diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5511ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debugger/src/main/resources/flex/tools/debugger/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+##  limitations under the License.
+# Translation:
+# In this file, a couple of messages are split across multiple lines.  The main
+# reason for that is that fdb is a command-line program, so we prefer to keep
+# messages at less than 80 characters so that they fit in a typical command
+# window.  When translating strings, you can either keep the line breaks in the
+# same places, or move them, or even remove them altogether if a message will
+# fit on a single line.
+about=Apache fdb (Flash Player Debugger) [build ${build}]
+copyright=Copyright 2015 The Apache Software Foundation.
+noResponseException=El reproductor no respondi\u00f3 al comando como se 
esperaba; se cancel\u00f3 el comando.
+notSuspendedException=No puede emitirse el comando mientras el reproductor se 
est\u00e1 ejecutando.
+illegalStateException=El comando no es v\u00e1lido sin una sesi\u00f3n.
+illegalMonitorStateException=El comando no es v\u00e1lido cuando el 
reproductor se est\u00e1 ejecutando. Presione la tecla 'Intro' para detenerlo.
+playerDidNotStop=El reproductor no se detuvo como se esperaba. Presione la 
tecla 'Intro' para detenerlo.
+noSuchElementException=El comando esperaba al menos un argumento m\u00e1s.
+numberFormatException=El argumento del comando ten\u00eda formato de cadena y 
se esperaba que fuera de entero.
+socketException=Probablemente otro depurador Flash est\u00e9 
ejecut\u00e1ndose; ci\u00e9rrelo. Detalles: '${message}'.
+versionException=No se admite el comando en este contexto.
+unexpectedError=Se produjo un error inesperado mientras se procesaba un 
+stackTraceFollows=A los fines de realizar un diagn\u00f3stico, a 
continuaci\u00f3n se muestra el seguimiento de la pila: 
+sessionEndedAbruptly=La sesi\u00f3n se cerr\u00f3 de manera abrupta.
+noUriReceived=No se recibi\u00f3 ninguna URI del reproductor
+noSourceFilesFound=No se encontraron archivos de origen
+inFunctionAt=en ${functionName}() a 
+inSwf=en ${swf}
+nonRestorable=; No se restaura de la sesi\u00f3n anterior
+sourceDirectoriesSearched=Directorios de origen buscados:
+attemptingToSuspend=Intento por suspender la ejecuci\u00f3n del 
+playerStopped=El reproductor se detuvo
+playerRunning=El reproductor se est\u00e1 ejecutando
+noStackAvailable=No hay una pila disponible
+noVariables=no existen variables
+noArguments=no existen argumentos
+notInValidFrame=No existe en un fotograma v\u00e1lido. Utilice el comando 
'frame' para regresar al actual.
+noLocals=no hay ninguna variable local
+noScopeChain=no existe una cadena de \u00e1mbito
+noActiveSession=No hay ninguna sesi\u00f3n activa
+runWillLaunchUri=run' iniciar\u00e1 ${uri}
+targetUnknown=Se desconoce el destino
+noSWFs=no hay archivos SWF.
+unrecognizedFault=Falla no reconocida.
+noFunctionsFound=No se encontraron funciones
+functionListBeingPrepared=Se est\u00e1 preparando la lista de funciones en 
segundo plano; int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde.
+functionsInSourceFile=Funciones en ${sourceFile}
+breakpointNotYetResolved=(a\u00fan no se ha resuelto)
+breakpointNoCode=(no hay c\u00f3digo ejecutable en la l\u00ednea especificada)
+sessionTerminated=Finaliz\u00f3 la sesi\u00f3n del reproductor
+additionalCodeLoaded=Se ha cargado c\u00f3digo ActionScript adicional desde un 
SWF o fotograma.\nPara ver todos los archivos cargados actualmente, escriba 
'info files'.
+setAdditionalBreakpoints=Defina los puntos de corte adicionales como desee y 
luego escriba 'continue'.
+fixBreakpoints=Establezca o extraiga los puntos de corte err\u00f3neos, luego 
escriba 'continue'.
+executionHalted=Se detuvo la ejecuci\u00f3n
+hitBreakpoint=Punto de corte ${breakpointNumber}
+haltedInFunction=${reasonForHalting}, ${functionName}() en ${fileAndLine}
+haltedInFile=${reasonForHalting}, ${fileAndLine}
+informationAboutFault=, informaci\u00f3n=
+sizeAfterDecompression=${size} bytes despu\u00e9s de descomprimir
+breakpointNotPropagated=ADVERTENCIA: no se propag\u00f3 el punto de corte 
${breakpointNumber} a todos los swfs.\nDebe borrarlo y establecerlo nuevamente.
+playerAlreadyRunning=El reproductor ya se est\u00e1 ejecutando, no necesita 
+doYouWantToHalt=\u00bfDesea detener la ejecuci\u00f3n?
+debugInfoBeingLoaded=se est\u00e1 cargando informaci\u00f3n de depuraci\u00f3n 
en este momento
+attemptingToHalt=Intento por detener.\nPara ayudar, trate de desplazar el 
reproductor (por ejemplo, presione un bot\u00f3n)
+couldNotHalt=No se pudo detener, no se est\u00e1 ejecutando ning\u00fan 
+escapingFromDebuggerPendingLoop=Escape desde el bucle pendiente del depurador; 
configuraci\u00f3n $nowaiting = 1
+continuingDueToError=Contin\u00faa debido al error '${error}'
+currentLocationUnknown=se desconoce la ubicaci\u00f3n actual
+cannotStep=No puede avanzar ahora. Establezca los puntos de corte y luego 
escriba 'continue'.
+abortingStep=El reproductor no ha regresado a tiempo; se anular\u00e1n los 
pasos restantes ${count}
+finishCommandNotMeaningfulOnOutermostFrame=finish' no es significativo para el 
fotograma exterior
+finishCommandNotMeaningfulWithoutStack=finish' no es significativo sin una pila
+noBreakpointNumber=No existe un n\u00famero de punto de corte 
+badBreakpointNumber=se advierte que existe un n\u00famero de punto de corte 
err\u00f3neo en '${token}' o cerca de \u00e9ste
+commandFailed=El comando fall\u00f3.
+createdBreakpoint=Punto de corte ${breakpointNumber}: archivo ${file}, 
l\u00ednea ${line}
+createdBreakpointWithOffset=Punto de corte ${breakpointNumber} en ${offset}: 
archivo ${file}, l\u00ednea ${line}
+breakpointCreatedButNotYetResolved=Se cre\u00f3 el punto de corte 
${breakpointNumber} pero a\u00fan no se resolvi\u00f3.\nEl punto de corte se 
resolver\u00e1 cuando se cargue el archivo o la funci\u00f3n correspondiente.
+fileNumber=archivo #${fileNumber}
+breakpointNotSetNoCode=El punto de corte no est\u00e1 establecido; no hay un 
c\u00f3digo ejecutable en la l\u00ednea ${line} de ${filename}
+breakpointLocationUnknown=Se desconoce la ubicaci\u00f3n del punto de corte.
+breakpointNotCleared=No se borr\u00f3 el punto de corte.
+attemptingToResolve=Intento por resolver el punto de corte 
${breakpointNumber}, expresi\u00f3n "${expression}":
+noExecutableCode=No existe un c\u00f3digo ejecutable en la l\u00ednea 
+resolvedBreakpointToFunction=Se resolvi\u00f3 el punto de corte 
${breakpointNumber} para ${functionName}() en ${file}:${line}
+resolvedBreakpointToFile=Se resolvi\u00f3 el punto de corte 
${breakpointNumber} para ${file}:${line}
+setCommand=El comando de configuraci\u00f3n requiere una variable seguida de 
una expresi\u00f3n
+missingOperator=La expresi\u00f3n debe contener el operador '${operator}'.
+noSideEffectsAllowed=La expresi\u00f3n no debe producir efectos secundarios, 
como la asignaci\u00f3n.
+couldNotEvaluate=No pudo evaluarse la expresi\u00f3n.
+commandHistoryIsEmpty=El historial est\u00e1 vac\u00edo.
+historyHasNotReached=El historial a\u00fan no ha alcanzado ${number}
+variableUnknown=Variable ${variable} desconocida
+expressionCouldNotBeParsed=No se pudo analizar la expresi\u00f3n de manera 
+couldNotConvertToNumber=No se pudo convertir a un n\u00famero: ${value}
+commandsLimitedToSpecifiedSwf=Los comandos se limitan a los archivos de origen 
de ${swf}
+commandsApplyToAllSwfs=Los archivos de origen de todos los swfs est\u00e1n 
disponibles en los comandos.
+notValidSwf=${swf} no es un archivo SWF v\u00e1lido.
+frameDoesNotExist=El fotograma '${frameNumber}' no existe.
+notANumber=${token}' no es un n\u00famero.
+expectedLineNumber=N\u00famero de l\u00ednea esperado; se obtuvo ${token}
+expectedFileNumber=N\u00famero de archivo esperado; se obtuvo ${token}
+noSourceFileWithSpecifiedName=No existe un archivo de origen con el nombre 
+noFunctionWithSpecifiedName=No existe una funci\u00f3n que se llame '${name}'.
+ambiguousMatchingFilenames=Nombres de archivos coincidentes ambiguos:
+ambiguousMatchingFunctionNames=Nombres de funciones coincidentes ambiguas:
+functionInFile=${functionName} en ${filename}
+expectedFile=Se espera un nombre o n\u00famero de archivo que comience con #; 
se obtuvo ${token}
+noSuchFileOrFunction=No existe un archivo o una funci\u00f3n con el nombre 
+mustBeOnlyOneVariable=La expresi\u00f3n debe contener s\u00f3lo una variable 
+lineJunk=Elementos innecesarios al final de la especificaci\u00f3n de 
+sourceFileNotFound=No se encontr\u00f3 el archivo de origen. Utilice el 
comando "directory" para especificar su\nubicaci\u00f3n en esta m\u00e1quina. 
