Author: cziegeler
Date: Thu Feb  5 09:41:52 2015
New Revision: 1657502

FELIX-4785 : Incompatible SCR API

    felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/   (with 
    felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/   (with 
    felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/   (with 

Modified: felix/trunk/scr/bnd.bnd
--- felix/trunk/scr/bnd.bnd (original)
+++ felix/trunk/scr/bnd.bnd Thu Feb  5 09:41:52 2015
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Provide-Capability: osgi.extender;\
-Export-Package: org.apache.felix.scr;version=2.0, \
+Export-Package: org.apache.felix.scr;version=1.8.1, \
status="provisional", \
  org.osgi.service.component;version=1.3;-split-package:=first, \
  org.osgi.service.component.runtime.*;version=1.3, \

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--- felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/ (added)
+++ felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/ Thu Feb  
5 09:41:52 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.felix.scr;
+import java.util.Dictionary;
+import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
+import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentInstance;
+ * The <code>Component</code> interface represents a single component managed
+ * by the Service Component Runtime. Management agents may access the Component
+ * instances through the {@link ScrService}.
+ *
+ * @deprecated Use the ServiceComponentRuntime service.
+ */
+public interface Component
+    /**
+     * The Component has just been created and is still disabled or it has
+     * been disabled by calling the {@link #disable()} method (value is 1).
+     */
+    static final int STATE_DISABLED = 1;
+    /**
+     * The Component is being enabled (value is 512). After the component has
+     * been enabled it enters the {@link #STATE_UNSATISFIED} state.
+     * @since 1.2
+     * @deprecated since 1.8.0
+     */
+    @Deprecated
+    static final int STATE_ENABLING = 512;
+    /**
+     * The Component has been enabled and is now going to be activated (value
+     * is 2).
+     * @deprecated as of version 1.2 the enabled state is collapsed into the
+     *      {@link #STATE_UNSATISFIED} state. This status code is never 
+     *      from the {@link #getState()} method.
+     */
+    @Deprecated
+    static final int STATE_ENABLED = 2;
+    /**
+     * The Component activation failed because any dependency is not satisfied
+     * (value is 4).
+     */
+    static final int STATE_UNSATISFIED = 4;
+    /**
+     * The Component is currently being activated either because it has been
+     * enabled or because any dependency which was previously unsatisfied has
+     * become satisfied (value is 8).
+     * @deprecated since 1.8.0 transient states are no longer used
+     */
+    @Deprecated
+    static final int STATE_ACTIVATING = 8;
+    /**
+     * The Component has successfully been activated and is fully functional
+     * (value is 16). This is the state of immediate components after
+     * successful activation. Delayed and Service Factory Components enter
+     * this state when the service instance has actually been instantiated 
+     * the service has been acquired.
+     */
+    static final int STATE_ACTIVE = 16;
+    /**
+     * The Component has successfully been activated but is a Delayed or 
+     * Factory Component pending instantiation on first use (value is 32).
+     */
+    static final int STATE_REGISTERED = 32;
+    /**
+     * The Component is a Component Factory ready to create Component instances
+     * with the <code>ComponentFactory.newInstance(Dictionary)</code> method
+     * or (if enabled with the <code>ds.factory.enabled</code> configuration) 
+     * manage Component instances from configuration data received from the
+     * Configuration Admin Service (value is 64).
+     */
+    static final int STATE_FACTORY = 64;
+    /**
+     * The Component is being deactivated either because it is being disabled
+     * or because a dependency is not satisfied any more (value is 128). After
+     * deactivation the Component enters the {@link #STATE_UNSATISFIED} state.
+     * @deprecated since 1.8.0 transient states are no longer used
+     */
+    @Deprecated
+    static final int STATE_DEACTIVATING = 128;
+    /**
+     * The Component is being disabled (value is 1024). After the component has
+     * been disabled it enters the {@link #STATE_DISABLED} state.
+     * @since 1.2
+     * @deprecated since 1.8.0 transient states are no longer used
+     */
+    @Deprecated
+    static final int STATE_DISABLING = 1024;
+    /**
+     * The Component is being disposed off (value is 2048). After the component
+     * has been disposed off it enters the {@link #STATE_DESTROYED} state.
