Author: stain
Date: Mon Nov 21 14:03:42 2016
New Revision: 1001425

RDF introduction


Added: websites/production/commonsrdf/content/images/rdf-01.svg
--- websites/production/commonsrdf/content/images/rdf-01.svg (added)
+++ websites/production/commonsrdf/content/images/rdf-01.svg Mon Nov 21 
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+To edit, use
+When saving, use
+File -> Export as -> SVG
+  Zoom: 100%
+  (x) Transparent background
+  (x) Include a copy of the diagram
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Added: websites/production/commonsrdf/content/images/rdf-02.svg
--- websites/production/commonsrdf/content/images/rdf-02.svg (added)
+++ websites/production/commonsrdf/content/images/rdf-02.svg Mon Nov 21 
14:03:42 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+    limitations under the License.
+To edit, use
+When saving, use
+File -> Export as -> SVG
+  Zoom: 100%
+  (x) Transparent background
+  (x) Include a copy of the diagram
+Then re-insert these comments in the replaced SVG.    
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font-family="Helvetica">&amp;lt;plays&amp;gt;</text></switch></g><path d="M 403 
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Added: websites/production/commonsrdf/content/introduction.html
--- websites/production/commonsrdf/content/introduction.html (added)
+++ websites/production/commonsrdf/content/introduction.html Mon Nov 21 
14:03:42 2016
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+            <h1>Introduction to RDF using Commons RDF</h1>
+<p>This page is a tutorial to introduce programming with the <a 
class="externalLink" href="";>Resource 
Description Framework (RDF)</a> using Java and <a href="">Apache 
Commons RDF</a>. If you already know RDF, you may instead jump ahead to the <a 
href="userguide.html">Commons RDF user guide</a>.</p>
+<p>This is not meant as an extensive RDF tutorial, for that please consult the 
<a class="externalLink" href="";>W3C RDF 1.1 
Primer</a>. You may also like the <a class="externalLink" 
href="";>Apache Jena introduction 
to RDF</a> which uses the <a class="externalLink" 
href="";>Apache Jena</a> implementation directly.</p>
+<p>This tutorial attempts to show the basic concepts of RDF and how you can 
work with RDF programmatically using the <a href="">Apache Commons RDF 
API</a> in a simple Java program.</p>
+<div class="section">
+<h2><a name="Getting_started_with_Commons_RDF"></a>Getting started with 
Commons RDF</h2>
+<p>This tutorial will assume you already know a bit of <a class="externalLink" 
href="";>Java programming</a> and that 
you use an <i>IDE</i> like <a class="externalLink" 
href="";>Eclipse</a> or <a class="externalLink" 
href="";>Netbeans</a>. Note that Commons RDF requires Open 
JDK 8, <a class="externalLink" href="";>Java 8</a> or 
+<p>The Commons RDF JARs are <a href="download.html">available from Maven 
Central</a>. While there are multiple <a href="implementations.html">Commons 
RDF implementations</a>, this tutorial will use the built-in <i>simple</i> 
implementation as it requires no additional dependencies.</p>
+<p>First, create a new Java project for this tutorial, say 
+<p><b>Tip</b>: Check that your IDE project is using the <b>Java 8</b> syntax 
and compiler.</p>
+<p>We&#x2019;ll create the package name <tt>org.example</tt>, but you can use 
whatever you prefer. Then create <tt></tt> with a static 
<tt>main()</tt> method we can run:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>package org.example;
+import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.*;
+import org.apache.commons.rdf.simple.SimpleRDF;
+public class RdfTutorial {
+    public static void main(String[] args) {
+      // ...