Escriba "help directory" para obtener los detalles importantes\nsobre c\u00f3mo 
establecer un directorio para los archivos de origen que se encuentran en un 
+lineNumberOutOfRange=N\u00famero de l\u00ednea ${line} fuera del rango; el 
archivo ${filename} tiene ${total} l\u00edneas
+noFilesFound=No se encontraron archivos
+sessionInProgress=La sesi\u00f3n ya est\u00e1 en curso
+waitingForPlayerToConnect=Esperando que el reproductor establezca conexi\u00f3n
+waitingToConnectToPlayer=Intentando conectar a Player
+launchingWithUrl=Intento por iniciar y conectarse al reproductor por medio de 
una URL
+playerConnectedSessionStarting=El reproductor est\u00e1 conectado; comienza la 
+setBreakpointsThenResume=Defina los puntos de corte y luego escriba 'continue' 
para reiniciar la sesi\u00f3n.
+warningNotAllCommandsSupported=ADVERTENCIA: El reproductor que est\u00e1 
utilizando no admite todos los comandos fdb.
+fileDoesNotExist=No se encontr\u00f3 el archivo: ${uri}
+failedToConnect=Error en la conexi\u00f3n; agotado el tiempo de espera de la 
sesi\u00f3n.\nAseg\u00farese de que:\n  1. compil\u00f3 su pel\u00edcula Flash 
con el depurador encendido y\n  2. est\u00e1 ejecutando la versi\u00f3n del 
depurador de Flash Player.
+manuallyLaunchPlayer=Escriba 'run' y, luego, inicie el reproductor manualmente.
+sourceCommandRequiresPath=el comando 'source' requiere el nombre de ruta del 
archivo de origen.
+fileNotFound=${filename}: no existe ese archivo o directorio.
+argumentRequired=Argumento requerido (falla en el manejo).
+breakpointNotChanged=No se cambi\u00f3 el punto de corte.
+badWatchpointNumber=N\u00famero de punto de observaci\u00f3n err\u00f3neo.
+couldNotResolveExpression=No se pudo resolver la expresi\u00f3n en la variable.
+notAllBreakpointsEnabled=No se activaron todos los puntos de corte
+programNotBeingRun=El programa no se est\u00e1 ejecutando.
+commandNotValidUntilPlayerSuspended=El comando no es v\u00e1lido hasta que se 
suspenda la ejecuci\u00f3n del reproductor; intente con el comando 'halt'.
+noHelpFileFound=No se encontr\u00f3 ning\u00fan archivo de ayuda 
+invalidTargetFault=Nombre de destino err\u00f3neo para la instrucci\u00f3n 
+recursionLimitFault=Se alcanz\u00f3 el limite superior del l\u00edmite de 
+invalidWithFault=El destino de la declaraci\u00f3n 'with' no es un objeto
+protoLimitFault=La cadena de prototipo de b\u00fasqueda alcanz\u00f3 el 
+invalidUrlFault=Error al abrir una URL
+exceptionFault=Se emiti\u00f3 una excepci\u00f3n del usuario
+stackUnderflowFault=Se produjo un subdesbordamiento de pila
+divideByZeroFault=Error de divisi\u00f3n por cero
+scriptTimeoutFault=El c\u00f3digo ActionScript no est\u00e1 progresando
+errorWhileProcessingFile=Se produjo un error mientras se procesaba el archivo 
+unrecognizedAction=Acci\u00f3n no reconocida ${action}
+typeCommandsForBreakpoint=Escriba los comandos para cuando se alcance el punto 
de corte ${breakpointNumber}, uno por l\u00ednea.\nFinalice con una l\u00ednea 
que s\u00f3lo diga 'end'.
+breakpointNowUnconditional=El punto de corte ${breakpointNumber} ahora es 
+watchpointCouldNotBeSet=No se pudo establecer un punto de observaci\u00f3n 
para '${expression}'
+changedWatchpointMode=El punto de observaci\u00f3n ${watchpointNumber} en la 
expresi\u00f3n '${expression}' es ahora ${watchpointMode}
+# the following three strings are inserted into the above 
'changedWatchpointMode' string at the ${watchpontMode} location
+createdWatchpoint=Punto de observaci\u00f3n ${watchpointNumber} establecido en 
la expresi\u00f3n '${expression}'
+couldNotFindWatchpoint=No se pudo encontrar o extraer la alerta para 
+noDisplayNumber=No existe un n\u00famero de visualizaci\u00f3n ${displayNumber}
+badDisplayNumber=se advierte que existe un n\u00famero de visualizaci\u00f3n 
err\u00f3neo en '${token}' o cerca de \u00e9ste
+breakpointLocationNoLongerExists=El archivo de origen y el n\u00famero de 
l\u00ednea ya no existen para el punto de corte ${breakpointNumber}
+unknownCommand=Comando desconocido '${command}', ignorarlo
+unknownSubcommand=Comando '${command}' desconocido ${commandCategory}, 
+unknownEvent=Se recibi\u00f3 un evento desconocido del tipo '${type}', info = 
+problemWithConnection=Se detect\u00f3 un problema en la conexi\u00f3n de la 
sesi\u00f3n, '${socketErrorMessage}', quiz\u00e1s lo mejor sea cancelarla 
+unexpectedErrorWithStackTrace=Se produjo un error inesperado mientras se 
procesaba un comando.\nA los fines de realizar un diagn\u00f3stico, a 
continuaci\u00f3n se muestra el seguimiento de la pila:
+ambiguousCommand=Comando ambiguo '${input}':
+faultHasNoTableEntry=La falla ${faultName} no tiene entrada de tabla
+swfInfo=${swfName} - ${size} bytes despu\u00e9s de descomprimir, 
${scriptCount} scripts [#${min} - #${max}]${plus} ${moreInfo}, la 
direcci\u00f3n url es ${url}
+remainingSourceBeingLoaded=el origen restante todav\u00eda se est\u00e1 
+# the following string is appended to the end of any question; tells the user 
what to type
+yesOrNoAppendedToAllQuestions=(y o n) 
+# the following string is what character the user should to answer "yes" to a 
yes/no question
+# a bunch of questions:
+askDeleteAllBreakpoints=\u00bfDesea borrar todos los puntos de corte?
+askDeleteAllAutoDisplay=\u00bfDesea borrar todas las expresiones de 
visualizaci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica?
+askKillProgram=\u00bfDesea cerrar el programa que se est\u00e1 depurando?
+askProgramIsRunningExitAnyway=El programa se est\u00e1 ejecutando. \u00bfDesea 
salir de todos modos?
+askReinitSourcePath=\u00bfDesea reiniciar la ruta de acceso de origen para 
+askExpressionContainsAssignment=Su expresi\u00f3n contiene una 
asignaci\u00f3n. \u00bfDesea continuar?
+# the following string is output if someone answers "no" to any of the above 
+yesNoQueryNotConfirmed=Sin confirmar.
+stopOnlyIfConditionMet=detener s\u00f3lo si ${breakpointCondition}
+breakpointAlreadyHit=el punto de corte ya marc\u00f3 ${count} veces
+variableAttribute_dontEnumerate=no enumerar
+variableAttribute_readOnly=s\u00f3lo lectura
+variableAttribute_hasNamespace=tiene espacio de nombre
+key16=Mensajes recibidos:
+key17=Mensajes enviados:
+key18=No se encontraron archivos de origen
+key19=No se encontraron funciones
+key20=Se est\u00e1 preparando la lista de funciones en segundo plano; 
int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde.
+key21=--- Propiedades de SessionManager
+key22=--- Propiedades de sesi\u00f3n
+key24=El reproductor se est\u00e1 ejecutando.
+key25=No se encontr\u00f3 ninguna informaci\u00f3n de cortes
+key26=Se desconoce la variable
+key27=Se desconoce la informaci\u00f3n de origen, se desmont\u00f3 la 
ubicaci\u00f3n actual
+key28=Elementos innecesarios al final de la especificaci\u00f3n de l\u00ednea
+key29=No se encontr\u00f3 ning\u00fan swf para el archivo ${arg3}
+key30=No se encontr\u00f3 ninguna funci\u00f3n
+key31=---- Visualizaci\u00f3n de las instrucciones no asignadas en 0x${arg4} 
que se saltearon ----
+key32=N\u00famero de l\u00ednea ${arg5} fuera del rango; el archivo ${arg6} 
tiene ${arg7} l\u00edneas
+key33=No se encontraron archivos 
+key34=Actualmente, no se suspendi\u00f3 ninguna de las acciones del 
+key35=en '${swfName}'
+atAddress=en ${address}
+haltedDueToFault=debido a ${fault}
+inWorker=Worker ${worker}
+mainThread=Main Thread
+workerChanged=Active worker has changed to worker
+workerNotFound=No worker found with that ID
+noWorkersRunning=There are no workers running.
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..667355b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debugger/src/main/resources/flex/tools/debugger/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+##  limitations under the License.
+# Translation:
+# In this file, a couple of messages are split across multiple lines.  The main
+# reason for that is that fdb is a command-line program, so we prefer to keep
+# messages at less than 80 characters so that they fit in a typical command
+# window.  When translating strings, you can either keep the line breaks in the
+# same places, or move them, or even remove them altogether if a message will
+# fit on a single line.