+     * @since 1.2
+     * @deprecated since 1.8.0 transient states are no longer used
+     */
+    @Deprecated
+    static final int STATE_DISPOSING = 2048;
+    /**
+     * The Component has been destroyed and cannot be used any more (value is
+     * 256). This state is only used when the bundle declaring the component
+     * is being stopped and all components have to be removed.
+     * @deprecated as of version 1.2 this constant has been renamed to
+     *      {@link #STATE_DISPOSED}.
+     */
+    @Deprecated
+    static final int STATE_DESTROYED = 256;
+    /**
+     * The Component has been disposed off and cannot be used any more (value 
+     * 256). This state is used when the bundle declaring the component
+     * is being stopped and all components have to be removed. This status is
+     * also the final status of a component after the
+     * <code>ComponentInstance.dispose()</code> method has been called.
+     * @since 1.2
+     */
+    static final int STATE_DISPOSED = 256;
+    /**
+     * Returns the component ID of this component. This ID is managed by the
+     * SCR. If the component is not currently enabled the ID might not be
+     * assigned to the component (yet) and this method will return -1 in this
+     * case.
+     */
+    long getId();
+    /**
+     * Returns the name of the component, which is also used as the service 
+     * This method provides access to the <code>name</code> attribute of the
+     * <code>component</code> element.
+     */
+    String getName();
+    /**
+     * Returns the current state of the Component, which is one of the
+     * <code>STATE_*</code> constants defined in this interface.
+     */
+    int getState();
+    /**
+     * Returns the <code>Bundle</code> declaring this component.
+     */
+    Bundle getBundle();
+    /**
+     * Returns the component factory name or <code>null</code> if this 
+     * is not defined as a component factory. This method provides access to
+     * the <code>factory</code> attribute of the <code>component</code>
+     * element.
+     */
+    String getFactory();
+    /**
+     * Returns <code>true</code> if this component is a service factory. This
+     * method returns the value of the <code>serviceFactory</code> attribute of
+     * the <code>service</code> element. If the component has no service
+     * element, this method returns <code>false</code>.
+     */
+    boolean isServiceFactory();
+    /**
+     * Returns the class name of the Component implementation. This method
+     * provides access to the <code>class</code> attribute of the
+     * <code>implementation</code> element.
+     */
+    String getClassName();
+    /**
+     * Returns whether the Component is declared to be enabled initially. This
+     * method provides access to the <code>enabled</code> attribute of the
+     * <code>component</code> element.
+     */
+    boolean isDefaultEnabled();
+    /**
+     * Returns whether the Component is an Immediate or a Delayed Component.
+     * This method provides access to the <code>immediate</code> attribute of
+     * the <code>component</code> element.
+     */
+    boolean isImmediate();
+    /**
+     * Returns an array of service names provided by this Component or
+     * <code>null</code> if the Component is not registered as a service. This
+     * method provides access to the <code>interface</code> attributes of the
+     * <code>provide</code> elements.
+     */
+    String[] getServices();
+    /**
+     * Returns the properties of the Component. The Dictionary returned is a
+     * private copy of the actual properties and contains the same entries as
+     * are used to register the Component as a service and are returned by
+     * the <code>ComponentContext.getProperties()</code> method.
+     */
+    Dictionary getProperties();
+    /**
+     * Returns an array of {@link Reference} instances representing the service
+     * references (or dependencies) of this Component. If the Component has no
+     * references, <code>null</code> is returned.
+     */
+    Reference[] getReferences();
+    /**
+     * Returns the <code>org.osgi.service.component.ComponentInstance</code>
+     * representing this component or <code>null</code> if this component
+     * is not been activated yet.
+     *
+     * @since 1.2
+     */
+    ComponentInstance getComponentInstance();
+    /**
+     * Returns the name of the method to be called when the component is being
+     * activated.
+     * <p>
+     * This method never returns <code>null</code>, that is, if this method is
+     * not declared in the component descriptor this method returns the
+     * default value <i>activate</i>.