+    }    
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Adding_Commons_RDF_to_the_class_path"></a>Adding Commons RDF to 
the class path</h3>
+<p>Above we added the <tt>import</tt> for the Commons RDF API, but the library 
is not yet on your class path.</p>
+<p><b>Note</b>: If you are already familiar with <i>Maven</i>, then see 
instead <a href="userguide.html#Using_Commons_RDF_from_Maven">how to use 
Commons RDF from Maven</a> and add the <tt>commons-rdf-simple</tt> dependency 
to your project. This will make it easier later to share your project or to use 
newer versions of Commons RDF.</p>
+<p>This tutorial assumes a classic Java project with local <tt>.jar</tt> files 
(say in your project&#x2019;s <tt>lib/</tt> folder), so download and add to 
your project&#x2019;s class path:</p>
+<li><a class="externalLink" 
 (<a class="externalLink" 
+<li><a class="externalLink" 
 (<a class="externalLink" 
+<p><i>Tip: If you prefer you can <a class="externalLink" 
href="";>verify the signatures</a> 
using the Commons RDF <a class="externalLink" 
+<p>As there are <a href="implementations.html">multiple Commons RDF 
implementations</a>, we have to say which one we want to use. Add to your 
<tt>RdfTutorial</tt> class:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>RDF rdf = new SimpleRDF();
+<p>If you have the classpath set up correctly, you should now be able to 
compile <tt>RdfTutorial</tt> without warnings.</p></div></div>
+<div class="section">
+<h2><a name="RDF_resources"></a>RDF resources</h2>
+<p>&#x201c;The clue is in the name&#x201d;; the <i>Resource Description 
Framework</i> (RDF) is for describing <b>resources</b>. But what is a 
+<p>Anything can be a resource, it is just a concept we want to describe, like 
computer <i>files</i> (text document, image, database), <i>physical things</i> 
(person, place, cat), <i>locations</i> (city, point on a map), or more 
<i>abstract concepts</i> (organization, disease, theatre play).</p>
+<p>To know which concept we mean, in RDF the resource needs to either:</p>
+<li>have a global <i>identifier</i>; we call this an <b>IRI</b></li>
+<li>be used <i>indirectly</i> in a statement; we call this a <b>blank 
+<li>be a <i>value</i>, we call this a <b>literal</b></li>
+<p>In this tutorial we&#x2019;ll use the <i>IRI</i> syntax 
<tt>&lt;identifier&gt;</tt> to indicate an identified resource, the <i>blank 
node</i> syntax <tt>_:it</tt> to indicate an indirectly referenced resource, 
and the <i>literal</i> syntax <tt>&quot;Hello&quot;</tt> to indicate a 
+<p>Don&#x2019;t worry about this syntax, RDF is a <b>model</b> with several 
ways to represent it when saved to a file; the <a 
 RDF API</a> directly reflects the RDF model in a syntax-neutral way.</p>
+<p>Let&#x2019;s create our first identified resource, an <tt>IRI</tt> 
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>IRI alice = rdf.createIRI(&quot;Alice&quot;);
+<p>This should print out:</p>
+<p><b>Note</b>: For simplicity this tutorial use <i>relative IRI 
references</i> which are not really global identifiers. While this is supported 
by <tt>SimpleRDF</tt>, some implementations will require <i>absolute IRIs</i> 
like <tt>&lt;;</tt>.</p>
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Triples"></a>Triples</h3>
+<p>To describe a resource in RDF we provide one or more statements, which are 
called <i>triples</i> of 3 resources (<i>subject</i>, <i>predicate</i>, 
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>&lt;Alice&gt; &lt;knows&gt; &lt;Bob&gt; .
