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The page "Installing_on_Fedora10" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:


- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- ## The basis for this page is originally from "Installing on Fedora10" which 
was itself renamed from InstallingOnRHEL4
- = Installing on Fedora Core 10 x86_64 =
- 1. build and install Erlang
- Erlang can be downloaded from
- Build instructions can be found here:
- Note : I was able to build Couchdb 1.2.0a1056082 using Erlang R14B01
- Tips: you'll need ncurses and openssl devel packages
- 2. install other dependencies (no external repos required).
- {{{
-   # yum install icu libicu-devel js js-devel libcurl-devel
- }}}
- Note : this results in icu version 4.0-3.fc10 and js version 1.70-3.
- 3. install couchdb
- The code can be gotten from subversion using
- {{{
-   $ svn checkout couchdb
-   $ cd couchdb
-   $ ./bootstrap
- }}}
- If bootstrap throws "libtoolize: command not found" you need to "# yum 
install libtool"
- {{{
-   $ ./configure
- }}}
- If configure throws "Could not find the `erl_driver.h' header" you need to 
tell it where the Erlang includes are; for example: 
- And then as root:
- {{{
-   # make install
- }}}
- The source can also be obtained from a released version using a tool like 
wget.  The example uses the primary site, whereas it is often faster to 
download from a mirror, e.g.,
- For example,
- {{{
-   $ wget
-   $ tar -xzvf apache-couchdb-0.8.1-incubating.tar.gz 
-   $ cd apache-couchdb-0.8.1-incubating
-   $ ./configure  --with-erlang=/usr/lib64/erlang/usr/include/
-   $ make && make install
- }}}
- 4. create couchdb user 
- {{{
-   $ sudo adduser -r -d /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb couchdb
-   $ sudo chown -R couchdb /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb
-   $ sudo chown -R couchdb /usr/local/var/log/couchdb
- }}}
- 5. (optional) edit basic settings like Port and !BindAddress
- {{{
-   $ emacs /usr/local/etc/couchdb/couch.ini
- }}}
- 6. start CouchDB server in your terminal
- {{{
-   $ cd /usr/local/bin/
-   $ sudo -u couchdb ./couchdb
- }}}
- or as daemon
- {{{
-   $ sudo /usr/local/etc/rc.d/couchdb start
- }}}
- Access 
-   http://localhost:5984/_utils/index.html
- or
-   http://hostname:5984/_utils/index.html 
- if you edited the !BindAddress

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