+     *
+     * @since 1.2
+     */
+    String getActivate();
+    /**
+     * Returns <code>true</code> if the name of the method to be called on
+     * component activation (see {@link #getActivate()} is declared in the
+     * component descriptor or not.
+     * <p>
+     * For a component declared in a Declarative Services 1.0 descriptor, this
+     * method always returns <code>false</code>.
+     *
+     * @since 1.2
+     */
+    boolean isActivateDeclared();
+    /**
+     * Returns the name of the method to be called when the component is being
+     * deactivated.
+     * <p>
+     * This method never returns <code>null</code>, that is, if this method is
+     * not declared in the component descriptor this method returns the
+     * default value <i>deactivate</i>.
+     *
+     * @since 1.2
+     */
+    String getDeactivate();
+    /**
+     * Returns <code>true</code> if the name of the method to be called on
+     * component deactivation (see {@link #getDeactivate()} is declared in the
+     * component descriptor or not.
+     * <p>
+     * For a component declared in a Declarative Services 1.0 descriptor, this
+     * method always returns <code>false</code>.
+     *
+     * @since 1.2
+     */
+    boolean isDeactivateDeclared();
+    /**
+     * Returns the name of the method to be called when the component
+     * configuration has been updated or <code>null</code> if such a method is
+     * not declared in the component descriptor.
+     * <p>
+     * For a component declared in a Declarative Services 1.0 descriptor, this
+     * method always returns <code>null</code>.
+     *
+     * @since 1.2
+     */
+    String getModified();
+    /**
+     * Returns the configuration policy declared in the component descriptor.
+     * If the component descriptor is a Declarative Services 1.0 descriptor or
+     * no configuration policy has been declared, the default value
+     * <i>optional</i> is returned.
+     * <p>
+     * The returned string is one of the three policies defined in the
+     * Declarative Services specification 1.1:
+     * <dl>
+     * <dt>optional</dt>
+     * <dd>Configuration from the Configuration Admin service is supplied to
+     * the component if available. Otherwise the component is activated without
+     * Configuration Admin configuration. This is the default value reflecting
+     * the behaviour of Declarative Services 1.0</dd>
+     * <dt>require</dt>
+     * <dd>Configuration is required. The component remains unsatisfied until
+     * configuration is available from the Configuration Admin service.</dd>
+     * <dt>ignore</dt>
+     * <dd>Configuration is ignored. No Configuration Admin service
+     * configuration is supplied to the component.</dd>
+     * </dl>
+     *
+     * @since 1.2
+     */
+    String getConfigurationPolicy();
+    /**
+     * Returns the configuration pid declared in the component descriptor.
+     * The value is used to retrieve the component configuration from the
+     * OSGi configuration admin service. The value returned by this method
+     * depends on the Declarative Service namespace used by the component:
+     * <p>
+     * <dl>
+     * <dt>DS 1.0</dt>
+     * <dd>The component name is returned.</dd>
+     * <dt>DS 1.1</dt>
+     * <dd>The component name is returned, if it has been specified. If not 
+     * then the default component name is returned (that is the fully 
qualified component
+     * class name).
+     * <dt>DS 1.2</dt>
+     * <dd>The value of the configuration-pid attribute is returned if it has 
been specified.
+     * If not specified, then the same DS 1.1 rules are applied.</dd>
+     * </dl>
+     *
+     * @since 1.2
+     */
+    String getConfigurationPid();
+    /**
+     * Returns whether the configuration-pid has been declared in the 
+     * or not.
+     *
+     * @return whether the configuration-pid has method has been declared in 
the descriptor
+     *      or not.
+     * @since DS 1.2
+     */
+    boolean isConfigurationPidDeclared();
+    /**
+     * Enables this Component if it is disabled. If the Component is not
+     * currently {@link #STATE_DISABLED disabled} this method has no effect. If
+     * the Component is {@link #STATE_DESTROYED destroyed}, this method throws
+     * an <code>IllegalStateException</code>.
+     *
+     * @throws IllegalStateException If the Component is destroyed.
+     */
+    void enable();
+    /**
+     * Disables this Component if it is enabled. If the Component is already
+     * {@link #STATE_DISABLED disabled} this method has no effect. If the
+     * Component is {@link #STATE_DESTROYED destroyed}, this method throws an
+     * <code>IllegalStateException</code>.
