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The page "Getting_started_with_Python" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:


- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- Getting started with Python and the CouchDB API.
- == Library ==
- === couchdbkit ===
-  .
- Start using Couchdbkit by reading the 
[[|Getting Started tutorial]].
- For django use the 
[[|django extension]] of 
couchdbkit. Other extension exists for 
- === couchdb-python ===
- The code for the Python library can be obtained from:
-  .
- From a terminal window:
- {{{
- $ wget
- $ sudo python
- $ wget
- $ sudo easy_install CouchDB-0.8-py2.6.egg
- }}}
- This first downloads and installs the '''' script which runs 
python ''.egg'' files. The second part downloads the ''.egg'' file for CouchDB 
and installs it along with its dependencies.
- You can find the documentation 
[[|here]], although make 
sure you use the latest version. A brief introduction:
- {{{
- import couchdb
- couch = couchdb.Server() # Assuming localhost:5984
- # If your CouchDB server is running elsewhere, set it up like this:
- couch = couchdb.Server('')
- # select database
- db = couch['mydb']
- #create a document and insert it into the db:
- doc = {'foo': 'bar'}
- }}}
- === couchquery ===
- A simple and dynamic access to CouchDB.
-  .
- === couchshelve ===
- An implementation of the python 'shelve' API using couchquery as a backend
-  .
- == Tutorial on using couchdb-python with Django ==
- A tutorial on using Django (a Python framework) with CouchDb can be found at
-  .
- Alternatively you can view just the source for that example at
-  .
- == Example Wrapper Class ==
- Demonstration of basic API-interaction using Python. (note: as of python 2.6, 
one can use "import json" for the same functionality in this script.)
- {{{#!python
- #! /usr/bin/python2.6
- import httplib, json
- def prettyPrint(s):
-     """Prettyprints the json response of an HTTPResponse object"""
-     # HTTPResponse instance -> Python object -> str
-     print simplejson.dumps(json.loads(, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
- class Couch:
-     """Basic wrapper class for operations on a couchDB"""
-     def __init__(self, host, port=5984, options=None):
- = host
-         self.port = port
-     def connect(self):
-         return httplib.HTTPConnection(, self.port) # No close()
-     # Database operations
-     def createDb(self, dbName):
-         """Creates a new database on the server"""
-         r = self.put(''.join(['/',dbName,'/']), "")
-         prettyPrint(r)
-     def deleteDb(self, dbName):
-         """Deletes the database on the server"""
-         r = self.delete(''.join(['/',dbName,'/']))
-         prettyPrint(r)
-     def listDb(self):
-         """List the databases on the server"""
-         prettyPrint(self.get('/_all_dbs'))
-     def infoDb(self, dbName):
-         """Returns info about the couchDB"""
-         r = self.get(''.join(['/', dbName, '/']))
-         prettyPrint(r)
-     # Document operations
-     def listDoc(self, dbName):
-         """List all documents in a given database"""
-         r = self.get(''.join(['/', dbName, '/', '_all_docs']))
-         prettyPrint(r)
-     def openDoc(self, dbName, docId):
-         """Open a document in a given database"""
-         r = self.get(''.join(['/', dbName, '/', docId,]))
-         prettyPrint(r)
-     def saveDoc(self, dbName, body, docId=None):
-         """Save/create a document to/in a given database"""
-         if docId:
-             r = self.put(''.join(['/', dbName, '/', docId]), body)
-         else:
-             r =''.join(['/', dbName, '/']), body)
-         prettyPrint(r)
-     def deleteDoc(self, dbName, docId):
-         # XXX Crashed if resource is non-existent; not so for DELETE on db. 
