Modified: comdev/
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+++ comdev/ Sun Mar  8 
12:03:35 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"cayenne": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Cayenne"}, "lenya": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Lenya"}, "servicemix": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache ServiceMix"}, "qpid": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Qpid"}, "synapse": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Synapse"}, "deltaspike": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Deltaspike"}, "clerezza": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Clerezza"}, "shiro": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Shiro"}, "manifoldcf": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache ManifoldCF"}, 
"rave": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Rave"}, 
"devicemap": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
DeviceMap"}, "openoffice": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache OpenOffice", "chair": {"
 Person": {"name": "Andrea Pescetti"}}}, "continuum": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Continuum"}, "tajo": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Tajo"}, "syncope": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Syncope"}, 
"activemq": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
ActiveMQ", "chair": {"Person": {"name": "Hiram Chirino"}}}, "labs": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Labs"}, "storm": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Storm"}, 
"directmemory": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Directmemory"}, "oodt": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
OODT: Object Oriented Data Technology"}, "sling": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Sling"}, "couchdb": {"homepage": 
"";, "charter": "\n        Apache CouchDB software 
is\n        a document-oriented database that can be queried a
 nd indexed in a MapReduce fashion using JavaScript. \n        CouchDB also 
offers incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and 
resolution.\n    ", "name": "Apache CouchDB"}, "nutch": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Nutch"}, "thrift": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Thrift"}, "lucene": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Lucene"}, "gora": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Gora"}, "climate": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Open Climate Workbench"}, 
"xalan": {"homepage": "";, "charter": 
"Apache Xalan exists to promote the use of XSLT.\n    We view XSLT (Extensible 
Stylesheet Language Transformations) as\n    a compelling paradigm that 
transforms XML documents, thereby\n    facilitating the exchange, 
transformation, and presentation of\n    knowledge. The ability to transform 
XML documents into usable\n    info
 rmation has great potential to improve the functionality\n    and use of 
information systems. We intend to build freely\n    available XSLT processing 
components in order to engender such\n    improvements.", "member": {"Person": 
{"name": "Tim Williams"}}, "name": "Apache Xalan", "chair": {"Person": {"name": 
"Steven J. Hathaway"}}}, "allura": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Allura"}, "xmlgraphics": {"homepage": 
"";, "charter": "Apache XML Graphics exists to 
promote the use of XML. We view XML as a \ncompelling paradigm that structures 
data as information, thereby facilitating \nthe exchange, transformation, and 
presentation of knowledge. The ability to \ntransform raw data into usable 
information has great potential to improve the \nfunctionality and use of 
information systems. We intend to build freely \navailable products for the 
conversion of XML to graphical output and closely \nrelated technologies in 
order to engender such
  improvements.", "member": {"Person": {"name": "J\u00f6rg Pietschmann"}}, 
"name": "Apache XML Graphics", "chair": {"Person": {"name": "Jeremias 
M\u00e4rki"}}}, "karaf": {"homepage": "";, "charter": 
"\n\t   The mission of the Apache Karaf project is\n\t   the creation and 
maintenance of\n       open-source software related to a generic platform 
providing\n       higher level features and services specifically designed 
for\n       creating OSGi-based servers for distribution at no charge to\n      
 the public.\n    ", "name": "Apache Karaf", "chair": {"Person": {"name": 
"Guillaume Nodet"}}}, "bval": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache BVal"}, "aries": {"homepage": "";, "charter": 
"Apache Aries software is\n       a set of pluggable Java components enabling 
an enterprise \n       OSGi application programming model.\n    ", "name": 
"Apache Aries"}, "turbine": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Turb
 ine"}, "oozie": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Oozie"}, "xmlbeans": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache XML Beans"}, "openjpa": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache OpenJPA"}, "pig": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Pig"}, "gump": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Gump"}, "whirr": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Whirr"}, "attic": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Attic"}, "trafficserver": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache TrafficServer"}, "jspwiki": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache JSPWiki"}, "tika": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Tika"}, "deltacloud": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Deltacloud"}, 
"httpcomponents": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
HttpComponents"}, "metamodel": {"homepage": 
 "";, "name": "Apache MetaModel"}, "knox": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Knox"}, "hadoop": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Hadoop"}, "helix": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Helix"}, "chemistry": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Chemistry", 
"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Florian M\u00fcller"}}}, "directory": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Directory"}, 
"openwebbeans": {"homepage": "";, "charter": "\n  
      Apache OpenWebBeans software is\n        an ASL-licensed implementation 
of the JSR-299 \n        \"Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java (TM) 
EE platform\" specification.\n    ", "name": "Apache OpenWebBeans"}, "ace": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Ace"}, "accumulo": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Accumulo", "chair": 
{"Person": {"nam
 e": "Billie Rinaldi"}}}, "commons": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Commons"}, "cocoon": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Cocoon"}, "portals": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Portals"}, "tomcat": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Tomcat"}, "kafka": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Kafka"}, "tapestry": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Tapestry"}, "pivot": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Pivot"}, "river": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache River"}, "hive": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Hive"}, "xerces": 
{"homepage": "";, "charter": "Apache Xerces 
exists to promote the use of XML. \n    We view XML as a compelling paradigm 
that structures data as \n    information, thereby facilitating the exchange, 
transformation, \n    and pr
 esentation of knowledge. The ability to transform raw data \n    into usable 
information has great potential to improve the \n    functionality and use of 
information systems. We intend to build \n    freely available XML parsers and 
closely related technologies in \n    order to engender such improvements.", 
"member": {"Person": {"name": "Jason Stewart"}}, "name": "Apache Xerces", 
"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Michael Glavassevich"}}}, "cloudstack": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Cloudstack"}, 
"mrunit": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache MRUnit", 
"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Brock Noland"}}}, "falcon": {"chair": {"Person": 
{"name": "Srikanth Sundarrajan"}}, "charter": "\n        Apache Falcon is a 
data processing and management solution for Hadoop \n        designed for data 
motion, coordination of data pipelines, lifecycle \n        management, and 
data discovery. Falcon enables end consumers to quickly \n        onboard their
  data and its associated processing and management tasks \n        on Hadoop 
clusters.\n    ", "name": "Apache Falcon"}, "creadur": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Creadur"}, "phoenix": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Phoenix"}, "crunch": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Crunch"}, "apr": 
{"homepage": "";, "charter": "The mission of the Apache 
Portable Runtime (APR) project is \nto create and maintain software libraries 
that provide a predictable and \nconsistent interface to underlying 
platform-specific implementations. The \nprimary goal is to provide an API to 
which software developers may code \nand be assured of predictable if not 
identical behaviour regardless of the \nplatform on which their software is 
built, relieving them of the need to \ncode special-case conditions to work 
around or take advantage of \nplatform-specific deficiencies or features.", 
"member": {"Person": {"nam
 e": "Cliff Woolley"}}, "name": "Apache Portable Runtime", "chair": {"Person": 
{"name": "Garrett Rooney"}}}, "camel": {"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Hadrian 
Zbarcea"}}, "charter": "\n      The mission of Apache Camel is the creation and 
maintenance\n      of an open-source integration framework based on known \n    
  Enterprise Integration Patterns.\n    ", "member": {"Person": {"name": 
"Hadrian Zbarcea"}}, "name": "Apache Camel", "homepage": 
""}, "abdera": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Abdera", "chair": {"Person": 
