backport amf.js and get it to use Responder instead of promises, and our 
Reflection APIs


Branch: refs/heads/feature/amf
Commit: 09c90ba060d44916674693b23f359056d085926b
Parents: 19178d7
Author: Alex Harui <>
Authored: Fri Sep 1 11:17:35 2017 -0700
Committer: Alex Harui <>
Committed: Fri Sep 1 11:17:35 2017 -0700

 LICENSE                                         |    5 +
 .../main/flex/org/apache/flex/net/  |   65 +
 .../flex/net/remoting/amf/      | 1162 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../flex/net/remoting/amf/   |  394 ++++++
 4 files changed, 1626 insertions(+)
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 2c07af7..d182092 100644
@@ -243,6 +243,11 @@ The map coordinates in 
 were placed into the Public Domain by its author.  See:
+Most of the .as files in frameworks/projects/Network/src/main/flex/ in the
+package are derived from
+ which is available under 
+Apache License 2.0.
 Most of the .as files in frameworks/projects/GoogleMaps/src/main/flex/google 
 are derived from the google_maps_api_v3_11.js externs file in the 
 Google Closure Library which are available under Apache License 2.0.
diff --git 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ba0c639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frameworks/projects/Network/src/main/flex/org/apache/flex/net/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+//  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+//  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+//  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+//  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+//  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+//  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+//  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+//  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+//  limitations under the License.
+    {
+        import;
+    }
+       [Event(name="result", type="")]
+       [Event(name="fault", type="")]
+       public class Responder
+       {               
+               /** 
+                * 
+                */ 
+               public function Responder(onSuccess:Function, 
+               {
+            this.onSuccess = onSuccess;
+            this.onFailure = onFailure;
+               }
+        /**
+         *  @private
+         */
+        public var onSuccess:Function;
+        /**
+         *  @private
+         */
+        public var onFailure:Function;
+        /**
+         *  @private
+         */
+        COMPILE::SWF
+        public function getActualResponder()
+        {
+            return new, onFailure);
+        }
+        COMPILE::JS
+        public function getActualResponder():Responder
+        {
+            return this;
+        }
+       }
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8fcbf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1162 @@
+//  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+//  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+//  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+//  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+//  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+//  limitations under the License.
+ * AMF JavaScript library by Emil Malinov
+ */
+    import org.apache.flex.reflection.getAliasByClass;
+    import org.apache.flex.reflection.getClassByAlias;
+ *  A version of BinaryData specific to AMF.
+ *  
+ *  @langversion 3.0
+ *  @playerversion Flash 9
+ *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
+ *  @productversion BlazeDS 4
+ *  @productversion LCDS 3 
+ */
+public class AMFBinaryData
+    //
+    // Class Constants
+    // 
+    public static const CLASS_ALIAS:String = "_explicitType";
+    public static const EXTERNALIZED_FIELD:String = "_externalizedData";
+    public static const RESULT_METHOD:String = "/onResult";
+    public static const STATUS_METHOD:String = "/onStatus";
+    public static const EMPTY_STRING:String = "";
+    public static const NULL_STRING:String = "null";
+    public static const AMF0_OBJECT_ENCODING:int = 0;
+    public static const AMF0_NUMBER:int = 0;
+    public static const AMF0_BOOLEAN:int = 1;
+    public static const AMF0_STRING:int = 2;
+    public static const AMF0_OBJECT:int = 3;
+    public static const AMF0_MOVIECLIP:int = 4;
+    public static const AMF0_NULL:int = 5;
+    public static const AMF0_UNDEFINED:int = 6;
+    public static const AMF0_REFERENCE:int = 7;
+    public static const AMF0_MIXEDARRAY:int = 8; //ECMAArray
+    public static const AMF0_OBJECTEND:int = 9;
+    public static const AMF0_ARRAY:int = 10; //StrictArray
+    public static const AMF0_DATE:int = 11;
+    public static const AMF0_LONGSTRING:int = 12;
+    public static const AMF0_UNSUPPORTED:int = 13;
+    public static const AMF0_RECORDSET:int = 14;
+    public static const AMF0_XMLDOCUMENT:int = 15;
+    public static const AMF0_TYPEDOBJECT:int = 16;
+    public static const AMF0_AMF3:int = 17;
+    public static const AMF3_OBJECT_ENCODING:int = 3;
+    public static const AMF3_UNDEFINED:int = 0;
+    public static const AMF3_NULL:int = 1;
+    public static const AMF3_BOOLEAN_FALSE:int = 2;
+    public static const AMF3_BOOLEAN_TRUE:int = 3;
+    public static const AMF3_INTEGER:int = 4;
+    public static const AMF3_DOUBLE:int = 5;
+    public static const AMF3_STRING:int = 6;
+    public static const AMF3_XMLDOCUMENT:int = 7;
+    public static const AMF3_DATE:int = 8;
+    public static const AMF3_ARRAY:int = 9;
+    public static const AMF3_OBJECT:int = 10;
+    public static const AMF3_XML:int = 11;
+    public static const AMF3_BYTEARRAY:int = 12;
+    public static const AMF3_VECTOR_INT:int = 13;
+    public static const AMF3_VECTOR_UINT:int = 14;
+    public static const AMF3_VECTOR_DOUBLE:int = 15;
+    public static const AMF3_VECTOR_OBJECT:int = 16;
+    public static const AMF3_DICTIONARY:int = 17;
+    public static const UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH:int = 1;
+    public static const UINT29_MASK:int = 536870911;
+    public static const INT28_MAX_VALUE:int = 268435455;
+    public static const INT28_MIN_VALUE:int = -268435456;
+    public static const UINT_MAX_VALUE:uint = 4294967295;
+    public static const UINT_MIN_VALUE:uint = 0;
+    public static const MAX_STORED_OBJECTS:int = 1024;
+    public static const POW_2_20:int = Math.pow(2, 20);
+    public static const POW_2_52:int = Math.pow(2, 52);
+    public static const POW_2_52N:int = Math.pow(2, -52);
+    //
+    // Constructor
+    // 
+    /**
+     *  Constructs an uninitialized AMFBinaryData.