+about=Apache fdb (Flash Player Debugger) [versio ${build}]
+copyright=Copyright 2015 The Apache Software Foundation.
+noResponseException=Soitin ei vastannut komentoon odotetulla tavalla. Komento 
+notSuspendedException=Komentoa ei voi antaa, kun soitin on k\u00e4ynniss\u00e4
+illegalStateException=Komento ei kelpaa ilman istuntoa.
+illegalMonitorStateException=Komento ei kelpaa k\u00e4ynniss\u00e4 olevassa 
soittimessa.  Keskeyt\u00e4 se painamalla 'Enter'.
+playerDidNotStop=Soitin ei pys\u00e4htynyt odotetusti.  Pys\u00e4yt\u00e4 se 
painamalla 'Enter'.
+noSuchElementException=Komento odotti ainakin yht\u00e4 lis\u00e4argumenttia.
+numberFormatException=Komentoargumentti oli merkkijono, kun odotettiin 
+socketException=Toinen Flash-virheenkorjaus on luultavasti 
k\u00e4ynniss\u00e4. Sulje se. Tiedot: '${message}'.
+versionException=Komentoa ei tueta t\u00e4ss\u00e4 kontekstissa.
+unexpectedError=Odottamaton virhe komennon k\u00e4sittelemisess\u00e4.
+stackTraceFollows=Diagnostisista syist\u00e4 seuraa pinon j\u00e4ljitys: 
+sessionEndedAbruptly=Istunto p\u00e4\u00e4ttyi \u00e4killisesti.
+noUriReceived=Soittimelta ei vastaanotettu URI:t\u00e4
+noSourceFilesFound=L\u00e4hdetiedostoja ei l\u00f6ytynyt
+inFunctionAt=kohteessa ${functionName}() / 
+inSwf=kohteessa ${swf}
+nonRestorable=; Ei palautettavissa edellisest\u00e4 istunnosta
+sourceDirectoriesSearched=Haetut l\u00e4hdehakemistot:
+attemptingToSuspend=Yritet\u00e4\u00e4n keskeytt\u00e4\u00e4 soittimen 
+playerStopped=Soitin on pys\u00e4ytetty
+playerRunning=Soitin on k\u00e4ynniss\u00e4
+noStackAvailable=Ei pinoa k\u00e4ytett\u00e4viss\u00e4
+noVariables=ei muuttujia
+noArguments=ei argumenttej\u00e4
+notInValidFrame=Ei kelvollisessa kehyksess\u00e4.  Palaa nykyiseen komennolla 
+noLocals=ei paikallisia
+noScopeChain=ei vaikutusalueketjua (scope chain)
+noActiveSession=Ei aktiivista istuntoa
+runWillLaunchUri=run' k\u00e4ynnist\u00e4\u00e4 kohteen ${uri}
+targetUnknown=Tuntematon kohde
+noSWFs=ei SWF:\u00e4\u00e4.
+unrecognizedFault=Tunnistamaton virhe.
+noFunctionsFound=Toimintoja ei l\u00f6ytynyt
+functionListBeingPrepared=Toimintoluetteloa valmistellaan taustalla, 
yrit\u00e4 my\u00f6hemmin uudelleen.
+functionsInSourceFile=Toiminnot kohteessa ${sourceFile}
+breakpointNotYetResolved=(ei viel\u00e4 ratkaistu)
+breakpointNoCode=(m\u00e4\u00e4ritetyll\u00e4 rivill\u00e4 ei ole 
suoritettavaa koodia)
+sessionTerminated=Soittimen istunto p\u00e4\u00e4tettiin
+additionalCodeLoaded=ActionScript-lis\u00e4koodi ladattiin SWF:st\u00e4 tai 
kehyksest\u00e4.\nJos haluat n\u00e4hd\u00e4 kaikki ladatut tiedostot, kirjoita 
'info files'.
+setAdditionalBreakpoints=M\u00e4\u00e4rit\u00e4 haluamasi 
lis\u00e4keskeytyskohdat ja kirjoita 'continue'.
+fixBreakpoints=Korjaa tai poista virheelliset keskeytyskohdat ja kirjoita 
+executionHalted=Suorittaminen keskeytettiin
+hitBreakpoint=Keskeytyskohta ${breakpointNumber}
+haltedInFunction=${reasonForHalting}, ${functionName}() kohteessa 
+haltedInFile=${reasonForHalting}, ${fileAndLine}
+informationAboutFault=, tietoja=
+sizeAfterDecompression=${size} tavua purkamisen j\u00e4lkeen
+breakpointNotPropagated=VAROITUS:  keskeytyskohtaa ${breakpointNumber} ei ole 
v\u00e4litetty kaikille swfs:lle.\nTyhjenn\u00e4 se ja m\u00e4\u00e4rit\u00e4 
se uudelleen.
+playerAlreadyRunning=Soitin on jo k\u00e4ynniss\u00e4, ei tarvetta jatkaa.
+doYouWantToHalt=Haluatko yritt\u00e4\u00e4 suorittamisen 
+debugInfoBeingLoaded=virheenkorjaustietoja ladataan
+attemptingToHalt=Yritet\u00e4\u00e4n keskeytt\u00e4\u00e4.\nKokeile liikauttaa 
soitinta (esim. painamalla painiketta)
+couldNotHalt=Ei voitu keskeytt\u00e4\u00e4, kohdetta ActionScript ei ole 
+escapingFromDebuggerPendingLoop=Poistutaan viankorjauksen odotussilmukasta; 
asetus $nowaiting = 1
+continuingDueToError=Jatketaan virheen '${error}' takia
+currentLocationUnknown=nykyinen sijainti tuntematon
+cannotStep=Et voi jatkaa nyt.  M\u00e4\u00e4rit\u00e4 keskeytyskohdat ja 
kirjoita 'continue'.
+abortingStep=Soitin ei palannut ajoissa, loput ${count} vaihetta 
+finishCommandNotMeaningfulOnOutermostFrame=finish' ei tarkoituksenmukainen 
uloimmalle kehykselle
+finishCommandNotMeaningfulWithoutStack=finish' ei tarkoituksenmukainen ilman 
+noBreakpointNumber=Ei keskeytyskohdan numeroa ${breakpointNumber}
+badBreakpointNumber=varoitus: virheellinen keskeytyskohdan numero kohdassa 
'${token}' tai sen l\u00e4hell\u00e4
+commandFailed=Komento ep\u00e4onnistui.
+createdBreakpoint=Keskeytyskohta ${breakpointNumber}: tiedosto ${file}, rivi 
+createdBreakpointWithOffset=Keskeytyskohta ${breakpointNumber} osoitteessa 
${offset}: tiedosto ${file}, rivi ${line}
+breakpointCreatedButNotYetResolved=Keskeytyskohta ${breakpointNumber} luotiin, 
mutta sit\u00e4 ei ole viel\u00e4 ratkaistu.\nKeskeytyskohta ratkaistaan, kun 
sit\u00e4 vastaava tiedosto tai toiminto on ladattu.
+fileNumber=tiedosto #${fileNumber}
+breakpointNotSetNoCode=Keskeytyskohtaa ei m\u00e4\u00e4ritetty, ei 
suoritettavaa koodia rivill\u00e4 ${line} / ${filename}
+breakpointLocationUnknown=Keskeytyskohdan sijainti tuntematon.
+breakpointNotCleared=Keskeytyskohtaa ei tyhjennetty.
+attemptingToResolve=Yritet\u00e4\u00e4n ratkaista keskeytyskohtaa 
${breakpointNumber}, lauseketta "${expression}":
+noExecutableCode=M\u00e4\u00e4ritetyll\u00e4 rivill\u00e4 ei ole suoritettavaa 
+resolvedBreakpointToFunction=Keskeytyskohta ${breakpointNumber} ratkaistiin 
kohteeseen ${functionName}() kohdassa ${file}:${line}
+resolvedBreakpointToFile=Keskeytyskohta ${breakpointNumber} ratkaistiin 
kohteeseen ${file}:${line}
+setCommand=M\u00e4\u00e4ritetty komento vaatii muuttujan, jota seuraa lauseke
+missingOperator=Lausekkeen pit\u00e4\u00e4 sis\u00e4lt\u00e4\u00e4 operaattori 
+noSideEffectsAllowed=Lausekkeella ei saa olla sivuvaikutuksia, kuten 
+couldNotEvaluate=Lauseketta ei voitu arvioida.
+commandHistoryIsEmpty=Historia on tyhj\u00e4
+historyHasNotReached=Historiassa ei ole viel\u00e4 saavutettu numeroa ${number}
+variableUnknown=Muuttuja ${variable} on tuntematon
+expressionCouldNotBeParsed=Lauseketta ei voitu j\u00e4sent\u00e4\u00e4 oikein:
+couldNotConvertToNumber=Ei voitu muuntaa numeroon: ${value}
+commandsLimitedToSpecifiedSwf=Komennot rajoitettu l\u00e4hdetiedostoihin 
kohteesta ${swf}
+commandsApplyToAllSwfs=L\u00e4hdetiedostot kaikista swfs:st\u00e4 
k\u00e4ytett\u00e4viss\u00e4 komennoissa.
+notValidSwf=${swf} ei ole kelvollinen SWF.
+frameDoesNotExist=Kehyst\u00e4 '${frameNumber}' ei ole.
+notANumber=${token}' ei ole numero.
+expectedLineNumber=Odotettu rivinumero: ${token}
+expectedFileNumber=Odotettu tiedostonumero: ${token}
+noSourceFileWithSpecifiedName=Ei l\u00e4hdetiedostoa nimelt\u00e4 '${name}'.