{"name": "Ant Elder"}}}, "poi": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache POI"}, "isis": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Isis"}, "felix": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Felix"}, "giraph": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Giraph"}, "jmeter": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
JMeter"}, "buildr": {"homepage": "http
 ://", "charter": "\n        Apache Buildr software is\n      
  a build system for Java-based applications, \n        including support for 
Scala, Groovy and \n        a growing number of JVM languages and tools.\n    
", "name": "Apache Buildr"}, "ode": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Ode"}, "bookkeeper": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache BookKeeper"}, "roller": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Roller"}, "hbase": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache HBase"}, "santuario": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Santuario (XML 
Security)"}, "wink": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Wink"}, "vxquery": {"homepage": "";, "charter": 
"Creation and maintenance of software\n      related to providing an 
implementation of a parallel XML\n      Query processor.\n    ", "member": 
{"person": {"name": "Cezar Andrei"}}, 
 "name": "Apache VXQuery", "chair": {"person": {"name": "Till Westmann"}}}, 
"wookie": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Wookie"}, 
"curator": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Curator"}, "onami": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Onami"}, "jena": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Jena"}, "ambari": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Ambari", "chair": {"Person": {"name": "Yusaku Sako"}}}, "opennlp": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache OpenNLP"}, "hama": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Hama"}, "stratos": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Stratos"}, "lucy": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Lucy"}, "shindig": {"homepage": 
"";, "charter": "\n        Apache Shindig software 
is\n        an OpenSocial container and helps you to start hosting OpenSocial 
apps qui
 ckly\n        by providing the code to render gadgets, proxy requests, and 
handle REST and RPC requests.\n    ", "name": "Apache Shindig"}, "subversion": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Subversion"}, 
"spark": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Spark"}, 
"sis": {"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Adam Estrada"}}, "name": "Apache SIS", 
"homepage": ""}, "oltu": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Oltu"}, "axis": {"homepage": 
"";, "charter": "The Apache Axis Project is\n       
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software\n       related to the 
Axis Web Services frameworks and subsidiary \n       components.", "member": 
{"Person": {"name": "Sanjiva Weerawarana"}}, "name": "Apache Axis", "chair": 
{"Person": {"name": "Glen Daniels"}}}, "flink": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Flink"}, "mahout": {"homepage": 
 g/", "name": "Apache Mahout"}, "tomee": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Tomee"}, "uima": {"homepage": 
"";, "charter": "\n        Apache UIMA (*) software 
provides frameworks, tools\n        and annotators, facilitating the analysis 
of unstructured content such as text, audio and video. \n        (*) 
Unstructured Information Management Architecture.\n    ", "name": "Apache 
UIMA"}, "pdfbox": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
PDFBox"}, "bigtop": {"homepage": "";, "charter": "\n    
  Bigtop is a project for the development of packaging and tests of the Apache 
Hadoop ecosystem. \n      The primary goal of Bigtop is to build a community 
around the packaging and interoperability \n      testing of Hadoop-related 
projects. This includes testing at various levels (packaging, platform, \n      
runtime, upgrade, etc...) developed by a community with a focus on the system 
as a whole, rather \n      th
 an individual projects. In short we strive to be for Hadoop what Debian is to 
Linux.\n    ", "name": "Apache Bigtop", "chair": {"Person": {"name": "Roman 
Shaposhnik"}}}, "wicket": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Wicket"}, "vcl": {"homepage": "";, "charter": "The 
mission of the Apache VCL project is to create and\n    maintain of software 
related to a modular cloud computing platform which\n    dynamically provisions 
and brokers remote access to compute resources.\n    ", "member": {"Person": 
{"name": "Josh Thompson"}}, "name": "Apache VCL", "chair": {"Person": {"name": 
"Andy Kurth"}}}, "steve": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Steve"}, "celix": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Celix"}, "jackrabbit": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Jackrabbit"}, "jclouds": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Jclouds"}, "lucenenet": 
{"homepage": "http://lu", "name": "Apache Lucenenet"}, "mesos": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Mesos"}, "webservices": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Web Services"}, "ant": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Ant", "chair": 
{"Person": {"name": "Conor MacNeill"}}}, "drill": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Drill"}, "spamassassin": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache SpamAssassin"}, 
"mina": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Mina"}, 
"velocity": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Velocity"}, "tuscany": {"homepage": "";, "charter": 
"\n        Apache Tuscany software\n        simplifies the task of developing 
SOA solutions by providing a comprehensive infrastructure \n        for SOA 
development and management that is based on Service Component Architecture 
(SCA) standard. \n    ", "name": "Apache Tuscan
 y"}, "db": {"homepage": "";, "charter": "The mission of 
the Apache DB project is to create and \n    maintain commercial-quality, 
open-source, database solutions based on \n    software licensed to the 
Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the \n    public.", "member": 
{"Person": {"name": "Rodney Waldhoff"}}, "name": "Apache DB", "chair": 
{"Person": {"name": "Jean T. Anderson"}}}, "bloodhound": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Bloodhound"}, "any23": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Any23"}, "myfaces": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache MyFaces"}, 
"cassandra": {"homepage": "";, "charter": "\n        
Apache Cassandra software is\n        a highly scalable second-generation 
distributed database.\n    ", "name": "Apache Cassandra"}, "ctakes": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache cTAKES"}, "forrest": 
{"chair": {"Person": {"name": "David C
 rossley"}}, "charter": "\n      The mission of Apache Forrest is the 
generation of aggregated\n      multi-channel documentation, maintaining a 
separation of content\n      and presentation.\n    ", "member": {"Person": 
{"name": "Tim Williams"}}, "name": "Apache Forrest", "homepage": 
""}, "stanbol": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Stanbol"}, "cxf": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache CXF"}, "archiva": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Archiva"}, "flume": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Flume"}, "chukwa": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Chukwa"}, "marmotta": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Marmotta"}, "maven": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Maven"}, "olingo": 
{"homepage": "";, "charter": "The Apache Olingo Project 
be and hereby is\n         responsible f
 or the creation and maintenance of software\n         related to providing an 
implemention of the OASIS OData \n         (Open Data Protocol) specifications, 
in server and client \n         form; \n      ", "member": {"person": {"name": 
"Florian Mueller"}}, "name": "Apache Olingo", "chair": {"Person": {"name": 
"Stephan Klevenz"}}}, "airavata": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Airavata"}, "libcloud": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Libcloud", "chair": {"Person": 
{"name": "Tomaz Muraus"}}}, "tcl": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Tcl"}, "openmeetings": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Openmeetings"}, "james": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache James"}, "tiles": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Tiles"}, "geronimo": 
{"homepage": "";, "member": {"Person": {"name": "Alan 
D. Cabrera", "asf-id": "adc"}}, "name": "
 Apache Geronimo"}, "struts": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Struts"}, "incubator": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Incubator", "chair": {"Person": {"name": "Noel Bergman"}}}, 
"avro": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Avro"}, 
"httpd": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache HTTP Server", 
"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Roy Fielding"}}}, "zookeeper": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache ZooKeeper"}, "perl": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache mod_perl"}, "logging": 
{"homepage": "";, "charter": "The mission of the Apache 
Logging Services project is\n    to create and maintain of software for\n    
managing the logging of application behavior, and for related\n   software 
components.", "name": "Apache Logging Services", "chair": {"Person": {"name": 
"Curt Arnold"}}}, "juddi": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
 e jUDDI"}, "sqoop": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
\ No newline at end of file
+{"camel": {"member": {"Person": {"name": "Hadrian Zbarcea"}}, "charter": "\n   
   The mission of Apache Camel is the creation and maintenance\n      of an 
open-source integration framework based on known \n      Enterprise Integration 
Patterns.\n    ", "homepage": "";, "chair": {"Person": 
{"name": "Hadrian Zbarcea"}}, "name": "Apache Camel"}, "uima": {"charter": "\n  
      Apache UIMA (*) software provides frameworks, tools\n        and 
