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The page "InstallingSpiderMonkey" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:


- #redirect Installing_SpiderMonkey
- ## page was renamed from InstallingSpiderMonkeyFromSource
- {{{
- make -f Makefile.ref
- JS_DIST=/usr/local/spidermonkey make -f Makefile.ref export
- }}}
- == Notes when installing on OS X ==
-  * The export needs to be run as root so use $ sudo sh
-  * When running ./configure for couchdb you will need to use the 
--with-js-include and --with-js-lib options
-  * You will need to make sure /usr/local/spidermonkey/lib is in  
-  * If you're still getting {{{dyld: Library not loaded: 
Darwin_OPT.OBJ/libjs.dylib}}} when trying to start couchdb, run {{{ranlib 
- == Notes when installing on Linux ==
- It would be best if you can install the SpiderMonkey libraries via your 
system's package management system, eg:
- {{{
- apt-get libmozjs-dev
- }}}
- Or:
- {{{
- yum install js-devel
- }}}
- Warning: Yum may install an older version of SpiderMonkey (1.5) that doesn't 
work with CouchDB. If you see build errors related to 
JSOPTION_NATIVE_BRANCH_CALLBACK, you will need to build a newer version of 
SpiderMonkey as mentioned above.
- However, if you need to install from source you should make sure 
spidermonkey's lib directory is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
- {{{
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/spidermonkey/lib
- }}}
- Or if this does not work for you, set the /lib and /include locations when 
running ./configure by using something similar to:
- {{{
- ./configure --with-js-lib=/usr/local/spidermonkey/lib 
- }}}

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