+     *  
+     *  @langversion 3.0
+     *  @playerversion Flash 9
+     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
+     *  @productversion BlazeDS 4
+     *  @productversion LCDS 3 
+     */
+    public function AMFBinaryData(data:Array = null)
+    {
+        // TODO: (aharui) try to share code with BinaryData.
+        // BinaryData has different methods and also
+        // has ENDIAN code which AMF doesn't seem to need.
+        super();
+        if (data)
+   = data;
+    }
+    //
+    // Variables
+    // 
+    public var data:Array = [];
+    private var objects:Array = [];
+    private var traits:Object = {};
+    private var strings:Object = {};
+    private var stringCount:int = 0;
+    private var traitCount:int = 0;
+    private var objectCount:int = 0;
+    public var pos:int = 0;
+    public function write(v:uint):void
+    {
+        data.push(v);
+    };
+    public function writeShort(v:uint):void
+    {
+        write((v >>> 8) & 255);
+        write((v >>> 0) & 255);
+    };
+    public function writeUTF(v:String, asAmf:Boolean = false):int
+    {
+        var bytearr:Array = [];
+        var strlen:int = v.length;
+        var utflen:int = 0;
+        for (var i:int = 0; i < strlen; i++) 
+        {
+            var c1:int = v.charCodeAt(i);
+            //var enc = null;
+            if (c1 < 128) 
+            {
+                utflen++;
+                bytearr.push(c1);
+                //end++;
+            } 
+            else if (c1 > 127 && c1 < 2048) 
+            {
+                utflen += 2;
+                bytearr.push(192 | (c1 >> 6));
+                if (asAmf) 
+                    bytearr.push(128 | ((c1 >> 0) & 63));
+                else 
+                    bytearr.push(128 | (c1 & 63));
+            }
+            else if ((c1 & 0xF800) !== 0xD800) 
+            {
+                utflen += 3;
+                bytearr.push(224 | (c1 >> 12));
+                bytearr.push(128 | ((c1 >> 6) & 63));
+                if (asAmf) 
+                    bytearr.push(128 | ((c1 >> 0) & 63));
+                else
+                    bytearr.push(128 | (c1 & 63));
+            } 
+            else 
+            {
+                utflen += 4;
+                if ((c1 & 0xFC00) !== 0xD800)
+                {
+                    throw new RangeError('Unmatched trail surrogate at ' + i);
+                }
+                var c2:int = v.charCodeAt(++i);
+                if ((c2 & 0xFC00) !== 0xDC00) 
+                {
+                    throw new RangeError('Unmatched lead surrogate at ' + (i - 
+                }
+                c1 = ((c1 & 0x3FF) << 10) + (c2 & 0x3FF) + 0x10000;
+                bytearr.push(240 | (c1 >> 18));
+                bytearr.push(128 | ((c1 >> 12) & 63));
+                bytearr.push((c1 >> 6) & 63);
+                if (asAmf)
+                    bytearr.push(128 | ((c1 >> 0) & 63));
+                else
+                    bytearr.push(128 | (c1 & 63));
+            }
+        }
+        if (asAmf)
+            writeUInt29((utflen << 1) | 1);
+        else 
+        {
+            bytearr.unshift(utflen & 255);
+            bytearr.unshift((utflen >>> 8) & 255);
+        }
+        writeAll(bytearr);
+        return asAmf ? utflen : utflen + 2;
+    };
+    public function writeUInt29(v:uint):void
+    {
+        if (v < 128) 
+        {
+            this.write(v);
+        } 
+        else if (v < 16384) 
+        {
+            this.write(((v >> 7) & 127) | 128);
+            this.write(v & 127);
+        } 
+        else if (v < 2097152) 
+        {
+            this.write(((v >> 14) & 127) | 128);
+            this.write(((v >> 7) & 127) | 128);
+            this.write(v & 127);
+        } 
+        else if (v < 0x40000000) 
+        {
+            this.write(((v >> 22) & 127) | 128);
+            this.write(((v >> 15) & 127) | 128);
+            this.write(((v >> 8) & 127) | 128);
+            this.write(v & 255);
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            throw "Integer out of range: " + v;
+        }
+    };
+    public function writeAll(bytes:Array):void
+    {
+        for (var i:int = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
+            this.write(bytes[i]);
+        }
+    };
+    public function writeBoolean(v:Boolean):void
+    {
+        this.write(v ? 1 : 0);
+    };
+    public function writeInt(v:int):void
+    {
+        this.write((v >>> 24) & 255);
+        this.write((v >>> 16) & 255);
+        this.write((v >>> 8) & 255);
+        this.write((v >>> 0) & 255);
+    };
+    public function writeUInt32(v):void
+    {
+        v < 0 && (v = -(v ^ UINT_MAX_VALUE) - 1);
+        v &= UINT_MAX_VALUE;
+        this.write((v >>> 24) & 255);
+        this.write((v >>> 16) & 255);
+        this.write((v >>> 8) & 255);
+        this.write((v & 255));
+    };
+    private function getDouble(v:Number):Array
+    {
+        var r:Array = [0,0];
+        if (v != v) 
+        {
+            r[0] = -524288;
+            return r;
+        }
+        var d:int = v < 0 || v === 0 && 1 / v < 0 ? -2147483648 : 0;
+        v = Math.abs(v);
+        if (v === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) 
+        {
+            r[0] = d | 2146435072;
+            return r;
+        }
+        for (var e:int = 0; v >= 2 && e <= 1023;) 
+        {
+            e++;
+            v /= 2;
+        }
+        for (; v < 1 && e >= -1022;)
+        {
+            e--;
+            v *= 2;
+        }