annotators, facilitating the analysis of unstructured content such as text, 
audio and video. \n        (*) Unstructured Information Management 
Architecture.\n    ", "homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
UIMA"}, "deltacloud": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Deltacloud"}, "spamassassin": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache SpamAssassin"}, "kafka": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Kafka"}, "steve": 
{"homepage": "http://steve.apache.o
 rg/", "name": "Apache Steve"}, "tcl": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Tcl"}, "turbine": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Turbine"}, "bval": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache BVal"}, "forrest": {"member": {"Person": {"name": "Tim 
Williams"}}, "charter": "\n      The mission of Apache Forrest is the 
generation of aggregated\n      multi-channel documentation, maintaining a 
separation of content\n      and presentation.\n    ", "homepage": 
"";, "chair": {"Person": {"name": "David 
Crossley"}}, "name": "Apache Forrest"}, "clerezza": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Clerezza"}, "poi": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache POI"}, "chukwa": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Chukwa"}, "openjpa": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache OpenJPA"}, "syncope": 
{"homepage": "";, "name
 ": "Apache Syncope"}, "cayenne": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Cayenne"}, "celix": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Celix"}, "subversion": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Subversion"}, 
"httpcomponents": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
HttpComponents"}, "giraph": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Giraph"}, "oodt": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache OODT: Object Oriented Data Technology"}, "servicemix": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache ServiceMix"}, "xmlbeans": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache XML Beans"}, 
"tiles": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Tiles"}, 
"olingo": {"member": {"person": {"name": "Florian Mueller"}}, "charter": "The 
Apache Olingo Project be and hereby is\n         responsible for the creation 
and maintenance of software\n         related to p
 roviding an implemention of the OASIS OData \n         (Open Data Protocol) 
specifications, in server and client \n         form; \n      ", "homepage": 
"";, "chair": {"Person": {"name": "Stephan Klevenz"}}, 
"name": "Apache Olingo"}, "flink": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Flink"}, "db": {"member": {"Person": {"name": "Rodney 
Waldhoff"}}, "charter": "The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and 
\n    maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on \n  
  software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the \n  
  public.", "homepage": "";, "chair": {"Person": {"name": 
"Jean T. Anderson"}}, "name": "Apache DB"}, "ctakes": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache cTAKES"}, "creadur": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Creadur"}, "cloudstack": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Cloudstack"}, 
  {"charter": "\n        Apache Falcon is a data processing and management 
solution for Hadoop \n        designed for data motion, coordination of data 
pipelines, lifecycle \n        management, and data discovery. Falcon enables 
end consumers to quickly \n        onboard their data and its associated 
processing and management tasks \n        on Hadoop clusters.\n    ", "chair": 
{"Person": {"name": "Srikanth Sundarrajan"}}, "name": "Apache Falcon"}, "knox": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Knox"}, "synapse": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Synapse"}, 
"continuum": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Continuum"}, "xalan": {"member": {"Person": {"name": "Tim Williams"}}, 
"charter": "Apache Xalan exists to promote the use of XSLT.\n    We view XSLT 
(Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) as\n    a compelling paradigm 
that transforms XML documents, thereby\n    facilitating the exchange, 
transformation, an
 d presentation of\n    knowledge. The ability to transform XML documents into 
usable\n    information has great potential to improve the functionality\n    
and use of information systems. We intend to build freely\n    available XSLT 
processing components in order to engender such\n    improvements.", 
"homepage": "";, "chair": {"Person": 
{"name": "Steven J. Hathaway"}}, "name": "Apache Xalan"}, "james": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache James"}, "commons": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Commons"}, "hive": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Hive"}, "mrunit": {"chair": 
{"Person": {"name": "Brock Noland"}}, "homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache MRUnit"}, "jmeter": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache JMeter"}, "tajo": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Tajo"}, "bigtop": {"charter": "\n      Bigtop is a project for 
the de
 velopment of packaging and tests of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. \n      The 
primary goal of Bigtop is to build a community around the packaging and 
interoperability \n      testing of Hadoop-related projects. This includes 
testing at various levels (packaging, platform, \n      runtime, upgrade, 
etc...) developed by a community with a focus on the system as a whole, rather 
\n      than individual projects. In short we strive to be for Hadoop what 
Debian is to Linux.\n    ", "homepage": "";, "chair": 
{"Person": {"name": "Roman Shaposhnik"}}, "name": "Apache Bigtop"}, "crunch": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Crunch"}, "attic": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Attic"}, "zookeeper": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache ZooKeeper"}, 
"lucy": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Lucy"}, "jena": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Jena"}, "tez": {"homepa
 ge": "";, "name": "Apache Tez"}, "allura": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Allura"}, "ode": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Ode"}, "lucene": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Lucene"}, "sling": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Sling"}, "xerces": {"member": 
{"Person": {"name": "Jason Stewart"}}, "charter": "Apache Xerces exists to 
promote the use of XML. \n    We view XML as a compelling paradigm that 
structures data as \n    information, thereby facilitating the exchange, 
transformation, \n    and presentation of knowledge. The ability to transform 
raw data \n    into usable information has great potential to improve the \n    
functionality and use of information systems. We intend to build \n    freely 
available XML parsers and closely related technologies in \n    order to 
engender such improvements.", "homepage": 
"";, "chair": {"
 Person": {"name": "Michael Glavassevich"}}, "name": "Apache Xerces"}, 
"libcloud": {"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Tomaz Muraus"}}, "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Libcloud"}, "deltaspike": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Deltaspike"}, 
"vcl": {"member": {"Person": {"name": "Josh Thompson"}}, "charter": "The 
mission of the Apache VCL project is to create and\n    maintain of software 
related to a modular cloud computing platform which\n    dynamically provisions 
and brokers remote access to compute resources.\n    ", "homepage": 
"";, "chair": {"Person": {"name": "Andy Kurth"}}, "name": 
"Apache VCL"}, "mahout": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Mahout"}, "maven": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Maven"}, "metamodel": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache MetaModel"}, "aries": {"charter": "Apache Aries software is\n   
    a set of pluggable 
 Java components enabling an enterprise \n       OSGi application programming 
model.\n    ", "homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Aries"}, 
"jclouds": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Jclouds"}, "nutch": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Nutch"}, "velocity": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Velocity"}, "logging": {"charter": "The mission of the Apache Logging 
Services project is\n    to create and maintain of software for\n    managing 
the logging of application behavior, and for related\n   software components.", 
"homepage": "";, "chair": {"Person": {"name": "Curt 
Arnold"}}, "name": "Apache Logging Services"}, "cocoon": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Cocoon"}, "curator": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Curator"}, "spark": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Spark"}, "roller": {"homepage": "htt
 p://", "name": "Apache Roller"}, "thrift": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Thrift"}, "wookie": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Wookie"}, "labs": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Labs"}, "climate": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Open Climate Workbench"}, 
"river": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache River"}, 
"ambari": {"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Yusaku Sako"}}, "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Ambari"}, "karaf": {"charter": 
"\n\t   The mission of the Apache Karaf project is\n\t   the creation and 
maintenance of\n       open-source software related to a generic platform 
providing\n       higher level features and services specifically designed 
for\n       creating OSGi-based servers for distribution at no charge to\n      
 the public.\n    ", "homepage": "";, "chair": 
{"Person": {"name": "Guillaum
 e Nodet"}}, "name": "Apache Karaf"}, "bookkeeper": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache BookKeeper"}, "vxquery": 
{"member": {"person": {"name": "Cezar Andrei"}}, "charter": "Creation and 
maintenance of software\n      related to providing an implementation of a 
