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The page "GettingStartedWithJava" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:


- #redirect Getting_started_with_Java
- Getting started with Java and the CouchDB API.
- CouchDB4J is an updated Java library for CouchDB. It handles the REST style 
calls to the CouchDB server behind the scenes, and give you a handle on the 
JSON objects directly. CouchDB4J uses JSON-lib to handle mapping to/from JSON 
objects, which makes getting/setting properties on the objects very easy. You 
can even map Java objects to JSON objects and back to make the process easier.
- With CouchDB4J, you create a Session object that handles the CouchDB server 
communication. From here, you can get a handle on your Database. From the 
''Database'' you can run views or retrieve ''Documents''. A ''!ViewResult'' is 
a special type of ''Document'' which contains the id's of the ''Documents'' 
that matched your view function.
- == Dependencies ==
-   *
-   * [[|Apache commons]]
-     * commons-httpclient
-     * commons-beanutils
-     * commons-codec
-     * commons-collections
-     * commons-lang
-     * commons-logging
-   * [[|JSON-lib]]
-     * json-lib-2.0
-     * ezmorph
- == Sample Usage ==
- {{{
- Session s = new Session("localhost",5984);
- Database db = s.getDatabase("foodb");
- Document doc = db.getDocument("documentid1234");
- doc.put("foo","bar");
- Document newdoc = new Document();
- doc.put("foo","baz"); // same as JSON: { foo: "baz"; }
-; // auto-generated id given by the database
- // Running a view
- ViewResult result = db.getAllDocuments(); // same as db.view("_all_dbs");
- for (Document d: result.getResults()) {
-         System.out.println(d.getId());
-         /*
-                 ViewResults may not actually contain the full document, only 
what the view
-                 returned.  So, in order to get the full document, you need to 
request a
-                 new copy from the database.
-         */
-         Document full = db.getDocument(d.getId());
- }
- // Ad-Hoc view
- ViewResult resultAdHoc = db.adhoc("function (doc) { if ('bar') { 
return doc; }}");
- }}}
- == Older Libraries ==
- Older CouchDB Java library (doesn't support newer JSON syntax):

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