+        e += 1023;
+        if (e == 2047) 
+        {
+            r[0] = d | 2146435072;
+            return r;
+        }
+        var i:Number;
+        if (e == 0)
+            (i = v * Math.pow(2, 23) / 2, v = Math.round(v * POW_2_52 / 2))
+        else
+            (i = v * POW_2_20 - POW_2_20, v = Math.round(v * POW_2_52 - 
+        r[0] = d | e << 20 & 2147418112 | i & 1048575;
+        r[1] = v;
+        return r;
+    };
+    public function writeDouble(v:Number):void
+    {
+        var parts:Array  = getDouble(v);
+        this.writeUInt32(parts[0]);
+        this.writeUInt32(parts[1]);
+    };
+    public function getResult():String
+    {
+        return data.join("");
+    };
+    public function reset():void
+    {
+        this.objects = [];
+        this.objectCount = 0;
+        this.traits = {};
+        this.traitCount = 0;
+        this.strings = {};
+        this.stringCount = 0;
+    };
+    private function writeStringWithoutType(v:String):void
+    {
+        if (v.length == 0) 
+            this.writeUInt29(1);
+        else 
+        {
+            if (!this.stringByReference(v)) 
+            {
+                this.writeUTF(v, true);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    private function stringByReference(v):uint
+    {
+        var ref:uint = this.strings[v];
+        if (ref) 
+            this.writeUInt29(ref << 1);
+        else 
+            this.strings[v] = this.stringCount++;
+        return ref;
+    };
+    public function objectByReference(v):uint
+    {
+        var ref:uint = 0;
+        var found:Boolean = false;
+        for (; ref < this.objects.length; ref++) 
+        {
+            if (this.objects[ref] === v) 
+            {
+                found = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (found) 
+            this.writeUInt29(ref << 1);
+        else 
+        {
+            this.objects.push(v);
+            this.objectCount++;
+        }
+        return found ? ref : null;
+    };
+    private function traitsByReference(v:Array, alias:String):uint
+    {
+        var s:String = alias + "|";
+        for (var i:int = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
+            s += v[i] + "|";
+        }
+        var ref:uint = this.traits[s];
+        if (ref)
+            this.writeUInt29((ref << 2) | 1);
+        else
+            this.traits[s] = this.traitCount++;
+        return ref;
+    };
+    private function writeAmfInt(v:int):void
+    {
+        if (v >= INT28_MIN_VALUE && v <= INT28_MAX_VALUE) {
+            v = v & UINT29_MASK;
+            this.write(AMF3_INTEGER);
+            this.writeUInt29(v);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            this.write(AMF3_DOUBLE);
+            this.writeDouble(v);
+        }
+    };
+    private function writeDate(v:Date):void
+    {
+        this.write(AMF3_DATE);
+        if (!this.objectByReference(v))
+        {
+            this.writeUInt29(1);
+            this.writeDouble(v.getTime());
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * @flexjsignorecoercion Class
+     * @flexjsignorecoercion String
+     * @flexjsignorecoercion Number
+     */
+    public function writeObject(v:Object):void
+    {
+        if (v == null)
+        {
+            this.write(AMF3_NULL);
+            return;
+        }
+        if (v is String) 
+        {
+            this.write(AMF3_STRING);
+            this.writeStringWithoutType(v as String);
+        }
+        else if (v is Number)
+        {
+            var n:Number = v as Number;
+            if (n === +n && n === (n | 0))
+            {
+                this.writeAmfInt(n);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                this.write(AMF3_DOUBLE);
+                this.writeDouble(n);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (v is Boolean)
+            this.write((v
+                ? AMF3_BOOLEAN_TRUE
+                : AMF3_BOOLEAN_FALSE));
+        else if (v is Date)
+            this.writeDate(v as Date);
+        else
+        {
+            if (v is Array) 
+            {
+                if (v.toString().indexOf("[Vector") == 0) 
+                    this.writeVector(v);
+                else 
+                    this.writeArray(v as Array);
+            }
+            else if (getAliasByClass(v.constructor as Class))
+                this.writeCustomObject(v);
+            else
+                this.writeMap(v);
+        }
+    };
+    private function writeCustomObject(v:Object):void
+    {
+        this.write(AMF3_OBJECT);
+        if (!this.objectByReference(v))
+        {
+            var traits:Array = this.writeTraits(v);
+            for (var i:int = 0; i < traits.length; i++)
+            {
+                var prop:String = traits[i];
+                this.writeObject(v[prop]);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * @flexjsignorecoercion Class
+     */
+    private function writeTraits(v:Object):Array
+    {
+        var traits:Array = [];
+        var count:int = 0;
+        var externalizable:Boolean = false; // some day: v is IExternalizable;
+        var dynamic:Boolean = false; // some day v.getClassInfo().isDynamic;
+        var classInfo:Object = v.FLEXJS_CLASS_INFO;
+        var reflectionInfo:Object = v.FLEXJS_REFLECTION_INFO();
+        var c:Object = v;
+        var t:String;
+        var traitsInfo:Object;
+        var vars:Array = [];
+        var accs:Array = [];
+        while (classInfo)
+        {
+            var className:String = classInfo.names[0].name;