+<p><img src="images/rdf-01.svg" alt="Alice knows Bob" /></p>
+<p>This RDF statement is a relationship between the <b>subject</b> 
<tt>&lt;Alice&gt;</tt> and the <b>object</b> <tt>&lt;Bob&gt;</tt>, not 
dissimilar from the subject and direct object of the similar English sentence 
<i>&#x201c;Alice knows Bob&#x201d;</i>.</p>
+<p>What kind of relationship? Well, that is identified with the 
<b>predicate</b> <tt>&lt;knows&gt;</tt>. The relationship is 
<i>directional</i>, from the subject to the object; although <i>Alice knows 
Bob</i>, we don&#x2019;t know if Bob really knows Alice! In RDF the predicate 
is also called a <i>property</i> as it is describing the subject.</p>
+<p>You may have noticed that properties are also resources - to understand the 
kind of relationship we also need a description of it&#x2019;s concept. More 
about this later!</p>
+<p>Let&#x2019;s try to create the above statement in Commons RDF; first 
we&#x2019;ll create the remaining resources <tt>&lt;knows&gt;</tt> and 
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>IRI knows = rdf.createIRI(&quot;knows&quot;);        
+IRI bob = rdf.createIRI(&quot;Bob&quot;);
+<p>Note that the Java variable names <tt>alice</tt>, <tt>knows</tt> and 
<tt>bob</tt> are not important to Commons RDF, we could as well have called 
these <tt>a</tt>, <tt>k</tt>, <tt>b</tt>, but to not confuse yourself 
it&#x2019;s good to keep the variable names somewhat related to the captured 
+<p>Next we&#x2019;ll create a <tt>Triple</tt>:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>Triple aliceKnowsBob = rdf.createTriple(alice, knows, bob);
+<p>We can access <tt>.getSubject()</tt>, <tt>.getPredicate()</tt> and 
<tt>.getObject()</tt> from a <tt>Triple</tt>:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<p><tt>&lt;Alice&gt;</tt> <br /> <tt>&lt;knows&gt;</tt> <br /> 
+<p><i><b>Tip</b>: Instances from <tt>SimpleRDF</tt> can be printed directly, 
as <tt>System.out</tt> would use their <tt>.toString()</tt>, but for consistent 
behaviour across implementations we use <tt>.ntriplesString()</tt> 
+<p>With <tt>SimpleRDF</tt> we can also print the <tt>Triple</tt> for 
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<p><tt>&lt;Alice&gt; &lt;knows&gt; &lt;Bob&gt; .</tt></p>
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Graph"></a>Graph</h3>
+<p>By using the same identified resources in multiple triples, you can create 
a <i>graph</i>. For instance, this graph shows multiple relations of 
<tt>&lt;knows&gt;</tt> and <tt>&lt;plays&gt;</tt>:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>&lt;Alice&gt; &lt;knows&gt; &lt;Bob&gt; .
+&lt;Alice&gt; &lt;knows&gt; &lt;Charlie&gt; .
+&lt;Alice&gt; &lt;plays&gt; &lt;Tennis&gt; .
+&lt;Bob&gt; &lt;knows&gt; &lt;Charlie&gt; .
+&lt;Bob&gt; &lt;plays&gt; &lt;Football&gt; .
+&lt;Charlie&gt; &lt;plays&gt; &lt;Tennis&gt; .
+<p>The power of a graph as a data structure is that you don&#x2019;t have to 
decide a hierarchy. The statements of an RDF graph can be listed in any order, 
and so we should not consider the <tt>&lt;Alice&gt;</tt> resource as anything 
more special than <tt>&lt;Bob&gt;</tt> or <tt>&lt;Tennis&gt;</tt>.</p>
+<p><img src="images/rdf-02.svg" alt="Graph of Alice knows Bob and Charlie, 
Alice and Charlie play Tennis, Bob plays Football" /></p>
+<p>It is therefore possible to <i>query</i> the graph, such as <i>&quot;Who 
plays Tennis?</i> or <i>&#x201c;Who does Alice know?&#x201d;</i>, but also more 
complex, like <i>&#x201c;Does Alice anyone that plays Football?&#x201d;</i>.</p>
+<p>Let&#x2019;s try that now using Commons RDF. To keep the triples 
we&#x2019;ll need a <tt>Graph</tt>:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>Graph graph = rdf.createGraph();
+<p>We already have the first triple, so we&#x2019;ll <tt>.add()</tt> it to the 
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<p>Before adding the remaining statements we need a few more resources:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>IRI charlie = rdf.createIRI(&quot;Charlie&quot;);