+     *
+     * @throws IllegalStateException If the Component is destroyed.
+     */
+    void disable();

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Added: felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/
--- felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/ (added)
+++ felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/ Thu Feb  
5 09:41:52 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.felix.scr;
+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
+ * The <code>Reference</code> interface represents a single reference (or
+ * dependency) to a service used by a Component.
+ *
+ * @deprecated Use the ServiceComponentRuntime service.
+ */
+public interface Reference
+    /**
+     * Returns the name of this Reference. This method provides access to the
+     * <code>name</code> attribute of the <code>referenec</code> element.
+     */
+    String getName();
+    /**
+     * Returns the name of the service used by this Reference. This method
+     * provides access to the <code>interface</code> attribute of the
+     * <code>reference</code> element.
+     */
+    String getServiceName();
+    /**
+     * Returns an array of references to the services bound to this Reference
+     * or <code>null</code> if no services are currently bound.
+     */
+    ServiceReference[] getServiceReferences();
+    /**
+     * added by mistake.  Use getServiceReferences();
+     * @return
+     */
+    @Deprecated
+    ServiceReference[] getBoundServiceReferences();
+    /**
+     * Returns whether this reference is satisified. A {@link #isOptional() 
+     * component is always satsified. Otherwise <code>true</code> is only
+     * returned if at least one service is bound.
+     */
+    boolean isSatisfied();
+    /**
+     * Returns whether this reference is optional. This method provides access
+     * to the lower bound of the <code>cardinality</code> attribute of the
+     * <code>reference</code> element. In other words, this method returns
+     * <code>true</code> if the cardinality is <em>0..1</em> or <em>0..n</em>.
+     */
+    boolean isOptional();
+    /**
+     * Returns whether this reference is multiple. This method provides access
+     * to the upper bound of the <code>cardinality</code> attribute of the
+     * <code>reference</code> element. In other words, this method returns
+     * <code>true</code> if the cardinality is <em>0..n</em> or <em>1..n</em>.
+     */
+    boolean isMultiple();
+    /**
+     * Returns <code>true</code> if the reference is defined with static 
+     * This method provides access to the <code>policy</code> element of the
+     * <code>reference</code> element. <code>true</code> is returned if the
+     * policy is defined as <em>static</em>.
+     */
+    boolean isStatic();
+    /**
+     * Returns <code>true</code> if the reference is defined with reluctant
+     * policy option.  This method provides access to the 
+     * element of the <code>reference</code> element.  <code>true</code> is
+     * returned if the policy option is defined as <em>reluctant</em>
+     *
+     * @since 1.7
+     */
+    boolean isReluctant();
+    /**
+     * Returns the value of the target property of this reference. Initially
+     * (without overwriting configuration) this method provides access to the
+     * <code>target</code> attribute of the <code>reference</code> element. If
+     * configuration overwrites the target property, this method returns the
+     * value of the Component property whose name is derived from the
+     * {@link #getName() reference name} plus the suffix <em>.target</em>. If
+     * no target property exists this method returns <code>null</code>.
+     */
+    String getTarget();
+    /**
+     * Returns the name of the method called if a service is being bound to
+     * the Component or <code>null</code> if no such method is configued. This
+     * method provides access to the <code>bind</code> attribute of the
+     * <code>reference</code> element.
+     */
+    String getBindMethodName();
+    /**
+     * Returns the name of the method called if a service is being unbound from
+     * the Component or <code>null</code> if no such method is configued. This
+     * method provides access to the <code>unbind</code> attribute of the
+     * <code>reference</code> element.
+     */
+    String getUnbindMethodName();
+    /**
+     * Returns the name of the method called if a bound service updates its
+     * service registration properties or <code>null</code> if no such method
+     * is configued. This method provides access to the <code>updated</code>
+     * attribute of the <code>reference</code> element.
+     * <p>
+     * For a component declared in a Declarative Services 1.0 and 1.1
+     * descriptor, this method always returns <code>null</code>.
