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The page "CORS" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:


- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- Note: CORS is supported only in CouchDB 1.3.x branches or releases, and at 
present is experimental support. This means that:
-  * functionality is disabled by default
-  * support or API may change in subsequent releases
- WARNING!! This page is a temporary gathering spot for CORS documentation 
while the 
 branch]] is in development. It will get merged back into the cors branch when 
sufficiently clean, and will use the sphinx support being worked on in the 
- <<TableOfContents(2)>>
- = Introducing CORS =
- By supporting CORS functionality, a CouchDB instance can accept direct 
connections to protected DBs and instances, without the browser functionality 
being blocked due to the same origin constraint. CORS is 
[[|widely supported]] today on over 90% of browsers.
-  * dev list [[|announcement]] 
from @benoitc
-  * JIRA [[]]
- = Features =
-  * Simple requests for a couchdb instance
-  * Preflight requests for a couchdb instance
-  * Configuration for a specific CouchDB vhost
-  * All origins are excluded by default
- = Configuration =
- == Enabling CORS ==
- To enable CORS support, you need to set the option {{{enable_cors = true}}} 
in the {{{[httpd]}}} section of {{{local.ini}}}, and {{{[cors]}}} section with 
{{{origins = *}}}. Note that by default, no origins are accepted, you must 
either use a wildcard or whitelist.
- {{{
- [httpd]
- enable_cors = true
- [cors]
- origins = *
- }}}
- == Tightening Access ==
- === Restricting by Protocol, Host and optional Port ===
- {{{
- [cors]
- ; List of origins, separated by a comma (protocol, host, port)
- ; refer to for specification
- origins =, https://localhost,
- }}}
- === Restricting Accepted Methods ===
- {{{
- [cors]
- ; List of accepted methods, comma-separated
- ; refer to, rfc2817, rfc5789
- methods = GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
- }}}
- === Restricting Accepted Headers ===
- {{{
- [cors]
- ; List of accepted headers separated by a comma
- headers = TODO
- }}}
- == Securing at the VHOST level ==
- To set the options for a vhost, you will need to create a section with the 
vhost name prefixed by "cors:" . Ex for the vhost
- {{{
- ; Configuration for a vhost
- ;[]
- ; credentials = false
- ; List of origins separated by a comma
- ;origins =
- ; List of accepted headers separated by a comma
- ; headers =
- ; List of accepted methods
- ; methods =
- }}}
- == Credentials ==
- = Testing Your Implementation =
- The following snippet was lifted from 
[[|html5rocks]] CORS tutorial:
- {{{
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html lang="en">
-   <head>
-     <title>Testing CORS</title>
-     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
-     <script 
-     <meta 
-     <meta license="Apache 2.0">
-     <script>
-       // Create the XHR object.
-       function createCORSRequest(method, url) {
-         var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
-         if ("withCredentials" in xhr) {
-           // XHR for Chrome/Firefox/Opera/Safari.
- , url, true);
-         } else if (typeof XDomainRequest != "undefined") {
-           // XDomainRequest for IE.
-           xhr = new XDomainRequest();
- , url);
-         } else {
-           // CORS not supported.
-           xhr = null;
-         }
-         return xhr;
-       }
-       // Make the actual CORS request.
-       function makeCorsRequest(uri) {
-         console.log("got uri: " + uri);
-         var xhr = createCORSRequest('GET', uri);
-         if (!xhr) {
-           alert('CORS not supported');
-           return;
-         }
-         // Response handlers.
-         xhr.onload = function() {
-           console.log('Response from CORS request to ' + uri + ': ' + 
-         };
-         xhr.onerror = function() {
-           console.log('Woops, there was an error making the request to ' + 
uri + '.');
-         };
-         xhr.send();
-       }
-       $(document).ready(function() {
-         makeCorsRequest('');
-         });
-   </script>
-   </head>
-   <body>
-   </body>
- </html>
- }}}
- = Reference Material =
- This image is from the excellent 
[[|html5rocks]] CORS tutorial.
- {{}}
- == CORS References ==
-  * [[]] CORS standard
-  * [[]] Definition of Origin
-  * 
-  * [[]]
-  * [[]]
-  * [[]]
-  * 
- == Client-side CORS support and usage ==
-  * [[]] covers browser support
-  * [[]] has a nice example
-  * 
- Note that at least IE >= 8 does not support pre-flight.

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