+noFunctionWithSpecifiedName=Ei toimintoa nimell\u00e4 '${name}'.
+ambiguousMatchingFilenames=Ep\u00e4selv\u00e4t vastaavat tiedostonimet:
+ambiguousMatchingFunctionNames=Ep\u00e4selv\u00e4t vastaavat toimintojen nimet:
+functionInFile=${functionName} tiedostossa ${filename}
+expectedFile=Odotettu tiedostonimi tai tiedostonumero, joka alkaa #: ${token}
+noSuchFileOrFunction=Ei tiedostoa tai toimintoa nimelt\u00e4 '${token}'.
+mustBeOnlyOneVariable=Lauseke saa sis\u00e4lt\u00e4\u00e4 vain yhden muuttujan
+lineJunk=Roskaa rivin m\u00e4\u00e4ritysten lopussa
+sourceFileNotFound=L\u00e4hdetiedostoa ei l\u00f6ytynyt.  K\u00e4yt\u00e4 
"directory"-komentoa sen\nsijainnin m\u00e4\u00e4ritt\u00e4miseen 
t\u00e4ll\u00e4 koneella.  Kirjoita "help directory", niin n\u00e4et 
t\u00e4rkeit\u00e4 tietoja siit\u00e4,\nmiten hakemisto 
m\u00e4\u00e4ritet\u00e4\u00e4n pakkauksessa oleville l\u00e4hdetiedostoille.
+lineNumberOutOfRange=Rivinumero ${line} on alueen ulkopuolella, tiedostolla 
${filename} on ${total} rivi\u00e4
+noFilesFound=Tiedostoja ei l\u00f6ytynyt
+sessionInProgress=Istunto on jo k\u00e4ynniss\u00e4
+waitingForPlayerToConnect=Odotetaan, ett\u00e4 soitin muodostaa yhteyden
+waitingToConnectToPlayer=Yhteytt\u00e4 Playeriin yritet\u00e4\u00e4n muodostaa
+launchingWithUrl=Yritet\u00e4\u00e4n k\u00e4ynnist\u00e4\u00e4 soitin ja 
yhdist\u00e4\u00e4 se URL:n avulla
+playerConnectedSessionStarting=Soitin yhdistetty. Istunto k\u00e4ynnistyy.
+setBreakpointsThenResume=M\u00e4\u00e4rit\u00e4 keskeytyskohdat ja jatka 
istuntoa kirjoittamalla 'continue'.
+warningNotAllCommandsSupported=VAROITUS: K\u00e4ytt\u00e4m\u00e4si soitin ei 
tue kaikkia fdb-komentoja.
+fileDoesNotExist=Tiedostoa ei l\u00f6ytynyt: ${uri}
+failedToConnect=Yhteytt\u00e4 ei voitu muodostaa, istunnon 
aikakatkaisu.\nVarmista, ett\u00e4:\n  1. kokosit Flash-elokuvan viankorjaus 
k\u00e4yt\u00f6ss\u00e4 ja ett\u00e4\n  2. suoritat Flash-soittimen 
+manuallyLaunchPlayer=Kirjoita 'run' ja k\u00e4ynnist\u00e4 soitin 
+sourceCommandRequiresPath=source'-komento vaatii tiedoston polkunimen 
+fileNotFound=${filename}: Tiedostoa tai kansiota ei ole.
+argumentRequired=Vaaditaan argumentti (vian k\u00e4sittelemiseen).
+breakpointNotChanged=Keskeytyskohta ei muuttunut.
+badWatchpointNumber=Virheellinen katselukohdan numero.
+couldNotResolveExpression=Lauseketta ei voitu ratkaista muuttujaksi.
+notAllBreakpointsEnabled=Kaikki keskeytyskohdat eiv\u00e4t ole 
+programNotBeingRun=Ohjelma ei ole k\u00e4ynniss\u00e4.
+commandNotValidUntilPlayerSuspended=Komento ei kelpaa, ennen kuin soittimen 
suoritus on keskeytetty. Kokeile kirjoittaa 'halt'-komento.
+noHelpFileFound=Ohjetiedostoa (fdbhelp*.txt) ei l\u00f6ytynyt.
+invalidTargetFault=ActionSetTarget-ohjeen kohdenimi ei kelpaa
+recursionLimitFault=Rekursiorajan yl\u00e4raja saavutettu
+invalidWithFault=Kohteen 'with' kohde on lause, ei objekti
+protoLimitFault=Prototyyppiketjun haussa tuli raja vastaan
+invalidUrlFault=URL:n avaaminen ep\u00e4onnistui
+exceptionFault=Palautettiin k\u00e4ytt\u00e4j\u00e4poikkeus
+stackUnderflowFault=Tapahtui pinon alivuoto
+divideByZeroFault=Virhe: jaettu nollalla
+scriptTimeoutFault=ActionScript-koodi ei edisty
+errorWhileProcessingFile=Tapahtui virhe k\u00e4sitelt\u00e4ess\u00e4 tiedostoa 
+unrecognizedAction=Tuntematon toiminto ${action}
+typeCommandsForBreakpoint=Kirjoita komennot, jotka suoritetaan, kun 
t\u00f6rm\u00e4t\u00e4\u00e4n keskeytyskohtaan ${breakpointNumber}, yksi 
rivi\u00e4 kohti.\nP\u00e4\u00e4t\u00e4 riviin, jolla lukee vain 'end'.
+breakpointNowUnconditional=Keskeytyskohta ${breakpointNumber} on nyt ehdoton.
+watchpointCouldNotBeSet=Lausekkeelle '${expression}' ei voitu 
m\u00e4\u00e4ritt\u00e4\u00e4 katselukohtaa
+changedWatchpointMode=Katselukohta ${watchpointNumber} lausekkeessa 
'${expression}' on nyt ${watchpointMode}
+# the following three strings are inserted into the above 
'changedWatchpointMode' string at the ${watchpontMode} location
+watchpointMode_readWrite=luku ja kirjoitus
+createdWatchpoint=Katselukohta ${watchpointNumber} m\u00e4\u00e4ritetty 
lausekkeessa '${expression}'
+couldNotFindWatchpoint=Muuttujan '${variable}' katselua ei l\u00f6ytynyt, tai 
se on poistettu.
+noDisplayNumber=Ei n\u00e4yt\u00f6n numeroa ${displayNumber}
+badDisplayNumber=varoitus: virheellinen n\u00e4yt\u00f6n numero kohdassa 
'${token}' tai sen l\u00e4hell\u00e4
+breakpointLocationNoLongerExists=L\u00e4hdetiedostoa ja rivinumeroa ei 
en\u00e4\u00e4 ole keskeytyskohdalle ${breakpointNumber}
+unknownCommand=Tuntematon komento '${command}', ohitetaan
+unknownSubcommand=Tuntematon ${commandCategory} komento '${command}', ohitetaan
+unknownEvent=Vastaanotettu tuntematon tapahtuma tyyppi\u00e4 '${type}', tiedot 
= ${info}
+problemWithConnection=Istunnon '${socketErrorMessage}' yhteysongelma. Istunto 
on todenn\u00e4k\u00f6isesti parasta poistaa.
+unexpectedErrorWithStackTrace=Odottamaton virhe komennon 
k\u00e4sittelemisess\u00e4.\nDiagnostisista syist\u00e4 seuraa pinon 
+ambiguousCommand=Ep\u00e4selv\u00e4 komento '${input}':
+faultHasNoTableEntry=Virheell\u00e4 ${faultName} ei ole 
+swfInfo=${swfName} - ${size} tavua purkamisen j\u00e4lkeen, ${scriptCount} 
komentosarjaa [#${min} - #${max}]${plus} ${moreInfo}, url on ${url}
+remainingSourceBeingLoaded=j\u00e4ljell\u00e4 olevaa l\u00e4hdett\u00e4 
ladataan yh\u00e4
+# the following string is appended to the end of any question; tells the user 
what to type
+yesOrNoAppendedToAllQuestions=(k tai e) 
+# the following string is what character the user should to answer "yes" to a 
yes/no question
+# a bunch of questions:
+askDeleteAllBreakpoints=Poistetaanko kaikki keskeytyskohdat?
+askDeleteAllAutoDisplay=Poistetaanko kaikki automaattisen n\u00e4yt\u00f6n 
+askKillProgram=Haluatko poistaa ohjelman, josta korjataan virheit\u00e4?
+askProgramIsRunningExitAnyway=Ohjelma on k\u00e4ynniss\u00e4. Haluatko sulkea 
sen siit\u00e4 huolimatta?
+askReinitSourcePath=Alustetaanko l\u00e4hdepolku uudelleen tyhj\u00e4ksi?
+askExpressionContainsAssignment=Lauseke sis\u00e4lt\u00e4\u00e4 
m\u00e4\u00e4rityksen. Haluatko jatkaa?
+# the following string is output if someone answers "no" to any of the above 
+yesNoQueryNotConfirmed=Ei vahvistettu.
+stopOnlyIfConditionMet=pys\u00e4yt\u00e4 vain, jos tapahtuu 
+breakpointAlreadyHit=keskeytyskohtaan on jo osuttu ${count} kertaa
+variableAttribute_dontEnumerate=\u00e4l\u00e4 luetteloi
+variableAttribute_hasNamespace=omistaa nimitilan
+key16=Vastaanotetut viestit:
+key17=L\u00e4hetetyt viestit:
+key18=L\u00e4hdetiedostoja ei l\u00f6ytynyt
+key19=Toimintoja ei l\u00f6ytynyt
+key20=Toimintoluetteloa valmistellaan taustalla, yrit\u00e4 my\u00f6hemmin 
+key21=--- Istunnon hallinnan ominaisuudet
+key22=--- Istunnon ominaisuudet
+key24=Soitin on k\u00e4ynniss\u00e4.
