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The "FUQ" page has been changed by JonathanHall:

Remove section moved to the docs

  == Documents ==
-  1. Why should I generate my own UUIDs?
-   . While CouchDB will generate a unique identifier for the _id field of any 
doc that you create, there are three reasons why you are in most cases better 
off generating them yourself.
-   * If for any reason you miss the 200 OK reply from CouchDB, and storing the 
document is attempted again, you would end up with the same document content 
stored under duplicate _ids. This could easily happen with intermediary proxies 
and cache systems that may not inform developers that the failed transaction is 
being retried.
-   * _ids are are the only unique enforced value within CouchDB so you might 
as well make use of this.
-   * CouchDB stores its documents in a B+ tree. Each additional or updated 
document is stored as a leaf node, and may require re-writing intermediary and 
parent nodes. You may be able to take advantage of sequencing your own ids more 
effectively than the automatically generated ids if you can arrange them to be 
sequential yourself.
   1. What is the benefit of using the _bulk_docs API instead of PUTting single 
documents to CouchDB?
    . Aside from the HTTP overhead and roundtrip you are saving, the main 
advantage is that CouchDB can handle the B tree updates more efficiently, 
decreasing rewriting of intermediary and parent nodes, both improving speed and 
saving disk space.

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