMPRESSION": the compression algorithm to use for frames (See section 
 +      This is optional, if not specified no compression will be used.
 +  Provides credentials information for the purpose of identification. This
 +  message comes as a response to an AUTHENTICATE message from the server, but
 +  can be use later in the communication to change the authentication
 +  information.
 +  The body is a list of key/value informations. It is a [short] n, followed 
by n
 +  pair of [string]. These key/value pairs are passed as is to the Cassandra
 +  IAuthenticator and thus the detail of which informations is needed depends 
 +  that authenticator.
 +  The response to a CREDENTIALS is a READY message (or an ERROR message).
 +4.1.3. OPTIONS
 +  Asks the server to return what STARTUP options are supported. The body of an
 +  OPTIONS message should be empty and the server will respond with a SUPPORTED
 +  message.
 +4.1.4. QUERY
 +  Performs a CQL query. The body of the message consists of a CQL query as a 
 +  string] followed by the [consistency] for the operation.
 +  Note that the consistency is ignored by some queries (USE, CREATE, ALTER,
 +  TRUNCATE, ...).
 +  The server will respond to a QUERY message with a RESULT message, the 
 +  of which depends on the query.
 +4.1.5. PREPARE
 +  Prepare a query for later execution (through EXECUTE). The body consists of
 +  the CQL query to prepare as a [long string].
 +  The server will respond with a RESULT message with a `prepared` kind 
 +  see Section 4.2.5).
 +4.1.6. EXECUTE
 +  Executes a prepared query. The body of the message must be:
 +    <id><n><value_1>....<value_n><consistency>
 +  where:
 +    - <id> is the prepared query ID. It's the [short bytes] returned as a
 +      response to a PREPARE message.
 +    - <n> is a [short] indicating the number of following values.
 +    - <value_1>...<value_n> are the [bytes] to use for bound variables in the
 +      prepared query.
 +    - <consistency> is the [consistency] level for the operation.
 +  Note that the consistency is ignored by some (prepared) queries (USE, 
 +  ALTER, TRUNCATE, ...).
 +  The response from the server will be a RESULT message.
 +4.1.7. REGISTER
 +  Register this connection to receive some type of events. The body of the
 +  message is a [string list] representing the event types to register to. See
 +  section 4.2.6 for the list of valid event types.
 +  The response to a REGISTER message will be a READY message.
 +  Please note that if a client driver maintains multiple connections to a
 +  Cassandra node and/or connections to multiple nodes, it is advised to
 +  dedicate a handful of connections to receive events, but to *not* register
 +  for events on all connections, as this would only result in receiving
 +  multiple times the same event messages, wasting bandwidth.
 +4.2. Responses
 +  This section describes the content of the frame body for the different
 +  responses. Please note that to make room for future evolution, clients 
 +  support extra informations (that they should simply discard) to the one
 +  described in this document at the end of the frame body.
 +4.2.1. ERROR
 +  Indicates an error processing a request. The body of the message will be an
 +  error code ([int]) followed by a [string] error message. Then, depending on
 +  the exception, more content may follow. The error codes are defined in
 +  Section 7, along with their additional content if any.
 +4.2.2. READY
 +  Indicates that the server is ready to process queries. This message will be
 +  sent by the server either after a STARTUP message if no authentication is
 +  required, or after a successful CREDENTIALS message.
 +  The body of a READY message is empty.
 +  Indicates that the server require authentication. This will be sent 
 +  a STARTUP message and must be answered by a CREDENTIALS message from the
 +  client to provide authentication informations.
 +  The body consists of a single [string] indicating the full class name of the
 +  IAuthenticator in use.
 +4.2.4. SUPPORTED
 +  Indicates which startup options are supported by the server. This message
 +  comes as a response to an OPTIONS message.
 +  The body of a SUPPORTED message is a [string multimap]. This multimap gives
 +  for each of the supported STARTUP options, the list of supported values.
 +4.2.5. RESULT
 +  The result to a query (QUERY, PREPARE or EXECUTE messages).