+            traitsInfo = reflectionInfo.variables();
+            for (t in traitsInfo) 
+            {
+                vars.push(t);
+                count++;
+            }
+            traitsInfo = reflectionInfo.accessors();
+            for (t in traitsInfo) 
+            {
+                accs.push(t);
+                count++;
+            }
+            if (!c.constructor.superClass_)
+                break;
+            classInfo = c.constructor.superClass_.FLEXJS_CLASS_INFO;
+            reflectionInfo = 
+            c = c.constructor.superClass_;
+        }
+        traits = traits.concat(vars);
+        traits = traits.concat(accs);
+        if (!this.traitsByReference(traits, getAliasByClass(v.constructor as 
+        {
+            this.writeUInt29(3 | (externalizable ? 4 : 0) | (dynamic ? 8 : 0) 
| (count << 4));
+            this.writeStringWithoutType(getAliasByClass(v.constructor as 
+            if (count > 0)
+            {
+                for (var prop:String in traits)
+                {
+                    this.writeStringWithoutType(traits[prop]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return traits;
+    };
+    /* Write map as array
+    amf.Writer.prototype.writeMap = function(v) {
+    this.write(amf.const.AMF3_ARRAY);
+    if (!this.objectByReference(map)) {
+    this.writeUInt29((0 << 1) | 1);
+    for (var key in v) {
+    if (key) {
+    this.writeStringWithoutType(key);
+    } else {
+    this.writeStringWithoutType(amf.const.EMPTY_STRING);
+    }
+    this.writeObject(v[key]);
+    }
+    this.writeStringWithoutType(amf.const.EMPTY_STRING);
+    }
+    };*/
+    private function writeMap(v:Object):void
+    {
+        this.write(AMF3_OBJECT);
+        if (!this.objectByReference(v))
+        {
+            this.writeUInt29(11);
+            this.traitCount++; //bogus traits entry here
+            this.writeStringWithoutType(EMPTY_STRING); //class name
+            for (var key:String in v)
+            {
+                if (key)
+                    this.writeStringWithoutType(key);
+                else
+                    this.writeStringWithoutType(EMPTY_STRING);
+                this.writeObject(v[key]);
+            }
+            this.writeStringWithoutType(EMPTY_STRING); //empty string end of 
dynamic members
+        }
+    };
+    private function writeArray(v:Array):void
+    {
+        this.write(AMF3_ARRAY);
+        var len:int = v.length;
+        if (!this.objectByReference(v))
+        {
+            this.writeUInt29((len << 1) | 1);
+            this.writeUInt29(1); //empty string implying no named keys
+            if (len > 0) 
+            {
+                for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)
+                {
+                    this.writeObject(v[i]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    private function writeVector(v:Object):void
+    {
+        this.write(v.type);
+        var i:int;
+        var len:int = v.length;
+        if (!this.objectByReference(v))
+        {
+            this.writeUInt29((len << 1) | 1);
+            this.writeBoolean(v.fixed);
+        }
+        if (v.type == AMF3_VECTOR_OBJECT)
+        {
+            var className:String = "";
+            if (len > 0) {
+                // TODO: how much of the PHP logic can we do here
+                className = v[0];
+            }
+            this.writeStringWithoutType(className);
+            for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+            {
+                this.writeObject(v[i]);
+            }
+        } 
+        else if (v.type == AMF3_VECTOR_INT)
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+            {
+                this.writeInt(v[i]);
+            }
+        } 
+        else if (v.type == AMF3_VECTOR_UINT)
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+            {
+                this.writeUInt32(v[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (v.type == AMF3_VECTOR_DOUBLE)
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) 
+            {
+                this.writeDouble(v[i]);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    public function read():uint
+    {
+        //if (this.pos + 1 > this.datalen) { // store in 
+        //  throw "Cannot read past the end of the data.";
+        //}
+        return[this.pos++];
+    };
+    public function readUIntN(n:int):uint
+    {
+        var value:uint =;
+        for (var i:int = 1; i < n; i++) {
+            value = (value << 8) |;
+        }
+        return value;
+    };
+    public function readUnsignedShort():uint
+    {
+        var c1:uint =;
+        var c2:uint =;
+        return ((c1 << 8) + (c2 << 0));
+    };
+    public function readInt():int
+    {
+        var c1:int =;
+        var c2:int =;
+        var c3:int =
+        var c4:int =;
+        return ((c1 << 24) + (c2 << 16) + (c3 << 8) + (c4 << 0));
+    };
+    public function readUInt32():uint
+    {
+        var c1:uint =;
+        var c2:uint =;
+        var c3:uint =;
+        var c4:uint =;
+        return (c1 * 0x1000000) + ((c2 << 16) | (c3 << 8) | c4);
+    };
+    public function readUInt29():int
+    {
+        var b:uint = & 255;
+        if (b < 128) {
+            return b;
+        }
+        var value:uint = (b & 127) << 7;
+        b = & 255;
+        if (b < 128) 
+            return (value | b);
+        value = (value | (b & 127)) << 7;
+        b = & 255;
+        if (b < 128)
+            return (value | b);