+     *
+     * @since 1.4
+     */
+    String getUpdatedMethodName();

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Added: felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/
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+++ felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/ Thu Feb  
5 09:41:52 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.felix.scr;
+import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
+ * The <code>ScrService</code> represents the Declarative Services main
+ * controller also known as the Service Component Runtime or SCR for short.
+ * It provides access to the components managed the SCR.
+ *
+ * @deprecated Use the ServiceComponentRuntime service.
+ */
+public interface ScrService
+    /**
+     * Returns an array of all components managed by this SCR instance. The
+     * components are returned in ascending order of their If
+     * there are no components currently managed by the SCR, <code>null</code>
+     * is returned.
+     *
+     * @return The components or <code>null</code> if there are none.
+     */
+    Component[] getComponents();
+    /**
+     * Returns the component whose matches the given
+     * <code>componentId</code> or <code>null</code> if no component with the
+     * given id is currently managed.
+     *
+     * @param componentId The ID of the component to return
+     *
+     * @return The indicated component or <code>null</code> if no such
+     *      component exists.
+     */
+    Component getComponent( long componentId );
+    /**
+     * Returns the components whose <code></code> matches the
+     * given <code>componentName</code> or <code>null</code> if no component
+     * with the given name is currently managed.
+     * <p>
+     * If the component name refers to a component factory component or a
+     * component configured with multiple factory configurations this method
+     * returns multiple component instances.
+     *
+     * @param componentName The name of the component to return
+     *
+     * @return The indicated components or <code>null</code> if no such
+     *      component exists.
+     * @since 1.5 (Apache Felix Declarative Services 1.4.2)
+     */
+    Component[] getComponents( String componentName );
+    /**
+     * Reuturns an array of all components managed by this SCR instance on
+     * behalf of the given bundle. The components are returned in ascending
+     * order of their If there are no components managed by the
+     * SCR for the given bundle, <code>null</code> is returned.
+     *
+     * @param bundle The <code>Bundle</code> whose components are to be
+     *      returned.
+     *
+     * @return The bundle's components or <code>null</code> if the bundle
+     *      has none.
+     */
+    Component[] getComponents( Bundle bundle );

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Modified: felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/impl/
--- felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/impl/ 
+++ felix/trunk/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/impl/ Thu 
Feb  5 09:41:52 2015
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ public class Activator extends AbstractE
     //  thread acting upon configurations
     private ComponentActorThread m_componentActor;
-    private ServiceRegistration<ServiceComponentRuntime> m_runtime_reg;
+    private ServiceRegistration<?> m_runtime_reg;
     private ScrCommand m_scrCommand;
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ public class Activator extends AbstractE
      * @param context The <code>BundleContext</code> of the SCR implementation
      *      bundle.
+    @Override
     public void start( BundleContext context ) throws Exception
         m_context = context;
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ public class Activator extends AbstractE
         // get the configuration
         m_configuration.start( m_context ); //this will call restart, which 
calls super.start.
     public void restart( boolean globalExtender )
         BundleContext context;
@@ -137,16 +138,19 @@ public class Activator extends AbstractE
             log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, m_bundle, "Exception starting during 
restart", e );
+    @Override
     protected void doStart() throws Exception {
         // prepare component registry
         m_componentBundles = new HashMap<Long, BundleComponentActivator>();
         m_componentRegistry = new ComponentRegistry( m_context );
         ServiceComponentRuntime runtime = new 
ServiceComponentRuntimeImpl(m_context, m_componentRegistry);
-        m_runtime_reg = 
m_context.registerService(ServiceComponentRuntime.class, runtime, null);
+        m_runtime_reg = m_context.registerService(new String[] 
+                runtime, null);
         // log SCR startup
         log( LogService.LOG_INFO, m_bundle, " Version = {0}",
@@ -163,7 +167,8 @@ public class Activator extends AbstractE
         m_scrCommand = ScrCommand.register(m_context, runtime, 
         m_configuration.setScrCommand( m_scrCommand );
+    @Override
     public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception
@@ -177,6 +182,7 @@ public class Activator extends AbstractE
      * which have been registered during the active life time of the SCR
      * implementation bundle.