 +  The first element of the body of a RESULT message is an [int] representing 
 +  `kind` of result. The rest of the body depends on the kind. The kind can be
 +  one of:
 +    0x0001    Void: for results carrying no information.
 +    0x0002    Rows: for results to select queries, returning a set of rows.
 +    0x0003    Set_keyspace: the result to a `use` query.
 +    0x0004    Prepared: result to a PREPARE message.
 +    0x0005    Schema_change: the result to a schema altering query.
 +  The body for each kind (after the [int] kind) is defined below.
 + Void
 +  The rest of the body for a Void result is empty. It indicates that a query 
 +  successful without providing more information.
 + Rows
 +  Indicates a set of rows. The rest of body of a Rows result is:
 +    <metadata><rows_count><rows_content>
 +  where:
 +    - <metadata> is composed of:
 +        <flags><columns_count><global_table_spec>?<col_spec_1>...<col_spec_n>
 +      where:
 +        - <flags> is an [int]. The bits of <flags> provides information on the
 +          formatting of the remaining informations. A flag is set if the bit
 +          corresponding to its `mask` is set. Supported flags are, given there
 +          mask:
 +            0x0001    Global_tables_spec: if set, only one table spec 
 +                      and table name) is provided as <global_table_spec>. If 
 +                      set, <global_table_spec> is not present.
 +        - <columns_count> is an [int] representing the number of columns 
 +          by the query this result is of. It defines the number of 
 +          elements in and the number of element for each row in 
 +        - <global_table_spec> is present if the Global_tables_spec is set in
 +          <flags>. If present, it is composed of two [string] representing the
 +          (unique) keyspace name and table name the columns return are of.
 +        - <col_spec_i> specifies the columns returned in the query. There is
 +          <column_count> such column specification that are composed of:
 +            (<ksname><tablename>)?<column_name><type>
 +          The initial <ksname> and <tablename> are two [string] are only 
 +          if the Global_tables_spec flag is not set. The <column_name> is a
 +          [string] and <type> is an [option] that correspond to the column 
 +          and type. The option for <type> is either a native type (see below),
 +          in which case the option has no value, or a 'custom' type, in which
 +          case the value is a [string] representing the full qualified class
 +          name of the type represented. Valid option ids are:
 +            0x0000    Custom: the value is a [string], see above.
 +            0x0001    Ascii
 +            0x0002    Bigint
 +            0x0003    Blob
 +            0x0004    Boolean
 +            0x0005    Counter
 +            0x0006    Decimal
 +            0x0007    Double
 +            0x0008    Float
 +            0x0009    Int
 +            0x000A    Text
 +            0x000B    Timestamp
 +            0x000C    Uuid
 +            0x000D    Varchar
 +            0x000E    Varint
 +            0x000F    Timeuuid
 +            0x0010    Inet
 +            0x0020    List: the value is an [option], representing the type
 +                            of the elements of the list.
 +            0x0021    Map: the value is two [option], representing the types 
of the
 +                           keys and values of the map
 +            0x0022    Set: the value is an [option], representing the type
 +                            of the elements of the set
 +    - <rows_count> is an [int] representing the number of rows present in this
 +      result. Those rows are serialized in the <rows_content> part.
 +    - <rows_content> is composed of <row_1>...<row_m> where m is <rows_count>.
 +      Each <row_i> is composed of <value_1>...<value_n> where n is
 +      <columns_count> and where <value_j> is a [bytes] representing the value
 +      returned for the jth column of the ith row. In other words, 
 +      is composed of (<rows_count> * <columns_count>) [bytes].
 + Set_keyspace
 +  The result to a `use` query. The body (after the kind [int]) is a single
 +  [string] indicating the name of the keyspace that has been set.
 + Prepared
 +  The result to a PREPARE message. The rest of the body of a Prepared result 
 +    <id><metadata>
 +  where:
 +    - <id> is [short bytes] representing the prepared query ID.