parallel XML\n      Query processor.\n    ", "homepage": 
"";, "chair": {"person": {"name": "Till Westmann"}}, 
"name": "Apache VXQuery"}, "gump": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Gump"}, "airavata": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Airavata"}, "mesos": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Mesos"}, "apr": {"member": {"Person": {"name": "Cliff 
Woolley"}}, "charter": "The mission of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) 
project is \nto create and maintain software libraries that provide a 
predictable and \nconsistent interface to underlying platform-specific 
implementations. The \nprimary goal is to provide an API t
 o which software developers may code \nand be assured of predictable if not 
identical behaviour regardless of the \nplatform on which their software is 
built, relieving them of the need to \ncode special-case conditions to work 
around or take advantage of \nplatform-specific deficiencies or features.", 
"homepage": "";, "chair": {"Person": {"name": "Garrett 
Rooney"}}, "name": "Apache Portable Runtime"}, "stanbol": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Stanbol"}, "any23": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Any23"}, "cxf": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache CXF"}, "openwebbeans": {"charter": 
"\n        Apache OpenWebBeans software is\n        an ASL-licensed 
implementation of the JSR-299 \n        \"Contexts and Dependency Injection for 
the Java (TM) EE platform\" specification.\n    ", "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache OpenWebBeans"}, "rave": 
{"homepage": "http://rave.apach", "name": "Apache Rave"}, "marmotta": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Marmotta"}, "wicket": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Wicket"}, "httpd": 
{"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Roy Fielding"}}, "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache HTTP Server"}, "directmemory": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Directmemory"}, 
"openmeetings": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Openmeetings"}, "xmlgraphics": {"member": {"Person": {"name": "J\u00f6rg 
Pietschmann"}}, "charter": "Apache XML Graphics exists to promote the use of 
XML. We view XML as a \ncompelling paradigm that structures data as 
information, thereby facilitating \nthe exchange, transformation, and 
presentation of knowledge. The ability to \ntransform raw data into usable 
information has great potential to improve the \nfunctionality and use of 
information systems. We intend to build freely \navailable pr
 oducts for the conversion of XML to graphical output and closely \nrelated 
technologies in order to engender such improvements.", "homepage": 
"";, "chair": {"Person": {"name": "Jeremias 
M\u00e4rki"}}, "name": "Apache XML Graphics"}, "struts": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Struts"}, "opennlp": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache OpenNLP"}, "perl": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache mod_perl"}, "storm": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Storm"}, "trafficserver": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Traffic 
Server"}, "helix": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Helix"}, "flume": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Flume"}, "qpid": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Qpid"}, "felix": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Felix"}, "accumulo": {"chair": {"Pers
 on": {"name": "Billie Rinaldi"}}, "homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Accumulo"}, "tomee": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Tomee"}, "buildr": {"charter": "\n        Apache Buildr 
software is\n        a build system for Java-based applications, \n        
including support for Scala, Groovy and \n        a growing number of JVM 
languages and tools.\n    ", "homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Buildr"}, "gora": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Gora"}, "bloodhound": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Bloodhound"}, "pig": {"homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Pig"}, "activemq": {"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Hiram 
Chirino"}}, "homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
ActiveMQ"}, "samza": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Samza"}, "isis": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
Isis"}, "ace": {"homepag
 e": "";, "name": "Apache Ace"}, "geronimo": {"member": 
{"Person": {"name": "Alan D. Cabrera", "asf-id": "adc"}}, "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Geronimo"}, "pivot": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Pivot"}, "juddi": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache jUDDI"}, "incubator": 
{"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Noel Bergman"}}, "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Incubator"}, "drill": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Drill"}, "lenya": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Lenya"}, "portals": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Portals"}, "mina": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Mina"}, "jackrabbit": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Jackrabbit"}, 
"avro": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Avro"}, 
"santuario": {"homepage": "http://santuario.", "name": "Apache Santuario (XML Security)"}, "ant": {"chair": 
{"Person": {"name": "Conor MacNeill"}}, "homepage": "";, 
"name": "Apache Ant"}, "hama": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Hama"}, "archiva": {"homepage": "";, "name": 
"Apache Archiva"}, "shindig": {"charter": "\n        Apache Shindig software 
is\n        an OpenSocial container and helps you to start hosting OpenSocial 
apps quickly\n        by providing the code to render gadgets, proxy requests, 
and handle REST and RPC requests.\n    ", "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Shindig"}, "tapestry": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Tapestry"}, 
"cassandra": {"charter": "\n        Apache Cassandra software is\n        a 
highly scalable second-generation distributed database.\n    ", "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Cassandra"}, "sis": {"chair": 
{"Person": {"name": "Adam Es
 trada"}}, "homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
SIS"}, "couchdb": {"charter": "\n        Apache CouchDB software is\n        a 
document-oriented database that can be queried and indexed in a MapReduce 
fashion using JavaScript. \n        CouchDB also offers incremental replication 
with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution.\n    ", "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache CouchDB"}, "hadoop": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Hadoop"}, "devicemap": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache DeviceMap"}, 
"axis": {"member": {"Person": {"name": "Sanjiva Weerawarana"}}, "charter": "The 
Apache Axis Project is\n       responsible for the creation and maintenance of 
software\n       related to the Axis Web Services frameworks and subsidiary \n  
     components.", "homepage": "";, "chair": {"Person": 
{"name": "Glen Daniels"}}, "name": "Apache Axis"}, "shiro": {"homepage":
  "";, "name": "Apache Shiro"}, "whirr": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Whirr"}, "phoenix": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Phoenix"}, "myfaces": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache MyFaces"}, "sqoop": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Sqoop"}, "openoffice": 
{"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Andrea Pescetti"}}, "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache OpenOffice"}, "oozie": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Oozie"}, "pdfbox": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache PDFBox"}, "abdera": 
{"chair": {"Person": {"name": "Ant Elder"}}, "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Abdera"}, "hbase": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache HBase"}, "chemistry": {"chair": 
{"Person": {"name": "Florian M\u00fcller"}}, "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Chemistry"}, 
 "tuscany": {"charter": "\n        Apache Tuscany software\n        simplifies 
the task of developing SOA solutions by providing a comprehensive 
infrastructure \n        for SOA development and management that is based on 
Service Component Architecture (SCA) standard. \n    ", "homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Tuscany"}, "tomcat": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Tomcat"}, "jspwiki": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache JSPWiki"}, "wink": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Wink"}, "onami": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Onami"}, "oltu": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Oltu"}, "webservices": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Web Services"}, "tika": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Tika"}, "directory": {"homepage": 
"";, "name": "Apache Directory"}, "manifoldcf": 
{"homepage": "h
 ttp://", "name": "Apache ManifoldCF"}, "stratos": 
{"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache Stratos"}, 
"lucenenet": {"homepage": "";, "name": "Apache 
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: comdev/
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12:03:35 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"brooklyn": {"name": "Apache Brooklyn (Incubating)", "started": "2014-05", 
"homepage": "";, "podling": true, 
"description": "Brooklyn is a framework for modelling, monitoring, and managing 
applications \n        through autonomic blueprints."}, "sirona": {"name": 
"Apache Sirona (Incubating)", "started": "2013-10", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": 
"Monitoring Solution."}, "ripple": {"name": "Apache Ripple (Incubating)", 
"started": "2012-10", "homepage": "";, 
"podling": true, "description": "Ripple is a browser based mobile phone 
emulator designed to aid in the development of HTML5 based mobile applications. 