+    @Override
     public void doStop() throws Exception
         // stop tracking
@@ -193,7 +199,11 @@ public class Activator extends AbstractE
                        m_runtime_reg = null;
                // dispose component registry
-        m_componentRegistry.dispose();
+       if ( m_componentRegistry != null )
+       {
+           m_componentRegistry.dispose();
+           m_componentRegistry = null;
+       }
         // terminate the actor thread
         if ( m_componentActor != null )

Thu Feb  5 09:41:52 2015
@@ -27,9 +27,10 @@ import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.ScrService;
 import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ComponentHolder;
-import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ConfigurationSupport;
 import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ConfigurableComponentHolder;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ConfigurationSupport;
 import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.manager.AbstractComponentManager;
 import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.manager.DependencyManager;
 import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.metadata.ComponentMetadata;
@@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxE
 import org.osgi.framework.ServiceEvent;
 import org.osgi.framework.ServiceListener;
 import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
-import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
 import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentConstants;
 import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentException;
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public class ComponentRegistry implement
     private final Map<ServiceReference<?>, List<Entry<?, ?>>> 
m_missingDependencies = new HashMap<ServiceReference<?>, List<Entry<?, ?>>>( );
-    protected ComponentRegistry( BundleContext context )
+    protected ComponentRegistry( final BundleContext context )
         m_bundleContext = context;
         m_componentHoldersByName = new HashMap<ComponentRegistryKey, 
@@ -144,10 +144,8 @@ public class ComponentRegistry implement
     public void dispose()
@@ -157,10 +155,10 @@ public class ComponentRegistry implement
             configurationSupport = null;
     //---------- ComponentManager registration by component Id
@@ -278,7 +276,7 @@ public class ComponentRegistry implement
     final void registerComponentHolder( final ComponentRegistryKey key, 
ComponentHolder<?> componentHolder )
-        Activator.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG, null, 
+        Activator.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG, null,
                 "Registering component with pid {0} for bundle {1}",
                 new Object[] 
@@ -314,7 +312,7 @@ public class ComponentRegistry implement
                 set.add( componentHolder );
         if (configurationSupport != null)
@@ -363,6 +361,18 @@ public class ComponentRegistry implement
+     * We only need this for the ScrService implementation
+     * @param componentId
+     * @return
+     */
+    public final AbstractComponentManager<?> getComponentManagerById(final 
long componentId)
+    {
+        synchronized ( m_componentsById )
+        {
+            return m_componentsById.get( componentId );
+        }
+    }
+    /**
      * Returns an array of all values currently stored in the component holders
      * map. The entries in the array are either String types for component
      * name reservations or {@link ComponentHolder} instances for actual
@@ -428,7 +438,7 @@ public class ComponentRegistry implement
         if (component != null) {
-            Activator.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG, null, 
+            Activator.log(LogService.LOG_DEBUG, null,
                     "Unregistering component with pid {0} for bundle {1}",
                     new Object[] 
{component.getComponentMetadata().getConfigurationPid(), key.getBundleId()}, 
             synchronized (m_componentHoldersByPid)
@@ -623,5 +633,4 @@ public class ComponentRegistry implement
             return trackingCount;

 Thu Feb  5 09:41:52 2015
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config
 import java.util.List;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.metadata.ReferenceMetadata;
 import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
 public interface ReferenceManager<S, T> {
@@ -47,4 +48,5 @@ public interface ReferenceManager<S, T>
     boolean isSatisfied();
+    ReferenceMetadata getReferenceMetadata();
\ No newline at end of file

 Thu Feb  5 09:41:52 2015
@@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ public class DependencyManager<S, T> imp
+    public ReferenceMetadata getReferenceMetadata()
+    {
+        return this.m_dependencyMetadata;
+    }
     private static int defaultMinimumCardinality(ReferenceMetadata dependency)
         return dependency.isOptional()? 0: 1;

 Thu Feb  5 09:41:52 2015
@@ -21,14 +21,22 @@ package org.apache.felix.scr.impl.runtim
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Dictionary;
 import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.Component;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.Reference;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.ScrService;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.BundleComponentActivator;