+        value = (value | (b & 127)) << 8;
+        b = & 255;
+        return (value | b);
+    };
+    public function readFully(buff:Array, start:int, length:int):void
+    {
+        for (var i:int = start; i < length; i++)
+        {
+            buff[i] =;
+        }
+    };
+    public function readUTF(length:int = 0):String
+    {
+        var utflen:int = length ? length : this.readUnsignedShort();
+        var len:int = this.pos + utflen;
+        var chararr:Array = [];
+        var c1:int = 0;
+        var seqlen:int = 0;
+        while (this.pos < len)
+        {
+            c1 = & 0xFF;
+            seqlen = 0;
+            if (c1 <= 0xBF)
+            {
+                c1 = c1 & 0x7F;
+                seqlen = 1;
+            }
+            else if (c1 <= 0xDF)
+            {
+                c1 = c1 & 0x1F;
+                seqlen = 2;
+            }
+            else if (c1 <= 0xEF)
+            {
+                c1 = c1 & 0x0F;
+                seqlen = 3;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                c1 = c1 & 0x07;
+                seqlen = 4;
+            }
+            for (var i:int = 1; i < seqlen; ++i)
+            {
+                c1 = c1 << 0x06 | & 0x3F;
+            }
+            if (seqlen === 4)
+            {
+                c1 -= 0x10000;
+                chararr.push(String.fromCharCode(0xD800 | c1 >> 10 & 0x3FF));
+                chararr.push(String.fromCharCode(0xDC00 | c1 & 0x3FF));
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                chararr.push(String.fromCharCode(c1));
+            }
+        }
+        return chararr.join("");
+    };
+    public function readObject():Object
+    {
+        var type:uint =;
+        return this.readObjectValue(type);
+    };
+    public function readString():String
+    {
+        var ref:uint = this.readUInt29();
+        if ((ref & 1) == 0)
+        {
+            return this.getString(ref >> 1);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            var len:int = (ref >> 1);
+            if (len == 0)
+            {
+                return EMPTY_STRING;
+            }
+            var str:String = this.readUTF(len);
+            this.rememberString(str);
+            return str;
+        }
+        return null;
+    };
+    private function rememberString(v:String):void
+    {
+        this.strings[stringCount++] =  v;
+    };
+    private function getString(v:int):String
+    {
+        return this.strings[v];
+    };
+    private function getObject(v:int):Object
+    {
+        return this.objects[v];
+    };
+    private function getTraits(v:int):Traits
+    {
+        return this.traits[v] as Traits;
+    };
+    private function rememberTraits(v:Traits):void
+    {
+        this.traits[traitCount++] = v;
+    };
+    private function rememberObject(v:Object):void
+    {
+        this.objects.push(v);
+    };
+    private function readTraits(ref:int):Traits
+    {
+        if ((ref & 3) == 1)
+            return this.getTraits(ref >> 2);
+        else 
+        {
+            var ti:Traits = new Traits();
+            ti.externalizable = ((ref & 4) == 4);
+            ti.dynamic = ((ref & 8) == 8);
+            ti.count = (ref >> 4);
+            var className:String = this.readString();
+            if (className != null && className != "") {
+                ti.alias = className;
+            }
+            for (var i:int = 0; i < ti.count; i++) {
+                ti.props.push(this.readString());
+            }
+            this.rememberTraits(ti);
+            return ti;
+        }
+    };
+    private function readScriptObject():Object
+    {
+        var ref:int = this.readUInt29();
+        if ((ref & 1) == 0)
+            return this.getObject(ref >> 1);
+        else 
+        {
+            var traits:Traits = this.readTraits(ref);
+            var obj:Object;
+            if (traits.alias) {
+                var c:Class = getClassByAlias(traits.alias);
+                if (c)
+                    obj = new c();
+                else 
+                {
+                    obj = {};
+                    obj[CLASS_ALIAS] = traits.alias;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                obj = {};
+            }
+            this.rememberObject(obj);
+            if (traits.externalizable)
+            {
+                if (obj[CLASS_ALIAS] == ""
+                    || obj[CLASS_ALIAS] == "")
+                    return this.readObject();
+                else
+                    obj[EXTERNALIZED_FIELD] = this.readObject();
+            } 
+            else 
+            {
+                for (var i:int in traits.props)
+                    obj[traits.props[i]] = this.readObject();
+                if (traits.dynamic)
+                {
+                    for (; ;)
+                    {
+                        var name:String = this.readString();
+                        if (name == null || name.length == 0)
+                        {
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        obj[name] = this.readObject();
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return obj;
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * @flexjsignorecoercion Array
+     */
+    public function readArray():Array
+    {
+        var ref:uint = this.readUInt29();
+        if ((ref & 1) == 0)
+            return this.getObject(ref >> 1) as Array;
+        var len:int = (ref >> 1);
+        var map:Object = null;
+        var i:int = 0;
