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The page "InstallingOnOSX" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:


- To install CouchDB using Mac``Ports
- {{{
- $ sudo port install couchdb +server
- }}}
- should be enough. Mac``Ports takes care of installing all necessary 
dependencies. If you have
- already installed some of the CouchDB dependencies via Mac``Ports, run this 
command to check and
- upgrade any outdated ones, ''after installing CouchDB'':
- {{{
- $ sudo port upgrade couchdb
- }}}
- This will upgrade dependencies recursively, if there are more recent versions 
available. If you want to
- run CouchDB as a service controlled by the OS, load the launchd configuration 
which comes with the project,
- with this command:
- {{{
- $ sudo launchctl load -w 
- }}}
- and it should be up and accessible via (Don't use the plist file
- Mac``Ports mentions in terminal output, located at 
{{{/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.CouchDB.plist}}}, it does not work.)
- == Dependencies - Erlang ==
- If you experience a Bus Error when compiling CouchDB on OSX 10.5, it's likely 
due to incompatibility between the Mac OS Leopard and Erlang HiPE. Luckily, 
fixing the problem is as simple as rebuilding Erlang with the most recent port 
file (while ''not'' selecting the hipe variant). Run:
- {{{
- $ sudo port selfupdate
- }}}
- to update the port tree, and then install just as explained. Here's 
[[|the bug report on the Mac Ports 
- If you have a previous install of Erlang you should run
- {{{
- $ port upgrade erlang
- }}}
- If Erlang fails to build with the error:
- {{{
- Command output: megaco_flex_scanner_drv.flex:31: unknown error processing 
section 1
- }}}
- You will need to upgrade flex:
- == Typical build process of a CouchDB developer build ==
- {{{
- $ svn checkout couchdb
- $ cd couchdb
- $ ./bootstrap && ./configure
- $ make
- $ sudo make install
- }}}
- == Unofficial Binary Packages ==
- If you just want to give CouchDB a shot and don't like the command line based 
installation, you can get this unofficial binary release for MacOS X 10.5 
Leopard and Intel Macs only:

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