 Ripple is a cross platform and cross runtime testing/debugging tool. It 
currently supports such runtimes as Cordova, WebWorks aand the Mobile Web."}, 
"usergrid": {"name": "Apache Usergrid (Incubating)", "started": "2013-10", 
"homepage": "http://usergrid.incubat", "podling": true, "description": "Usergrid is 
Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) composed of an integrated database (Cassandra), 
application layer and client tier with SDKs for developers."}, "npanday": 
{"name": "Apache NPanday (Incubating)", "started": "2010-08", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": 
"NPanday allows projects using the .NET framework to be built with Apache 
Maven."}, "log4cxx2": {"name": "Apache log4cxx2 (Incubating)", "started": 
"2013-12", "homepage": "";, "podling": 
true, "description": "Logging for C++"}, "taverna": {"name": "Apache Taverna 
(Incubating)", "started": "2014-10", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": 
"Taverna is a domain-independent suite of tools used to design and execute 
data-driven workflows."}, "datafu": {"name": "Apache DataFu (Incubating)", 
"started": "2014-01", "homepage": "http://datafu.incubator.apache.or
 g/", "podling": true, "description": "DataFu provides a collection of Hadoop 
MapReduce jobs and functions in higher level languages based on it to perform 
data analysis. It provides functions for common statistics tasks (e.g. 
quantiles, sampling), PageRank, stream sessionization, and set and bag 
operations. DataFu also provides Hadoop jobs for incremental data processing in 
MapReduce."}, "reef": {"name": "Apache REEF (Incubating)", "started": 
"2014-08", "homepage": "";, "podling": true, 
"description": "REEF (Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework) is a scale-out 
computing fabric that eases the development of Big Data applications on top of 
resource managers such as Apache YARN and Mesos."}, "kalumet": {"name": "Apache 
Kalumet (Incubating)", "started": "2011-09", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": 
"Kalumet a complete environment manager and deployer including J2EE 
environments (application servers, app
 lications, etc), softwares, and resources."}, "ranger": {"name": "Apache 
Ranger (Incubating)", "started": "2014-07", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": "The 
Ranger project is a framework to enable, monitor and manage comprehensive data 
security across the Hadoop platform."}, "zeppelin": {"name": "Apache Zeppelin 
(Incubating)", "started": "2014-12", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": "A 
collaborative data analytics and visualization tool for distributed, 
general-purpose data processing systems such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink, 
etc."}, "samza": {"name": "Apache Samza (Incubating)", "started": "2013-07", 
"homepage": "";, "podling": true, 
"description": "Samza is a stream processing system for running continuous 
computation on\n      infinite streams of data."}, "johnzon": {"name": "Apache 
Johnzon (Incubating)", "started": "2014-06", "homepage": "http://jo", "podling": true, "description": "Implementation 
of JSR-353 JavaTM API for JSON Processing (Renamed from Fleece)"}, "nifi": 
{"name": "Apache NiFi (Incubating)", "started": "2014-11", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": "NiFi is a 
dataflow system based on the concepts of flow-based programming."}, "blur": 
{"name": "Apache Blur (Incubating)", "started": "2012-07", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": "Blur is a 
search platform capable of searching massive amounts of data\n            in a 
cloud computing environment. "}, "htrace": {"name": "Apache HTrace 
(Incubating)", "started": "2014-11", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": "HTrace 
is a tracing framework intended for use with distributed systems written in 
java."}, "slider": {"name": "Apache Slider (Incubating)", "started": "2014-04", 
"homepage": "http://slider.incubator", "podling": true, "description": "Slider is a collection of 
tools and technologies to package, deploy, and manage long running applications 
on Apache Hadoop YARN clusters."}, "batchee": {"name": "Apache BatchEE 
(Incubating)", "started": "2013-10", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": 
"BatchEE projects aims to provide a JBatch implementation (aka JSR352)\nand a 
set of useful extensions for this specification."}, "flink": {"name": "Apache 
Flink (Incubating)", "started": "2014-04", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": "Flink is 
an open source system for expressive, declarative, fast, and efficient data 
analysis. Stratosphere combines the scalability and programming flexibility of 
distributed MapReduce-like platforms with the efficiency, out-of-core 
execution, and query optimization capabilities found in parallel databases.  
Flink was originally known as Stratosphere when it entered
  the Incubator."}, "tamaya": {"name": "Apache Tamaya (Incubating)", "started": 
"2014-11", "homepage": "";, "podling": true, 
"description": "Tamaya is a highly flexible configuration solution based on an 
modular, extensible and injectable key/value based design, which should provide 
a minimal but extendible modern and functional API leveraging SE, ME and EE 
environments."}, "odftoolkit": {"name": "Apache ODF Toolkit (Incubating)", 
"started": "2011-08", "homepage": "";, 
"podling": true, "description": "Java modules that allow programmatic creation, 
scanning and manipulation of OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300 == ODF) 
documents"}, "corinthia": {"name": "Apache Corinthia (Incubating)", "started": 
"2014-12", "homepage": "";, "podling": 
true, "description": "Corinthia is a toolkit/application for converting between 
and editing common office file formats, with an initial focus on 
 word processing. It is designed to cater for multiple classes of platforms - 
desktop, web, and mobile - and relies heavily on web technologies such as HTML, 
CSS, and JavaScript for representing and manipulating documents. The toolkit is 
small, portable, and flexible, with minimal dependencies. The target audience 
is developers wishing to include office viewing, conversion, and editing 
functionality into their applications."}, "streams": {"name": "Apache Streams 
(Incubating)", "started": "2012-11", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": "Apache 
Streams is a lightweight server for ActivityStreams."}, "twill": {"name": 
"Apache Twill (Incubating)", "started": "2013-11", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": "Twill is 
an abstraction over Apache Hadoop YARN that reduces the complexity of 
developing distributed applications, allowing developers to focus more on their 
business logic"}, "kylin": {"name":
  "Apache Kylin (Incubating)", "started": "2014-11", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": "Kylin is 
a distributed and scalable OLAP engine built on Hadoop to support extremely 
large datasets."}, "mrql": {"name": "Apache MRQL (Incubating)", "started": 
"2013-03", "homepage": "";, "podling": true, 
"description": "MRQL is a query processing and optimization system for 
large-scale, distributed data analysis, built on top of Apache Hadoop, Hama, 
Spark, and Flink."}, "sentry": {"name": "Apache Sentry (Incubating)", 
"started": "2013-08", "homepage": "";, 
"podling": true, "description": "\n          Sentry is a highly modular system 
for providing fine grained role\n          based authorization to both data and 
metadata stored on an Apache Hadoop cluster.\n        "}, "droids": {"name": 
"Apache Droids (Incubating)", "started": "2008-10", "homepage": 
 g/", "podling": true, "description": "Droids aims to be an intelligent 
standalone robot framework that allows to create and extend existing droids 
(robots)."}, "samoa": {"name": "Apache SAMOA (Incubating)", "started": 
"2014-12", "homepage": "";, "podling": true, 
"description": "SAMOA provides a collection of distributed streaming algorithms 
for the most common data mining and machine learning tasks such as 
classification, clustering, and regression, as well as programming abstractions 
to develop new algorithms that run on top of distributed stream processing 
engines (DSPEs). It features a pluggable architecture that allows it to run on 
several DSPEs such as Apache Storm, Apache S4, and Apache Samza. "}, "wave": 
{"name": "Apache Wave (Incubating)", "started": "2010-12", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": "A wave is 