+IRI plays = rdf.createIRI(&quot;plays&quot;);
+IRI football = rdf.createIRI(&quot;Football&quot;);        
+IRI tennis = rdf.createIRI(&quot;Tennis&quot;);
+<p>Now we use the <tt>graph.add(subj,pred,obj)</tt> shorthand which creates 
the <tt>Triple</tt> instances and add them to the graph.</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>graph.add(alice, knows, charlie);
+graph.add(alice, plays, tennis);
+graph.add(bob, knows, charlie);
+graph.add(bob, plays, football);
+graph.add(charlie, plays, tennis);
+<p>Next we&#x2019;ll ask the graph those questions using 
<tt>.iterate(s,p,o)</tt> and <tt>null</tt> as the wildcard.</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>System.out.println(&quot;Who plays Tennis?&quot;);
+for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(null, plays, tennis)) {
+    System.out.println(triple.getSubject());
+<p><tt>Who plays Tennis?</tt> <br /> <tt>&lt;Alice&gt;</tt> <br /> 
+<p>Notice how we only print out the <tt>.getSubject()</tt> (our wildcard), if 
you check <tt>.getPredicate()</tt> or <tt>.getObject()</tt> you will find they 
are equal to <tt>plays</tt> and <tt>tennis</tt>:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>System.out.println(&quot;Who plays Tennis?&quot;);
+for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(null, plays, tennis)) {
+    System.out.println(triple.getSubject());
+    System.out.println(plays.equals(triple.getPredicate()));
+    System.out.println(tennis.equals(triple.getObject()));
+<p>We can query with wildcards in any positions, for instance for the 
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>System.out.println(&quot;Who does Alice know?&quot;);
+for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(alice, knows, null)) {
+    System.out.println(triple.getObject());
+<p><tt>Who does Alice know?</tt> <br /> <tt>&lt;Bob&gt;</tt> <br /> 
+<p>Let&#x2019;s try to look up which of those friends play football:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>System.out.println(&quot;Does Alice anyone that plays Football?&quot;);
+for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(alice, knows, null)) {
+    RDFTerm aliceFriend = triple.getObject();
+    if (graph.contains(aliceFriend, plays, football)) {
+        System.out.println(&quot;Yes, &quot; + aliceFriend);
+    }
+<p>You will get a compiler error:</p>
+<p><tt>RDFTerm</tt> cannot be converted to <tt>BlankNodeOrIRI</tt></p>
+<p>This is because in an RDF triple, not all kind of resources can be used in 
all positions, and the kind of resource in Commons RDF is indicated by the 
+<li><a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/rdf/api/IRI.html">IRI</a> 
+<li><a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/rdf/api/BlankNode.html">BlankNode</a> 
+<li><a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/rdf/api/Literal.html">Literal</a> 
+<p>Look at the method signature of <a class="externalLink" 
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>boolean contains(BlankNodeOrIRI subject,
+                 IRI predicate,
+                 RDFTerm object)
+<p>In short, for any RDF triple:</p>
+<li>The <b>subject</b> must be a <a 
 that is either a <tt>BlankNode</tt> or <tt>IRI</tt></li>
+<li>The <b>predicate</b> must be a <a 
href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/rdf/api/IRI.html">IRI</a> (so we can look up 
what it means)</li>
+<li>The <b>object</b> must be a <a 
href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/rdf/api/RDFTerm.html">RDFTerm</a>, that is 
either a <tt>BlankNode</tt>, <tt>IRI</tt> or <tt>Literal</tt></li>
+<p>As we are retrieving triples from the graph, the 
<tt>triple.getObject()</tt> is only known to be an RDFTerm if we use it as a 
Java variable - there could in theory be triples in the graph with 
<tt>Literal</tt> and <tt>BlankNode</tt> objects:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>&lt;Alice&gt; &lt;knows&gt; &quot;Santa Claus&quot;.
+&lt;Alice&gt; &lt;knows&gt; _:someone.