-         # XXX Does not work any more, on has to specify an revid
-         #     Either do html head to get the recten revid or provide it as 
-         r = self.delete(''.join(['/', dbName, '/', docId, '?revid=', rev_id]))
-         prettyPrint(r)
-     # Basic http methods
-     def get(self, uri):
-         c = self.connect()
-         headers = {"Accept": "application/json"}
-         c.request("GET", uri, None, headers)
-         return c.getresponse()
-     def post(self, uri, body):
-         c = self.connect()
-         headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
-         c.request('POST', uri, body, headers)
-         return c.getresponse()
-     def put(self, uri, body):
-         c = self.connect()
-         if len(body) > 0:
-             headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
-             c.request("PUT", uri, body, headers)
-         else:
-             c.request("PUT", uri, body)
-         return c.getresponse()
-     def delete(self, uri):
-         c = self.connect()
-         c.request("DELETE", uri)
-         return c.getresponse()
- }}}
- == Usage Example ==
- {{{#!python
- def test():
-     foo = Couch('localhost', '5984')
-     print "\nCreate database 'mydb':"
-     foo.createDb('mydb')
-     print "\nList databases on server:"
-     foo.listDb()
-     print "\nCreate a document 'mydoc' in database 'mydb':"
-     doc = """
-     {
-         "value":
-         {
-             "Subject":"I like Planktion",
-             "Author":"Rusty",
-             "PostedDate":"2006-08-15T17:30:12-04:00",
-             "Tags":["plankton", "baseball", "decisions"],
-             "Body":"I decided today that I don't like baseball. I like 
-         }
-     }
-     """
-     foo.saveDoc('mydb', doc, 'mydoc')
-     print "\nCreate a document, using an assigned docId:"
-     foo.saveDoc('mydb', doc)
-     print "\nList all documents in database 'mydb'"
-     foo.listDoc('mydb')
-     print "\nRetrieve document 'mydoc' in database 'mydb':"
-     foo.openDoc('mydb', 'mydoc')
-     print "\nDelete document 'mydoc' in database 'mydb':"
-     foo.deleteDoc('mydb', 'mydoc')
-     print "\nList all documents in database 'mydb'"
-     foo.listDoc('mydb')
-     print "\nList info about database 'mydb':"
-     foo.infoDb('mydb')
-     print "\nDelete database 'mydb':"
-     foo.deleteDb('mydb')
-     print "\nList databases on server:"
-     foo.listDb()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
-     test()
- }}}
- == Sample Output ==
- {{{#!java
- Create database 'mydb':
- {
-     "ok": true
- }
- List databases on server:
- [
-     "mydb"
- ]
- Create a document 'mydoc' in database 'mydb':
- {
-     "_id": "mydoc",
-     "_rev": 362213977,
-     "ok": true
- }
- Create a document, using an assigned docId:
- {
-     "_id": "CF29360495B2AAB44C7E43E5752A5123",
-     "_rev": 627930386,
-     "ok": true
- }
- List all documents in database 'mydb'
- {
-     "rows": [
-         {
-             "_id": "CF29360495B2AAB44C7E43E5752A5123",
-             "_rev": 627930386
-         },
-         {
-             "_id": "mydoc",
-             "_rev": 362213977
-         }
-     ],
-     "view": "_all_docs"
- }
- Retrieve document 'mydoc' in database 'mydb':
- {
-     "_id": "mydoc",
-     "_rev": 362213977,
-     "value": {
-         "Author": "Rusty",
-         "Body": "I decided today that I don't like baseball. I like 
-         "PostedDate": "2006-08-15T17:30:12-04:00",
-         "Subject": "I like Planktion",
-         "Tags": [
-             "plankton",
-             "baseball",
-             "decisions"
-         ]
-     }
- }
- Delete document 'mydoc' in database 'mydb':
- {
-     "_rev": 3811288472,
-     "ok": true
- }
- List all documents in database 'mydb'
- {
-     "rows": [
-         {
-             "_id": "CF29360495B2AAB44C7E43E5752A5123",
-             "_rev": 627930386
-         }
-     ],
-     "view": "_all_docs"
- }
- List info about database 'mydb':
- {
-     "db_name": "mydb",
-     "doc_count": 1,
-     "update_seq": 3
- }
- Delete database 'mydb':
- {
-     "ok": true
- }
- List databases on server:
- []
- }}}

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