 +    - <metadata> is defined exactly as for a Rows RESULT (See section
 +  Note that prepared query ID return is global to the node on which the query
 +  has been prepared. It can be used on any connection to that node and this
 +  until the node is restarted (after which the query must be reprepared).
 + Schema_change
 +  The result to a schema altering query (creation/update/drop of a
 +  keyspace/table/index). The body (after the kind [int]) is composed of 3
 +  [string]:
 +    <change><keyspace><table>
 +  where:
 +    - <change> describe the type of change that has occured. It can be one of
 +      "CREATED", "UPDATED" or "DROPPED".
 +    - <keyspace> is the name of the affected keyspace or the keyspace of the
 +      affected table.
 +    - <table> is the name of the affected table. <table> will be empty (i.e.
 +      the empty string "") if the change was affecting a keyspace and not a
 +      table.
 +  Note that queries to create and drop an index are considered as change
 +  updating the table the index is on.
 +4.2.6. EVENT
 +  And event pushed by the server. A client will only receive events for the
 +  type it has REGISTER to. The body of an EVENT message will start by a
 +  [string] representing the event type. The rest of the message depends on the
 +  event type. The valid event types are:
 +    - "TOPOLOGY_CHANGE": events related to change in the cluster topology.
 +      Currently, events are sent when new nodes are added to the cluster, and
 +      when nodes are removed. The body of the message (after the event type)
 +      consists of a [string] and an [inet], corresponding respectively to the
 +      type of change ("NEW_NODE" or "REMOVED_NODE") followed by the address of
 +      the new/removed node.
 +    - "STATUS_CHANGE": events related to change of node status. Currently,
 +      up/down events are sent. The body of the message (after the event type)
 +      consists of a [string] and an [inet], corresponding respectively to the
 +      type of status change ("UP" or "DOWN") followed by the address of the
 +      concerned node.
 +    - "SCHEMA_CHANGE": events related to schema change. The body of the 
 +      (after the event type) consists of 3 [string] corresponding respectively
 +      to the type of schema change ("CREATED", "UPDATED" or "DROPPED"),
 +      followed by the name of the affected keyspace and the name of the
 +      affected table within that keyspace. For changes that affect a keyspace
 +      directly, the table name will be empty (i.e. the empty string "").
 +  All EVENT message have a streamId of -1 (Section 2.3).
 +  Please note that "NEW_NODE" and "UP" events are sent based on internal 
 +  communication and as such may be sent a short delay before the binary
 +  protocol server on the newly up node is fully started. Clients are thus
 +  advise to wait a short time before trying to connect to the node (1 seconds
 +  should be enough), otherwise they may experience a connection refusal at
 +  first.
 +5. Compression
 +  Frame compression is supported by the protocol, but then only the frame body
 +  is compressed (the frame header should never be compressed).
 +  Before being used, client and server must agree on a compression algorithm 
 +  use, which is done in the STARTUP message. As a consequence, a STARTUP 
 +  must never be compressed.  However, once the STARTUP frame has been received
 +  by the server can be compressed (including the response to the STARTUP
 +  request). Frame do not have to be compressed however, even if compression 
 +  been agreed upon (a server may only compress frame above a certain size at 
 +  discretion). A frame body should be compressed if and only if the compressed
 +  flag (see Section 2.2) is set.
 +6. Collection types
 +  This section describe the serialization format for the collection types:
 +  list, map and set. This serialization format is both useful to decode values
 +  returned in RESULT messages but also to encode values for EXECUTE ones.
 +  The serialization formats are:
 +     List: a [short] n indicating the size of the list, followed by n 
 +           Each element is [short bytes] representing the serialized element
 +           value.
 +     Map: a [short] n indicating the size of the map, followed by n entries.
 +          Each entry is composed of two [short bytes] representing the key and
 +          the value of the entry map.
 +     Set: a [short] n indicating the size of the set, followed by n elements.
 +          Each element is [short bytes] representing the serialized element
 +          value.
 +7. Error codes
 +  The supported error codes are described below:
 +    0x0000    Server error: something unexpected happened. This indicates a
 +              server-side bug.
