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The "ThirdPartySupport" page has been changed by AlekseyYeschenko:

  Companies providing support for Apache Cassandra are not endorsed by the 
Apache Software Foundation, although some of these companies employ 
[[Committers]] to the Apache project.
- Companies that employ Apache Cassandra [[Committers]]:
+ == Companies that employ Apache Cassandra Committers: ==
[[|Datastax]], the commercial leader in Apache Cassandraâ„¢ 
offers products and services that make it easy for customers to build, deploy 
and operate elastically scalable and cloud-optimized applications and data 
services. [[|DataStax]] has over 100 customers, including 
leaders such as Netflix, Cisco, Rackspace, HP, Constant Contact and 
[[|more]], and spanning verticals 
including web, financial services, telecommunications, logistics and government.
- Other companies:
+ == Other companies: ==
[[|Acunu]] are world experts in Apache Cassandra and 
beyond. Some of the most challenging Cassandra deployments already rely on 
Acunu's technology, training and support. With a focus real time applications, 
Acunu makes it easy to build Cassandra based real-time Big Data solutions that 
derive instant answers from event streams and deliver fresh insight

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