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The "Installing_on_OSX" page has been changed by DaveCottlehuber:

more @mistydemeo helpage

  brew update
  brew outdated
- brew install erlang --no-docs
+ brew install erlang
  brew install couchdb
+  * The above erlang install will use the bottled (pre-compiled) version if 
you are: using {{{/usr/local}}} for homebrew, and on 10.6 or 10.7. If you're 
not on one of these, homebrew will build from source, so consider doing {{{brew 
install erlang --no-docs}}} to trim down compilation time.
   * If you're hacking on CouchDB, and we hope you will, you may try the 
current git-based master (head) branch, or the next development release using 
this couchdb recipe, using either {{{--head}}} or {{{--devel}}} options 
respectively. This will allow quick installation of the future 1.3.x branch 
when it becomes active. If you're not sure if you need this, then you probably 
don't. In both cases we assume you are comfortable identifying bugs, and 
handling any potential upgrades between commits to the codebase.

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