a hosted, live, concurrent data structure for rich communication. It can be 
used like email,
  chat, or a document."}, "lens": {"name": "Apache Lens (Incubating)", 
"started": "2014-10", "homepage": "";, 
"podling": true, "description": "Lens is a platform that enables 
multi-dimensional queries in a unified way over datasets stored in multiple 
warehouses. Lens integrates Apache Hive with other data warehouses by tiering 
them together to form logical data cubes."}, "parquet": {"name": "Apache 
Parquet (Incubating)", "started": "2014-05", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": 
"Parquet is a columnar storage format for Hadoop."}, "aurora": {"name": "Apache 
Aurora (Incubating)", "started": "2013-10", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description": "Aurora 
is a service scheduler used to schedule jobs onto Apache Mesos."}, "ignite": 
{"name": "Apache Ignite (Incubating)", "started": "2014-10", "homepage": 
"";, "podling": true, "description":
  "A unified In-Memory Data Fabric providing high-performance, distributed 
in-memory data management software layer between various data sources and user 
applications."}, "calcite": {"name": "Apache Calcite (Incubating)", "started": 
"2014-05", "homepage": "";, "podling": true, 
"description": "Calcite is a highly customizable engine for parsing and 
planning queries on data in a wide variety of formats. It allows database-like 
access, and in particular a SQL interface and advanced query optimization, for 
data not residing in a traditional database. (Renamed from Optiq on 
\ No newline at end of file
+{"droids": {"description": "Droids aims to be an intelligent standalone robot 
framework that allows to create and extend existing droids (robots).", "name": 
"Apache Droids (Incubating)", "started": "2008-10", "podling": true, "pmc": 
"incubator", "homepage": ""}, "batchee": 
{"description": "BatchEE projects aims to provide a JBatch implementation (aka 
JSR352)\nand a set of useful extensions for this specification.", "name": 
"Apache BatchEE (Incubating)", "started": "2013-10", "podling": true, "pmc": 
"incubator", "homepage": ""}, "reef": 
{"description": "REEF (Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework) is a scale-out 
computing fabric that eases the development of Big Data applications on top of 
resource managers such as Apache YARN and Mesos.", "name": "Apache REEF 
(Incubating)", "started": "2014-08", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", 
"homepage": ""}, "asterixdb": {"description": 
 "Apache AsterixDB is a scalable big data management system (BDMS) that 
provides storage, management, and query capabilities for large collections of 
semi-structured data.", "name": "Apache AsterixDB (Incubating)", "started": 
"2015-02", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "commonsrdf": {"description": 
"Commons RDF is a set of interfaces for the RDF 1.1 concepts that can be used 
to expose common RDF-1.1 concepts using common Java interfaces. ", "name": 
"Apache CommonsRDF (Incubating)", "started": "2015-03", "podling": true, "pmc": 
"incubator", "homepage": ""}, "parquet": 
{"description": "Parquet is a columnar storage format for Hadoop.", "name": 
"Apache Parquet (Incubating)", "started": "2014-05", "podling": true, "pmc": 
"incubator", "homepage": ""}, "johnzon": 
{"description": "Implementation of JSR-353 JavaTM API for JSON Processing 
(Renamed from Fleece)"
 , "name": "Apache Johnzon (Incubating)", "started": "2014-06", "podling": 
true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": ""}, 
"nifi": {"description": "NiFi is a dataflow system based on the concepts of 
flow-based programming.", "name": "Apache NiFi (Incubating)", "started": 
"2014-11", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "wave": {"description": "A wave is a 
hosted, live, concurrent data structure for rich communication. It can be used 
like email, chat, or a document.", "name": "Apache Wave (Incubating)", 
"started": "2010-12", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "zeppelin": {"description": "A 
collaborative data analytics and visualization tool for distributed, 
general-purpose data processing systems such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink, 
etc.", "name": "Apache Zeppelin (Incubating)", "started": "2014-12", "podling": 
true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": "http:/
 /"}, "sentry": {"description": "\n          
Sentry is a highly modular system for providing fine grained role\n          
based authorization to both data and metadata stored on an Apache Hadoop 
cluster.\n        ", "name": "Apache Sentry (Incubating)", "started": 
"2013-08", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "streams": {"description": "Apache 
Streams is a lightweight server for ActivityStreams.", "name": "Apache Streams 
(Incubating)", "started": "2012-11", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", 
"homepage": ""}, "corinthia": 
{"description": "Corinthia is a toolkit/application for converting between and 
editing common office file formats, with an initial focus on word processing. 
It is designed to cater for multiple classes of platforms - desktop, web, and 
mobile - and relies heavily on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and 
JavaScript for representing and manipulatin
 g documents. The toolkit is small, portable, and flexible, with minimal 
dependencies. The target audience is developers wishing to include office 
viewing, conversion, and editing functionality into their applications.", 
"name": "Apache Corinthia (Incubating)", "started": "2014-12", "podling": true, 
"pmc": "incubator", "homepage": ""}, 
"kylin": {"description": "Kylin is a distributed and scalable OLAP engine built 
on Hadoop to support extremely large datasets.", "name": "Apache Kylin 
(Incubating)", "started": "2014-11", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", 
"homepage": ""}, "blur": {"description": 
"Blur is a search platform capable of searching massive amounts of data\n       
     in a cloud computing environment. ", "name": "Apache Blur (Incubating)", 
"started": "2012-07", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "aurora": {"description": "Aurora is a 
service schedule
 r used to schedule jobs onto Apache Mesos.", "name": "Apache Aurora 
(Incubating)", "started": "2013-10", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", 
"homepage": ""}, "kalumet": {"description": 
"Kalumet a complete environment manager and deployer including J2EE 
environments (application servers, applications, etc), softwares, and 
resources.", "name": "Apache Kalumet (Incubating)", "started": "2011-09", 
"podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "brooklyn": {"description": "Brooklyn 
is a framework for modelling, monitoring, and managing applications \n        
through autonomic blueprints.", "name": "Apache Brooklyn (Incubating)", 
"started": "2014-05", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "calcite": {"description": "Calcite 
is a highly customizable engine for parsing and planning queries on data in a 
wide variety of formats. It allows database-like access, an
 d in particular a SQL interface and advanced query optimization, for data not 
residing in a traditional database. (Renamed from Optiq on 2014-09-30.)", 
"name": "Apache Calcite (Incubating)", "started": "2014-05", "podling": true, 
"pmc": "incubator", "homepage": ""}, 
"ripple": {"description": "Ripple is a browser based mobile phone emulator 
designed to aid in the development of HTML5 based mobile applications.  Ripple 
is a cross platform and cross runtime testing/debugging tool. It currently 
supports such runtimes as Cordova, WebWorks aand the Mobile Web.", "name": 
"Apache Ripple (Incubating)", "started": "2012-10", "podling": true, "pmc": 
"incubator", "homepage": ""}, "taverna": 
{"description": "Taverna is a domain-independent suite of tools used to design 
and execute data-driven workflows.", "name": "Apache Taverna (Incubating)", 
"started": "2014-10", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
"http://tave"}, "log4cxx2": {"description": "Logging for C++", 
"name": "Apache log4cxx2 (Incubating)", "started": "2013-12", "podling": true, 
"pmc": "incubator", "homepage": ""}, 
"ignite": {"description": "A unified In-Memory Data Fabric providing 
high-performance, distributed in-memory data management software layer between 
various data sources and user applications.", "name": "Apache Ignite 
(Incubating)", "started": "2014-10", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", 