+<p>In this case we could have done a naive casting like 
<tt>(IRI)aliceFriend</tt>; we inserted her <tt>IRI</tt>-represented friends 
right before, but this is a toy example - there&#x2019;s no need to use RDF if 
you already know the answer!</p>
+<p>So unless you know for sure in your graph that <tt>&lt;knows&gt;</tt> is 
never used with a literal value as object, this would not be safe. So 
we&#x2019;ll do an <tt>instanceof</tt> check (skipping any literals) and cast 
to <tt>BlankNodeOrIRI</tt>:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>System.out.println(&quot;Does Alice anyone that plays Football?&quot;);
+for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(alice, knows, null)) {
+    RDFTerm aliceFriend = triple.getObject();
+    if (! (aliceFriend instanceof BlankNodeOrIRI)) {
+        continue;
+    }
+    if (graph.contains( (BlankNodeOrIRI)aliceFriend, plays, football)) {
+        System.out.println(&quot;Yes, &quot; + aliceFriend);
+    }
+<p><tt>Does Alice anyone that plays Football?</tt> <br /> <tt>Yes, 
+<div class="section">
+<h2><a name="Literal_values"></a>Literal values</h2>
+<p>We talked briefly about literals above as a way to represent <i>values</i> 
in RDF. What is a literal value? In a way you could think of a value as when 
you no longer want to stay in graph-land of related resources, and just want to 
use primitive types like <tt>float</tt>, <tt>int</tt> or <tt>String</tt> to 
represent values like a player rating, the number of matches played, or the 
full name of a person (including spaces and punctuation which don&#x2019;t work 
well in an identifier).</p>
+<p>Such values are in Commons RDF represented as instances of 
<tt>Literal</tt>, which we can create using <tt>rdf.createLiteral(..)</tt>. 
Strings are easy:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>Literal aliceName = rdf.createLiteral(&quot;Alice W. Land&quot;);
+<p>We can then add a triple that relates the resource <tt>&lt;Alice&gt;</tt> 
to this value, let&#x2019;s use a new predicate <tt>&lt;name&gt;</tt>:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>IRI name = rdf.createIRI(&quot;name&quot;);
+graph.add(alice, name, aliceName);
+<p>When you look up literal properties in a graph, take care that in RDF a 
property is not necessarily <i>functional</i>, that is, it would be perfectly 
valid RDF-wise for a person to have multiple names; Alice might also be called 
<i>&#x201c;Alice Land&#x201d;</i>. </p>
+<p>Instead of using <tt>graph.iterate()</tt> and <tt>break</tt> in a for-loop, 
it might be easier to use the Java 8 <tt>Stream</tt> returned from 
<tt>.stream()</tt> together with <tt>.findAny()</tt> - which return an 
<tt>Optional</tt> in case there is no <tt>&lt;name&gt;</tt>:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>System.out.println(, name, null).findAny());
+<p><tt>Optional[&lt;Alice&gt; &lt;name&gt; &quot;Alice W. Land&quot; 
+<p><b>Note:</b> Using <tt>.findFirst()</tt> will not returned the 
&#x201c;first&#x201d; recorded triple, as triples in a graph are not 
necessarily kept in order.</p>
+<p>You can use <tt>optional.isPresent()</tt> and <tt>optional.get()</tt> to 
check if a <tt>Triple</tt> matched the graph stream pattern:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>Optional&lt;? extends Triple&gt; nameTriple =, name, 
+if (nameTriple.isPresent()) {
+    System.out.println(nameTriple.get());
+<p>If you feel adventerous, you can try the <a class="externalLink" 
 8 functional programming</a> style to work with of <tt>Stream</tt> and 
<tt>Optional</tt> and get the literal value unquoted:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>, name, null)
+        .findAny().map(Triple::getObject)
+        .filter(obj -&gt; obj instanceof Literal)
+        .map(literalName -&gt; ((Literal)literalName).getLexicalForm())
+        .ifPresent(System.out::println);
+<p><tt>Alice W. Land</tt></p>
+<p>Notice how we here used a <tt>.filter</tt> to skip any non-<tt>Literal</tt> 
names (which would not have the <tt>.getLexicalForm()</tt> method).</p>
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Typed_literals"></a>Typed literals</h3>
+<p>Non-String value types are represented in RDF as <i>typed literals</i>; 
which is similar to (but not the same as) Java native types. A typed literal is 
a combination of a <i>string representation</i> (e.g. &#x201c;13.37&#x201d;) 
and a data type IRI, e.g. 
<tt>&lt;;</tt>. RDF reuse the XSD 
+<p>A collection of the standardized datatype <tt>IRI</tt>s are provided in 
Simple&#x2019;s <a 
href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/rdf/simple/Types.html">Types</a> class, which 
we can use with <tt>createLiteral</tt> by adding the corresponding 
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>import org.apache.commons.rdf.simple.Types;
+// ...
