Dear wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page "Couchdb Wiki" for change notification.

The page "ClouchDB" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

Replaced by

- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- ## page was renamed from GettingStartedWithLisp
- Getting started with Common Lisp and the CouchDB API.
- == Library ==
- The code for Clouchdb, the Common Lisp CouchDB library, as well as full 
documentation and more detailed examples can be obtained from:
- This library can also be installed with ASDF:
- {{{
- CL-USER> (asdf-install:install 'clouchdb)
- CL-USER> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op '#clouchdb)
- }}}
- == Using the Library ==
- {{{
- ;; Create a workspace package
- (defpackage :clouchdb-user (:use :cl :clouchdb))
- (in-package :clouchdb-user)
- ;; See what databases exist on default connection, which is 
- ;; host "localhost", port 5984
- (list-dbs)
- ;; Create database "myDb"
- (set-connection :db-name "myDb")
- (create-db)
- ;; Create a document in database "myDb"
- (create-document '((:Subject . "I like Plankton")
-                    (:Author . "Rusty")
-                    (:PostedDate . "2006-08-15T17:30:12-04:00")"
-                    (:Tags . ("plankton" "baseball" "decisions"))
-                   :id "myDoc")
- ;; Get all documents in "myDb"
- (get-all-documents)
- ;; Get document "myDoc"
- (get-document "myDoc")
- ;; Delete document "myDoc"
- (delete-document :id "myDoc")
- ;; List information about database "myDb"
- (get-db-info :db-name "myDb")
- }}}

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