"homepage": ""}, "odftoolkit": 
{"description": "Java modules that allow programmatic creation, scanning and 
manipulation of OpenDocument Format (ISO/IEC 26300 == ODF) documents", "name": 
"Apache ODF Toolkit (Incubating)", "started": "2011-08", "podling": true, 
"pmc": "incubator", "homepage": ""}, 
"ranger": {"description": "The Ranger project is a framework to enable, monitor 
and manage comprehensive 
 data security across the Hadoop platform.", "name": "Apache Ranger 
(Incubating)", "started": "2014-07", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", 
"homepage": ""}, "slider": {"description": 
"Slider is a collection of tools and technologies to package, deploy, and 
manage long running applications on Apache Hadoop YARN clusters.", "name": 
"Apache Slider (Incubating)", "started": "2014-04", "podling": true, "pmc": 
"incubator", "homepage": ""}, "htrace": 
{"description": "HTrace is a tracing framework intended for use with 
distributed systems written in java.", "name": "Apache HTrace (Incubating)", 
"started": "2014-11", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "lens": {"description": "Lens is a 
platform that enables multi-dimensional queries in a unified way over datasets 
stored in multiple warehouses. Lens integrates Apache Hive with other data 
warehouses by tiering them toget
 her to form logical data cubes.", "name": "Apache Lens (Incubating)", 
"started": "2014-10", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "tamaya": {"description": "Tamaya is a 
highly flexible configuration solution based on an modular, extensible and 
injectable key/value based design, which should provide a minimal but 
extendible modern and functional API leveraging SE, ME and EE environments.", 
"name": "Apache Tamaya (Incubating)", "started": "2014-11", "podling": true, 
"pmc": "incubator", "homepage": ""}, 
"twill": {"description": "Twill is an abstraction over Apache Hadoop YARN that 
reduces the complexity of developing distributed applications, allowing 
developers to focus more on their business logic", "name": "Apache Twill 
(Incubating)", "started": "2013-11", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", 
"homepage": ""}, "mrql": {"description": 
"MRQL is a query processing and op
 timization system for large-scale, distributed data analysis, built on top of 
Apache Hadoop, Hama, Spark, and Flink.", "name": "Apache MRQL (Incubating)", 
"started": "2013-03", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "openaz": {"description": "Tools and 
libraries for developing Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC) Systems in a 
variety of languages.", "name": "Apache OpenAz (Incubating)", "started": 
"2015-01", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "usergrid": {"description": "Usergrid 
is Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) composed of an integrated database (Cassandra), 
application layer and client tier with SDKs for developers.", "name": "Apache 
Usergrid (Incubating)", "started": "2013-10", "podling": true, "pmc": 
"incubator", "homepage": ""}, "datafu": 
{"description": "DataFu provides a collection of Hadoop MapReduce jobs and 
functions in higher level lang
 uages based on it to perform data analysis. It provides functions for common 
statistics tasks (e.g. quantiles, sampling), PageRank, stream sessionization, 
and set and bag operations. DataFu also provides Hadoop jobs for incremental 
data processing in MapReduce.", "name": "Apache DataFu (Incubating)", 
"started": "2014-01", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
""}, "tinkerpop": {"description": "TinkerPop 
is a graph computing framework written in Java", "name": "Apache TinkerPop 
(Incubating)", "started": "2015-01", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", 
"homepage": ""}, "samoa": {"description": 
"SAMOA provides a collection of distributed streaming algorithms for the most 
common data mining and machine learning tasks such as classification, 
clustering, and regression, as well as programming abstractions to develop new 
algorithms that run on top of distributed stream processing engines (DSPEs). It 
  a pluggable architecture that allows it to run on several DSPEs such as 
Apache Storm, Apache S4, and Apache Samza. ", "name": "Apache SAMOA 
(Incubating)", "started": "2014-12", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", 
"homepage": ""}, "sirona": {"description": 
"Monitoring Solution.", "name": "Apache Sirona (Incubating)", "started": 
"2013-10", "podling": true, "pmc": "incubator", "homepage": 
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: comdev/
--- comdev/ (original)
+++ comdev/ Sun Mar  8 
12:03:35 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@

[... 5 lines stripped ...]
--- comdev/ 
+++ comdev/ Sun 
Mar  8 12:03:35 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"bug-database": "";, 
"SVNRepository": "";, 
"license": "";, "repository": null, 
"created": "2006-09-13", "category": 
"";, "Version": {"revision": 
"1.0", "name": "Apache .NET Ant Library 1.0", "created": "2006-11-06"}, 
"release": null, "doap": 
 "shortdesc": "Support for Mono and Microsoft .NET development using Ant", 
"description": "This is a library of Ant tasks that help developing\n.NET 
software.  It includes the \"old\" .NET tasks like a C# compiler task but also 
comes with support for NUnit testing or running the popular NAnt or MSBuild 
build tools.", "download-page": 
"";, "programming-language": 
"Java", "homepage": "";, "pmc": "
 ant", "name": "Apache .NET Ant Library", "mailing-list": 
\ No newline at end of file
+{"category": "build-management", "GitRepository": 
"bug-database": "";, 
"description": "This is a library of Ant tasks that help developing\r\n.NET 
software.  It includes the \"old\" .NET tasks like a C# compiler task but also 
comes with support for NUnit testing or running the popular NAnt or MSBuild 
build tools.", "mailing-list": "";, 
"programming-language": "Java", "file": "", "pmc": "ant", 
"shortdesc": "Support for Mono and Microsoft .NET development using Ant", 
"download-page": "";, "homepage": 
"";, "SVNRepository": "", "name": "Apache 
.NET Ant Library"}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: comdev/
--- comdev/ (original)
+++ comdev/ Sun Mar  8 
12:03:35 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"bug-database": "";, 
"SVNRepository": "";, 
"license": "";, "repository": null, 
"created": "2006-09-13", "category": 
",";, "Version": {"revision": "1.0", 
"name": "Apache AntUnit 1.0", "created": "2007-01-08"}, "release": null, 
"shortdesc": "Test-Framework for Testing Ant Tasks and Types", "description": 
"The Ant Library provides Ant tasks for testing Ant\n      task, it can also be 
used to drive functional and integration tests\n      of arbitrary applications 
with Ant.", "download-page": "";, 
"programming-language": "Java", "homepage": 
"";, "pmc": "ant", "name": "Apache 
AntUnit", "m
 ailing-list": ""}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"category": "build-management, testing", "GitRepository": 
"bug-database": "";, 
"description": "The Ant Library provides Ant tasks for testing Ant\r\n      
task, it can also be used to drive functional and integration tests\r\n      of 
arbitrary applications with Ant.", "mailing-list": 
"";, "programming-language": "Java", "file": 
"ant-antunit", "pmc": "ant", "shortdesc": "Test-Framework for Testing Ant Tasks 
and Types", "download-page": "";, 
"homepage": "";, "SVNRepository": "", 
"name": "Apache AntUnit"}
\ No newline at end of file

Added: comdev/
--- comdev/ (added)
+++ comdev/ Sun 
Mar  8 12:03:35 2015
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"category": "build-management", "GitRepository": 
"bug-database": "";, "description": 
"Apache EasyAnt is a toolbox focusing on easing project build 
processes.\r\nIt's based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy, and allows for maximum 
flexibily, improved integration in existing build systems and provides 
conventions and guidelines.\r\n", "mailing-list": 
"";, "programming-language": 
"java", "file": "ant-apacheeasyant", "pmc": "ant", "shortdesc": "Apache EasyAnt 
is a toolbox focusing on easing project build processes.", "download-page": 
"";, "homepage": 
"";, "SVNRepository": "", "name": "Apache EasyAnt"}
\ No newline at end of file

--- comdev/ 
+++ comdev/ 
Sun Mar  8 12:03:35 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"bug-database": "";, 
"SVNRepository": "";, 
"license": "";, "repository": null, 
"created": "2009-07-31", "category": 