+IRI playerRating = rdf.createIRI(&quot;playerRating&quot;);
+Literal aliceRating = rdf.createLiteral(&quot;13.37&quot;, Types.XSD_FLOAT);
+graph.add(alice, playerRating, aliceRating);
+<p>Note that Commons RDF does not currently provide converters from/to native 
Java data types and the RDF string representations.</p></div>
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Language-specific_literals"></a>Language-specific literals</h3>
+<p>We live in a globalized world, with many spoken and written languages. 
While we can often agree about a concept like <tt>&lt;Football&gt;</tt>, 
different languages might call it differently. The distinction in RDF between 
identified resources and literal values, mean we can represent names or labels 
for the same thing.</p>
+<p>Rather than introducing language-specific predicates like 
<tt>&lt;name_in_english&gt;</tt> and <tt>&lt;name_in_norwegian&gt;</tt> it is 
usually better in RDF to use <i>language-typed literals</i>:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>Literal footballInEnglish = rdf.createLiteral(&quot;football&quot;, 
+Literal footballInNorwegian = rdf.createLiteral(&quot;fotball&quot;, 
+graph.add(football, name, footballInEnglish);
+graph.add(football, name, footballInNorwegian);
+<p>The language tags like <tt>&quot;en&quot;</tt> and <tt>&quot;no&quot;</tt> 
are identified by <a class="externalLink" 
href="";>BCP47</a> - you can&#x2019;t just make 
up your own but must use one that matches the language. It is possible to use 
localized languages as well, e.g.</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>Literal footballInAmericanEnglish = rdf.createLiteral(&quot;soccer&quot;, 
+graph.add(football, name, footballInAmericanEnglish);
+<p>Note that Commons RDF does not currently provide constants for the 
standardized languages or methods to look up localized 
+<div class="section">
+<h2><a name="Blank_nodes_-_when_you_dont_know_the_identity"></a>Blank nodes - 
when you don&#x2019;t know the identity</h2>
+<p>Sometimes you don&#x2019;t know the identity of a resource. This can be the 
case where you know the <i>existence</i> of a resource, similar to 
&#x201c;someone&#x201d; or &#x201c;some&#x201d; in English. For instance,</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>&lt;Charlie&gt; &lt;knows&gt; _:someone .
+_:someone &lt;plays&gt; &lt;Football&gt; .
+<p>We don&#x2019;t know who this <tt>_:someone</tt> is, it could be 
<tt>&lt;Bob&gt;</tt> (which we know plays football), it could be someone else, 
even <tt>&lt;Alice&gt;</tt> (we don&#x2019;t know that she doesn&#x2019;t play 
+<p>In RDF we represent <tt>_:someone</tt> as a <i>blank node</i> - it&#x2019;s 
a resource without a global identity. Different RDF files can all talk about 
<tt>_:blanknode</tt>, but they would all be different resources. Crucially, a 
blank node can be used in multiple triples within the same graph, so that we 
can relate a subject to a blank node resource, and then describe that resource 
(usually incomplete).</p>
+<p>Let&#x2019;s add the blank node statements to our graph:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>BlankNode someone = rdf.createBlankNode();
+graph.add(charlie, knows, someone);
+graph.add(someone, plays, football);
+BlankNode someoneElse = rdf.createBlankNode();
+graph.add(charlie, knows, someoneElse);
+<p>Every call to <tt>rdf.createBlankNode()</tt> creates a new, unrelated blank 
node with an internal identifier. Let&#x2019;s have a look:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>for (Triple heKnows : graph.iterate(charlie, knows, null)) {
+    if (! (heKnows.getObject() instanceof BlankNodeOrIRI)) {
+        continue;
+    }
+    BlankNodeOrIRI who = (BlankNodeOrIRI)heKnows.getObject();
+    System.out.println(&quot;Charlie knows &quot;+ who);
+    for (Triple whoPlays : graph.iterate(who, plays, null)) {
+        System.out.println(&quot;  who plays &quot; + whoPlays.getObject());
+    }
+<p><tt>Charlie knows _:ae4115fb-86bf-3330-bc3b-713810e5a1ea</tt> <br /> 
<tt>who plays &lt;Football&gt;</tt> <br /> <tt>Charlie knows 
