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The page "GettingStartedWithErlang" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

Migrated to

- #redirect Getting_started_with_Erlang
- ## page was renamed from Getting Started With Erlang
- ## page was renamed from GettingStartedErlang
- Getting started with Erlang and the CouchDB API.
- = eCouch =
- eCouch is an Erlang application that provides an API to a CouchDB server. 
Code and documentation can be obtained at:
- == Characteristics ==
-   * Uses the 
module from [[|LShift]]
-   * eCouch design was inspired by the article 
 a Non-blocking TCP server using OTP principles]]
-   * It assumes that the 
[[|inets]] application is running
- == Features ==
-   * Follows all the OTP design principles
-   * Can run stand-alone with its own supervision tree or be included inside 
an existing supervision tree
-   * Guarantees synchronism between calls and their responses
- = erlcouch =
- It is quite easy to throw together a quick interface to CouchDB in Erlang 
using inets or ibrowse because CouchDB API is so easy. On such interface 
currently exists at:
- Documentation can be found as part of the library.
- = erlang_couchdb =
- Another Erlang library exists as erlang_couchdb. It is actively development 
and tries to do as little as possible.

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