+        while (true)
+        {
+            var name:String = this.readString();
+            if (!name)
+                break;
+            if (!map)
+            {
+                map = {};
+                this.rememberObject(map);
+            }
+            map[name] = this.readObject();
+        }
+        if (!map)
+        {
+            var array:Array = new Array(len);
+            this.rememberObject(array);
+            for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+                array[i] = this.readObject();
+            return array;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            var amap:Array = [];
+            for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+                amap[i] = this.readObject();
+            return amap;
+        }
+    };
+    public function readDouble():Number
+    {
+        var c1:uint = & 255;
+        var c2:uint = & 255;
+        if (c1 === 255) {
+            if (c2 === 248)
+                return Number.NaN;
+            if (c2 === 240)
+                return Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+        }
+        else if (c1 === 127 && c2 === 240)
+            return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+        var c3:uint = & 255;
+        var c4:uint = & 255;
+        var c5:uint = & 255;
+        var c6:uint = & 255;
+        var c7:uint = & 255;
+        var c8:uint = & 255;
+        if (!c1 && !c2 && !c3 && !c4)
+            return 0;
+        var d:uint = (c1 << 4 & 2047 | c2 >> 4) - 1023;
+        var e:String = ((c2 & 15) << 16 | c3 << 8 | c4).toString(2);
+        for (var i:uint = e.length; i < 20; i++)
+            e = "0" + e;
+        var f:String = ((c5 & 127) << 24 | c6 << 16 | c7 << 8 | 
+        for (var j:uint = f.length; j < 31; j++)
+            f = "0" + f;
+        var g:int = parseInt(e + (c5 >> 7 ? "1" : "0") + f, 2);
+        if (g == 0 && d == -1023)
+            return 0;
+        return (1 - (c1 >> 7 << 1)) * (1 + POW_2_52N * g) * Math.pow(2, d);
+    };
+    /**
+     * @flexjsignorecoercion Array
+     */
+    public function readDate():Date
+    {
+        var ref:uint = this.readUInt29();
+        if ((ref & 1) == 0)
+            return this.getObject(ref >> 1) as Date;
+        var time:Number = this.readDouble();
+        var date:Date = new Date(time);
+        this.rememberObject(date);
+        return date;
+    };
+    public function readMap():Object
+    {
+        var ref:uint = this.readUInt29();
+        if ((ref & 1) == 0)
+            return this.getObject(ref >> 1);
+        var length:int = (ref >> 1);
+        var map:Object = null;
+        if (length > 0)
+        {
+            map = {};
+            this.rememberObject(map);
+            var name:String = this.readObject() as String;
+            while (name != null)
+            {
+                map[name] = this.readObject();
+                name = this.readObject() as String;
+            }
+        }
+        return map;
+    };
+    public function readByteArray():Array
+    {
+        var ref:uint = this.readUInt29();
+        if ((ref & 1) == 0)
+            return this.getObject(ref >> 1) as Array;
+        else
+        {
+            var len:int = (ref >> 1);
+            var ba:Array = [];
+            this.readFully(ba, 0, len);
+            this.rememberObject(ba);
+            return ba;
+        }
+    };
+    private function readAmf3Vector(type:int):Object
+    {
+        var ref:uint = this.readUInt29();
+        if ((ref & 1) == 0)
+            return this.getObject(ref >> 1);
+        var len:int = (ref >> 1);
+        var vector:Array = toVector(type, [], this.readBoolean());
+        var i:int;
+        if (type === AMF3_VECTOR_OBJECT)
+        {
+            this.readString(); //className
+            for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+                vector.push(this.readObject());
+        }
+        else if (type === AMF3_VECTOR_INT)
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+                vector.push(this.readInt());
+        }
+        else if (type === AMF3_VECTOR_UINT)
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+                vector.push(this.readUInt32());
+        }
+        else if (type === AMF3_VECTOR_DOUBLE)
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+                vector.push(this.readDouble());
+        }
+        this.rememberObject(vector);
+        return vector;
+    };
+    private function readObjectValue(type:uint):Object
+    {
+        var value:Object = null;
+        var u:uint;
+        switch (type)
+        {
+            case AMF3_STRING:
+                value = this.readString();
+                break;
+            case AMF3_OBJECT:
+                try
+                {
+                    value = this.readScriptObject();
+                } 
+                catch (e)
+                {
+                    throw "Failed to deserialize: " + e;
+                }
+                break;
+            case AMF3_ARRAY:
+                value = this.readArray();
+                //value = this.readMap();
+                break;
+            case AMF3_BOOLEAN_FALSE:
+                value = false;
+                break;
+            case AMF3_BOOLEAN_TRUE:
+                value = true;
+                break;
+            case AMF3_INTEGER:
+                u = this.readUInt29();
+                // Symmetric with writing an integer to fix sign bits for
+                // negative values...