+<p>As we see above, given a <tt>BlankNode</tt> instance it is perfectly valid 
to ask the same <tt>Graph</tt> about further triples relating to the 
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Blank_node_labels"></a>Blank node labels</h3>
+<p>In Commons RDF it is also possible to create a blank node from a 
<i>name</i> - which can be useful if you don&#x2019;t want to keep (or look up) 
the <tt>BlankNode</tt> instance to later add statements about the same node.</p>
+<p>Let&#x2019;s first delete the old BlankNode statements:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<p>And now we&#x2019;ll try an alternate approach:</p>
+<div class="source">
+<div class="source">
+<pre>// no Java variable for the new BlankNode instance
+graph.add(charlie, knows, rdf.createBlankNode(&quot;someone&quot;));        
+// at any point later (with the same RDF instance)
+graph.add(rdf.createBlankNode(&quot;someone&quot;), plays, football);
+<p>Running the <tt>&quot;Charlie knows&quot;</tt> query again should still 
work, but now return a different identifier.</p>
+<p><tt>Charlie knows _:5e2a75b2-33b4-3bb8-b2dc-019d42c2215a</tt> <br /> 
<tt>who plays &lt;Football&gt;</tt> <br /> <tt>Charlie knows 
+<p>You may notice that with <tt>SimpleRDF</tt> the string 
<tt>&quot;someone&quot;</tt> does not survive into the string representation of 
the <tt>BlankNode</tt> label <tt>_:someone</tt>, other <tt>RDF</tt> 
implementations may support that.</p>
+<p>Note that it needs to be the same <tt>RDF</tt> instance to recreate the 
same <i>&#x201c;someone&#x201d;</i> <tt>BlankNode</tt>. This is a Commons 
RDF-specific behaviour to improve cross-graph compatibility, other RDF 
frameworks may save the blank node using the provided name as a blank node 
label, which in some cases could cause collisions (but perhaps more readable 
+<div class="section">
+<h3><a name="Open_world_assumption"></a>Open world assumption</h3>
+<p>How to interpret a blank node depends on the assumptions you build into 
your RDF application - it could be thought of as a logical &#x201c;there exists 
a resource that..&#x201d; or a more pragmatic &#x201c;I don&#x2019;t know/care 
about the resource&#x2019;s IRI&#x201d;. Blank nodes can be useful if your RDF 
model describes intermediate resources like &#x201c;a person&#x2019;s 
membership of an organization&#x201d; or &#x201c;a participant&#x2019;s result 
in a race&#x201d; which it often is not worth maintaining identifiers for.</p>
+<p>It is common on the semantic web to use the <a class="externalLink" 
 world assumption</a> - if it is not stated as a <i>triple</i> in your graph, 
then you don&#x2019;t know if something is is true or false, for instance if 
<tt>&lt;Alice&gt; &lt;plays&gt; &lt;Football&gt; .</tt> </p>
+<p>Note that the open world assumption applies both to <tt>IRI</tt>s and 
<tt>BlankNode</tt>s, that is, you can&#x2019;t necessarily assume that the 
resources <tt>&lt;Alice&gt;</tt> and <tt>&lt;Charlie&gt;</tt> describe two 
different people just because they have two different identifiers - in fact it 
is very common that different systems use different identifiers to describe the 
same (or pretty much the same) thing in the real world.</p>
+<p>It is however common for applications to &#x201c;close the world&#x201d;; 
saying &#x201c;given this information I have gathered as RDF, I&#x2019;ll 
assume these resources are all separate things in the world, then do I then 
know if <tt>&lt;Alice&gt; &lt;plays&gt; &lt;Football&gt;</tt> is 
+<p>Using logical <i>inference rules</i> and <i>ontologies</i> is one method to 
get stronger assumptions and conclusions. Note that building good rules or 
ontologies requires a fair bit more knowledge than what can be conveyed in this 
short tutorial.</p>
+<p>It is out of scope for Commons RDF to support the many ways to deal with 
logical assumptions and conclusions, however you may find interest in using <a 
href="implementations.html#Apache_Jena">Jena implementation</a> combined with 
Jena&#x2019;s <a class="externalLink" 
+          </td>
+        </tr>
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