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The page "Build_Tests" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

Replaced by Jenkins/Travis; see the apache/couchdb and apache/couchdb-ci 

- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- These are tests for the build system.
- You should only need to care about this if you are working on the build 
- These tests should demonstrate that the core functionality is working.
- = Steps =
- Boot a new AWS instance.
- {{{
- export AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS=--disable-tests
- }}}
- Install Git and regular dependencies.
- {{{
- git clone
- }}}
- Switch to the branch or tag you are testing.
- {{{
- ./bootstrap && ./configure && make
- }}}
- This should fail.
- Install some required build dependencies.
- {{{
- ./bootstrap && ./configure && make 
- }}}
- This should fail.
- Install all required build dependencies.
- {{{
- ./bootstrap && ./configure && make distcheck
- }}}
- This should fail.
- {{{
- ./bootstrap && ./configure && make dist
- }}}
- Export the distribution artefact.
- {{{
- ./bootstrap && ./configure --enable-strictness && make
- }}}
- This should fail.
- Install some optional build dependencies.
- {{{
- ./bootstrap && ./configure --enable-strictness && make
- }}}
- This should fail.
- Install all optional build dependencies.
- {{{
- ./bootstrap && ./configure --enable-strictness && make distcheck 
- }}}
- Export the distribution artefact.
- You should now have two exported distribution artefacts.
- Terminate this AWS instance.
- Boot a new AWS instance.
- {{{
- export AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS=--disable-tests
- }}}
- Import both distribution artefacts.
- Install regular dependencies.
- Unpack both distribution artefacts.
- Run the following command in both distribution directories.
- {{{
- ./configure && make dist
- }}}
- Switch to the distribution artefact with docs.
- {{{
- ./configure --prefix=/tmp/install/some-with && make install
- }}}
- Switch to the distribution artefact without docs.
- {{{
- ./configure --prefix=/tmp/install/some-without && make install
- }}}
- Install all optional build dependencies.
- Run the following command in both distribution directories.
- {{{
- ./configure && make distcheck
- }}}
- Switch to the distribution artefact with docs.
- {{{
- ./configure --prefix=/tmp/install/all-with && make install
- }}}
- Switch to the distribution artefact without docs.
- {{{
- ./configure --prefix=/tmp/install/all-without && make install
- }}}
- {{{
- cd /tmp/install/some-with && find . > /tmp/install/some-with.files
- cd /tmp/install/some-without && find . > /tmp/install/some-without.files
- diff /tmp/install/some-with.files /tmp/install/some-without.files
- }}}
- You should see a diff that lists all the documentation files that are missing.
- {{{
- cd /tmp/install/all-with && find . > /tmp/install/all-with.files
- cd /tmp/install/all-without && find . > /tmp/install/all-without.files
- diff /tmp/install/all-with.files /tmp/install/all-without.files
- }}}
- There should be no output.

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