+key25=Keskeytystietoja ei l\u00f6ytynyt
+key26=Tuntematon muuttuja
+key27=Tuntemattomat l\u00e4hdetiedot, nykyinen sijainti purettiin
+key28=Roskaa rivin m\u00e4\u00e4ritysten lopussa
+key29=Tiedostolle ${arg3} ei l\u00f6ytyny swf:\u00e4\u00e4
+key30=Toimintoa ei l\u00f6ytynyt
+key31=---- N\u00e4ytet\u00e4\u00e4n ohitetut 
m\u00e4\u00e4ritt\u00e4m\u00e4tt\u00f6m\u00e4t ohjeet kohteessa 0x${arg4} ----
+key32=Rivinumero ${arg5} on alueen ulkopuolella, tiedostolla ${arg6} on 
${arg7} rivi\u00e4
+key33=Tiedostoja ei l\u00f6ytynyt
+key34=Soitinta ei ole keskeytetty mihink\u00e4\u00e4n toimintoon.
+key35=kohteessa '${swfName}'
+atAddress=osoitteessa ${address}
+haltedDueToFault=virheen ${fault} takia
+inWorker=Worker ${worker}
+mainThread=Main Thread
+workerChanged=Active worker has changed to worker
+workerNotFound=No worker found with that ID
+noWorkersRunning=There are no workers running.
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebe293a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debugger/src/main/resources/flex/tools/debugger/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+##  limitations under the License.
+# Translation:
+# In this file, a couple of messages are split across multiple lines.  The main
+# reason for that is that fdb is a command-line program, so we prefer to keep
+# messages at less than 80 characters so that they fit in a typical command
+# window.  When translating strings, you can either keep the line breaks in the
+# same places, or move them, or even remove them altogether if a message will
+# fit on a single line.
+about=Apache fdb (Flash Player Debugger) [build ${build}]
+copyright=Copyright 2015 The Apache Software Foundation.
+noResponseException=Le lecteur n'a pas r\u00e9pondu \u00e0 la commande comme 
pr\u00e9vu ; commande annul\u00e9e.
+notSuspendedException=Impossible d'\u00e9mettre la commande lorsque le lecteur 
est en cours d'ex\u00e9cution
+illegalStateException=Commande incorrecte sans session.
+illegalMonitorStateException=La commande est incorrecte sur un lecteur en 
cours d'ex\u00e9cution. Appuyez sur la touche 'Entr\u00e9e' pour l'arr\u00eater
+playerDidNotStop=Le lecteur ne s'est pas arr\u00eat\u00e9 comme pr\u00e9vu. 
Appuyez sur la touche 'Entr\u00e9e' pour l'arr\u00eater
+noSuchElementException=La commande attendait au moins un argument 
+numberFormatException=L'argument de la command \u00e9tait une cha\u00eene 
alors qu'un entier \u00e9tait attendu.
+socketException=Un autre d\u00e9bogueur Flash est probablement en cours 
d'ex\u00e9cution ; veuillez le fermer. D\u00e9tails : '${message}'.
+versionException=Commande non prise en charge dans ce contexte.
+unexpectedError=Erreur inattendue lors du traitement de la commande.
+stackTraceFollows=Pour les diagnostics, la trace de la pile suit : 
+sessionEndedAbruptly=La session s'est termin\u00e9e brutalement.
+noUriReceived=Aucune URL re\u00e7ue du lecteur
+noSourceFilesFound=Aucun fichier source trouv\u00e9
+inFunctionAt=dans ${functionName}() \u00e0 
+inSwf=dans ${swf}
+nonRestorable=; Aucun \u00e9l\u00e9ment \u00e0 restaurer de la session 
+sourceDirectoriesSearched=R\u00e9pertoires source dans lesquels rechercher :
+attemptingToSuspend=Tentative d'interruption de l'ex\u00e9cution du lecteur...
+playerStopped=Lecteur arr\u00eat\u00e9
+playerRunning=Lecteur en cours d'ex\u00e9cution
+noStackAvailable=Aucune pile disponible
+noVariables=aucune variable
+noArguments=Aucun argument
+notInValidFrame=Pas dans une image valide. Utilisez la commande 'frame' pour 
revenir \u00e0 l'image en cours.
+noLocals=aucune variable locale
+noScopeChain=aucune cha\u00eene d'\u00e9tendue
+noActiveSession=Aucune session active
+runWillLaunchUri=run' va lancer ${uri}
+targetUnknown=Cible inconnue
+noSWFs=aucun fichier SWF.
+unrecognizedFault=Erreur non reconnue
+noFunctionsFound=Aucune fonction trouv\u00e9e
+functionListBeingPrepared=La liste des fonctions est en cours de 
pr\u00e9paration en arri\u00e8re-plan ; r\u00e9essayez ult\u00e9rieurement.
+functionsInSourceFile=Fonctions de ${sourceFile}
+breakpointNotYetResolved=(pas encore r\u00e9solu)
+breakpointNoCode=(pas de code ex\u00e9cutable sur la ligne sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e)
+sessionTerminated=La session du lecteur s'est termin\u00e9e
+additionalCodeLoaded=Un code ActionScript suppl\u00e9mentaire a \u00e9t\u00e9 
charg\u00e9 depuis un fichier SWF ou une image.\nPour voir tous les fichiers 
actuellement charg\u00e9s, tapez 'info files'.
+setAdditionalBreakpoints=D\u00e9finissez les points d'arr\u00eat 
suppl\u00e9mentaires voulus, puis tapez 'continue'.
+fixBreakpoints=Corrigez ou supprimez les points d'arr\u00eat incorrect, puis 
tapez 'continue'.
+executionHalted=Ex\u00e9cution arr\u00eat\u00e9e
+hitBreakpoint=Point d'arr\u00eat ${breakpointNumber}
+haltedInFunction=${reasonForHalting}, ${functionName}() sur ${fileAndLine}
+haltedInFile=${reasonForHalting}, ${fileAndLine}
+informationAboutFault=, information=
+sizeAfterDecompression=${size} octets apr\u00e8s la d\u00e9compression
+breakpointNotPropagated=AVERTISSEMENT : le point d'arr\u00eat 
${breakpointNumber} n'est pas propag\u00e9 \u00e0 tous les WSFs.\nVous devez 
l'effacer et le red\u00e9finir.
+playerAlreadyRunning=Le lecteur est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours d'ex\u00e9cution, 
il est inutile de le relancer.
+doYouWantToHalt=Voulez-vous essayer d'arr\u00eater l'ex\u00e9cution ?
+debugInfoBeingLoaded=informations de d\u00e9bogage en cours de chargement
+attemptingToHalt=Tentative d'arr\u00eat.\nPour aider, essayez de repositionner 
le lecteur (en appuyant sur un bouton)
+couldNotHalt=Arr\u00eat impossible, aucun ActionScript n'est en cours 
+escapingFromDebuggerPendingLoop=Sortie de la boucle d'attente du d\u00e9bogeur 
; d\u00e9finition de $nowaiting = 1
+continuingDueToError=Continue en raison de l'erreur '${error}'
+currentLocationUnknown=emplacement actuel inconnu
+cannotStep=Vous pouvez maintenant intervenir. D\u00e9finissez les points 
d'arr\u00eat et tapez 'continue'.
+abortingStep=Le lecteur n'est pas revenu \u00e0 temps ; abandon des ${count} 
\u00e9tapes restantes
+finishCommandNotMeaningfulOnOutermostFrame=finish' peu significatif sur 
l'image ext\u00e9rieure
+finishCommandNotMeaningfulWithoutStack=finish' peu significatif sans pile
+noBreakpointNumber=Aucun num\u00e9ro de point d'arr\u00eat ${breakpointNumber}
+badBreakpointNumber=avertissement d'un num\u00e9ro de point d'arr\u00eat 
incorrect sur ou pr\u00e8s de '${token}'
+commandFailed=Echec de la commande.
+createdBreakpoint=Point d'arr\u00eat ${breakpointNumber} : fichier ${file}, 
ligne ${line}
+createdBreakpointWithOffset=Point d'arr\u00eat ${breakpointNumber} \u00e0 
${offset} : fichier ${file}, ligne ${line}
+breakpointCreatedButNotYetResolved=Point d'arr\u00eat ${breakpointNumber} 
cr\u00e9\u00e9, mais pas encore r\u00e9solu.\nLe point d'arr\u00eat sera 
r\u00e9solu lorsque le fichier ou la fonction correspondant sera charg\u00e9.
+fileNumber=fichier #${fileNumber}
+breakpointNotSetNoCode=Point d'arr\u00eat non d\u00e9fini ; aucune code 
ex\u00e9cutable \u00e0 la ligne ${line} de ${filename}
+breakpointLocationUnknown=Emplacement du point d'arr\u00eat inconnu.
+breakpointNotCleared=Point d'arr\u00eat non effac\u00e9.
+attemptingToResolve=Tentative de r\u00e9solution du point d'arr\u00eat 
${breakpointNumber}, expression "${expression}" :
+noExecutableCode=Aucun code ex\u00e9cutable sur la ligne sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e.
+resolvedBreakpointToFunction=Point d'arr\u00eat r\u00e9solu 
${breakpointNumber} sur ${functionName}() dans ${file}:${line}
+resolvedBreakpointToFile=Point d'arr\u00eat r\u00e9solu ${breakpointNumber} 
sur ${file}:${line}
+setCommand=La commande Set requiert une variable suivie d'une expression
+missingOperator=L'expression doit contenir l'op\u00e9rateur '${operator}'.
