Distributed OSGi Reference has been edited by David Bosschaert (May 07, 2009).

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Configuration Properties

These properties are set on the Service Registration in the OSGi Service Registry.

Service Provider properties

Property Name Data Type Example Description
osgi.remote.interfaces String org.example.BarService,org.example.FooService * Denotes the interfaces to be exposed remotely. This is a comma-separated list of fully qualified Java interfaces that should be made available remotely. A special value of * can be provided meaning that all of the interfaces passed to the BundleContext.registerService() call are suitable for remoting.
osgi.remote.configuration.type String pojo Specifies the mechanism for configuring the service exposure. Possible values:
  • pojo configuration is driven from POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) registered as Services with the OSGi service registry.
  • wsdl configuration driven from WSDL

pojo configuration type

When the osgi.remote.configuration.type=pojo property is specified, the following properties may also be specified.

Property Name Data Type Example Description
osgi.remote.configuration.pojo.address String http://localhost:9090/greeter The address at which the service with be made available remotely. If this property is not specified, this defaults to http://localhost:9000/fully/qualified/ClassName.
osgi.remote.configuration.pojo.httpservice.context String /auction When this property is specified, the OSGi HTTP Service is used to expose the service, rather than a dedicated Jetty HTTP Server. This property doesn't allow the specification of a port number, as this is provided by the HTTP Service. The Distributed OSGi distributions come with Pax-Web, for which configuration information can be found here: http://wiki.ops4j.org/display/paxweb/Configuration, however other OSGi HTTP Service implementations are potentially configured differently.

Service Consumer properties

On client side proxies, typically the same properties are set as on set service provider side. There are some additional properties too. Since the client-side proxy is registered by the DOSGi implementation, all these properties are read-only.

Property Name Data Type Example Description
osgi.remote boolean true This property is always set on a service proxy, indicating that the real service is remote.
org.apache.cxf.remote.dsw.client String   This property is set to the bundle name of the CXF-DOSGi implementation and can be used to find client side proxies created by the CXF DOSGi implementation.

The Intent Map


remote-services.xml files

The CXF DOSGi implementation provides a DSW (Distribution Software) implementation of Distributed OSGi. It is compatible with any Distributed OSGi Discovery implementation in order to discover remote services dynamically.

However, using a Discovery system is optional, it is also possible to statically configure remote services into the system. This is done by registering one or more bundles containing remote-services.xml files. By default the system looks for any files with the .xml extension in the OSGI-INF/remote-service directory of the bundle.

Here's an example:

<service-descriptions xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/sd/v1.0.0">
    <provide interface="org.apache.cxf.dosgi.samples.greeter.GreeterService" />
    <property name="osgi.remote.interfaces">*</property>
    <property name="osgi.remote.configuration.type">pojo</property>
    <property name="osgi.remote.configuration.pojo.address">http://localhost:9090/greeter</property>

  <!-- further service-description tags are allowed here -->

Alternative locations

By default all *.xml files in the OSGI-INF/remote-service location are considered, this location can be changed by setting the Remote-Service header in the bundle manifest, e.g.

Remote-Service: META-INF/osgi

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