 import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.ComponentRegistry;
 import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ComponentHolder;
 import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ComponentManager;
 import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.config.ReferenceManager;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.manager.AbstractComponentManager;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.manager.SingleComponentManager;
 import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.metadata.ComponentMetadata;
 import org.apache.felix.scr.impl.metadata.ReferenceMetadata;
 import org.osgi.dto.DTO;
@@ -38,6 +46,7 @@ import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
 import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
 import org.osgi.framework.dto.BundleDTO;
 import org.osgi.framework.dto.ServiceReferenceDTO;
+import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentInstance;
 import org.osgi.service.component.runtime.ServiceComponentRuntime;
 import org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.ComponentConfigurationDTO;
 import org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.ComponentDescriptionDTO;
@@ -46,7 +55,7 @@ import org.osgi.service.component.runtim
 import org.osgi.service.component.runtime.dto.UnsatisfiedReferenceDTO;
 import org.osgi.util.promise.Promise;
-public class ServiceComponentRuntimeImpl implements ServiceComponentRuntime
+public class ServiceComponentRuntimeImpl implements ServiceComponentRuntime, 
        private static final String[] EMPTY = {};
@@ -344,4 +353,333 @@ public class ServiceComponentRuntimeImpl
                return b;
+       // ScrService
+    /**
+     * @see org.apache.felix.scr.ScrService#getComponents()
+     */
+    public Component[] getComponents()
+    {
+        final List<ComponentHolder<?>> holders = 
+        ArrayList<Component> list = new ArrayList<Component>();
+        for ( ComponentHolder<?> holder: holders )
+        {
+            if ( holder != null )
+            {
+                final List<? extends ComponentManager<?>> components = 
+                for ( ComponentManager<?> component: components )
+                {
+                    list.add( new 
ComponentWrapper((AbstractComponentManager<?>)component) );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // nothing to return
+        if ( list.isEmpty() )
+        {
+            return null;
+        }
+        return list.toArray( new Component[list.size()] );
+    }
+    /**
+     * @see 
+     */
+    public Component[] getComponents( Bundle bundle )
+    {
+        final List<ComponentHolder<?>> holders = 
+        ArrayList<Component> list = new ArrayList<Component>();
+        for ( ComponentHolder<?> holder: holders )
+        {
+            if ( holder != null )
+            {
+                BundleComponentActivator activator = holder.getActivator();
+                if ( activator != null && 
activator.getBundleContext().getBundle() == bundle )
+                {
+                    final List<? extends ComponentManager<?>> components = 
+                    for ( ComponentManager<?> component: components )
+                    {
+                        list.add( new 
ComponentWrapper((AbstractComponentManager<?>)component) );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // nothing to return
+        if ( list.isEmpty() )
+        {
+            return null;
+        }
+        return list.toArray( new Component[list.size()] );
+    }
+    /**
+     * @see org.apache.felix.scr.ScrService#getComponent(long)
+     */
+    public Component getComponent( long componentId )
+    {
+        final AbstractComponentManager<?> c = 
+        if ( c != null )
+        {
+            return new ComponentWrapper(c);
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @see org.apache.felix.scr.ScrService#getComponents(java.lang.String)
+     */
+    public Component[] getComponents( final String componentName )
+    {
+        final List<Component> list = new ArrayList<Component>();
+        final List<ComponentHolder<?>> holders = 
+        for ( ComponentHolder<?> holder: holders )
+        {
+            if ( holder.getComponentMetadata().getName().equals(componentName) 
+            {
+                final List<? extends ComponentManager<?>> components = 
+                for ( ComponentManager<?> component: components )
+                {
+                    list.add( new 
ComponentWrapper((AbstractComponentManager<?>)component) );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return ( list.isEmpty() ) ? null : list.toArray( new 
Component[list.size()] );
+    }
+    private static final class ComponentWrapper implements Component
+    {
+        private final AbstractComponentManager<?> mgr;
+        public ComponentWrapper(final AbstractComponentManager<?> mgr)
+        {
+            this.mgr = mgr;
+        }
+        public long getId()
+        {
+            return mgr.getId();
+        }
+        public String getName()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().getName();
+        }
+        public int getState()
+        {
+            return mgr.getState();