+noSideEffectsAllowed=L'expression ne doit pas avoir d'effet secondaire comme 
une affectation.
+couldNotEvaluate=Impossible d'\u00e9valuer l'expression.
+commandHistoryIsEmpty=L'historique est vide
+historyHasNotReached=L'historique n'a pas encore atteint ${number}
+variableUnknown=Variable ${variable} inconnue
+expressionCouldNotBeParsed=Impossible d'analyser l'expression correctement :
+couldNotConvertToNumber=Impossible de convertir en un nombre : ${value}
+commandsLimitedToSpecifiedSwf=Commandes limit\u00e9es aux fichiers source de 
+commandsApplyToAllSwfs=Fichiers source de tous les SWFs disponibles dans les 
+notValidSwf=${swf} n'est pas un fichier SWF correct.
+frameDoesNotExist=L'image '${frameNumber}' n'existe pas.
+notANumber=${token}' n'est pas un nombre.
+expectedLineNumber=Num\u00e9ro de ligne attendu ; ${token} re\u00e7u
+expectedFileNumber=Num\u00e9ro de fichier attendu ; ${token} re\u00e7u
+noSourceFileWithSpecifiedName=Aucun fichier source nomm\u00e9 '${name}'.
+noFunctionWithSpecifiedName=Aucune fonction nomm\u00e9e '${name}'.
+ambiguousMatchingFilenames=Noms de fichiers correspondants ambigus :
+ambiguousMatchingFunctionNames=Noms de fonctions correspondantes ambigus :
+functionInFile=${functionName} dans ${filename}
+expectedFile=Nom de fichier attendu ou num\u00e9ro de fichier commen\u00e7ant 
par # ; ${token} re\u00e7u
+noSuchFileOrFunction=Aucun fichier ou fonction nomm\u00e9 '${token}'.
+localVariable=variable locale
+mustBeOnlyOneVariable=L'expression ne doit contenir qu'une seule variable
+lineJunk=Sp\u00e9cification de texte ind\u00e9sirable \u00e0 
l'extr\u00e9mit\u00e9 de la ligne
+sourceFileNotFound=Fichier source introuvable. Utilisez la commande 
"directory" pour indiquer son\nemplacement sur cet ordinateur. Tapez "help 
directory" pour afficher des informations importantes\nsur la d\u00e9finition 
d'un r\u00e9pertoire pour les fichiers source qui se trouvent dans un package.
+lineNumberOutOfRange=Num\u00e9ro de ligne ${line} hors plage ; le fichier 
${filename} poss\u00e8de ${total} lignes
+noFilesFound=Aucun fichier trouv\u00e9
+sessionInProgress=La session est d\u00e9j\u00e0 en cours
+waitingForPlayerToConnect=Attente de connexion du lecteur
+waitingToConnectToPlayer=Tentative de connexion au lecteur
+launchingWithUrl=Tentative de lancement et de connexion au lecteur avec l'URL
+playerConnectedSessionStarting=Lecteur connect\u00e9 ; lancement de la session.
+setBreakpointsThenResume=D\u00e9finissez des points d'arr\u00eat, puis tapez 
'continue' pour reprendre la session.
+warningNotAllCommandsSupported=AVERTISSEMENT : le lecteur que vous utilisez ne 
prend pas en charge toutes les commandes fdb.
+fileDoesNotExist=Fichier introuvable : ${uri}
+failedToConnect=Echec de la connexion; la session est arriv\u00e9e \u00e0 
expiration.\nV\u00e9rifiez que :\n  1. vous avez compil\u00e9 votre animation 
Flash avec le d\u00e9bogage activ\u00e9 et que\n  2. vous ex\u00e9cutez la 
version d\u00e9bogueur de Flash Player.
+manuallyLaunchPlayer=Tapez 'run', puis lancez manuellement le lecteur.
+sourceCommandRequiresPath=la commande 'source' n\u00e9cessite le nom de chemin 
du fichier vers la source.
+fileNotFound=${filename} : aucun fichier ou r\u00e9pertoire de ce nom.
+argumentRequired=Argument obligatoire (erreur \u00e0 g\u00e9rer).
+breakpointNotChanged=Point d'arr\u00eat inchang\u00e9.
+badWatchpointNumber=Num\u00e9ro de point de contr\u00f4le incorrect.
+couldNotResolveExpression=Impossible de r\u00e9soudre l'expression en variable.
+notAllBreakpointsEnabled=Tous les points d'arr\u00eat ne sont pas activ\u00e9s
+programNotBeingRun=Le programme n'est pas ex\u00e9cut\u00e9.
+commandNotValidUntilPlayerSuspended=La commande n'est pas valide tant que 
l'ex\u00e9cution du lecteur n'est pas interrompue ; essayez la commande 'halt'.
+noHelpFileFound=Aucun fichier d'aide (fdbhelp*.txt) trouv\u00e9.
+invalidTargetFault=Nom de cible incorrect pour l'instruction ActionSetTarget
+recursionLimitFault=Limite maximale de la limite de r\u00e9cursion atteinte
+invalidWithFault=La cible de l'instruction 'with' n'est pas un objet
+protoLimitFault=La cha\u00eene prototype de recherche a atteint la limite
+invalidUrlFault=Echec de l'ouverture d'une URL
+exceptionFault=Exception utilisateur \u00e9mise
+stackUnderflowFault=Un d\u00e9passement n\u00e9gatif de la pile a eu lieu
+divideByZeroFault=Erreur de division par z\u00e9ro
+scriptTimeoutFault=Le code ActionScript ne progresse pas
+errorWhileProcessingFile=Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement du fichier 
+unrecognizedAction=Action ${action} non reconnue
+typeCommandsForBreakpoint=Tapez les commandes au moment o\u00f9 le point 
d'arr\u00eat ${breakpointNumber} est atteint, une par ligne.\nTerminez avec une 
ligne indiquant simplement 'end'.
+breakpointNowUnconditional=Le point d'arr\u00eat ${breakpointNumber} est 
maintenant inconditionnel.
+watchpointCouldNotBeSet=Un point de contr\u00f4le pour '${expression}' n'a pas 
pu \u00eatre d\u00e9fini
+changedWatchpointMode=Le point de contr\u00f4le ${watchpointNumber} sur 
l'expression '${expression}' est maintenant ${watchpointMode}
+# the following three strings are inserted into the above 
'changedWatchpointMode' string at the ${watchpontMode} location
+watchpointMode_read=lecture seule
+createdWatchpoint=Point de contr\u00f4le ${watchpointNumber} d\u00e9fini sur 
l'expression '${expression}'
+couldNotFindWatchpoint=Impossible de trouver ou de supprimer le contr\u00f4le 
de '${variable}'.
+noDisplayNumber=Aucun num\u00e9ro d'affichage ${displayNumber}
+badDisplayNumber=avertissement d'un num\u00e9ro d'affichage incorrect sur ou 
pr\u00e8s de '${token}'
+breakpointLocationNoLongerExists=Le fichier source et le num\u00e9ro de ligne 
n'existe plus pour le point d'arr\u00eat ${breakpointNumber}
+unknownCommand=Commande inconnue '${command}', ignorer
+unknownSubcommand=Commande ${commandCategory} inconnue '${command}', ignorer
+unknownEvent=Ev\u00e9nement inconnu re\u00e7u du type '${type}', info = ${info}
+problemWithConnection=Probl\u00e8me de connexion de la session , 
'${socketErrorMessage}', il est probablement pr\u00e9f\u00e9rable de l'annuler.
+unexpectedErrorWithStackTrace=Erreur inattendue lors du traitement de la 
commande.\nPour les diagnostics, la trace de la pile suit : 
+ambiguousCommand=Commande ambigu\u00eb '${input}' :
+faultHasNoTableEntry=L'erreur ${faultName} ne poss\u00e8de pas d'entr\u00e9e 
de table
+swfInfo=${swfName} - ${size} octets apr\u00e8s la d\u00e9compression, 
${scriptCount} scripts [#${min} - #${max}]${plus} ${moreInfo}, URL est ${url}
+remainingSourceBeingLoaded=la source restante est toujours en cours de 
+# the following string is appended to the end of any question; tells the user 
what to type
+yesOrNoAppendedToAllQuestions=(o ou n) 
+# the following string is what character the user should to answer "yes" to a 
yes/no question
+# a bunch of questions:
+askDeleteAllBreakpoints=Supprimer tous les points d'arr\u00eat ?
+askDeleteAllAutoDisplay=Supprimer toutes les expressions d'affichage 
automatique (auto-display) ?
+askKillProgram=Voulez-vous annuler le programme en cours de d\u00e9bogage ?
+askProgramIsRunningExitAnyway=Le programme est en cours d'ex\u00e9cution. 
Voulez-vous le quitter ?
+askReinitSourcePath=Voulez-vous r\u00e9initialiser le chemin d'acc\u00e8s 
\u00e0 la source sur une valeur nulle ?
+askExpressionContainsAssignment=Votre expression contient une affectation. 
Voulez-vous continuer ?
+# the following string is output if someone answers "no" to any of the above 
+yesNoQueryNotConfirmed=Non confirm\u00e9.