"";, "Version": {"revision": 
"1.4", "name": "Apache Compress Ant Library 1.4", "created": "2014-01-29"}, 
"release": null, "doap": 
 "shortdesc": "Provides Support for Some Archive Formats not Supported by Ant's 
Core", "description": "This is a library of Ant tasks and types uses Apache\n   
   Commons Compress to support additional archive formats like ar,\n      
pack200, xz and cpio.", "download-page": 
"";, "programming-language": 
"Java", "homepage": "";, "pmc": "ant", 
"name": "Apache Compress Ant Library", "mai
 ling-list": ""}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"category": "build-management", "GitRepository": 
"bug-database": "";, 
"description": "This is a library of Ant tasks and types uses Apache\r\n      
Commons Compress to support additional archive formats like ar,\r\n      
pack200, xz and cpio.", "mailing-list": "";, 
"programming-language": "Java", "file": "ant-compress-ant-library", "pmc": 
"ant", "shortdesc": "Provides Support for Some Archive Formats not Supported by 
Ant's Core", "download-page": "";, 
"homepage": "";, "SVNRepository": "", 
"name": "Apache Compress Ant Library"}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: comdev/
--- comdev/ (original)
+++ comdev/ Sun Mar  8 
12:03:35 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"bug-database": "";, "SVNRepository": 
"";, "license": 
"";, "repository": null, "created": 
"2010-11-16", "category": 
"";, "Version": {"revision": 
"2.3.0", "name": "Apache Ivy 2.3.0", "created": "2013-01-20"}, "release": null, 
"doap": "";, 
"shortdesc": "Apache Ivy is a very powerful dependency manager oriented toward 
Java dependency management, even though it could be used to manage dependencies 
of any kind.", "description": "Apache Ivy is a very powerful dependency manager 
oriented toward Java dependency management, even though it could be used to 
manage dependencies of any kind.", "download-page": 
"";, "programming-language": "Java", 
"homepage": "";, "pmc": "ant", "name": "Apache Iv
 y", "mailing-list": ""}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"category": "build-management", "GitRepository": 
"";, "bug-database": 
"";, "description": "Apache Ivy is a 
very powerful dependency manager oriented toward Java dependency management, 
even though it could be used to manage dependencies of any kind.", 
"mailing-list": "";, 
"programming-language": "Java", "file": "ant-ivy", "pmc": "ant", "shortdesc": 
"Apache Ivy is a very powerful dependency manager oriented toward Java 
dependency management, even though it could be used to manage dependencies of 
any kind.", "download-page": "";, 
"homepage": "";, "SVNRepository": "", "name": "Apache 
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: comdev/
--- comdev/ (original)
+++ comdev/ Sun Mar  8 
12:03:35 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"bug-database": "";, 
"SVNRepository": "";, 
"license": "";, "repository": null, 
"created": "2010-11-16", "category": 
"";, "Version": {"revision": 
"2.0.0-alpha1", "name": "Apache IvyDE 2.0.0-alpha1", "created": "2008-06-30"}, 
"release": null, "doap": 
"shortdesc": "Integrate Ivy in Eclipse with the IvyDE plugin.", "description": 
"IvyDE lets you manage your dependencies declared in an ivy.xml in your Java 
Eclipse projects. IvyDE will contribute to the classpath of your Java project, 
with the classpath container. It also bring an editor of ivy.xml files, with 
completion.", "download-page": "";, 
"programming-language": "Java", "homepage": "";, 
"pmc": "ant", "name": "Apa
 che IvyDE", "mailing-list": 
\ No newline at end of file
+{"category": "build-management", "GitRepository": 
"";, "bug-database": 
"";, "description": "IvyDE lets you 
manage your dependencies declared in an ivy.xml in your Java Eclipse projects. 
IvyDE will contribute to the classpath of your Java project, with the classpath 
container. It also bring an editor of ivy.xml files, with completion.", 
"mailing-list": "";, 
"programming-language": "Java", "file": "ant-ivyde", "pmc": "ant", "shortdesc": 
"Integrate Ivy in Eclipse with the IvyDE plugin.", "download-page": 
"";, "homepage": 
"";, "SVNRepository": "", "name": "Apache IvyDE"}
\ No newline at end of file

--- comdev/ 
+++ comdev/ 
Sun Mar  8 12:03:35 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"bug-database": "";, 
"SVNRepository": "";, 
"license": "";, "repository": null, 
"created": "2009-07-31", "category": 
"";, "doap": 
"shortdesc": "The Apache Props Antlib is a library of supplementary handlers 
for Apache Ant properties resolution.", "description": "The Apache Props Antlib 
is a library of supplementary handlers for Apache Ant properties 
resolution.\n\nThe types provided are instances of and can be invoked using the 
<propertyhelper> task provided in Ant 1.8.0.", "download-page": 
"";, "programming-language": 
"Java", "homepage": "";, "pmc": "ant", 
"name": "Apache Props Ant Library",
  "mailing-list": ""}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"category": "build-management", "GitRepository": 
"bug-database": "";, 
"description": "The Apache Props Antlib is a library of supplementary handlers 
for Apache Ant properties resolution.\r\n\r\nThe types provided are instances 
of and can be invoked using the 
<propertyhelper> task provided in Ant 1.8.0.", "mailing-list": 
"";, "programming-language": "Java", "file": 
"ant-props-ant-library", "pmc": "ant", "shortdesc": "The Apache Props Antlib is 
a library of supplementary handlers for Apache Ant properties resolution.", 
"download-page": "";, "homepage": 
"";, "SVNRepository": "", "name": "Apache 
Props Ant Library"}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: comdev/
--- comdev/ 
+++ comdev/ Sun 
Mar  8 12:03:35 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"bug-database": "";, 
"SVNRepository": "";, "license": 
"";, "repository": null, "created": 
"2009-07-31", "category": 
"";, "doap": 
"shortdesc": "Microsoft Visual Source Safe support for Apache Ant.", 
"description": "The Apache VSS Antlib provides an interface to the Microsoft 
Visual SourceSafe SCM. The original Ant tasks have been expanded upon in this 
Antlib. Some fixes to issues in the original tasks have also been 
incorporated.", "download-page": 
"";, "programming-language": 
"Java", "homepage": "";, "pmc": "ant", 
"name": "Apache VSS Ant Library", "mailing-list": 
\ No newline at end of file
+{"category": "build-management", "GitRepository": 
"";, "bug-database": 
"";, "description": 
"The Apache VSS Antlib provides an interface to the Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 
SCM. The original Ant tasks have been expanded upon in this Antlib. Some fixes 
to issues in the original tasks have also been incorporated.", "mailing-list": 
"";, "programming-language": "Java", "file": 
"ant-vss-ant-library", "pmc": "ant", "shortdesc": "Microsoft Visual Source Safe 
support for Apache Ant.", "download-page": 
"";, "homepage": 
"";, "SVNRepository": "", "name": 
"Apache VSS Ant Library"}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: comdev/
--- comdev/ (original)
+++ comdev/ Sun Mar  8 12:03:35 
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"bug-database": "";, 
"SVNRepository": "";, "license": 
"";, "repository": null, "created": 
"2006-02-17", "category": 
"";, "Version": {"revision": 
"1.7.0", "name": "Apache Ant 1.7.0", "created": "2006-12-13"}, "release": null, 
"doap": "";, "shortdesc": "Java-based build 
tool", "description": "Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool.", 
"download-page": "";, 
"programming-language": "Java", "homepage": "";, "pmc": 
"ant", "name": "Apache Ant", "mailing-list": ""}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"category": "build-management", "GitRepository": 
"";, "bug-database": 
"";, "description": 
"Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool.", "mailing-list": 
"";, "programming-language": "Java", "file": 
"ant", "pmc": "ant", "shortdesc": "Java-based build tool", "download-page": 
"";, "homepage": "";, 
"SVNRepository": "", "name": "Apache Ant"}
\ No newline at end of file

Added: comdev/
--- comdev/ (added)
+++ comdev/ Sun Mar  8 
12:03:35 2015
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"category": "", "GitRepository": "", "bug-database": "", "description": "", 
"mailing-list": "", "programming-language": "", "file": "attic-click", "pmc": 
"attic", "shortdesc": "JEE web application framework", "download-page": "", 
"homepage": "";, "SVNRepository": "", "name": "Apache 
\ No newline at end of file

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