+        }
+        public Bundle getBundle()
+        {
+            return mgr.getBundle();
+        }
+        public String getFactory()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().getFactoryIdentifier();
+        }
+        public boolean isServiceFactory()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().isFactory();
+        }
+        public String getClassName()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().getImplementationClassName();
+        }
+        public boolean isDefaultEnabled()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().isEnabled();
+        }
+        public boolean isImmediate()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().isImmediate();
+        }
+        public String[] getServices()
+        {
+            if ( mgr.getComponentMetadata().getServiceMetadata() != null )
+            {
+                return 
+            }
+            return null;
+        }
+        public Dictionary getProperties()
+        {
+            return new Hashtable<String, 
+        }
+        public Reference[] getReferences()
+        {
+            final List<? extends ReferenceManager<?, ?>> refs = 
+            if ( refs != null && refs.size() > 0 )
+            {
+                final List<Reference> list = new ArrayList<Reference>();
+                for(final ReferenceManager<?, ?> rm : refs)
+                {
+                    list.add(new ReferenceWrapper(rm));
+                }
+                return list.toArray(
+                        new Reference[list.size()] );
+            }
+            return null;
+        }
+        public ComponentInstance getComponentInstance()
+        {
+            if ( mgr instanceof SingleComponentManager<?> )
+            {
+                return ((SingleComponentManager<?>)mgr).getComponentInstance();
+            }
+            return null;
+        }
+        public String getActivate()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().getActivate();
+        }
+        public boolean isActivateDeclared()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().isActivateDeclared();
+        }
+        public String getDeactivate()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().getDeactivate();
+        }
+        public boolean isDeactivateDeclared()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().isDeactivateDeclared();
+        }
+        public String getModified()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().getModified();
+        }
+        public String getConfigurationPolicy()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().getConfigurationPolicy();
+        }
+        public String getConfigurationPid()
+        {
+            final List<String> pids = 
+            if ( pids != null && pids.size() > 0 )
+            {
+                return pids.get(0);
+            }
+            return null;
+        }
+        public boolean isConfigurationPidDeclared()
+        {
+            return mgr.getComponentMetadata().isConfigurationPidDeclared();
+        }
+        public void enable()
+        {
+            mgr.enable(false);
+        }
+        public void disable()
+        {
+            mgr.disable(false);
+        }
+    }
+    private static final class ReferenceWrapper implements Reference
+    {
+        private final ReferenceManager<?, ?> mgr;
+        public ReferenceWrapper(final ReferenceManager<?, ?> mgr)
+        {
+            this.mgr = mgr;
+        }
+        public String getName()
+        {
+            return mgr.getReferenceMetadata().getName();
+        }
+        public String getServiceName()
+        {
+            return mgr.getReferenceMetadata().getInterface();
+        }
+        public ServiceReference[] getServiceReferences()
+        {
+            final List<ServiceReference<?>> refs = 
+            return refs.toArray(new ServiceReference<?>[refs.size()]);
+        }
+        public ServiceReference<?>[] getBoundServiceReferences()
+        {
+            final List<ServiceReference<?>> refs = 
+            return refs.toArray(new ServiceReference<?>[refs.size()]);
+        }
+        public boolean isSatisfied()
+        {
+            return mgr.isSatisfied();
+        }
+        public boolean isOptional()
+        {
+            return this.mgr.getReferenceMetadata().isOptional();
+        }
+        public boolean isMultiple()
+        {
+            return this.mgr.getReferenceMetadata().isMultiple();
+        }
+        public boolean isStatic()
+        {
+            return this.mgr.getReferenceMetadata().isStatic();
+        }
+        public boolean isReluctant()
+        {
+            return this.mgr.getReferenceMetadata().isReluctant();
+        }
+        public String getTarget()
+        {
+            return this.mgr.getTarget();
+        }
+        public String getBindMethodName()
+        {
+            return this.mgr.getReferenceMetadata().getBind();
+        }
+        public String getUnbindMethodName()
+        {
+            return this.mgr.getReferenceMetadata().getUnbind();
+        }
+        public String getUpdatedMethodName()
+        {
+            return this.mgr.getReferenceMetadata().getUpdated();
+        }
+    }

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