 +    0x000A    Protocol error: some client message triggered a protocol
 +              violation (for instance a QUERY message is sent before a STARTUP
 +              one has been sent)
 +    0x0100    Bad credentials: CREDENTIALS request failed because Cassandra
 +              did not accept the provided credentials.
 +    0x1000    Unavailable exception. The rest of the ERROR message body will 
 +                <cl><required><alive>
 +              where:
 +                <cl> is the [consistency] level of the query having triggered
 +                     the exception.
 +                <required> is an [int] representing the number of node that
 +                           should be alive to respect <cl>
 +                <alive> is an [int] representing the number of replica that
 +                        were known to be alive when the request has been
 +                        processed (since an unavailable exception has been
 +                        triggered, there will be <alive> < <required>)
 +    0x1001    Overloaded: the request cannot be processed because the
 +              coordinator node is overloaded
 +    0x1002    Is_bootstrapping: the request was a read request but the
 +              coordinator node is bootstrapping
 +    0x1003    Truncate_error: error during a truncation error.
 +    0x1100    Write_timeout: Timeout exception during a write request. The 
 +              of the ERROR message body will be
 +                <cl><received><blockfor><writeType>
 +              where:
 +                <cl> is the [consistency] level of the query having triggered
 +                     the exception.
 +                <received> is an [int] representing the number of nodes having
 +                           acknowledged the request.
 +                <blockfor> is the number of replica whose acknowledgement is
 +                           required to achieve <cl>.
 +                <writeType> is a [string] that describe the type of the write
 +                            that timeouted. The value of that string can be 
 +                            of:
 +                             - "SIMPLE": the write was a non-batched
 +                               non-counter write.
 +                             - "BATCH": the write was a (logged) batch write.
 +                               If this type is received, it means the batch 
 +                               has been successfully written (otherwise a
 +                               "BATCH_LOG" type would have been send instead).
 +                             - "UNLOGGED_BATCH": the write was an unlogged
 +                               batch. Not batch log write has been attempted.
 +                             - "COUNTER": the write was a counter write
 +                               (batched or not).
 +                             - "BATCH_LOG": the timeout occured during the
 +                               write to the batch log when a (logged) batch
 +                               write was requested.
 +    0x1200    Read_timeout: Timeout exception during a read request. The rest
 +              of the ERROR message body will be
 +                <cl><received><blockfor><data_present>
 +              where:
 +                <cl> is the [consistency] level of the query having triggered
 +                     the exception.
 +                <received> is an [int] representing the number of nodes having
 +                           answered the request.
 +                <blockfor> is the number of replica whose response is
 +                           required to achieve <cl>. Please note that it is
 +                           possible to have <received> >= <blockfor> if
 +                           <data_present> is false. And also in the (unlikely)
 +                           case were <cl> is achieved but the coordinator node
 +                           timeout while waiting for read-repair
 +                           acknowledgement.
 +                <data_present> is a single byte. If its value is 0, it means
 +                               the replica that was asked for data has not
 +                               responded. Otherwise, the value is != 0.
 +    0x2000    Syntax_error: The submitted query has a syntax error.
 +    0x2100    Unauthorized: The logged user doesn't have the right to perform
 +              the query.
 +    0x2200    Invalid: The query is syntactically correct but invalid.
 +    0x2300    Config_error: The query is invalid because of some 
configuration issue
 +    0x2400    Already_exists: The query attempted to create a keyspace or a
 +              table that was already existing. The rest of the ERROR message
 +              body will be <ks><table> where:
 +                <ks> is a [string] representing either the keyspace that
 +                     already exists, or the keyspace in which the table that
 +                     already exists is.
 +                <table> is a [string] representing the name of the table that
 +                        already exists. If the query was attempting to create 
 +                        keyspace, <table> will be present but will be the 
 +                        string.
 +    0x2500    Unprepared: Can be thrown while a prepared statement tries to be
 +              executed if the provide prepared statement ID is not known by
 +              this host. The rest of the ERROR message body will be [short
 +              bytes] representing the unknown ID.

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