+                value = (u << 3) >> 3;
+                break;
+            case AMF3_DOUBLE:
+                value = this.readDouble();
+                break;
+            case AMF3_UNDEFINED:
+            case AMF3_NULL:
+                break;
+            case AMF3_DATE:
+                value = this.readDate();
+                break;
+            case AMF3_BYTEARRAY:
+                value = this.readByteArray();
+                break;
+            case AMF3_VECTOR_INT:
+            case AMF3_VECTOR_UINT:
+            case AMF3_VECTOR_DOUBLE:
+            case AMF3_VECTOR_OBJECT:
+                value = this.readAmf3Vector(type);
+                break;
+            case AMF0_AMF3:
+                value = this.readObject();
+                break;
+            default:
+                throw "Unsupported AMF type: " + type;
+        }
+        return value;
+    };
+    public function readBoolean():Boolean
+    {
+        return === 1;
+    };
+    private function toVector(type:uint, array:Array, fixed:Boolean):Array
+    {
+        // TODO (aharui) handle vectors
+        return array;
+    }
+class Traits
+    public var alias:String;
+    public var externalizable:Boolean;
+    public var dynamic:Boolean;
+    public var count:int = 0;
+    public var props:Array = [];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ca4d10
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+//  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+//  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+//  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+//  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+//  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+//  limitations under the License.
+ * AMF JavaScript library by Emil Malinov
+ */
+ *  Send data via AMF to a server.
+ *  
+ *  @langversion 3.0
+ *  @playerversion Flash 9
+ *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
+ *  @productversion BlazeDS 4
+ *  @productversion LCDS 3 
+ */
+public class AMFNetConnection
+    //
+    // Constructor
+    // 
+    /**
+     *  Constructor
+     *  
+     *  @langversion 3.0
+     *  @playerversion Flash 9
+     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
+     *  @productversion BlazeDS 4
+     *  @productversion LCDS 3 
+     */
+    public function AMFNetConnection()
+    {
+        super();
+        COMPILE::SWF
+        {
+            nc = new NetConnection();
+            nc.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF3;
+            nc.client = this;
+        }
+    }
+    private var url:String;
+    private var nc:NetConnection;
+    //
+    // Methods
+    // 
+    /**
+     *  Connect to a server.  Pass in an http URL as the commmand for
+     *  connection to AMF server.
+     *  
+     *  @langversion 3.0
+     *  @playerversion Flash 9
+     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
+     *  @productversion BlazeDS 4
+     *  @productversion LCDS 3 
+     */
+    public function connect(command:String, ... params):void
+    {
+        // send a ping to the URL in the command param
+        url = command;
+        COMPILE::SWF
+        {
+            var args:Array = params.slice();
+            args.unshift(command);
+            nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, statusHandler);
+            nc.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, 
+            nc.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
+            nc.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, 
+            nc.connect.apply(nc, args);
+        }
+    }
+    private function statusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void
+    {
+        trace("statusHandler",;
+    }
+    private function securityErrorHandler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void
+    {
+        trace("securityErrorHandler", event);
+    }
+    private function ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void
+    {
+        trace("ioErrorHandler", event);
+    }
+    private function asyncErrorHandler(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void
+    {
+        trace("asyncErrorHandler", event);
+    }
+    /**
+     *  @private
+     *  Special handler for legacy AMF packet level header 
+     *  When we receive this header we assume the server detected that a 
session was
+     *  created but it believed the client could not accept its session 
cookie, so we
+     *  need to decorate the channel endpoint with the session id.
+     *
+     *  We do not modify the underlying endpoint property, however, as this 
+     *  is transient and should not apply if the channel is disconnected and 
+     *  at some point in the future.
+     */
+    public function AppendToGatewayUrl(value:String):void
+    {
+        if (value != null && value != "")
+        {
+            nc.removeEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, statusHandler);
+            trace("disconnecting because AppendToGatewayUrl called");
+            nc.close();
+            trace("disconnecting returned from close()");
+            // WSRP support - append any extra stuff on the wsrp-url, not the 
actual url.
+            // Do we have a wsrp-url?
+            var i:int = url.indexOf("wsrp-url=");
+            if (i != -1)
+            {
+                // Extract the wsrp-url in to a string which will get the
+                // extra info appended to it
+                var temp:String = url.substr(i + 9, url.length);
+                var j:int = temp.indexOf("&");
+                if (j != -1)
+                {
+                    temp = temp.substr(0, j);
+                }
+                // Replace the wsrp-url with a version that has the extra stuff
+                url = url.replace(temp, temp + value);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // If we didn't find a wsrp-url, just append the info
+                url += value;
+            }
+            nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, statusHandler);
+            trace("reconnecting with " + url);
+            nc.connect(url);
+            trace("reconnecting returned from connect()");
+        }
+    }
+    private var xhr:XMLHttpRequest;
+    private var responder:Responder;
+    private var args:Array;
+    /**
+     *  Call a server function.