+stopOnlyIfConditionMet=arr\u00eater uniquement si ${breakpointCondition}
+breakpointAlreadyHit=le point le contr\u00f4le a d\u00e9j\u00e0 \u00e9t\u00e9 
atteint ${count} fois
+getterFunction=Accesseur Get
+setterFunction=Accesseur d'initialisation
+function=Fonctions de ${fileName}#${fileNumber}
+variableAttribute_dontEnumerate=ne pas \u00e9num\u00e9rer
+variableAttribute_readOnly=lecture seule
+variableAttribute_localVariable=variable locale
+variableAttribute_getterFunction=accesseur de lecture
+variableAttribute_setterFunction=Accesseur d'initialisation
+variableAttribute_hasNamespace=a un espace de noms
+key16=Messages re\u00e7us :
+key17=Messages envoy\u00e9s :
+key18=Aucun fichier source trouv\u00e9
+key19=Aucune fonction trouv\u00e9e
+key20=La liste des fonctions est en cours de pr\u00e9paration en 
arri\u00e8re-plan ; r\u00e9essayez ult\u00e9rieurement.
+key21=--- Propri\u00e9t\u00e9s SessionManager
+key22=--- Propri\u00e9t\u00e9s Session
+key24=Lecteur en cours d'ex\u00e9cution.
+key25=Informations d'arr\u00eat introuvables
+key26=Variable inconnue
+key27=Informations source inconnues, emplacement actuel d\u00e9sassembl\u00e9
+key28=Sp\u00e9cification de texte non souhait\u00e9 \u00e0 
l'extr\u00e9mit\u00e9 de la ligne
+key29=Aucun fichier SWF trouv\u00e9 pour le fichier ${arg3}
+key30=Aucune fonction trouv\u00e9e
+key31=---- Affichage des instructions non mapp\u00e9es \u00e0 0x${arg4} qui 
ont \u00e9t\u00e9 ignor\u00e9es ----
+key32=Num\u00e9ro de ligne ${arg5} hors plage ; le fichier ${arg6} 
poss\u00e8de ${arg7} lignes
+key33=Aucun fichier trouv\u00e9
+key34=Le lecteur n'est actuellement pas interrompu sur des actions.
+key35=dans '${swfName}'
+atAddress=\u00e0 ${adresse}
+haltedDueToFault=en raison de ${fault}
+inWorker=Worker ${worker}
+mainThread=Main Thread
+workerChanged=Active worker has changed to worker
+workerNotFound=No worker found with that ID
+noWorkersRunning=There are no workers running.
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96264e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debugger/src/main/resources/flex/tools/debugger/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+##  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+##  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+##  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+##  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+##  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+##  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+##  limitations under the License.
+# Translation:
+# In this file, a couple of messages are split across multiple lines.  The main
+# reason for that is that fdb is a command-line program, so we prefer to keep
+# messages at less than 80 characters so that they fit in a typical command
+# window.  When translating strings, you can either keep the line breaks in the
+# same places, or move them, or even remove them altogether if a message will
+# fit on a single line.
+about=Apache fdb (Flash Player Debugger) [build ${build}]
+copyright=Copyright 2015 The Apache Software Foundation.
+noResponseException=Player non ha risposto al comando come previsto. Comando 
+notSuspendedException=Impossibile inviare il comando mentre Player \u00e8 in 
+illegalStateException=Comando non valido senza una sessione.
+illegalMonitorStateException=Comando non valido con Player in esecuzione. 
Premere Invio per interromperlo.
+playerDidNotStop=Player non \u00e8 stato interrotto come previsto. Premere 
Invio per interromperlo.
+noSuchElementException=Per questo comando \u00e8 previsto almeno un altro 
+numberFormatException=L'argomento del comando \u00e8 una stringa ma \u00e8 
previsto un numero intero.
+socketException=\u00c8 probabile che sia in esecuzione un altro debugger 
Flash. Chiuderlo. Dettagli: "${message}".
+versionException=Comando non supportato in questo contesto.
+unexpectedError=Errore imprevisto durante l'elaborazione del comando.
+stackTraceFollows=A fini di diagnostica, di seguito viene riportata l'analisi 
dello stack: 
+sessionEndedAbruptly=Sessione terminata improvvisamente.
+noUriReceived=Non \u00e8 stato ricevuto alcun URI da Player
+noSourceFilesFound=Non \u00e8 stato trovato alcun file di origine
+inFunctionAt=nella funzione ${functionName}() in 
+inSwf=in ${swf}
+nonRestorable=; Non ripristinabile da sessione precedente
+sourceDirectoriesSearched=Directory di origine in cui \u00e8 stata eseguita la 
+attemptingToSuspend=Tentativo di sospendere l'esecuzione di Player in corso...
+playerStopped=Player interrotto
+playerRunning=Player in esecuzione
+noStackAvailable=Non sono disponibili stack
+noVariables=nessuna variabile
+noArguments=nessun argomento
+notInValidFrame=Frame non valido. Utilizzare il comando "frame" per tornare al 
frame corrente.
+noLocals=nessuna variabile locale
+noScopeChain=nessuna catena di ambito
+noActiveSession=Nessuna sessione attiva
+runWillLaunchUri=Il comando "run" avvia ${uri}
+targetUnknown=Destinazione sconosciuta
+noSWFs=nessun file SWF.
+unrecognizedFault=Errore non riconosciuto.
+noFunctionsFound=Non \u00e8 stata trovata alcuna funzione
+functionListBeingPrepared=La funzione \u00e8 in preparazione in background; 
riprovare pi\u00f9 tardi.
+functionsInSourceFile=Funzioni in ${sourceFile}
+breakpointNotYetResolved=(non ancora risolto)
+breakpointNoCode=(la riga specificata non contiene codice eseguibile)
+sessionTerminated=Sessione di Player terminata
+additionalCodeLoaded=\u00c8 stato caricato ulteriore codice ActionScript da un 
file SWF o da un frame.\nPer visualizzare tutti i file caricati attualmente, 
digitare "info files".
+setAdditionalBreakpoints=Impostare altri breakpoint, quindi digitare 
+fixBreakpoints=Correggere o rimuovere i breakpoint non validi, quindi digitare 
+executionHalted=Esecuzione sospesa
+hitBreakpoint=Breakpoint ${breakpointNumber}
+haltedInFunction=${reasonForHalting}, ${functionName}() in ${fileAndLine}
+haltedInFile=${reasonForHalting}, ${fileAndLine}
+informationAboutFault=, information=
+sizeAfterDecompression=${size} byte dopo la decompressione
+breakpointNotPropagated=AVVERTIMENTO: breakpoint ${breakpointNumber} non 
propagato a tutti i file swf.\nCancellarlo e impostarlo di nuovo.
+playerAlreadyRunning=Player \u00e8 gi\u00e0 in esecuzione. Non \u00e8 
necessario riprendere l'operazione.
+doYouWantToHalt=Intendete provare a interrompere l'esecuzione?
+debugInfoBeingLoaded=informazioni di debug in fase di caricamento
+attemptingToHalt=Tentativo di arresto in corso.\nProvare a sollecitare Player 
(ad esempio, premere un pulsante)
+couldNotHalt=Impossibile interrompere. Non \u00e8 in esecuzione alcun 
+escapingFromDebuggerPendingLoop=Trasferimento dal debugger in attesa del loop; 
impostazione di $nowaiting su 1
+continuingDueToError=Proseguimento in seguito all'errore "${error}"
+currentLocationUnknown=posizione corrente sconosciuta
+cannotStep=Non \u00e8 possibile procedere passo a passo in questo momento. 
Impostare dei breakpoint e quindi digitare "continue".
+abortingStep=Player non ha risposto in tempo. I rimanenti ${count} passaggi 
verranno terminati.
+finishCommandNotMeaningfulOnOutermostFrame="finish" non ha alcun significato 
nel frame pi\u00f9 esterno
+finishCommandNotMeaningfulWithoutStack="finish" non ha alcun significato senza 
uno stack
+noBreakpointNumber=Nessun numero di breakpoint ${breakpointNumber}
+badBreakpointNumber=avvertimento: numero di breakpoint non valido in o in 
prossimit\u00e0 di "${token}"
+commandFailed=Comando non riuscito.
+createdBreakpoint=Breakpoint ${breakpointNumber}: file ${file}, riga ${line}
+createdBreakpointWithOffset=Breakpoint ${breakpointNumber} in ${offset}: file 
${file}, riga ${line}
+breakpointCreatedButNotYetResolved=Breakpoint ${breakpointNumber} creato ma 
non ancora risolto.\nVerr\u00e0 risolto al caricamento del file o della 
funzione corrispondente.
+fileNumber=file #${fileNumber}
+breakpointNotSetNoCode=Breakpoint non impostato. La riga ${line} del file 
${filename} non contiene codice eseguibile.
+breakpointLocationUnknown=Posizione breakpoint sconosciuta.
+breakpointNotCleared=Breakpoint non cancellato.
+attemptingToResolve=Tentativo di risoluzione del breakpoint 
${breakpointNumber}, espressione "${expression}", in corso:
+noExecutableCode=La riga specificata non contiene codice eseguibile.
+resolvedBreakpointToFunction=Breakpoint ${breakpointNumber} risolto nella 
funzione ${functionName}() in ${file}:${line}
+resolvedBreakpointToFile=Breakpoint ${breakpointNumber} risolto in 
+setCommand=Il comando di impostazione richiede una variabile seguita da 
+missingOperator=L'espressione deve contenere l'operatore "${operator}".
+noSideEffectsAllowed=L'espressione non deve causare effetti collaterali, ad 
esempio assegnazioni.
+couldNotEvaluate=Impossibile valutare l'espressione.
+commandHistoryIsEmpty=La cronologia \u00e8 vuota
+historyHasNotReached=La cronologia non \u00e8 ancora arrivata a ${number}
+variableUnknown=Variabile ${variable} sconosciuta
+expressionCouldNotBeParsed=Impossibile analizzare correttamente l'espressione:
+couldNotConvertToNumber=Impossibile convertire in numero: ${value}
+commandsLimitedToSpecifiedSwf=Comandi limitati ai file di origine dai file 
+commandsApplyToAllSwfs=File di origine da tutti i file swf disponibili nei 
+notValidSwf=Il file ${swf} non \u00e8 un file SWF valido.
