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The "Performance" page has been changed by RandallLeeds.


  The second option limits how many client connections the HTTP server will 
service at a time. Again, heavy replication scenarios are good candidates for 
increased {{{max_connections}}} since the replicator opens several connections 
to the source database.
  == System Resource Limits ==
  === Erlang ===
- Even if you've increased the maximum connections CouchDB will allow, the 
Erlang runtime system will not allow more than 1024 connections by default. 
Setting the following option in {{{(prefix)/etc/default/couchdb}}} (or 
equivalent) will increase this limit (in this case to 4096): {{{export 
+ Even if you've increased the maximum connections CouchDB will allow, the 
Erlang runtime system will not allow more than 1024 connections by default. 
Adding the following directive to {{{(prefix)/etc/default/couchdb}}} (or 
equivalent) will increase this limit (in this case to 4096):{{{
+ export ERL_MAX_PORTS=4096}}}
  === PAM and ulimit ===
  Finally, most *nix operating systems impose various resource limits on every 
process. If your system is set up to use the Pluggable Authentication Modules 
(PAM) system, increasing this limit is straightforward. For example, creating a 
file named {{{/etc/security/limits.d/100-couchdb.conf}}} with the following 
contents will ensure that CouchDB can open enough file descriptors to service 
your increased maximum open databases and Erlang ports:{{{
  #<domain>    <type>    <item>    <value>

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