+     *  
+     *  @langversion 3.0
+     *  @playerversion Flash 9
+     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
+     *  @productversion BlazeDS 4
+     *  @productversion LCDS 3 
+     */
+    public function call(command:String, responder:Responder, ... params):void
+    {
+        COMPILE::SWF
+        {
+            var args:Array = params.slice();
+            args.unshift(responder.getActualResponder());
+            args.unshift(command);
+  , args);
+        }
+        COMPILE::JS
+        {
+            this.responder = responder;
+            this.args = params;
+            if (!xhr)
+            {
+                xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+                xhr.onreadystatechange = onReadyStateChange;
+            }
+  "POST", url, true);
+        }
+    }
+    private var sequence:int = 0;
+    /**
+     * @flexjsignorecoercion Array
+     */
+    private function onReadyStateChange():void
+    {
+        var readyState:int = xhr.readyState;
+        if (readyState === 1)
+        {
+            xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-amf; 
+            xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
+            var actionMessage:ActionMessage = new ActionMessage();
+            var messageBody:MessageBody = new MessageBody();
+            sequence++;
+            messageBody.responseURI = "/" + sequence.toString();
+   = args;
+            actionMessage.bodies = [ messageBody ];
+            var binaryData:AMFBinaryData = new AMFBinaryData();
+            writeMessage(binaryData, actionMessage);
+            xhr.send(new Uint8Array(;
+        }
+        else if (readyState === 4)
+        {
+            try 
+            {
+                if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status <= 300
+                    && xhr.responseType == "arraybuffer"
+                    && 
xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-type").indexOf("application/x-amf") > -1) 
+                {
+                    var message:ActionMessage;
+                    var body:MessageBody;
+                    var deserializer:AMFBinaryData = new AMFBinaryData(new 
Uint8Array(xhr.response) as Array);
+                    try 
+                    {
+                        message = readMessage(deserializer) as ActionMessage;
+                    } 
+                    catch (e) 
+                    {
+                        responder.onFailure({code:-1001, message:"Failed 
decoding the response.", detail:null, data:null});
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    for (var i:int in message.bodies)
+                    {
+                        body = message.bodies[i];
+                        if (!( is ErrorMessage))
+                            responder.onSuccess(;
+                        else
+                            responder.onFailure(;
+                    }
+                } 
+                else if (xhr.status == 0 || xhr.responseType == "text")
+                {
+                    responder.onFailure({code:-1004, message:"Invalid response 
type.", detail:"Invalid XMLHttpRequest response status or type.", data:null});
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    responder.onFailure({code:-1005, message:"Invalid 
response.", detail:"", data:null});
+                }
+            } 
+            catch (e) 
+            {
+                responder.onFailure({code:-1006, message:"Unknown error.", 
detail:e.message, data:null});
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private function writeMessage(writer:AMFBinaryData, 
+    {
+        try {
+            writer.writeShort(message.version);
+            writer.writeShort(message.headers.length);
+            for (var header:MessageHeader in message.headers) {
+                this.writeHeader(writer, message.headers[header]);
+            }
+            writer.writeShort(message.bodies.length);
+            for (var body:MessageBody in message.bodies) {
+                this.writeBody(writer, message.bodies[body]);
+            }
+        } catch (error) {
+            console.log(error);
+        }
+    }
+    private function writeHeader(writer:AMFBinaryData, 
+    {
+        writer.writeUTF(;
+        writer.writeBoolean(header.mustUnderstand);
+        writer.writeInt(AMFBinaryData.UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH);
+        writer.reset();
+        //writer.writeObject(;
+        writer.write(AMFBinaryData.AMF0_BOOLEAN);
+        writer.writeBoolean(true);
+    }
+    private function writeBody(writer:AMFBinaryData, body:MessageBody):void
+    {
+        if (body.targetURI == null) {
+            writer.writeUTF(AMFBinaryData.NULL_STRING);
+        } else {
+            writer.writeUTF(body.targetURI);
+        }
+        if (body.responseURI == null) {
+            writer.writeUTF(AMFBinaryData.NULL_STRING);
+        } else {
+            writer.writeUTF(body.responseURI);
+        }
+        writer.writeInt(AMFBinaryData.UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH);
+        writer.reset();
+        writer.write(AMFBinaryData.AMF0_AMF3);
+        writer.writeObject(;
+    }
+    private function readMessage(reader:AMFBinaryData):ActionMessage
+    {
+        var message:ActionMessage = new ActionMessage();
+        message.version = reader.readUnsignedShort();
+        var headerCount:uint = reader.readUnsignedShort();
+        for (var i:uint = 0; i < headerCount; i++) {
+            message.headers.push(this.readHeader(reader));
+        }
+        var bodyCount:uint = reader.readUnsignedShort();
+        for (i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++) {
+            message.bodies.push(this.readBody(reader));
+        }
+        return message;
+    }
+    private function readHeader(reader:AMFBinaryData):MessageHeader
+    {
+        var header:MessageHeader = new MessageHeader();
+ = reader.readUTF();
+        header.mustUnderstand = reader.readBoolean();
+        reader.pos += 4; //length
+        reader.reset();
+        var type:uint =;
+        if (type != 2) { //amf0 string
+            throw "Only string header data supported.";
+        }
+ = reader.readUTF();
+        return header;
+    }
+    private function readBody(reader:AMFBinaryData):MessageBody
+    {
+        var body:MessageBody = new MessageBody();
+        body.targetURI = reader.readUTF();
+        body.responseURI = reader.readUTF();
+        reader.pos += 4; //length
+        reader.reset();
+ = reader.readObject();
+        return body; 
+    }

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