+frameDoesNotExist=Frame "${frameNumber}" inesistente.
+notANumber="${token}" non \u00e8 un numero.
+expectedLineNumber=Previsto numero di riga; ricevuto ${token}
+expectedFileNumber=Previsto numero di file; ricevuto ${token}
+noSourceFileWithSpecifiedName=Il file di origine denominato "${name}" non 
+noFunctionWithSpecifiedName=Nessuna funzione denominata "${name}".
+ambiguousMatchingFilenames=Nomi di file corrispondenti ambigui:
+ambiguousMatchingFunctionNames=Nomi di funzioni corrispondenti ambigui:
+functionInFile=${functionName} in ${filename}
+expectedFile=Il nome o il numero di file deve iniziare per #; ricevuto ${token}
+noSuchFileOrFunction=Il file o la funzione denominata "${token}" non esiste.
+localVariable=variabile locale
+mustBeOnlyOneVariable=L'espressione deve contenere solo una variabile
+lineJunk=Al termine della specifica della riga sono presenti elementi inutili
+sourceFileNotFound=File di origine non trovato. Utilizzare il comando 
"directory" per specificarne il\npercorso in questo computer. Digitare "help 
directory" per visualizzare informazioni importanti\nsu come specificare una 
directory per i file di origine contenuti in un pacchetto.
+lineNumberOutOfRange=Numero di riga ${line} fuori intervallo; il file 
${filename} contiene ${total} righe
+noFilesFound=Non \u00e8 stato trovato alcun file
+sessionInProgress=Sessione gi\u00e0 in corso
+waitingForPlayerToConnect=In attesa della connessione di Player
+waitingToConnectToPlayer=Tentativo di connettersi a Player
+launchingWithUrl=Tentativo di avvio e di connessione a Player tramite URL
+playerConnectedSessionStarting=Player connesso. La sessione viene avviata.
+setBreakpointsThenResume=Impostare dei breakpoint, quindi digitare "continue" 
per riprendere la sessione.
+warningNotAllCommandsSupported=AVVERTIMENTO: la versione di Player utilizzata 
non supporta tutti i comandi fdb.
+fileDoesNotExist=File non trovato: ${uri}
+failedToConnect=Connessione non riuscita: timeout della sessione.\nVerificare 
che:\n  1. Il filmato Flash sia stato compilato con il debugging attivato e\n  
2. Si sta eseguendo la versione Debugger di Flash Player.
+manuallyLaunchPlayer=Digitare "run" e avviare Player manualmente.
+sourceCommandRequiresPath=Il comando "source" richiede il percorso del file di 
+fileNotFound=${filename}: file o directory inesistente.
+argumentRequired=Argomento obbligatorio (errore di gestione).
+breakpointNotChanged=Breakpoint non modificato.
+badWatchpointNumber=Numero punto di controllo non valido.
+couldNotResolveExpression=Impossibile risolvere l'espressione in variabile.
+notAllBreakpointsEnabled=Non tutti i breakpoint sono abilitati
+programNotBeingRun=Il programma non viene eseguito.
+commandNotValidUntilPlayerSuspended=Comando non valido durante la sospensione 
dell'esecuzione di Player. Provare a utilizzare il comando "halt".
+noHelpFileFound=File della guida in linea (fdbhelp*.txt) non trovato.
+invalidTargetFault=Nome di destinazione non valido per l'istruzione 
+recursionLimitFault=\u00c8 stato raggiunto il limite superiore della ricorsione
+invalidWithFault=La destinazione dell'istruzione "with" non \u00e8 un oggetto
+protoLimitFault=La ricerca in alto della catena di prototipi ha raggiunto il 
+invalidUrlFault=Apertura di un URL non riuscita
+exceptionFault=Eccezione generata dall'utente
+stackUnderflowFault=Stack underflow occurred
+divideByZeroFault=Errore di divisione per zero
+scriptTimeoutFault=Il codice ActionScript non sta avanzando
+errorWhileProcessingFile=Errore durante l'elaborazione del file 
+unrecognizedAction=Azione non riconosciuta ${action}
+typeCommandsForBreakpoint=Digitare i comandi da eseguire per il breakpoint 
${breakpointNumber}, uno per riga.\nTerminare con una riga contenente "end" da 
+breakpointNowUnconditional=Il breakpoint ${breakpointNumber} \u00e8 ora non 
+watchpointCouldNotBeSet=Impossibile impostare punto di controllo per 
+changedWatchpointMode=Il punto di controllo numero ${watchpointNumber} 
nell'espressione "${expression}" \u00e8 ora in modalit\u00e0 ${watchpointMode}
+# the following three strings are inserted into the above 
'changedWatchpointMode' string at the ${watchpontMode} location
+watchpointMode_readWrite=lettura e scrittura
+createdWatchpoint=Punto di controllo numero ${watchpointNumber} impostato 
nell'espressione "${expression}"
+couldNotFindWatchpoint=Il punto di controllo di "${variable}" non \u00e8 stato 
trovato o \u00e8 stato rimosso.
+noDisplayNumber=Nessun numero di visualizzazione ${displayNumber}
+badDisplayNumber=avvertimento: numero di visualizzazione non valido in o in 
prossimit\u00e0 di "${token}"
+breakpointLocationNoLongerExists=Il file di origine e il numero di riga non 
esistono pi\u00f9 per il breakpoint ${breakpointNumber}
+unknownCommand=Comando sconosciuto "${command}". Verr\u00e0 ignorato.
+unknownSubcommand=Comando della categoria ${commandCategory} sconosciuto: 
"${command}". Il comando verr\u00e0 ignorato.
+unknownEvent=Ricevuto evento sconosciuto di tipo "${type}". Informazioni = 
+problemWithConnection=Problema con la connessione della sessione. 
"${socketErrorMessage}". Si consiglia di interromperla.
+unexpectedErrorWithStackTrace=Errore imprevisto durante l'elaborazione del 
comando.\nA fini di diagnostica, di seguito viene riportata l'analisi dello 
+ambiguousCommand=Comando "${input}" ambiguo:
+faultHasNoTableEntry=Nessuna voce di tabella per l'errore ${faultName}
+swfInfo=${swfName} - ${size} byte dopo la decompressione, ${scriptCount} 
script [#${min} - #${max}]${plus} ${moreInfo}, URL: ${url}
+remainingSourceBeingLoaded=origine rimanente ancora in fase di caricamento
+# the following string is appended to the end of any question; tells the user 
what to type
+yesOrNoAppendedToAllQuestions=(s o n) 
+# the following string is what character the user should to answer "yes" to a 
yes/no question
+# a bunch of questions:
+askDeleteAllBreakpoints=Intendete eliminare tutti i breakpoint?
+askDeleteAllAutoDisplay=Intendete eliminare tutte le espressioni a 
visualizzazione automatica?
+askKillProgram=Intendete interrompere il programma in fase di debug?
+askProgramIsRunningExitAnyway=Il programma \u00e8 in esecuzione. Intendete 
uscire lo stesso?
+askReinitSourcePath=Intendete svuotare il percorso di destinazione?
+askExpressionContainsAssignment=L'espressione contiene un'assegnazione. 
Intendete continuare?
+# the following string is output if someone answers "no" to any of the above 
+yesNoQueryNotConfirmed=Non confermato
+stopOnlyIfConditionMet=stop only if ${breakpointCondition}
+breakpointAlreadyHit=il breakpoint \u00e8 gi\u00e0 stato raggiunto ${count} 
+getterFunction=Propriet\u00e0 di richiamo
+setterFunction=Propriet\u00e0 di impostazione
+variableAttribute_dontEnumerate=non enumerare
+variableAttribute_readOnly=sola lettura
+variableAttribute_getterFunction=propriet\u00e0 di richiamo
+variableAttribute_setterFunction=propriet\u00e0 di impostazione
+variableAttribute_hasNamespace=ha lo spazio dei nomi
+key16=Messaggi ricevuti:
+key17=Messaggi inviati:
+key18=Non \u00e8 stato trovato alcun file di origine
+key19=Non \u00e8 stata trovata alcuna funzione
+key20=\u00c8 in corso la generazione dell'elenco delle funzioni in background; 
riprovare pi\u00f9 tardi.
+key21=--- Propriet\u00e0 di SessionManager
+key22=--- Propriet\u00e0 della sessione
+key24=Player in esecuzione.
+key25=Non sono state trovate informazioni di interruzione
+key26=Variabile sconosciuta
+key27=Informazioni di origine sconosciute. Posizione corrente disassemblata.
+key28=Al termine della specifica della riga sono presenti elementi inutili
+key29=Non \u00e8 stato trovato alcun file swf per il file ${arg3}
+key30=Non \u00e8 stata trovata alcuna funzione
+key31=---- Visualizzazione istruzioni non mappate in 0x${arg4} ignorate ----
+key32=Numero di riga ${arg5} fuori intervallo; il file ${arg6} contiene 
${arg7} righe
+key33=Non \u00e8 stato trovato alcun file
+key34=Player non sospeso per tutte le azioni.
+key35=in "${swfName}"
+atAddress=in ${address}
+haltedDueToFault=a causa di ${fault}
+inWorker=Worker ${worker}
+mainThread=Main Thread
+workerChanged=Active worker has changed to worker
+workerNotFound=No worker found with that ID
+noWorkersRunning=There are no workers running.

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